Procurement Of Spares, Consumables Required For Unit-3 Generator Inspection Work - Insulating Sleeve, Rubber Cord Dia 6 L 280, Rubber Cord 10Mm, O-Ring D 74 X 3, Gasket- Item No-14, Gasket Item No-15, Sleeve No-72, Gasket No-45, O-Ring 218X5.3, Perb Rubber Cord L 2300, O-Ring No-82, O-Ring No-87, O-Ring No- 93, Rubber Segment, Insulating Sleeve No-3, Insulating Gasket No-4, Insulating Gasket No-5, Profile Viton No-6, O Ring 18, Oil Wiper Ring, Oil Wiper Ring No-8, Insulating Sleeve 1, Insulating Sleeve No-5, Insulating Part, Lock Washer, Insulating Gasket, Insulating Gasket No-13, Viton Rubber Profile L 2670, Ring, Oring To Spec. Tg60158, O Ring 28X3, Viton Rubber Profile, U-Profile Ring No-29, O-Ring Size-300X11, O-Ring - 270X11, O Ring 1, Insulatin Sleeve 17X2.5X22, O Ring90x3.55Drgno.01391201136, Gasket ( Drg No- 01393701017 ) , Perbunan Sheet 600X20x2, Viton Rubber Cord Dia8 L 3240, Perbunan N501 ( 5X501x1300 ) P 12, Gasket Pn40 P 156, Sealing A17x23 P90, Compensator Dn125 Pn10 P2548, Gasket P 35, O Ring 49, Gasket C.Sl-, Gasket, Gasket, Gasket, O Ring 243X5.3, O Ring 160X5.3, O Ring 180X5, Sealing Gasket, Sealing Gasket1, Insulation Gasket, Washer Lock With Lug-Br, Insulating Washer, Insulating Segment, Insulating Sleeve2, Insulating Sleeve3, Insulating Sleeve4, Insulating Gasket2, Insulating Gasket3, Insulating Sleeve8, Insulating Sleeve9, Insulating Gasket4, Insulating Gasket5, Lock Washer2, Gasket For 31493201065 Var02, Gasket For 31493201065 Var03, Gasket For 31493201065 Var04, Gasket For 41393601172, Screw Union B10-17.2X2, Screw Union B10, Hose Line, Hp Hose, Seal Ring, Multi Contact Band, Washer Tab Ast 8.4, Nut Hex Pvlng Torq A M8, Insulating Washer2, Washer Lock With Lug-St 8.4, Sealing Strip, O Ring 30X3, Gasket Viton 7.5X9 L 1220, Adhesive Sicoment-50 Or J-Cyn, Adhesive Loctite-242, Seal Element, Loctite-270 Adhsv-Loctite-270, Glu 88 Mat Code-Hw5520006008, Araldite Av138, Hardner Hv998, Adhesive Glue-88 Glue No-88, Tectyl 506