Supply Of Sanitary Material ( 01-04-2024 To 30-09-2024 ) 6 Months , Bleching Powder, Nirma Powder, Cented Phenol, Black Phenol, Acid, Horpic, Soap Oil, Broom Sticks, Brush Brooms, Baskets Dust Bins, Lime, Room Freshners, Water Purifier, Ants Pesticide, Foot Mats, Soaps, Detol, Water Tubes, Dust Bins, Gampalu, Hits, Cleaning Mapulu, Cleaning Paralu, Bochalu, Chalaga Paralu, Polikattulu, Donthelu, Vipers, Glass Door Clearners ( Colin ) , Costic Soad, Dustbin Covers, Napthalene Balls, Green Grass Pesticide, Cleaning Paralu, Scabbars Steel, Buckets, Buckets, Mugs, Brush, Coconut Threads, Mirrors, Purikosa, Plastic Threads, Plastic Threads, Plastic Threads, Plastic Stuls, Plastic Crates, Plastic Small Prasadam Boxes, Table Plastic Cloth, Iron Buckets, Iron Buckets, Room Freshners, Locks Godrej 6 Livers, Locks Godrej 9 Livers