
Tender For Sys,Ot,Revampingoftheprocesssectionfrom, Pune-Maharashtra

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Sys,Ot,Revampingoftheprocesssectionfrom. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-01-2024. Gear Product Tenders in Pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Sys,Ot,Revampingoftheprocesssectionfrom
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Tender Details

Tender For Sys,Ot,Revampingoftheprocesssectionfrom 28033472 0001 0001 300883937 SYS,OT,REVAMPINGOFTHEPROCESSSECTIONFROM Technical Details Name : Satish Deokate Contact : Email : Satish.Deokate@amns.in 1 VAL SYSTEM,ONE TIME DETAILS:REVAMPING OF THE PROCESS SECTION FROM DC TO AC DETAILS-1:DRIVES AND MOTORS , AMNS REF. NO(WBS):C-23-PUNE1-04S - Item Details : Replacement of the CCL-2 Process section and RTO Drives line up containing 8 drives Scope of Work is attached Header Replacement of CCL2 DC Drives 1. Line Specifications: DESCRIPTION UNIT CCL-2 Material CR Coils of Low Carbon steel Grades Strip Width min-max mm 600 - 1310 Strip Thickness min-max mm 0.3 - 1.2 Reference Strip size mm 0.43 mm (T) X 1300 mm (W) @ 160 mpm – CQ Process Speed mpm 160 2. Requirement: Vector control AC Drives with Panel with VFD duty AC motors for process section 1. We have a requirement to replace the DC drive and motors of the Process section. 2. Other than these DC drives, SSD parker DC drives are installed for the other bridle motors and the communication is done through the profibus. 3. The process section consists of 3 bridles i.e., Bridle 6, Bridle 7 and bridle 8. Each bridle consists of 2 rolls which have their own gear box with roll and motors. The existing DC motor specs with tensions are as below. Sr no Location Installed DC motors Roll dia Gear box ratio tension 1 Bridle 6 M1 75KW, 800 22.4 2428 2 Bridle 6 M2 140KW, 800 22.4 4000 3 Bridle 7 M1 140KW 800 22.4 4000 4 Bridle 7 M2 140KW, 800 22.4 4000 5 Bridle 8 M1 140KW, 800 22.4 4000 6 Bridle 8 M2 75KW, 800 22.4 1500 4. The gear box and the roll will be retained. 5. The PLC for this process line is GE make Rx3i (CPU-315) and communicating the drives on profibus protocol. 6. Below is the configuration drawing of bridles 6, 7 and 8 for your reference. 1. Vendors to have the experience is doing such type of activity in steel industry since it is a retrofitting job. 2. Vendors must give us references for such jobs. 3. The supply of Vector control AC drive must be considering 20 % extra capacity and suitable for the application. 4. The line up should have a common DC bus. 5. Vendors can quote for the VFD duty motors along with the AC drives. Motors to be of continuous duty and capable of taking 100% torque at zero speed as it is requirement of the line. 6. The VFD duty motor must have force cooling fans, encoder extensions and disc brake assembly for braking. 7. PLC program logic development for each drive and communication for all the motor with PLC must be done by vendor. 8. SCADA screen development for this addition with required data must be done by vendor. SCADA is GE Cimplicity version 8.2. 9. Line tuning with the new motors and drives must be done by vendor. 10. Since this job will be executed with line stop, vendor has to provide us with the shutdown time required to carry out the job. 11. Make of Vector control AC Drive: SSD Parker

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