
Excavation upto 2.00 M including for foundation ) in all types of soils, such as Earth, Marine Clay, Marshy Land, Running Sand, Garbage, Slush, Murum, Rock Boulders etc. as directed by Engineer. The rate includes pumping out water, backfilling, removing , kapurthala-Punjab

Rail Coach Factory has published Excavation upto 2.00 M including for foundation ) in all types of soils, such as Earth, Marine Clay, Marshy Land, Running Sand, Garbage, Slush, Murum, Rock Boulders etc. as directed by Engineer. The rate includes pumping out water, backfilling, removing . Submission Date for this Tender is 31-01-2013. Marine Clay Tenders in kapurthala Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Excavation upto 2.00 M including for foundation ) in all types of soils, such as Earth, Marine Clay, Marshy Land, Running Sand, Garbage, Slush, Murum, Rock Boulders etc. as directed by Engineer. The rate includes pumping out water, backfilling, removing
Open Tender

Tender Details

Excavation upto 2.00 M including for foundation ) in all types of soils, such as Earth, Marine Clay, Marshy Land, Running Sand, Garbage, Slush, Murum, Rock Boulders etc. as directed by Engineer. The rate includes pumping out water, backfilling, removing the rank vegetation and refilling the excavated materials within a lead of 150M as directed including leveling, ramming etc complete, and measured from the edge of cutting including all lifts and stacking in layers and removing the surplus excavated materials to any distance as directed {Records to be maintained properly}. The rate also includes supporting public utilities such as cables, drains services pipes water mains, but shall not include the cost of shoring. Where unshored trenches are allowed slope as specified shall be given, Transporting Surplus materials up to 3 km, excluding leveling, Providing and laying dry rubble stone acking 230 mm thick hand set in regular lines, interstices being filled in with small pieces of stones, throughly rammed, consolidated and watered complete as directed and specified, Filling in foundation bedding, backingor steps upto plinth level etc. with cement concrete in the proportion 1:4:8 Metal No. 2 & 3 in proportions as directed).

Key Value

Document Fees
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Tender Value
INR 27.88 Lakhs /-
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