
Purchase of Provision of Hardtop structure Nos. 32, Communication Equipment/Accessories/Sliding Battery bank rack along with fitments for all equipment.Nos. 32, 03 x Sliding Windows Nos. 32, 02 x Bucket Seat-cum-storage box for administration items Nos. , chandimandir-Haryana

Police Department has published Purchase of Provision of Hardtop structure Nos. 32, Communication Equipment/Accessories/Sliding Battery bank rack along with fitments for all equipment.Nos. 32, 03 x Sliding Windows Nos. 32, 02 x Bucket Seat-cum-storage box for administration items Nos. . Submission Date for this Tender is 27-01-2013. 03 x Sliding Windows Nos. 32 Tenders in chandimandir Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Purchase of Provision of Hardtop structure Nos. 32, Communication Equipment/Accessories/Sliding Battery bank rack along with fitments for all equipment.Nos. 32, 03 x Sliding Windows Nos. 32, 02 x Bucket Seat-cum-storage box for administration items Nos.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Provision of Hardtop structure Nos. 32, Communication Equipment/Accessories/Sliding Battery bank rack along with fitments for all equipment.Nos. 32, 03 x Sliding Windows Nos. 32, 02 x Bucket Seat-cum-storage box for administration items Nos. 32, 02 x Sliding Rack for batteries 10 Each) Nos. 32, Rack for jumcane Nos. 32, 02 x top hinged foldable work table with 1 x sliding drawers, 02 x soft boards a b o v e foldable work tables Nos. 32, Fitment for MST Mobile) along with sliding rack static ) at left side of vehicle Nos. 32 ,Spare wheel box Nos. 32, Fitments for bunker, whip telescopic, discone, NVIS and rooftopmounted I NMARSAT antenna 1 each) along with internal wiring till comn eqpt rack.Nos. 32, 02 x Star Box NOS. 32 Seat c o v e r s a n d P l y w o o d work „ Nos. 32, Rover Plate Nos. 32, Partition Wall Nos. 32, Flag stand and Floor Carpet Nos. 32, Back door with Glass window Nos. 32, Rack for 03 x Rifles Nos. 32, Charging panel for SMF batteries NOS. 32, Alternator for charging with drive from vehicle Nos. 32, External power point Nos. 32, Navigator with G P S Nos. 32, Utility box between driver a n d co-driver Nos. 32, Air Conditioner with separate extension cabinet for rear side Nos. 32, 1 x radio handsets internal communication wiring at co-driver side wiring only) Nos. 32, 1 x Reserve fuel tank 40 Itrs. below number plate Nos. 32, Fitments for battery harger below foldable table Nos. 32, Single long cord for handset at co-driver side compatible with all sets. Nos. 32, P l u g in Inter o p e r a t i o n patch panel with j a c k s compatible for all radio s e l s. Nos. 32, Internal body fitted lighting for front as well as rear cabins Nos. 32 Fitment of solar panel charger 2 5W of RS STARS VMK-l/MK-li auth. as per CES of the equipment) for charging of 24V 4 Ah and 25.9V 5.5 Ah Nos. 32 Fitment of solar panel charger 5W of RS STAR VMKI/MK-II auth. as per C E S of the equipment) for charging of 12V 7 A h , 14.8V 8 Ahand 12V 4 AhNos. 32, Tools Nos. 32.

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