
Tender For Procurement Of Laboratory Equipments For Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur Sanctioned Vide Memo No -695- Edn(Cs) / Hed-17011(99)/1/2023 Dt 09-10-2023 , Description Of Products , Digital Lab Trainer Kit (Ve, debra-West Bengal

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For Procurement Of Laboratory Equipments For Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur Sanctioned Vide Memo No -695- Edn(Cs) / Hed-17011(99)/1/2023 Dt 09-10-2023 , Description Of Products , Digital Lab Trainer Kit (Ve. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-01-2024. Induction Heater Tenders in debra West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Procurement Of Laboratory Equipments For Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur Sanctioned Vide Memo No -695- Edn(Cs) / Hed-17011(99)/1/2023 Dt 09-10-2023 , Description Of Products , Digital Lab Trainer Kit (Ve
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Procurement Of Laboratory Equipments For Debra Thana Sahid Kshudiram Smriti Mahavidyalaya, Paschim Medinipur Sanctioned Vide Memo No -695- Edn(Cs) / Hed-17011(99)/1/2023 Dt 09-10-2023 , Description Of Products , Digital Lab Trainer Kit (Ve 2008), (Vinamra Enterprises/Micrologic),(For Digital Electronics Circuit Design And Implementation) , Digital Ic Trainer Kit (Ml 444T),(Micro Logics/Vinamra),(For Ic Design And Implementation) , Virtual Lan Switch (Dgs 1510),(D-Link Corp/ Tp-Link.),(For Construction And Simulation Of Network Switching Peripherals) , Virtual Lan Router (Dir 650),(D-Link Corp/Tp-Link.),(For Forwarding Data Packets After Simulated Virtually) , Supported Wired Cables (Rj 45, Mtrj Etc.),(Triplett Inc),(For Establishing Connection Among Different Devices) / Reputed Brand , Hot Plate With Magnetic Stirrer(? Tarsons/ Thermo Fisher/Remi ),(? 1Lit ? Temperature Regulator ? Spin Regulator) , Micropipette (? Tarsons/ Thermo Fisher/Remi ),( ? 100 To 1000 Microliter ? Adjustable Volume Facility) , Micropipette(? Tarson/Eppendrof/Thermofisher), (? 10 To 100 Microliter ? Adjustable Volume Facility) , Micropipette ,(? Tarson/Eppendrof/Thermofisher),(? 2 To 10 Microliter ? Adjustable Volume Facility) , Ph Meter (2Pcs),(? Systronics/Remi/Magnus),( ? 335 Or 802 Type ? Cell) , Magnus/Olympus Research Microscope -( Binocular Led (Ch 20I),(? Eyepiece Cwhk10x( Lb Eye Piece 10X) Fn 18 Mm( Anti Fungus) (X2) ? Objective 4X 10X 40X 100X ? Illumination Led) , Cetrifuge Machine,( ? Remi/Magnus), (Digital Timer Range -0-99 Min, Material - Mild Steel, Model Number -Rm-12C, Max.Capacity -24Tubes Of 1.5 Ml) , Digital Colony Counter,(Labtronics/Systronics),(? Diameter Of The Counting Plate 155Mm ? Dimension 23*18*25Cm ? ) , Tabletop Muffle Furnaces,(Thermofischer/Remi) (Temperature Controldigital Programmable W/4 Programs, 16 Segments Each (D1)Capacity (Metric) 45 L Temperature (Metric) 100°C To 1093°C) , Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus Set With Heating Mantle,( Company - Borosil),(Model No 3840016Capacity 250 Ml) , Compound Bionocular Microscope ( Student)-10 Pcs), Olympus /Magnus , Microprocessor Kit 8085 Dianalog / Reputed Brand , Mocro Lab Kit Ii (Make Tirupati) / Reputed Brand , 8255Interfacing Chip/ Reputed Brand , 7 Segment Led Display/ Reputed Brand , Breadboard (Olatus Mb102830 Points) / Reputed Brand , Led Bulb Small/ Reputed Brand , Resistance 5O,10O,15O / Reputed Brand , Wired For Bread Board / Reputed Brand , Cutter (Wired Stripper & Cutter Multitec) / Reputed Brand , Multimetre (Themisto Th-M98 Digital) / Reputed Brand , Aurdino Uno / Reputed Brand , Esp8266 Nodemcu Cp2102 Board / Reputed Brand , Esp-32 Development Board Cp2102 Wifi Bluetooth Micro Controller Board / Reputed Brand , Sim900a Gsm Gprs Module With Rs232 Interface And Sma Antenna(Ihc) / Reputed Brand , Paasive Piezo-Buzzer Module(Xcluma) / Reputed Brand , High Sensitivity Microphone Sensor(Ds Robotics) / Reputed Brand , High-Voltage Relay Module(Twtade) / Reputed Brand , Infrared (Ir) Sensor(Robotbanao) / Reputed Brand , Metal Touch Sensor(Olatus) / Reputed Brand , Temperature And Humidity Combination Sensor(Hugroflex Hf132(Wb1xd1xx) / Reputed Brand , Tracking Sensor(Mic-Panic-Engine- Cut) / Reputed Brand , Ultrasonic Distance Sensor(Ree S52) / Reputed Brand , Water Level Sensor (Leak Sensor)(Imagine Technologies It82w2cf)/ Reputed Brand , Knock Sensor (Invento) / Reputed Brand , Obstacle Detection Sensor (Byged) / Reputed Brand , Digital Spirometer,(Thalias/Hordson),(Computer Based )(With Software ,Rms Helos 702 Portable) / Reputed Brand , Sound Meter,(Lutron/Hanna) / Reputed Brand , Lux Meter,(Lutron (102 Model) /Hanna , Anthropoemetric Rod,(Biocraft/Hindusthan Mineral),(Scale With Millimetres, And Metal Type) , Digital Weight Machine For Body Weight,(Omron/Crown) / Reputed Brand , Pulse Oxymeter(Omron/Doctor) , Digital Blood Pressure Machine,(Omron),(Hem 7600T Smart Elite+ Advanced Tubeless Blood Pressure) / Reputed Brand , Sphygmomanometer (Dial Type),(Omron/Doctor) / Reputed Brand , Sphygmomanometer (Murcury Type),(Doctor/Diamond) , Stethoscope,(H. Das) /Doctor , Ecg Machine,(With Different Leads (Limb Leads+ Chest Leads), Computerised)(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Ultra Sound Therapy Apparatus,(Ultra Sound Therapy Apparatus) )(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Short Wave Diathermy)(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Ift (Interferential Therapy) Digital )(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Tens (Trans Electric Nerve Stimulator) )(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Irr (Infra Red -Ray) Unit)(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Wax Bath Unit Electrical )(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Electrict Muscle Nerve Stimulator With Faradic And Galvanic Mode )(Bhogilal/Meditech) , Urine Analyzer/Urine Chemistry Analyzer (Labtronics, /Transasia/Roche) , Automatic Hematology Analyzer,Cbc,Tc/Dc (Hitachi/Labtronics) , Water Bath With Circulator Motor,(Tetmaster/Systronic/Labtronics) , Digital Colorimeter,(Labtronics3-Part Cell Counter/ Systronics/Ei) , Imgae [Processor With Adaptor And Software,(Bikash Scientific/Olympus) , Simple Microscope.(Weswox /Olympus) , Binocular Compound Microscope Including 100X With Mechanical Stage ,(Olympus /Magnus) , Ph Meter,(Apera/Systronic) , Digital Balance And Weight Box.(Point Four Digits)(Systronic/Remi) , Spark Plug Cleaner And Tester (M: Sptc),(Ats Elgi),(Working Pressure-5-12 Kg/Cm2) / Reputed Brand , Two Wheeler Service Lift(Capacity-400 Kg),(Ats Elgi),(Motor Details -0.75 Hp, 1Ph Power Supply -230 V / 50 Hz Dimenssion-1950 X 570 X 120)/Reputed Brand , Impact Wrench With Impact Wrench Bolt Set(3/8), Pu Coil Spring Type For Impact Wrench ,Qrc For Impact Wrench , Frl Unit For Impactwrench (Sp 1143S),(Ats Elgi),(Bolt Capacity-14Mm Working Torque-50-320 Nm) / Reputed Brand , Ev Scooter (Mid Night Black) (Freedom/Okaya) , Working Condition Of Bs64 Stroke 4 Cylinderpetrol Mpfi Engine With Fault Simulation Board, (Suzuki/Hyundai) , Pom Pom, (Any),(Pom Pom Is Of 12 Inches Long And A Handle For Easy Holding)(Manufacturepriya Or Moral) Purple,Red,Pink,Golden,Blue,Green. / Reputed Brand , Satranji ,(18X12 Feet) / Reputed Brand , Whistle,(Acme Tornado),(Acme Tornado 635 Pealess Whistle) / Reputed Brand , Carrom Guti,(Acrylic)(Manufacture Siscaa ) / Reputed Brand , Carrom Board,(English Ply Made, Wodden,)Manufacture Siscaa /Nivia , Chess Board,(Wodden Large Size)Manufacture Mtm Wood Or Naef / Reputed Brand , Fischer Clock (Chess Clock),(Nivia),(Dg- 329, Bonus/Delay/With Games Move Capture) , Chess Guti,(Wodden)Manufacture Trex / Reputed Brand , Chinise Checker, (Wodden Large Size)Manufacture Trinkets & More / Reputed Brand , Foot Pumper,(Foot Pump Air Tyre Inflator With Pressure Gauge For Car Tyres, Bicycle Tyres, Bike Tyres, Motorcycle Tyres, Balls)Manufacture Zanic/Zicson(Double Cycle) , Guarden Umbrella,(Heavy Duty Or Any Other Good Quality),(Garden Umbrella With Stand For Outdoor) (Manufacture -Funsipe/Rainpopson, Size- 42, 7 Ft Or 48, 8 Ft) / Reputed Brand , Gym Ball,(Reebok),(85 Cm, Rubber) , Micro Phone, (Ahuja / Jbl),(Cordable Or Cordless) , Discus-Shot-Javelin-Cart,(Cosco/Olympia),(Made Of Heavy Steel Pipe.Suitable For 12 Javelins, 12 Shots And 30 Discus. Comes With Extra Durable Wheels.) / Reputed Brand , Latai, (Any), (Made Of Wood, Or Plastic Suitable For 100M Rope Enfolding) / Reputed Brand , Agility Hurdles, (Any), (6,9,12, 15 Inch,Made Of Strong Pvc) (Manufacture - Foxsus) / Reputed Brand , Speed Ladder, (Any), (8 Meter, Code-Nal 004 •Made From 20 Wide Flat Plastic Rungs And Nylon Tape. Distance Between Strips Can Be Adjusted. • Comes In) (Manufacture - Foxsus) / Reputed Brand , Shawl/ Sabol(For Sports Ground Preparation), (Any), (4 Ft Iron Made) , Cutlery/ Katari(For Sports Ground Preparation), (Any),(Iron Made) (Manufacture - Tata) , Sickle/ Kaste(For Sports Ground Preparation), (Any), (Iron Made) (Manufacture - Tata) , Spade/ Kodal(For Sports Ground Preparation), (Any), (Iron Made) (Manufacture - Tata) , Ladder, (Any),(Heavy Steel Folding 6 Step Alloy Steel Ladder For Home 6 Wide Anti Skid Steps (Gray & White))( Manufacture- Euro/ Plantex) , Ludo With Guti, (Manufacture-Spocco(Wooden)/Reputed Band , Carrom Powder, (Sss/Trex) , Big Drum With Stick,(Mayur Musical/ Blue Panthers) , Cattle With Stick,(Any),(Metal Body),(Mayur Musical/ Blue Panthers) , Stop Watch,(Nivia),(Js-609 ) (With Multi Record) , Skipping Rope,(Nylon, Fit Blaze/ Reebok) , Ball Carrying Net,(Any),(Ball Carry Net (12 To 16 Ball) Strong Durable, Nylon Made) (Manufacture- Bixon) , Cricket Bat For Tennis Ball,(Speed On),(Double Blade )Reputed Band , Cricket Bat Handel Grip,(Rubber Made) (Manufacture -Kizio/Headly) , Cricket Tennis Ball,(Headly),(Standared ) , Football Goalkeeper Gloves, (Nivia/Cosco),(Standared ) , Football,(Cosco/Nivia),(5 No) , Javeline,(Olympia Acrofloat),(Aluminium Made, ) 1 Ps (1X800g) , Javeline,(Cosco/Nelco),(Aluminium Made, ) , Netball Post,(Cosco/ Nivia),(Steel Or Aluminium Made, Portable, Adjustable Ring Hight) , Teble Tenis Board (Nelco/Cosco/Stag)(Standard) , Table Tennis Bat, (Stag/Stiga) , Table Tennis Ball,(Stag/Gki),(Standard ) , Volleyball,(Star Nivia/ Cosco5021),(Rubber Made)Standard Size , Volleball Antennawhite 1.8M(Nivia/Cosco) , Volleyball Net(Cosco/Raisco) , Weight Mechine,(Beat Xp),(Digital, Glass Made)(Capacity 0-100 Kg) / Reputed Brand , Shuttlecock,(Rocky/ Match Quality),(Plastic)(Vomex/ Cosco/ Nivia) ) , Flexometer,(Any),(Tin Made, Trunk Flexibility Sit And Reach Instrument) / Reputed Brand , Sphygmomanometer(Bp),(Best Quality),(Manual Blood Pressure Monitor, Large Analog Dial, Adjustable Cuff)(Dr. / Dimond Bpmr 130 Super Deluxe Murcurry) , Dry Spirometer,(Best Quality),(Rms Helios / Romosons) , Stethoscope,(Best Quality),(Mdf/Littmann/ Classic/ H.Das) , Metronome,(Good Quality),(Yamaha/ Inco) , Pulse Oximeter,(Dr Trust/Omron),(Dr Trust Usa Pulse Oximeter 213 (Black) , Shamiana Tent,(Good Quality),(15 X 30 Feet) (Coleman With Iron Made Stand) , Body Composition Monitor, (Omron Hbf-375- In Body Composition Monitor),(Karada Scan.) , Starting Gun,(Good Quality)(Repured Band) , Strature,(Good Quality), (Heavy Steel Folding 6 Step Alloy Steel Ladder For Home 6 Wide Anti Skid Steps (Gray & White)(Reputed Band) , Water Bath,(Remi/Borosil/Labio),(Temperature Regulator Six Holes) , Oil Vacuum Pump,(Precivic/Systronic),( Vaccum Meter Vaccum Regulator With1/4 Hp Motor) , Hot Plate,(Tarsons/ Thermo Fisher/Remi),( 1Mlh Temperature Regulatorspin Regulator) , Hot Plate,(Tarsons/ Thermo Fisher/Remi),(2 Mlh) , Micropipette,(Tarson/Eppendrof/Thermofisher),( 100 To 1000 Microliteradjustable Volume Facility) , Micropipette,(Tarson/Eppendrof/Thermofisher),( 10 To 100 Microliteradjustable Volume Facility) , Micropipette,( Tarson/Eppendrof/Thermofisher),( 2 To 10 Microliter Adjustable Volume Facility) , Ph Meter,( Systronics/Remi),( 335 Or 802 Type Cell) , Digital Conductivity Meter,(Systronics /Remi),( Type 304 Cell) , Digital Potentiometer,(Systronics/Remi),( Type 318Stirrer Cell) , Melting Point Apparatus,(Test Master/Systronics) , Graphical Display With Camera Melting Point Apparatus,( Systonic/Remi),( Upto 300 0Cmicroprocessorbased) , Rotary Shakers Manufacturers(Ila/Buchi),( Rs – 24 Plus),(4? Large Lcd Displayuniversal Platform With Rounded Corners To Accommodate Interchangeable Clamps Of Assorted Sizes Brushless Induction Motor With Vfd Speed Control) , To Measure The Dielectric Constant Of A Dielectric Materials With Frequency,(Ses, Roorkee Make),(Model No. Fdd 01) , To Setup The Millikan Oil Drop Apparatus And Determine The Charge Of An Electron.(Ses, Roorkee Make),(Model No. Mod-01) , To Determine The Coefficient Of Thermal Conductivity Of Cu By Angstrom’S Method.(Triode/Oswa Make)

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