
Tender For Supply Of Drug, Medical Consumables, Laboratory Chemicals & Reagents, X-Ray Articles, Instrument/Equipments For Dhh,Sdh,Chc, Phc, Uphc, Hwc, Deic, Physiotherapy, Ayurveda Panchakarma,Rntcp, Rtpcr,Dph Lab, Bcl Items & Waste Management Article, Kendrapara-Odisha

Medical And Public Health Department has published Tender For Supply Of Drug, Medical Consumables, Laboratory Chemicals & Reagents, X-Ray Articles, Instrument/Equipments For Dhh,Sdh,Chc, Phc, Uphc, Hwc, Deic, Physiotherapy, Ayurveda Panchakarma,Rntcp, Rtpcr,Dph Lab, Bcl Items & Waste Management Article. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-01-2024. Medicine Tenders in Kendrapara Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Drug, Medical Consumables, Laboratory Chemicals & Reagents, X-Ray Articles, Instrument/Equipments For Dhh,Sdh,Chc, Phc, Uphc, Hwc, Deic, Physiotherapy, Ayurveda Panchakarma,Rntcp, Rtpcr,Dph Lab, Bcl Items & Waste Management Article
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Drug, Medical Consumables, Laboratory Chemicals & Reagents, X-Ray Articles, Instrument/Equipments For Dhh,Sdh,Chc, Phc, Uphc, Hwc, Deic, Physiotherapy, Ayurveda Panchakarma,Rntcp, Rtpcr,Dph Lab, Bcl Items & Waste Management Articles On Rate Contract Basis SIN Name of the Itam Specification Remarks Cap Catgart Cap Cart 30mg Cap Metamia minutal Head on SMg stacen Cap Oseltami Cap Rabepranile Levisupride Cap Thaowa 200 Cap. Itraconaa 100M Cap Micro Progeste 100mg/ca 10 026017 Red Cap Progesteros 200mg Cap. 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