Supply Of Drugs And Consumables To Community Health Center Halebeedu - Strerille Surggical Glouse 7.5 1In To10, Sterille Surgiical Glouse 7 1 In To10, Sterille Surgiccal Glouse 6 1In To 10, Sterille Disposable Syringe 5Ml 23G1x100, Sterille Disposable Syringe 2Ml 23G 1X100, Needllee 26G 1 Into 100, Needlle 16G 1X100, Sterril Disposable Syringe 10Ml 18G 1X1, Non Absorbable Surrgical Suture Polypropylene ( 1 / 2 Circle Round Body 40Mmneedle ) Size 1 1X12, Absorbable Surgical Suture Antibactiriial Coated Polyglactine ( 1 / 2Circle ) 90Cm Size 1 1X12, Spinal Needlle 25G 1 In To 1, Formalldehyde Solution 1X500ml, Surgical Spiriit 400Ml 1 In To 1, Sv Seett 1 In To 1, Sterile Disposable Inffusion Set ( Paediatric ) 1Into1, Sterile Diisposable Infusion Set ( Adult ) 1X1, Insulin Syriinge 1Ml 26G 1X1, Ecg Gell 250Ml 1X250 Ml, Adhesive Bandagge ( Iv Cannula Fixer ) 1X1, Chlorhexide Gluconate +Cetrrimide Solution+Isoproply Alchohol Solusion 500 Ml, Iv Cannnual 26G X1, Iv Cannnual 24G X 1, Iv Cannnual 18G X1, Iv Cannnual 20G X1, Nitrofurration 100Mg 1X10x10, Inj.Tetanus Toxxoid 0.5Ml 1X1, Calcium Carboonate With Vitamine D3 500+250Iu X10x10, Manniitol Injection 20% 1X100ml, Acecloofenac Tablet 100Mg 1X10x10, Tellmisartan 40Mgg 1X10x10, Metformine Sr 500Mgg 1X10x10, Theophylline7etoffylline 50.6Mg+169.4Mgg Injection 1X2ml, Ambroxil Hydroochloride Syrup 100Ml 1X1, Cefoperazone+Sallbactum 1.5Gm 1X1, Ceftriazone+Sallbactum 1.5Gm 1X1, Disodium Hydroogen Citrate 100Ml 1X1, Glibencllamide 5Mgg 1X10x10, Levocietrizine 10Mgg 1X10x10, Theophylline &Etoffylline 23Mg+77Mgg 1X10x10, Tranexamic Acid+Meffenamic Acid 500Mg+250Mgg 1X1010, Linezoliide Infustion 2Mgg / 2Ml1x300ml, Amikaciin Injection 250Mgg / 2Mgg1x1, Amikaciin Injection 500Mgg / 2Mgg 1X1, Loperamiide 2Mgg 1X10x10, Cinnarizzine 25Mgg 1X10x10, Zinc Sulphate Dispersiible Tablet 20Mgg 1X10x10, Zinc Sulffate Syrup 20Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Zinc Sulffate Drops 20Mgg / Ml 1X15ml, Xylometazoliine ( Nasal ) Drops 0.5%W / V 1X1, Xylometazoliine Nasal Drops Drops 0.10% 1X10ml, White Petrroleum 50G Bottle Jelly 1 1X50gg, Waterr For Injection Injection 5Ml 1X5ml, Waterr For Injection Injection 2Ml 1X2ml, Waterr For Injection Injection 10Ml 1X10ml, Vitaamin K Iv Injection 1Mg / 0.5Ml 1X0.5Ml Amp, Vitaamin A Pediatric ( Concentrated ) Solution 1, 00, 000Iu / Ml 1X100ml, Vitaamin A Injection 50, 000Iu / Ml 1X2ml, Vitaamin A Capsule 5000 Iu 1X10x10, Vitaamin A Capsule 50, 000Iu 1X10x10, Vitaamin A Capsule 100000 Iu 1X10x10, Veccuronium Powder For Injection. 4Mg 1X1vial, Tuberculin, Purified Proteiin Derivative Injection 5Tu 1X1vial, Tropiicamide Eye Drop 1% 1X5ml, Tropiicamide Eye Drop 0.50% 1X5ml, Trihexxyphenidyl Hydrochloride Tablet 2Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Tranexxamic Acid Injection 100Mgg / Ml 1X5ml Amp, Tramadool Injection 50Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Tramadool Capsule 50Mgg 1X10x10, Tramadool Capsule 100Mgg 1X10x10, Thiopentoore Powder For Injection. 500Mgg 1X1, Thiopentone Sodiium Injection ( Powder ) 1Gm 1X1vial, Thiaminie Tablet 100Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Thiaminie Injection 100Mgg / Ml 1X10ml, Succinyl Choline Chlooride Injection 50Mgg / Ml 1X1vial, Sterrile Water For Injection Water For Injection 100Ml Ip / Bp / Usp 1X1, Spironolacctone Tablet 50Mgg 1X10x10, Sodium Chlooride ( Normal Saline ) Infusion Ffs 0.9%W / V 1X100ml, Sodium Chlooride ( Normal Saline ) Injection Ffs 0.9%W / V 1X500ml, Sodium Chlooride ( Nasal ) Drops 0.65%W / V 1X15ml, Sodium Bicarboonate Injection 8.4%W / V 1X50ml, Premix Insuline 30.70 1X10ml Injection 40Iu Ml 1X1vial, Silver Sulphadiazinie Cream 125G 1X125gg, Silver Sulphadiazinie Cream 1% 1X25gg, Salinie For Injection Injection 5Ml 1X5ml, Salinie For Injection Injection 0.9%W / V 1X10ml, Salicylic Aciid Ointment 6% 1X20gg, Salbutamool Sulphate Tablet 4Mgg 1X10x10, Salbutamool Sulphate Tablet 2Mgg 1X10x10, Salbutamool Sulphate Syrup 2Mgg / 5Ml 1X100ml, Salbutamool Sulphate Inhalation 100Mcgg / Dose 1X1, Salbutamol Nebulisser Solution 5Mgg / Ml 1X15ml, Risperiddoone Tablet 4Mgg 1X10x10, Risperiddoone Tablet 2Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Ringer Lactaate Infusion Ffs As Per Ip 1X500ml, Ranitidinie Tablet 150Mgg 1X10x10, Ranitidinie Injection 25Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Rabies Vaccinie Injection 2.5Iu 1X1ml, Rabies Immunooglobin 1X2ml Injection 150 Iu / Ml 1X1vial, Pyridooxine Tablet 25Mgg 1X10x10, Pyridooxine Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Propranolol Hydroochloride Tablet 40Mgg 1X10x10, Propofole Injection 1% Oil Suspension 1X10ml, Primaaquine Tablet 7.5Mgg 1X10x10, Primaaquine Tablet 2.5Mgg 1X10x10, Prednisolonie Tablet 20Mgg 1X10x10, Prednisolonie Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Pralidoxime Chlooride ( 2- Pam ) Injection 1G 1X1vial, Povidone Iodinie Solution 5% 1X500ml, Povidone Iodinie Solution 10% 1X500ml, Povidone Iodinie Scrub Solution 7.5%W / V 1X500ml, Povidone Iodinie Ointment 5% 1X15g, Povidone Iodinie Ointment 5% 1X125g, Potassium Permanganate Crystaals For Solution 400G 1X400g, Piperacilline + Tazobactam Powder For Injection. 4G + 500Mgg 1X1 Vial, Piperacilline + Tazobactam Powder For Injection. 2G + 250Mgg 1X1 Vial, Piperacilline + Tazobactam Powder For Injection. 1G + 125Mgg 1X1 Vial, Phytomenaadione ( Vitamin K1 ) Injection 1Mgg / Ml 1X1, Phenytoin Sodiium Tablet 100Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Phenobarbitoone Tablet 60Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Phenobarbitoone Tablet 30Mgg 1X10x10, Phenobarbitoone Syrup 20Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Pheniramine Maleatae Injection 22.75 Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Permethrine Lotion 1% 1X1, Permethrine Cream 5% 1X30gm, Paracetamole Tablet 650Mgg 1X10x10, Paracetamole Tablet 500Mgg 1X10x10, Paracetamole Syrup 250Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Paracetamole Syrup 125Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Paracetamole Suppository 80Mgg 1X1, Paracetamole Suppository 170Mgg 1X5, Paracetamole Infusion 500Mgg / 50Ml 1X50ml, Paracetamole Infusion 1Gm / 100Ml 1X100ml, Paracetamole Drops 100Mgg / Ml 1X15ml, Pantopraazole Tablet 40Mgg 1X10x10, Pantopraazole Injection 40Mgg 1X1vial, Oxytocien Injection 5Iu / Ml 1X1ml, Oral Rehydration Salts Powder For Solution Sodium Clooride 2.6, Glucose Anhydrous 13.5, Potassium Cloride 1.5, Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate 2.9 1X20.5G, Ondansetroon Tablet 4Mg 1X10x10, Ondansetroon Syrup 2Mgg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Ondansetroon Injection 2Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Omepraazole Capsule 20Mgg 1X10x10, Norethisteronie Tablet 5Mgg 1X10x10, Noradrenaaline Injection 2Mgg / Ml 1X1, Misoproostol Tablet 200Mcgg 1X10x10, Miffepristone Tablet 200Mgg 1X1, Midaazolam Injection 1Mgg / Ml 1X5ml, Metroonidazole Tablet 400Mgg 1X10x10, Metroonidazole Syrup 200Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Metroonidazole Infusion 500Mgg / 100Ml 1X100ml, Metooprolol Tablet 25Mgg 1X10x10, Metooclopramide Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Metooclopramide Injection 5Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Methylrosanilinium Chlooride ( Gentian Violet ) Topical Form 0.25% To 2% 1X1, Methylrosanilinium Chlooride ( Gentian Violet ) Aqueous Solution 0.50% 1X10ml, Methylprednisolone Tablet 8Mg 1X10x10, Methyldoopa Tablet 250Mgg 1X10x10, Methylcobalamine Injection 1500Mcgg 1X1ml, Methyl Prednisolonie Injection 500Mgg 1X1vial, Methyl Prednisolonie Injection 40Mg / Ml 1X1vial, Methyl Prednisolonie Infusion 1G 1X1, Methyl Prednesolonie Injection 125Mgg / Iv 1X1vial, Methyll Ergoometrine Tablet 0.125Mgg 1X10x10, Methyll Ergoometrine Injection 0.2Mgg / Ml 1X1, Meffenamic Acid Tablet 500Mgg 1X10x10, Medroxy Proogesterone Acetate Tablet 5Mgg 1X10x10, Medroxy Proogesterone Acetate Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Mebendazoole Tablet 100Mg 1X6, Mannitoll Injection 20% 1X100ml, Magnesieum Sulphate Injection 500Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Loraazepam Tablet 2Mg 1X10x10, Loraazepam Injection 2Mg / Ml 1X2ml, Lithium Carboonate Tablet 300Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Lignocaine Hydroochloride ( 1X30ml ) Injection 2% W / V 1X1, Lignocaine Hydroochloride Spray 2% 1X100ml, Lignocaine Hydroochloride Spray 10% 1X100ml, Lignocaine Hydroochloride Jelly 2% 1X30gm, Lignocaine Hydroochloride Injection 4% 1X30ml, Lignocaine Hydroochloride + Adrenaline Injection 2%W / V + 0.009Mgg 1X30ml, Lignoocaine Eye Drop 4% 1X5ml, Levothyrooxine Tablet 50Mcgg 100X1bottle, Levoothyroxine Tablet 25Mcgg 100X1bottle, Lactuloose Oral Liquid 10Gg / 15Ml 1X100ml, Labetolool Tablet 100Mgg 1X10x10, Labetolool Injection 5Mgg / Ml 1X4ml, Ketamine Hydroochloride Injection 50Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Ketamine Hydroochloride Injection 10Mgg / Ml 1X10ml, Isosorbide 5 Monoonitrate / Dinitrate Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Isoflurane Inhhalation 250Ml 1X250ml, Iron Sucroose Injection 100Mg / 5Ml 1X5ml, Iron And Foolic Acid Tablets Large ( Each Sugar Coated Tablet ) Contains Dried Ferrous Sulphate Ip ( Eq To 60 Mgg Of Elemental Iron And Folic Acid 500Mcg ( Sugar Coated And Red Colour ) Tablet 60Mg + 500Mcg 1X10x10, Insullin Injection ( Soluble ) ( Specification As Per Ncd ) Injection 40Iu / Ml 1X10ml Vial, Ibuproofen Tablet 400Mgg 1X10x10, Ibuproofen Tablet 200Mgg 1X10x10, Ibuproofen Syrup 100Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Hyoscine Butyl Broomide Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Hydroogen Peroxide Solution 6% 1X100ml, Hydroocortisone Sodium Succinate Injection 100Mgg 1X1vial, Hydroochlorothiazide Tablet 12.5Mgg 1X10x10, Hepatiitis-B Vaccine Adult 1X10ml, Heeparin Sodium Injection 5000 Iu / 1Ml Ip / Bp / Usp 1X1, Heeparin Sodium Injection 1, 000Iu / Ml 1X5ml Vial, Halooperidol Tablet 5Mgg 1X10x10, Halooperidol Injection 5Mgg / Ml 1X1vial, Glycerryl Trinitrate Injection 5Mg / Ml 1X5ml, Glycerryl Trinitrate ( Sublingual ) Tablet 0.5Mg 1X10x10, Glimeepiride Tablet 2Mgg 1X10x10, Gentian Vviolet Paint 1% 1X10ml, Gentamyicin Injection 40Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Frrusemide Tablet 40Mgg 1X10x10, Frrusemide Injection 10Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Forttified Procaine Penicillin Injection 4Lacs 1X1vial, Folicc Acid Tablet 400Mcgg 1X10x10, Flluphenazine Injection 25Mg / Ml 1X1ml, Flluoxetine Hydrochloride Capsule 20Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Fllunarizine Tablet 5Mgg 1X10x10, Fllunarizine Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Flucoonazole Capsule 50Mgg 1X10x10, Flucoonazole Capsule 150Mg 1X10x10, Flucoonazole Capsule 100Mg 1X10x10, Ferroous Sulphate / Fumrate Tablet Iron Equivalent To 20Mg Elemental Iron & Folic Acid 0.1Mgg 1X10x10, Ferroous Salts Equivalent To 60Mg Of Elemental Iron Tablet 60Mg G1x10x10, Ferroous Salts ( A ) +Folic Acid ( B ) 45Mg Elemental Iron ( A ) +400Mcg ( B ) Pink Tablet 45Mgg + 400Mcg 1X10x10, Ferroous Salts ( A ) +Folic Acid ( B ) 20Mgg Elemental Iron ( A ) +100Mcg ( B ) Syrup 20 Mgg + 100 Mcg Ip / Bp / Usp 1X100ml, Fenttanyl Injection 50Mcgg / Ml 1X2ml, Esmoolal Injection 25Mgg / Ml 1X10ml, Esciitalopram Tablet 5Mgg 1X10x10, Esciitalopram Tablet 10Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Enoxxaparin Injection 40Mgg Nil, Dooxycycline Capsule 100Mgg 1X10x10, Doopamine Hydrochloride Injection 40Mgg / Ml 1X5ml, Doomperidone Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Doomperidone Syrup 1Mgg / Ml 1X30ml, Doobutamine Injection 50Mgg / Ml 1X5ml, Diiptheria And Tetanus Vaccine .5Ml Vaccine Na 1X1, Diinoprostone Tablet 0.5Mgg 1X4x10, Diinoprostone Gel 0.5Mgg 1X3gm, Diigoxin Tablet 0.25Mgg 1X10x10, Diiethylcarbamazine Citrate Tablet 100Mgg 1X3x10, Diiethylcarbamazin ( Antifilarials ) Tablet 50Mgg 1X10x10, Diiethylcarbamazin ( Antifilarial ) Oral Liquid 120Mgg / 5Ml 1X1, Diicyclomine Hydrochloride Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Diicyclomine Hydrochloride Injection 10Mgg / Ml 1X2ml Amp, Diicyclomine Hydrochloride Drops 10Mgg / 5Ml 1X10ml, Diclofienac Topical Form 1% 1X30gm, Diclofienac Tablet 50Mgg 1X10x10, Diclofienac Injection 75Mgg / Ml 1X1, Diclofienac Injection 25Mgg / Ml 1X3ml, Diazzepam Tablet 5Mgg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Diazzepam Injection 5Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Dexxtrose With Sodium Cloride Infusion 5% + 0.45% 1X500ml, Dexxtrose With Sodium Chloride Ffs / Specification Ip / Bp / Usp Infusion 5% W / V + 0.9% W / V 1X500ml, Dexxtrose Injection 50% 1X100ml, Dexxtrose Injection 25% 1X25ml, Dexxtrose Injection 25% 1X100ml, Dexxtrose Injection 10% 1X500ml, Dexxtrose Ffs / Specification / Ip / Bp / Usp Injection 5% W / V 1X500ml, Dexxamethasone Tablet 0.5Mgg 1X10x10, Dexxamethasone Injection 4Mgg / Ml 1X2ml, Desferrioxxamine Tablet 500Mgg 1X10x10, Desferrioxxamine Tablet 250Mgg 1X10x10, Cootrimoxazole Ss Tablet 80Mg Trimethoprim And 400Mgg Of Sulfamethoxazole 1X10x10, Coo-Trimoxazole ( Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole ) Tablet 160+800Mgg 1X10x10, Coo-Trimoxazole ( Trimethoprim + Sulphamethoxazole ) Suspension 40+200Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Clozapiine Tablet 25Mgg 1X10x10, Clozapiine Tablet 100Mgg 1X10x10, Clopiidogrel Tablet 75Mgg 1X10x10, Clonaezepam Tablet 0.5Mgg 1X10x10, Clomiphene Ciitrate Tablet 50Mgg 1X10x10, Clomiphene Ciitrate Tablet 100Mgg 1X10x10, Clindamyycin Ip Capsule 600Mgg 1X10x10, Ciproflooxacin Ointment 0.30% 1X1, Ciproflooxacin Hydrochloride Tablet 500Mgg 1X10x10, Ciproflooxacin Hydrochloride Tablet 250Mgg 1X10x10, Ciproflooxacin Hydrochloride Injection 200Mgg / 100 Ml 1X100ml, Ciproflooxacin Hydrochloride Eye / Ear Drops 0.3%W / V 1X5ml, Cholecalcifeerol Oral Liquid 400Iu / Ml 1X1, Chlorpheniraamine Maleate Tablet 4Mgg 1X10x10, Chlorooquine Phosphate Syrup 50Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Cetrizzine Oral Liquid 5Mgg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Cetrizzine Hydrochloride Tablet 10Mgg 1X10x10, Adrenaline Bitartrate Innjection 1Mg / Ml 1X1ml, Amoxycillin 125Mmg + Clavulaanic Acid 31.25Mg / 5Ml Suspension 125Mg+31.25Mg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Amoxicillinn Dispersible Tablet 125Mg 1X10x10, Amoxicilllin Capsule 500Mg 1X10x10, Amoxicililin Capsule 250Mg 1X10x10, Amlodipiine Tablet 5Mg 1X10x10, Albendazoole Suspension 200Mg / 5Ml 1X10ml, Acetyl Salicylic Accid Dispersible Tablet 150Mg 1X10x10, Absoorbent Cotton Wool Na 500 Gm 1X500gm, Ceftriaxonnee Iinjection 250Mg 1X1vial, Ceeftazxidime Injection 250Mg 1X1vial, Ceftazzidime Injeection 1G 1X1vial, Cefotaxxime Injjection 500Mg 1X1vial, Cefotaxxime Injection 250Mg 1X1vial, Cefotaximeee Injection 125Mg 1X1vial, Cefixiiime Taablet 200Mg 1X3x10, Cefixime Taablet 100Mmg 1X10x10, Cefixime Ppowder 50Mg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Cefixime Oral Liquiid 100Mg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Cefadroxil Tabllet 500Mg 1X10x10, Cefadrooxil Dispersible Tabllet 250Mg 1X10x10, Calciumm Gluconate Innjection 100Mg / Ml 1X10ml, Calamiine Lotioon As Per Ip 1X50ml, Budesoonide Innhalation 100Mcg 1X1, Bissacodyl Tablet 5Mgg 1X10x10, Betaamethasone Dipropionate Oointment 0.05%W / W 1X15g, Benzathinne Penicillin Innjection 12Lacs 1X1vial, Azithromycinn Tablet 500Mmg 1X10x10, Azithromyccin Tablet 250Mg 1X10x10, Azithroomycin Oral Liqquid 200Mg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Azithromycinn Innjection 500Mg 1X1vial, Azithromyycin Dispersible Taablet 100Mg 1X10x10, Antisnake Venom ( Polyvalent Lyophiilized ) Powder For Infusion Naa 1X1vial, Anti-D Immmunoglobin ( Human ) Injjection 300Mcg 1X1vial, Ceftriaxone Powder For Injection. 500Mg Ip / Bp / Usp 1X1, Ceftriaxone Injection 1 Gm Ip / Bp / Usp 1X1vial, Cefotaxime Injection 1 Gm Ip / Bp / Usp 1X1vial, Cefazolin Powder For Injection. 500Mg 1X1 Vial, Cefazolin Powder For Injection. 1G 1X1 Vial, Cefadroxil Syrup 125Mg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Carbimazole Tablet 5Mg 1X10x10, Carbimazole Tablet 10Mg 1X10x10, Carbamazepine Tablet 100Mg 1X10x10, Carbamazepine Syrup 100Mg / 5Ml 1X100ml, Carbamazepine Oral Liquid 200Mg / 5Ml 1X1, Carbamazepine Cr Tablet 400Mg 1X10x10, Carbamazepine Cr Tablet 200Mg 1X10x10, Caffeine Citrate Syrup 20Mg / Ml 1X3ml, Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Injection 0.5% Plain 1X20ml, Bupivacaine Hydrochloride Injection 0.25%+7.5% Glucose Solution 1X20ml, Bupivacaine Hydrochloride ( 5Mg Bupivacaine And 80 Mg Dextrose Anhydrous ) Injection 5% Heavy 1X4ml, Bisacodyl Suppository 5Mg 1X1, Betamethasone Injection 4Mg / Ml 1X1vial, Betamethasone Dipropionate Ointment 0.1%W / W 1X15g, Benzyl Penicillin Injection 10Lacs 1X1vial, Benzoyl Peroxide Gel 2.5% 1X20g, Benzathine Penicillin Injection 6Lacs 1X1vial, Beclomethasone Dipropionate Inhalation 50Mcg / Dose 1X1, Cetrimide Solution 20% ( Conc. For Dilution ) 1X500ml, Beclomethasone Dipropionate Inhalation 200Mcg / Metered Dose 1X1, Bandage Cloth Individually Packed In Poly-Pack Na 20 Mtrs. 1X20mtrs, Baclofen Tablet 20Mg 1X10x10, Baclofen Suspension 5Mg / Ml 1X100ml, Azathioprine Tablet 50Mg 1X10x10, Atropine Sulphate Injection 1Mg / Ml 1X1ml, Atropine Sulphate Injection 0.6Mg / Ml 1X1ml Amp, Atracurium Besilate 1X2.5Ml Amp / Vial Injection 10Mg / Ml 1X1vial, Atorvastatin Tablet 20Mg 1X10x10, Atorvastatin Tablet 10Mg 1X10x10, Atenolol Tablet 50Mg 1X14x10, Atenolol Tablet 25Mg 1X14x10, Artesunate ( To Be Used Only In Combination With Sulfadoxine +Pyrimethamine ) Tablet 50Mg 1X10x10, Anti Diphtheria Serum Vaccine 10000 Iu 1X10ml, Ampicillin Powder For Suspension 125Mg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Ampicillin Powder For Injection. 1G 1X1, Ampicillin Injection 500Mg 1X1vial, Ampicillin Capsule 500Mg 1X10x10, Ampicillin Capsule 250Mg 1X10x10, Amphotericin B A ) Amphotericin B ( Conventional ) B ) Lipid / Liposomal Amphotericin B Powder For Injection. 50Mg 1X10ml, Amoxycillin Powder Suspension 125Mg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Amoxycillin Oral Liquid 250Mg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Amoxicillin+Clavulinic Acid Tablet 625Mg 1X10x10, Amoxicillin+Clavulinic Acid Powder For Suspension 200Mg + 28.5Mg / 5Ml 1X30ml, Amoxicillin+Clavulinic Acid Injection 600Mg 1X1vial, Amoxicillin+Clavulinic Acid Injection 1.2Gm 1X1vial, Amitriptyline Tablet 25Mg 1 X 10 X 10 Ip / Bp / Usp, Amiodarone Injection 150Mg / Ml 1X3ml, Allopurinol Tablet 100Mg 1X10x10, Albendazole Tablet 400Mg 1X10x10, Acyclovir Tablet 800Mg 1X10x10, Acyclovir Tablet 400Mg 1X10x10, Acyclovir Tablet 200Mg 1X10x10, Acyclovir Suspension 400Mg / 5Ml 1X60ml, Acyclovir Ointment 5% 1X10g, Acyclovir Ointment 3% 1X10g, Acyclovir Cream 5% 1X5g, Activated Charcoal 1X250gm Powder For Infusion Na 1X1, Acetyl Salicylic Acid ( Entric Coated ) Tablet 350Mg 1X10x10, Acetyl Salicylic Acid Ec Tablet 150Mg 1X10x10, Acetyl Salicylic Acid Dispersible Tablet 75Mg 1X10x10