Bids Are Invited For Bench Vice 100Mm , Machine Vice Swale Base 200Mm , Machine Vice Swale 150Mm , Universal Machine Vice 100Mm , Milling Cutter-Side And Face Cutter Dia 200 X 20 X 27 , Milling Cutter-Side And Face Cutter Dia 80 8 X 27Mm , Milling Cutter-Equal Angle Cutter Dia 60 100 Mm X 27Mm , Milling Cutter-Equal Angle Cutter Dia 90 100 X 27 , Milling Cutter-Double Angle Unequal 50 X 12 X 27 Bore Dia 55 , Milling Cutter-Shell End Mill 50 X 36 X 27Mm Perferably Inserted Tip Type , Milling Cutter-Shell End Mill 75 X 50 X 27 Perferably Inserted Tip Type , Micrometer Outside 25- 50Mm , Micrometer Outside 50-75Mm , Micrometer Outside 75-100Mm , Micrometer Depth Gauge 200Mm , Vernier Caliper 200Mm , Ss And Sc Centre Lathe All Geared With Specificationas , Led Projector 4000 Luminus , Vernier Bevel Protractor , Telescopic Gauge , Hand Hammer 1Kg , Radius Turning Attachment , Service Oscillator , A.F.O Oscillators , Oxy-Acetylene Welding Set Complete , Evacuating And Charging Station As Above But Fitted With Weighing Scale , Two Stage Rotary Vacuum Pump, 3Or4cfm , Fan Coil Unit , Water Dispenser Bubble Type Hot And Cold 2.5 Ltr 3Ltr , Air- Conditioning, Direct System , Air-Conditioning Indirect System Water Cooled , Package A-C 5Ton Capacity Air Coolded Type With Open Type , Lapping Plate 250Mmx200mm , Megger 1000V , C.R.O Dual Trace-Double Beam , Pressure Gauge Digital Type Diameter , Compound Gauge, Digital Type Diameter 63Mm, With Recalibration Set Screw, Scale Vacuum760mm.Pressure 15Kg Sq Cm , Electronic Leak Detector 1 28 Total Quantity : 81