Annual Rate Contract For Carrying Out Various Electrical Maintenance Works Including Supply Installation Testing And Commissioning / Itc Of Various Line Materials And 11 / 0.433 Kv Distribution Substations And Dismantling Of Existing Deteriorated / Out Lived Electrical Infrastructure, For The Year 2023-24 And First Quarter Of 2024-25 Under The Jurisdiction Of Electric Sub-Divisions Dooru Of Electric Division Anantnag Kpdcl.- 1 Carraige upto site , erection,Testing and commisioning of11/0.433KV, 3-phase Distribution Transformers with Bimetallic Terminal Connectors Energy Level-2 (Aluminium wound upto 200KVA, Copper wound for 250KVA or higher KVA ratings ). From Divisional Stores Anantnag. 2 63 KVA 3 100 KVA 4 200 KVA 5 250 KVA 6 Supply, Carraige upto site, installation, testing and Commissioning of Gapless Surge Arrestor 9 kV, 10 kA, LA with polymer housing, Stn. Type. 7 Carraige upto site, installation, testing and Commissioning of Gapless Surge Arrestor 9 kV, 10 kA, LA with polymer housing, Stn. Type. 8 Supply, Carraige upto site, installation, testing and Commissioning of 11 kV G.O Switch (200 Amp (vertical type), with fittings complete in all respects. 9 Carraige upto site, installation, testing and Commissioning of 11 kV G.O Switch (200 Amp) (vertical type), with fittings complete in all respects. 10 Supply, Carraige upto site, installation, testing and Commissioning of 11 kV Horn Gap Fuse Set 3 Phase 200A. 11 Carraige upto site, installation, testing and Commissioning of 11 kV Horn Gap Fuse Set 3 Phase 200A. 12 Supply, Carraige upto site, laying, stringing, tensioning, binding of 1.1 KV grade, 1-core300 Sqmm PVC Cable FRLS type. 13 Supply, Carraige upto site, laying, stringing, tensioning, binding of 1.1 KV grade, 1-core 185 Sqmm PVC Cable FRLS type. 14 Earthing of substation-Excavation ofearth pit of dia650 mm & depth 3000 mm, installation of Earthing pipe of 40 mm Nominal bore & 4mm wall thickness & length 2.5 mtr long as Per IS 1239. GI Strip for neutral earthing of size 75 mmx10 mm& 50 mmx6 mm,for connection of transformer body & lightening arrestor as per IS 2629/85, GI nuts & bolts,refilled with earth enhancement materials and earth Chamber made of brick masonary with RCC slab cover. 15 Supply, carriage, installation and commissioning of LT Fuse unit Complete as per REC standards/drawings available on KPDCL website. 16 Supply,Carraige upto site, fixing ofAluminium Thimbles of size 300 Sqmm. 17 Supply,Carraige upto site, fixing ofAluminium Thimbles of size 185 Sqmm. 18 Supply,Carraige upto site, fixing and Commissioning of Aluminium Solderless Clampsof size 300 Sqmm. 19 Supply,Carraige upto site, fixing and Commissioning of Aluminium Solderless Clampsof size 185 Sqmm. 20 Supply,Carraige upto site, Erection,testing and commisioning ofSteel Tubular Poles of sizes complete with base plate(300x300x5mm), top cap, including digging of pit (1/6th of pole height) positioning etc, with base plate machine drilled at centre of plate as per approved drawing available on KPDCL website and complete in all respect as per REC Standard. 21 13 m Long ( ST- 410 SP69) 22 11 m Long ( ST- 410 SP56) 23 9 m Long ( ST- 410 SP33) 24 8m Long ( ST- 410 SP15) 25 Carraige from store upto site, Erection,testing and commisioning ofSteel Tubular Poles of sizes complete with base plate(300x300x5mm), top cap, including digging of pit (1/6th of pole height) positioning etc,with base plate machine drilled at centre of plate as per approved drawing available on KPDCL website and complete in all respect as per REC Standard. 26 13 m Long ( ST- 410 SP69) 27 11 m Long ( ST- 410 SP56) 28 9 m Long ( ST- 410 SP33) 29 8 m Long ( ST- 410 SP15) 30 8 m Long (PCC-WL200KG) 31 Supply,Carraige upto site, fixing and installation of GI V Cross-arm with top braket including clamps as per REC Standards/as per drawings available on KPDCL website. 32 Supply,Carraige upto site, fixing and installation of GI X-arm including clamps and braces as per REC Standards/ as per drawings available on KPDCL website. 33 Supply, Carraige upto site, laying, stringing, tensioning, binding of ACSR Conductor of sizes complete in all respects as per REC standards. 34 100 Sqmm 35 50 Sqmm 36 30 sqmm 37 Carraige from store upto site, laying, stringing, tensioning, binding of ACSR Conductor of sizes complete in all respects as per REC standards 38 100 Sqmm 39 50 Sqmm 40 30 sqmm 41 Supply, carriage and fixing of PG clamps Complete as per standards 42 100 Sqmm 43 50 Sqmm 44 30 sqmm 45 Supply,Carraige upto site, fixing and installation of GI Mukhi Clamps for shackle insulators. 46 Supply, Carraige upto site, fixing and installation of 16kN porcelain shackle insulators. 47 Supply, Carraige upto site, installation,testing and Commissioning of 11 kV Disc Insulators (porcelain) Complete with fitting(45KN),complete in all respects as per REC standards. 48 Carraige from store upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of 11 kV Disc Insulators (porcelain) Complete with fitting(45KN),complete in all respects as per REC standards. 49 Supply, Carraige upto site,Carraige upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of 11 kV Disc Insulators (polymer) Complete with fitting(45KN),complete in all respects as per REC standards. 50 Supply, Carraige upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of 11 KV Pin Insulators (porcelain) with Pins (5KN),complete in all respects as per REC standards. 51 Supply, Carraige upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of 11 KV Pin Insulators (polymer) with Pins (5KN),complete in all respects as per REC standards. 52 Supply, Carraige upto site and installation of Danger Plates with Clamps. 53 Supply, Carraige upto site and installation of Anti Climbing devices 54 Carraige from store upto site and installation of Anti Climbing devices 55 Supply, carriage and installation of LT Line Spacers. 56 Earthing complete by GI pipe 40mm or GI rod 20 mm 2.5 mtr long through GI strip of Poles. 57 Painting of poles with Red oxide. 58 Painting of poles with Aluminiun paint. 59 Cement bottoming of S T poles in 1:2:4 mix as per REC standards 0.5 cum/pole/ as per drawings available on KPDCL website. 60 Supply, carriage and fixing of Aluminium Jointing Sleeves. 61 Supply, Carraige upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator(2NO..), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nut-bolts, 2 NO. turn-buckles, 1.8m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete with all fittings as per REC Standards 62 Supply, Carraige upto site,laying ,stringing,tensioning , binding of 11 KV grade, 1-core ABC Type cable of sizes 63 35 sqmm 64 50 sqmm 65 70 sqmm 66 95 sqmm 67 120 sqmm 68 Supply,Carraige upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of Heat shrinkable 1-core cable termination kit(indoor / outdoor type) of sizes. 69 35 sqmm 70 50 sqmm 71 70 sqmm 72 95 sqmm 73 120 sqmm 74 Supply, Carraige upto site, laying, binding of 11 KV grade, 3-core XLPE, armoured, FRLS cable of sizes 75 35 sqmm 76 50 sqmm 77 70 sqmm 78 95 sqmm 79 120 sqmm 80 185 sqmm 81 240 sqmm 82 300 sqmm 83 400 sqmm 84 Supply,Carraige upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of Heat shrinkable 3-core cable termination kit(indoor / outdoor type) of sizes 85 35 sqmm 86 50 sqmm 87 70 sqmm 88 95 sqmm 89 120 sqmm 90 185 sqmm 91 240 sqmm 92 300 sqmm 93 400 sqmm 94 Supply,Carraige upto site,Installation,testing and Commissioning of LED Lights. 95 30 watt 96 45 watt 97 120 watt 98 Supply, Carraige upto site,laying ,stringing,tensioning , binding of 1.1 KV grade, 4-core armoured FRLS Type cable of sizes 99 35 sqmm 100 25 sq mm 101 16 sq mm 102 Supply, Carraige upto site,laying ,stringing,tensioning , binding of 1.1 KV grade, 4-core un armoured FRLS Type cable of sizes 103 06 sq mm 104 04 sq mm 105 Supply, Carraige upto site, Installation, testing and Commissioning of11 Kv Heavy Duty linksetsas per REC standards. 106 400 Ampare 107 600 Ampare 108 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores of11/0.433KV, 3-phase Distribution Transformers incuding unloading and staking. 109 63 KVA 110 100 KVA 111 200 KVA 112 250 KVA 113 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores of Gapless Surge Arrestor 9 kV, 10 kA, LA with polymer housing, Stn. Type incuding unloading and staking. 114 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores of 11 kV G.O Set (vertical type), with fittings,incuding unloading and staking. 115 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores of 11 kV Horn Gap Fuse Set 3 Phase 200A,incuding unloading and staking. 116 Dismantling (by way ofcutting at the ground level), Removing, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores at Anantnag from different sites, oldSteel Tubular Poles of sizes with cross arms, braces, insulators etc, incuding unloading and staking. 117 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional storesof LT Fuse unit,incuding unloading and staking. 118 Dismantling (by way of uprooting ), Removing, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores at Anantnag from different sites, oldSteel Tubular Poles of sizes with cross arms, braces, insulators etc, incuding unloading and staking. 119 Dismantling, Removing, disposing off and dumping at suitable places/staking at stores as decided by the site engineerfrom different sites, of oldPCC Poles of sizes. 120 Dismantling, Removing, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores at Anantnag from different sites, of old wooden Poles of sizes along with braces,insulators etc,incuding unloading and staking. 121 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores of ACSR conductor of sizes,incuding unloading and staking. 122 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional stores of old HT/LTcable of sizes, incuding unloading and staking. 123 Dismantling, safe packing and transportation to divisional storesof old/damaged 11 Kvlinksets, incuding unloading and staking.