
Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Pdr. Boric Acid 10Gm , Pdr. Caflon 100Gm , Pdr. Neblon 100Gm , Pdr. Timpol 100Gm , Pdr. Livol 100Gm , Adhesive Tape , Liqued Povidine 500Ml , Oint. Cipladine 30Gm , Eye Drop Zenta Plus Dexa , Bol. Fenbendazole 3, SRINAGAR-Jammu And Kashmir

Indo Tibetan Border Police has published Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Pdr. Boric Acid 10Gm , Pdr. Caflon 100Gm , Pdr. Neblon 100Gm , Pdr. Timpol 100Gm , Pdr. Livol 100Gm , Adhesive Tape , Liqued Povidine 500Ml , Oint. Cipladine 30Gm , Eye Drop Zenta Plus Dexa , Bol. Fenbendazole 3. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-01-2024. Medicine Tenders in SRINAGAR Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Pdr. Boric Acid 10Gm , Pdr. Caflon 100Gm , Pdr. Neblon 100Gm , Pdr. Timpol 100Gm , Pdr. Livol 100Gm , Adhesive Tape , Liqued Povidine 500Ml , Oint. Cipladine 30Gm , Eye Drop Zenta Plus Dexa , Bol. Fenbendazole 3
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Pdr. Boric Acid 10Gm , Pdr. Caflon 100Gm , Pdr. Neblon 100Gm , Pdr. Timpol 100Gm , Pdr. Livol 100Gm , Adhesive Tape , Liqued Povidine 500Ml , Oint. Cipladine 30Gm , Eye Drop Zenta Plus Dexa , Bol. Fenbendazole 3Gm , Spray Healax 100 Gm , Oint.Lorexane 100Gm , Bol. Bioboost 1X4 Strip , Pdr. Magsulphet 450. , Pdr. P P 10Gm , Oint.Rumalya 100Gm , Bol. Serakind 1X2 , Spray Topicure 100 Ml , Bolus Albendazole 3Gm , Liquid Hitek 1Ltr , Pdr. Intasporin 50Gm , Pdr. Neosprin 10Gm , Pdr.Equamine 1Kg , Pdr. Hem. Batisha 01Kg , Liquid Asthanil 100Ml , Liquid Blotosil 100Ml , Liquid Liv-52 500Ml , Cotton Bandaze , Oint. Omini Gel 30Gm , Disp. Syrings10ml Or 20Ml , Surgical Gloves , Examination Gloves Disp. , I V Set Disp. , Liquid. Parafine 450Ml , Liquid Sprit 500Ml , Liquid Phynle 1Ltr , Disp. Needles 18G Or 20G , Inj. Atropine Sulphate 10Ml , Inj. Artizone 30Ml Or 100Ml , Inj. Amoxyrum Forte 3Gm , Inj. Adernalline 2Ml , Inj. Avil 33Ml , Inj. Vetalgin 30Ml , Inj. Belamyle 30Ml , Inj. Biotirm 30Ml , Inj. Crome 10 Ml , Inj. Dexa 30Ml , Inj. Deraphyline 2Ml , Inj. D. C. R.2.5 Gm , Inj. Flunixin 20Ml , Inj. Feritas 10Ml , Inj. Vetade 10Ml , Inj. Intamox 3.5Gm , Inj. Intacef 3Gm , Inj. Lasix 4Ml , Inj. Melonex 30Ml , Inj. Nuroxin-M 30Ml , Inj. Predinisolone 10Ml , Inj. Rantac 2Ml , Inj. Spasmovet 30Ml , Inj. Tribivet 30Ml , Inj. Xylazine 10Ml , Inj. Xceft 1Gm , Inj. T-Phos 30Ml , Inj. Ns 500Ml , Inj. Oxytetracycline 30Ml , Inj.Haemaccel450ml Or Vetplasma500ml , Inj. Ivermectin 30Ml Or 10Ml , Inj. Melonex Plus 30Ml , Inj. Lignocaine 2 Percentage 30 Ml , Inj. Dns 500Ml , Inj. Rl 500Ml , Bp Blade , Catgut , Inj. Polybion 2Ml , Inj. B Complex 30Ml , Oint. Cipladine 10Gm , Bol. Fenbendazole 1Gmx10pkt , Pdr. Teracycline 100Mg , Pdr. Hem. Batisha 100Gm , Liquid Liv-52 50Ml , Disp. Syrings10ml , Liquid Sprit 100Ml , Pdr Agrimin Forte 1Kg , Inj. T Phos 30Ml , Tab. Albendazole 400 Mg 10X10 Strip , Tab Neomec 10 Mg 1X10 Strip , Pdr Boric Acid 10 Gm Total Quantity : 2601

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