
Tender For Supply Of Items, Bettiah-Bihar

Government Medical College has published Tender For Supply Of Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-01-2024. Electrotherapy Equipment Tenders in Bettiah Bihar. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Supply Of Items
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Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Items No. Name of Items specification Physiology Department I Neubauer chamber for WBC/RBC Counting German made German made 2 RBC pipette with mouth piece WBC pipette with mouth piece 3 4 Haemoglobinometer pipette with rubber 5 Demonstration eye piece German made German made Comprising a high quality beam-splitting prism of optical glass ensuring perfect vision to both the observer and sub-observer, conveniently located fine pointer to cover the entire field, i.e. rotatable 360°, being visible to both the viewers for easier demonstration; Both horizontal and vertical eye piece with 10x magnification 6 Double demonstration eye piece 7 Plain Mirror 4x2 size With Frame and stand 8 All glass distillation apparatus double stage, Voltage stabilizer, with spare heating elements 9 Spirometer, ordinary Water type Double container, 6 Liter capacity, Made up of Stainless steel; Pulley calibrated with recording lever to denote volume; with chain compensated counter balance; inlet and outlet tubes, side cock for gases, cock for draining off water; corrugated tube mouth piece 10 Mossos Ergograph For recording work done by a finger on to the drum surface. With arm fixation rests, finger holders, finger strapes, recording lever for drum, pulley & a set of 5 KGs slotted weights 11 Otorhinolaryngoscope 4mm 0 degree HOPKINS II Wide Angle Straight Forward Telescope 0°. Enlarged view Dia 4mm Length 18 cm Color Code: Green; Autoclavable Fiber Optic light transmission Incorporated, Battery should be rechargeable 12 Hand Grip Dynamometer (Digital) 13 von Freys Hair aesthesiometer 14 Compass aesthesiometer 15 Knee hammer 16 Tuning fork to test hearing 32-10000 cps(sets 100, 256, 512 hz) 17 Stethoscopes, demonstration with multiple ear pieces Light weight LCD/LED Display/force indicator for pounds or kilograms isometric grip force: 0-200 Ibs (90Kg); Should have sturdy body with scratch resistant UV coating Capable to measure PSI with cordless hand evaluation tool Provided with precision digital load cell technology Capable upto 5 tests/trials with each hand without reset Provision for rapid exchange testing with audible signals and automatically calculates the average, standard deviation and coefficient of variation Facility to automatically calculate average, standard deviation and coefficient of variation Provision to review individual test readings and all calculations Feature to choose the hand to be tested Provision with battery back up Stainless steel body, Should have a protective screw cap; The horse hair is carried in a graduated holder which by sliding into tube lengthens the protruding part of the hair, the length being read directly on a scale Two limb of compass with graduated arc; Limb is bifurcated to possess two point one blunt for the touch and the other sharp for pain; Should ISO/CE/BIS Certified Metallic handle; Pointed end, which is usually covered; Concealed brush - Tuning fork should be chrome plated with frequency marked as 128,256,512,1024 Hz Should have high quality sound transmission, Should be light weight, Preferable color black or grey, Should have tight and soft sealing ear tips, Chest piece-adult, System Configuration Accessories, spares -Diaphragms, Eartips, Binaurals, Rims Computarised complete pulmonary 18 Function test machine with complete accessories accurate & precise interpretation; designed for the following measurement protocols Spirometry with pre/post comparison, Flow/Vol and Vol/Time loops/curves and Trend Loops. Individual interpretation assistance; MVV Patient Co- operation Display; Determination of anatomical and functional dead spaces; Pneumotach easily sterlizable; Flow Measurement Range: 0 to +/-16 Ltrs/sec with accuracy better than +/- 3% or 100 ml/sec; Volume measurement Range: 0 to 10 ltrs with resolution of 10 ml; measuring SVC, VC ex, V C max, IRV, ERV, VT, IC, Frequency, MVV, ti, te, ti/te, FVC, FEV1, FEV 0.5, FEV 1/ VC max, FEV 1/ FVC ex, MEF25, MEF 25-75, PEF, PIF, MVV and pre- post comparisons.; Should measure CO2 max %, Vm25- 50, Vm50-75; Automatic BTPS correction; Window based software along with Laptop & Printer; Could record all parameters of respiratory function; Should include all accessories, viz.- digital turbine, adult & paediatrics mouthpieces, nose clip USB compatible; CPU-Pentium IV Core 17 Processor; RAM 8 GB, At least 500 GB HDD; At least 17 TFT Color Monitor; DVD R/W Drive, laser jet Printer, Windows 10 with suitable UPS. 19 EMG/NCV/EP(Somatosensory, Visual, P300 & BERA) Recording Machine (Minium 4 channel) with complete accessories Ethernet connection for connecting to either to desktop system or laptop system for portable use; Needle & surface EMG, Trigger EMG, Jitter EMG; Turn/Amplitude Analysis, Q-MUAP; storage facility of complete EMG Data; EMG replay of minimum 600 sec of stored data from hard disk with audio and store in AVI format for review on any Windows Media Player PC; Nerve Conduction, Customised setting for individual nerve-motor, sensory; F wave with split screen display with automatic marking of F responses showing the Max F, Min F and % F values, H reflex & Blink reflex; Repetitive nerve stimulation; Auto Area & duration calculation; Auto storage of highest amplitude trace in MNCV; Super imposition of traces Sympathetic skin response; RR Interval program with programs for stand/sit/supine position & Heart rate variability calculations; Somatosensory (Upper, lower, Dermatomes), Visual (Pattern reversal VEP, 16 VEP monitor for visual evoked potential), Auditory (BAER, AEP programs) Evoked Potential, MMR, LLR & P-3004 recording; Provision to display & store multiple waves; Auditory headphones with clicks, bips and tones; Input Impedence-> 1000 M ohm Low filter to be varied from 0.05 Hz-500Hz or Higher; High filter to be varied from 30Hz-5KHz or Higher; Gain to be varied from 0.5 ms/div to 1000 ms/div; Constant current stimulator with current variable from 0 to 100mA with increments 20 Machine for Autonomic funtion test with complete accessories Head up Tilt Table; TM flow system; 21 Bicycle Ergometer with data recording Speed independent; Braking principle: Eddy current; workload and RPM analog meter or digital display, with high load accuracy; Racing saddle, handlebars and toe clips with variable position options; Wingate up to 2000 Watts; Workload Programmer; digital timer with alarm safety switch for stopping & reversing the motion. ELECTRICAL POWER connection available, Optional are Blood Pressure & Pedal Force Measurement, Heart rate signal, Double connected handlebar, Zero watt start-up, Pediatric seat, cranks and pedals Basal Metabolic Rate Apparatus / Benedict Roth apparatus with recording paper Six litre capacity, Spirometer has been provided with a unit of 4-speed electric recording Kymograph with gravity writing ink-pen; Easily accessible valves, soda-lime container with screw connections in central chamber drain cocks to all tubes and containers. Sampling cock provided for connecting the patient to Spirometer or atmosphere 22 23 Human Non invasive BP Recorder (finger set-up) System for continuous, beat-to-beat, blood pressure signal recording from the fingers, using double finger cuff; small, medium, and large size cuff; measured parameters BP, SBP, dBP, mBP, and PR plus hemodynamic parameters CO, CI, SV,SI, SVR, and SVRI with PPV, SVV 24 Pen recording Spirometer Lightweight, Perfectly Counterpoised stainless steel Bell, housed in a brass/stainless steel cylinder with brass interior fittings and piping; counterweight travelling over two lightweight pulleys by a chain. This counterweight fits in a calibrated tube; On the bottom of the counterweight is a marker which holds a pen arm and disposable cartridge pen for recording on the kymograph. Recording Device is a 4-speed kymograph with a crystal-controlled electronic drive is mounted on the base of the Spirometer. The four chart speeds are 25, 150, 600 and 1200 mm per minute. Other accessories are one-way valve, 3 mouth pieces, 2 nose clips, 100 sheets kymograph paper, color-indicating absorbent (3 kg), 6 disposable pen cartridges, pen arm, and thermometer Translated text 25 Metronome Tempo range: 30 bpm to 252 bpm; Tempo settings: pendulum step, FULL step, TAP tempo: Beat range: different kinds available (0 to 9 beats, duplets, triplets, triplet with inner beat omitted, quadruplets,) Tempo accuracy: +/-0.2%; Tone accuracy: under 1cent; Connections-Phone jack, Dynamic speaker, batteries powered 16-Channels Computerised digital data acquisition system having provision to record independently EEG, EMG, EOG,GSR respiration, Pulse, BP, Volume, Force etc. with sampling rate 1024 samples/sec; amplifier- universal AC/DC; Sensitivity - 1 to 1500 µV/mm; Pass filter-0.1 to 100 Hz; sweep speed -0.05-100 mm/sec.; Input impedance > 10 GQ; CMRR > 80 dB; with cable, Junction Box, EEG/ EMG Electrodes, ECG Electrodes, Pulse Transducer, Phono Cardiogram Transducer, Skin Temperature Transducer, Galvanic Skin Response Transducer, Pressure Transducer, Muscle Activity/Force Transducers, Volume Transducer; with CPU Processor 17, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, DVD R/W, USB 2.0; Monitor 17 coloured supporting 1024 X 768 mode; Printer - Windows supporting laser jet Color Printer, Operating System: Window 10. 26 Polygraph 16 Channel 27 Peak flowmeter Material ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) Plastic Flow Meter with cardboard mouthpieces; Temperature resistance (°C) -10 to +50°C; Storage temperature (°C) 0 to +50°C; Measurement range 50-800L/min;Accuracy Above +/- 10 L/min or +/-10% of the measurement; Reproducibility Above +/- 5 L/min or +/-5% of the measurement; Leakage resistance; Frequency response Difference between A/B profiles below 15 1/min/15%

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