
E-Tender For Rate Contract For Medical Laboratory Blood Testing Outsource Service (Part-2) For U N Mehta Institute Of Cardiology And Research Centre (Affiliated To B. J. Medical College & Nabh Accredited) Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.- Jacobsen Syndrome (Jbs, Asarwa-Gujarat

U N Mehta Institute Of Cardiology & Research Center has published E-Tender For Rate Contract For Medical Laboratory Blood Testing Outsource Service (Part-2) For U N Mehta Institute Of Cardiology And Research Centre (Affiliated To B. J. Medical College & Nabh Accredited) Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.- Jacobsen Syndrome (Jbs. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-01-2024. Nucleic Acid Extraction Kits Tenders in Asarwa Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : E-Tender For Rate Contract For Medical Laboratory Blood Testing Outsource Service (Part-2) For U N Mehta Institute Of Cardiology And Research Centre (Affiliated To B. J. Medical College & Nabh Accredited) Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.- Jacobsen Syndrome (Jbs
Open Tender

Tender Details

E-Tender For Rate Contract For Medical Laboratory Blood Testing Outsource Service (Part-2) For U N Mehta Institute Of Cardiology And Research Centre (Affiliated To B. J. Medical College & Nabh Accredited) Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.- Jacobsen Syndrome (Jbs),Jak2 Panel,Jak2 V617f Mutation By Pcr,Jak2 V617f Mutation By Sanger,Jak2 V617f With Reflex To Exon 12,Jc Virus Qualitative,Jo-1 Antibody,Joubert And Meckel-Gruber Syndromes Panel-18 Genes,Joubert Syndrome (Jbts) Panel,Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome - Bmpr1a, Smad4,Juvenile Polyposis Syndrome (Jps),Kabuki Syndrome (Kabuk) Panel,Kabuki Syndrome Panel - Kdm6a, Kmt2d,Kallmann Syndrome 1 (Kal1),Kappa Light Chain,Karyotype - Amniotic Fluid,Karyotype - Bone Marrow,Karyotype - Peripheral Blood (Couple),Karyotype - Peripheral Blood (Husband),Karyotype - Peripheral Blood (Single),Karyotype - Products Of Conception,Karyotype Chorionic Villus Sampling,Karyotype Peripheral Blood For Hematological Malignancy,Ki 67 (Ihc Marker),Kit And Pdgfra Mutation Panel,Kit Mutations,Kleefstra Syndrome,Klinefelter Syndrome,Koh Examination For Csf,Koh Preparation For Fungus,Koolen-De Vries Syndrome (Kdvs),Krabbe Disease Test - Galc,L1 Syndrome,Lacosamide Level,Lactate Level,Lactate Level (Csf),Lambda Light Chain,Lamotrigine Level,Lap Score,Lbc Pap + Pcr Hpv Dna,Lbc Pap Smear,Ldh Fluid,Ldh Isoenzymes,Ldh Serum,Ldl Cholesterol (Direct),Lead Urine Spot,Lead Level,Lead Level In Liver Biopsy,Left Ventricular Noncompaction Panel (Lvnc): Actc1, Dsp, Hcn4, Lamp2, Lm Na, Mybpc3, Myh7pln, Ryr2, Scn5a, Taz, Tnni3, Tnnt2, Tp M1, Vcl, Dtna, Ldb3, Prdm16,Lft- Liver Function Test (Sgpt, Sgot, Billirubin Total And Direct, Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Ag Ratio),Legionella Igm,Legionella Pneumophila Ag Urine,Legionella Urinary Antigen,Leigh Syndrome - Ndufs8,Leigh Syndrome (Ls),Leigh Syndrome, X-Linked,Leismania Igg (Ho),Leismania Igm (Ho),Leptin Serum,Leptospira By Pcr,Leptospira Detection By Smear Examination,Leptospira Igg,Leptospira Igm,Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis (Lwd),Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome (Lns),Leucocyte Adhesion Defect (Lad),Leukodystrophy, Demyelinating, Adult Onset, Autosomal Dominant (Adld),Levetiracetam,Lh,Li-Fraumeni Syndrome - Tp53,Ligase Iv Syndrome Test - Lig4,Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Panel - 31 Genes,Lipase,Lipase Fluid,Lipid Profile,Lipoprotein (A),Liquid Biopsy-Somatic Cancer Panel,Liquid Egfr,Lissencephaly (Lis) Panel,Lissencephaly, X-Linked (Lisx) Panel,Lithium,Liver Profile By Immunoblot,Lkm 1 Antibody By If,Lkm Antibodies Elisa,Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Panel- Smad3, Tgfb2, Tgfbr1, Tgfbr 2, Fbn1, Tgfb3,Long Qt Syndrome Panel - Akap9, Ank2, Cacna1c, Cav3, Kcne1, Kcne2, Kcnh2, Kcnj2, Kcnj5, Kcnq1, Scn4b, Scn5a, Snta1,Lowe Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome (Ocrl),Lp (A) (Lipoprotein A),Lubs X-Linked Mental Retardation Syndrome (Mrxsl),Lujan Syndrome Test - Med12,Lung Adenocarcinoma - Braf,Lung Adenocarcinoma - Egfr By Arms Pcr,Lung Adenocarcinoma - Egfrby Sanger,Lung Adenocarcinoma - Kras,Lung Cancer Panel-Somatic Mutations (Egfr, Kras, Braf),Lung Cancer Targeted Gene Panel (Egfr Kras Braf Met Erbb2 Alk1 Ros1),Lupus Anticoagulant (La),Lyme Disease ( Borrelia Burgdorferi Igm & Igg ),Lymphocyte Subset Analysis,Lymphoproliferative Syndrome, X-Linked, 1 (Xlp1),Lynch Syndrome - Mlh1, Msh2, Msh6, Pms2 (Offered As Single Gene If There Is A Kfm Or If There?S Ihc Negative Staining),Lynch Syndrome Panel - Epcam, Mlh1, Msh2, Msh6, Mutyh, Pms2,Macrocephaly/Autism Syndrome,Magnesium,Magnesium 24 Hour Urine,Magnesium Urine Spot,Malaria Parasites,Malarial Antigen (Rapid Card) Test,Malignant Hyperthermia Susceptibility Panel- Cacna1s, Ryr1,Mandibulofacial Dysostosis, Guion-Almeida Type,Manganese Level,Maple Syrup Urine Disease Panel-Bckdha, Bckdhb, Dbt,Marfan Syndrome (Mfs),Mcad Common Mutation Analysis-Acadm,Mdr And Xdr,Mdr And Xdr - Tb Rapid Genotyping Test,Mdr Tb Rapid Genotyping Test 1St Line (Inh & Rifampicin) Lpa,Mdr Tb Rapid Genotyping Test 1St Line(Inh And Rifampicin),Mds Kt+Fish Panel (Karyotyping Fish Del 5Q Del 7Q Del 20Q Cep 8),Measels (Rubeola) Antibody Igg,Measels (Rubeola) Antibody Igm,Measles (Rubeola) Igg Antibody,Melanoma Panel - 11 Genes,Melanoma-Pancreatic Cancer Syndrome Panel -Cdk4, Cdkn2a,Meningitis (Viral) Profile Igg & Igm By Clia,Mercury Blood By Icpms,Metabolic Disorder Panel,Metabolic Study For Stone,Metachondromatosis (Metcds),Metachromatic Leukodystrophy Test -Arsa, Aspa, Galc, Hexa, Hexb,Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (Mld),Metagenome_Db (Metagenome Genome Database),Metanephrine - Free Plasma,Metanephrine 24 Hour Urine,Metatranscriptome Sequencing & Analysis,Meth Haemoglobin,Methionine,Methotrexate,Methyl Malonic Acid Qualitative,Urine,Methylmalonic Acid Quantitative Serum,Methylmalonic Acidemia Panel - Mmaa, Mmab, Mmachc, Mm Adhc, Mut,Mgmt Methylation Test,Mic By E Strip,Micophthalmia, Syndromic (Mcops) Panel,Microalbumin,Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio Urine,Microarray - Product Of Conception,Microarray 315K,Microarray 315K Prenatal With Mcc,Microarray 750K,Microarray 750K Prenatal With Mcc,Microbial Identification Contig (Mid-C),Microbial Identification Report (Mid-R),Microbial Identification Sequence (Mid-S),Microfilaria Antibody By Card,Microfilaria By Ps,Microfilaria By Smear,Microfilaria Detection By Card,Microsatellite (Per Well Tube/Reaction) (Sample-4),Microsatellite Instability (Msi),Microvascular Complications Of Diabetes 1 (Mvcd1),Miller-Dieker Lissencephaly Syndrome (Mdls),Minimal Residual Disease By Flow Cytometry,Mitochondrial Disease Panel (37 Genes),Mll (Mixed Lineage Leukemia Gene (Mll),Mlst-01 (Multilocus Sequence Typing (Mlst),Mm Fish And Karyotyping Panel,Mm Fish Panel,Modified Acid Fast Stain,Modified Zn Stain,Mog Panel,Mog With Nmo Panel Csf,Mog With Nmo Panel Seum,Mohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome (Mts),Monomeric Prolactin,Monomeric Prolactin (Active Prolactin),Mowat-Wilson Syndrome (Mows),Mp By Card Method,Mpl W 515/S 505 Mutation Analysis,Ms-Mlpa,Mtb Pcr,Mtb/Ntm Pcr,Mtb-Mdr (Rif/Inh),Mtb-Xdr (Fluoroquinolones/ Injectable Drugs),Mthfr By Pcr,Mthfr By Sanger,Mucopolysaccharides (Mps) Qualitative Urine,Mucopolysaccharides (Mps) Screen,Mucopolysaccharides (Mps) Typing,Mucopolysaccharidosis Type 3 (Mps 3) Panel,Mucopolysaccharidosis Type Ii (Mps2),Mucopolysaccharidosis Type Ii Test - Ids,Mucor Racemosus - Specific Igg,Multi-Cancer Panel - 79 Genes,Multiminicore Disease Panel- Ryr1, Sepn1,Multiple Carboxylase Deficiency Panel -Btd, Hlcs,Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 1-Men1,Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 2-Ret,Multiple Myeloma Fish Panel(Del13q T(4;14) T(11;14) T(14;16) Del17p),Multiplex Pcr (15,17) (11,17)(5,17) For Aml,Mumps Antibody Igg,Mumps Antibody Igm,Muscular Dystrophy, Duchennetype (Dmd),Mustishk Stroke Panel,Mutyh-Associated Polyposis (Targeted),Mycoplasma Pneumonia Igg,Mycoplasma Pneumonia Igm,Mycoxpert,Myelodysplastic Syndrome/Leukemia Panel - 21 Genes,Myofibrillar Myopathy Panel- Bag3, Cryab, Des, Dnajb6, Fh L1, Flnc, Ldb3, Myot,Myoglobin Serum,Myotonia And Paramyotonia Congenita Panel (2 Genes),Myotonic Dystrophy Type-1,Myotonic Dystrophy Type-2,Myotubular Myopathy, X-Linked (Cnmx),Nablus Mask-Like Facial Syndrome (Nmlfs),Nail-Patella Syndrome (Nps),Nance-Horan Syndrome (Nhs),Nemaline Myopathy Panel - 10 Genes,Nephronophthisis 1 (Nphp1),Nephronophthisis Panel-12Genes,Nervous System/Brain Cancer Panel -39 Genes,Neugen Ihc Marker,Neurodegenration With Brain Iron Accumulation Panel (Upto 14 Genes),Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Test - Nf1,Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Test - Nf2,Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses Panel- Cln3, Cln5, Cln6, Cln8, Ctsd, Dnajc5, Kctd,7Mfsd8, Ppt1, Tpp1,Neuropathy, Hereditary, With Liability To Pressure Palsies (Hnpp),Neurotropic Virus Panel,Ngal (Netrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) Urine,Ngs Glycogen Storage Disease Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Mucopolysaccharidoses (Mps) Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Muscular Dystrophy Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Myopathy Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Dkc1 Dyskeratois Congenita And Shwachman -Diamond Sdbs,Ngs 161 Gene Ocav3 Assay ( Dna Mutations Cnvs Rna Fusions),Ngs 409 Gene Mutation Screening (Snv Indel) + Tmb,Ngs 546 Gene Oncomine Comprehensive Assay Plus (Dna Mutations Cnvs Rna Fusions Msi Tmb Hrr),Ngs Achromatopsia Cone And Cone-Rod Dystrophy,Ngs Adult Refsum Disease,Ngs Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome,Ngs Albinism,Ngs Alkaptonuria,Ngs Alport Syndrome,Ngs Alzheimer Dementia And Dementia,Ngs Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Als),Ngs Arrhythmia Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy,Ngs Arthrogryposis,Ngs Autism Panel,Ngs Bardet Biedl,Ngs Barter Syndrome,Ngs Biotinidase Deficiency,Ngs B-Negative Scid,Ngs Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome Gene Panel,Ngs B-Positive Scid,Ngs Brain Iron Accumulation Syndromes,Ngs Brain Malformations Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Brca 1 & 2 With Deletions/Duplications (Germline) (Ngs + Mlpa),Ngs Brca1 & 2 (Germline)Assay,Ngs Brca1 & 2 (Somatic)Assay,Ngs Breast Cancer,Ngs Brugada Syndrome,Ngs Cah Deletion & Duplication Detection,Ngs Canavan Disease,Ngs Cancer 12 Gene Panel,Ngs Cancer Hot Spot V2 Panel (50 Gene Mutations),Ngs Cancer Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Cardiomyopathy And Skeletal Muscle Disease,Ngs Cardiomyopathy Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Cardiomyopathy,Ngs Cerebellar Ataxia,Ngs Ceroid Lipofuscinosis,Ngs Charcot Marie Tooth Disease,Ngs Childhood-Onset Epilepsy,Ngs Ciliopathies,Ngs Combined Hereditary Dementia And Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Ngs Combined Mito Genome Plus Mito Nuclear Gene,Ngs Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia,Ngs Congenital Diserythropoetic Anaemia,Ngs Congenital Disorders Of Glycosylation,Ngs Congenital Muscular Dystrophy,Ngs Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome,Ngs Congenital Myopathy,Ngs Congenital Neutropenia,Ngs Cornelia De Lange Syndrome,Ngs Cortical Brain Malformations?,Ngs Cystic Fibrosis Complete Gene Sequencing (Cftr Gene),Ngs Cystinosis,Ngs Cystinuria,Ngs Dba (Diamond Blackfan Anaemia),Ngs Deafness Non-Syndromic Sensorineural Autosomal Dominant,Ngs Deafness Non-Syndromic Sensorineural Autosomal Recessive,Ngs Dilated Cardiomyopathy,Ngs Dmd Carrier Deletion/Duplication Testing By Mlpa,Ngs Dna Extraction And Storage For 5 Years,Ngs Dystonia,Ngs Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy,Ngs Epilepsy Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Episodic Ataxia,Ngs Eye Disorders: Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Fabry Disease,Ngs Familial Hlh(Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis),Ngs Familial Mediterranean Fever,Ngs Fanconi Anaemia,Ngs Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects,Ngs Female Infertility,Ngs Flecked-Retina Disorders,Ngs For Hereditary Hemolytic Anemia (Membranopathy And Enzymopathy),Ngs Galactosemia,Ngs Gene Panel Test,Ngs Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency,Ngs Glutaric Acidemia Type I,Ngs Glycine Encephalopathy,Ngs Gm2 Gangliosidosis,Ngs Hemochromatosis Hfe Full Gene Sequencing,Ngs Hemophilia A And B(Factor Viii And Factor Ix),Ngs Hereditary Cancer Panel (Germline),Ngs Hereditary Cancer Panel With Brca 1&2 Deletions/Duplications (Ngs + Mlpa),Ngs Hereditary Hemochromatosis,Ngs Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia,Ngs Hereditary Neuropathy Sequencing,Ngs Hereditary Parkinson?S Disease & Parkinsonism,Ngs Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia,Ngs Hereditary Thrombophilia,Ngs High Resolution Hla Typing,Ngs High Resolution Hla Typing (Histogenetics),Ngs Homocystinuria,Ngs Hrd Gene Panel,Ngs Hrr Gene Panel,Ngs Hyper-Ige Syndromes,Ngs Hyperphenylalaninemia,Ngs Hyperprolinemia,Ngs Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,Ngs Infantile Epilepsy,Ngs Joubert And Meckel-Gruber Syndromes,Ngs Krabbe Disease,Ngs Limb Malformation: Sequencing,Ngs Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy: Sequencing,Ngs Lissencephaly,Ngs Liver Glycogen Storage Disease,Ngs Long Qt Syndrome,Ngs Lung Cancer 12 Gene Panel,Ngs Lysosomal Storage Disorders Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Macular Dystrophy/Degeneration/Stargardt Disease,Ngs Male Ifertility,Ngs Maple Syrup Urine Disease,Ngs Marfan Syndrome,Ngs Maternal Cell Contamination,Ngs Metachromatic Leukodystrophy,Ngs Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia/Coloboma Spectrum,Ngs Mitochondrial Encephalopathy/ Leigh Syndrome Nuclear Gene,Ngs Mitochondrial Nuclear Gene Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Mody Panel,Ngs Mucolipidosis,Ngs Myoclonic Dystonia,Ngs Nephrotic Syndrome Gene Panel,Ngs Neuromuscular Disorders Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Neuropathies Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Neurotransmitter Disorders,Ngs Niemann-Pick Disease Types A And B,Ngs Niemann-Pick Type C,Ngs Non Ketotic Hyperglycinemia,Ngs Noonan And Rasopathies,Ngs Obesity Panel,Ngs Omixome Duos (Ces+Mtdna+Cnv),Ngs Omixome Solo (Ces+Mtdna+Cnv),Ngs Omixome Trios (Ces+Mtdna+Cnv),Ngs Oncomine Cftna Lung Assay (Dna+Rna),Ngs Oncomine Cftna Pan Cancer Assay (Dna+Rna),Ngs Oncomine Focus Assay (52 Genes Dna Mutations Cnvs Rna Fusions),Ngs Oncomine Myeloid V2 Gx Dna Only Assay,Ngs Oncomine Myeloid V2 Gx Rna Only Assay,Ngs Oncomine Myeloid V2gx Assay,Ngs Oncomine Precison Gx Assay (Dna Mutations Cnvs Rna Fusions)(Liquid Biopsy),Ngs Oncomine Precison Gx Assay (Dna Mutations Cnvs Rna Fusions),Ngs Oncomine Tumour Mutation Burden,Ngs Organic Acidemias,Ngs Overgrowth And Macrocephaly Syndromes,Ngs Periodic Fever Syndromes,Ngs Polycystic Kidney,Ngs Pompe Disease,Ngs Pontocerebellar Hypoplasia,Ngs Premature Ovarian Failure: Sequencing And Fmr1 Cgg Repeat Analysis,Ngs Prenatal Noonan Spectrum Disorders,Ngs Prenatal Omixome(Ces+Mtdna+Cnv) + Mcc,Ngs Prenatal Uniexome(Whole Exome +Mtdna+Cnv) + Mcc,Ngs Primary Hyperoxiluria,Ngs Primary Immunodeficiency Gene Panel,Ngs Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (Peo)/Optic Atrophy Nuclear Genes,Ngs Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy,Ngs Propionic Acidemia,Ngs Pulmonary Disease: Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Pulmonary Fibrosis And Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome,Ngs Pulmonary Hypertension,Ngs Reanalysis And Reinterp (Panel Exome),Ngs Retina/Photoreceptor Dystrophy,Ngs Retinitis Pigmentosa,Ngs Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Spectrum,Ngs Sandhoff Disease,Ngs Scid Comprehensive Panel,Ngs Segregation Analysis For 2 Mutations In One Patient,Ngs Segregation Analysis One Mutation For Two Family Members,Ngs Segregation Analysis Only Per Mutation Per Person,Ngs Short Qt Syndrome,Ngs Single Gene (Snv+Cnv),Ngs Skeletal Dysplasia With Increased Bone Density,Ngs Sma By Mlpa,Ngs Sma Carrier Testing By Mlpa,Ngs Sudden Cardiac Arrest (Sca),Ngs Tay-Sachs Disease,Ngs Treachers Collins Syndrome,Ngs Tuberous Sclerosis,Ngs Typical And Atypical Hus,Ngs Tyrosinemia,Ngs Unicad Nipt 5 Chromosomes,Ngs Uniexome Duos (Whole Exome +Mtdna+Cnv),Ngs Uniexome Solo (Whole Exome +Mtdna+Cnv),Ngs Uniexome Trios(Whole Exome +Mtdna+Cnv),Ngs Unifusion Seq Assay,Ngs Unipanel(Ask Us For Customized Panel) Snv+Cnv,Ngs Urea Cycle Disorders,Ngs Usher Syndrome,Ngs Waardenburg Syndrome,Ngs Wilson Disease,Ngs X Linked Thrombocytopenia,Ngs Zellweger Spectrum Disorder,Ngs Zellweger Syndrome,Nicotine Level / Cotinine Level (Urine),Nicotine Metabolite, Serum,Niemann-Pick Type C Panel - Npc1, Npc2,Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome Test,Nk Cell (Cd16 + Cd56),Nk Cell (Cd16 + Cd56),Nmda Antibody Csf,Nmda Antibody Serum,Nmda Receptor Antibody (Nr1),Nmo With Mog Antibody Profile For Csf,Nocardia Culture,Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (Nipt),Noonan Syndrome (Ns) Panel,Noonan Syndrome Panel- A2ml1, Braf, Cbl, Kras, Map2 K1, Map2k2, Nras,Ptpn11, Ra F1, Rit1, Shoc2, Sos1, Actb,Noonan Syndrome With Multiple Lentigines Panel - Braf, Ptpn11, Raf1,Nor Metanephrine - Free Plasma,Nor-Metanephrine 24 Hour Urine,Notch3 Mutations,Npm1 (Nucleophosmin Gene (Npm1),Nras (Neuroblastoma Ras Viral Oncogene Homolog),Ns 1 Dengue Antigen (Rapid),Nse - Neuron Specific Enolase,Nse Serum,Nt- Probnp,Nystagmus, Infantile Periodic Alternating, X-Linked (Nys1),Obesity, Severe,Occipital Horn Syndrome (Ohs),Occult Blood -Stool,Oculacutaneous Albinism, Type Ii (Oca2),Oculo-Facio-Cardio-Dental Syndrome Test -Bcor,Oligoclonal Band Csf,Oligodontia-Colorectal Cancer Syndrome Test - Axin2,Opa Plus (Ngs Oncomine Precision Assay + Sbrca),Opitz Gbbb Syndrome, X-Linked,Opportunistic Infection Panel,Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome, Type 1 Test - Ofd1,Organic Acidemias Panel-31 Genes,Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency,Orofaciodigital Syndrome I (Ofd1),Osmolality Serum,Osmolality Urine,Osmotic Fragility Test,Osteogenesis Imperfecta Panel- Col1a1, Col1a2, Crtap, P3h1,Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type Ii (Oi2),Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Type Iv,Otofaciocervical Syndrome 1 (Ofc1),Oxalate 24 Hour Urine,P1np,P1np (Procollagen Type 1 Amino Terminal Propeptide) Total,P24 Antigen,Pallister-Hall Syndrome (Phs),Pallister-Killian Syndrome (Pks),P-Anca (Mpo) By Elisa,Pap Smear Staining And Reporting,Pap Smear Staining And Reporting,Pap Smear Liquid Based Cytology (Lbc),Papp-A (Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A),Para Neoplastic Profile(Neuronal Antigens Profile),Paracetamol,Parietal Foramina 1 (Pfm),Parvovirus B19 Igg,Parvovirus B19 Igm,Parvovirus B19, Qualitative Pcr,Pas (Periodic Acid Schif) Stain,Patau Syndrome,Paternity Test,Pcr Chlamydia Trachomatis & Gonorrhoeae Combo Panel,Pcr Genital Ulcer Disease Panel,Pcr Viral Eye Infection Panel,Pcr Abl Kinase Mutation For Imatinib Resistance (Irma),Pcr Adeno Virus - Qualitative,Pcr Adeno Virus - Quantitative,Pcr Adrb2 Genotyping,Pcr Alpha Thalassemia Complete Work-Up,Pcr Alpha Thalassemia Deletions/Duplication (Mlpa),Pcr Alpha Thalassemia Sequencing,Pcr Aml1/Eto T(8:21),Pcr Apc Gene Mutation - Family Screening,Pcr Apc Gene Mutation - Patient,Pcr Aspergillus Spp. Detection,Pcr B Cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement,Pcr Bacterial Identification (Clinical Sample),Pcr Basic Colorectal Cancer Panel A (Kras Nras Brafv600e Msi),Pcr Basic Colorectal Cancer Panel B (Kras Nras Brafv600e),Pcr Bcr Abl Minor Quantitative (P190),Pcr Bcr Abl(Is) Quantitative (P210),Pcr Bcr/Abl Qualitative Major (P210),Pcr Bcr/Abl Qualitative Minor (P190),Pcr Bcr-Abl1 Qualitative (P190 P210 & P230),Pcr Beta Thalassemia,Pcr Beta Thalassemia Complete Work-Up,Pcr Bk Virus (Qualitative),Pcr Bk Virus (Quantitative),Pcr Braf V600e Mutation,Pcr C Kit Gene Mutation (Exon 9 11 13 17) (Gist/Melanoma),Pcr Cal R Mutation,Pcr Cbfb/Myh11 For Inv16,Pcr Cebpa Mutation,Pcr Chikungunya And Dengue (Qualitative),Pcr Chikungunya Rna (Qualitative),Pcr Chikungunya Rna (Quantitative),Pcr Chimerism - Follow Up Sample ( Post-Transplant Patient),Pcr Chimerism (Single Sample),Pcr Chlamydia Trachomatis,Pcr C-Kit Aml (Exon 8 17),Pcr Cmv - Urine,Pcr Cmv (Qualitative),Pcr Cmv Quantitative,Pcr Covid 19,Pcr Cxcr4 Mutation Testing,Pcr Cyp2c*19 (Clopidogrel),Pcr Cyp3a5 Genotyping,Pcr Cystic Fibrosis,Pcr Delta-Beta Thalassemia,Pcr Dengue (Qualitative),Pcr Dengue (Quantitative),Pcr Dengue Typing,Pcr Dnmt3a Mutation,Pcr Dpd Gene Mutation,Pcr Duchenne / Becker Muscular Dystrophy (Dmd/Bmd),Pcr E2/Pbx1 T(1;19),Pcr Ebv Qualitative,Pcr Ebv Quantitative,Pcr Egfr (Exon 18 19 20 21) Mutation,Pcr Egfr (Exon 19) Mutation,Pcr Egfr (Exon 21) Mutation,Pcr Endometrial Cancer Molecular Sub Classification Panel,Pcr Factor V Leiden Mutation,Pcr Fip1l1 - Pdgfra Fusion Detection,Pcr Flt - 3 Mutation,Pcr Flt-3 (Itd & Tkd) Mutation,Pcr Flt3 And Npm1 Mutation,Pcr Flt3-Itd Allelic Ratio,Pcr Freidreichs Ataxia Mutation Analysis,Pcr Fungal Identification (Clinical Sample),Pcr Galt Mutation,Pcr Gist Panel (Kit (Exon9 11 13 17)/Pdgfra (Exon12 18),Pcr Gonorrhoeae (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae),Pcr Hbv Dna Qualitative,Pcr Hbv Dna Quantitative (Viral Load),Pcr Hbv Dna Quantitative (Viral Load) - Ivd Approved,Pcr Hbv Genotyping,Pcr Hcv Genotyping,Pcr Hcv Quantitative With Genotyping,Pcr Hcv Rna (Qualitative),Pcr Hcv Rna (Quantitative),Pcr Hemophilia - A Inversion Panel (Intron 22 & 1),Pcr Hemophilia A (Intron 1),Pcr Hemophilia A (Intron 22),Pcr Hepatitis A Virus (Hav) Detection (Qualitative),Pcr Hfe Gene Mutation (Hereditary Hemochromatosis ),Pcr Hhv-6 (Human Herpesvirus 6) Detection - Qualitative,Pcr Hhv-7 (Human Herpesvirus 7) Detection - Qualitative,Pcr Hiv - I Proviral Dna,Pcr Hiv - I Qualitative,Pcr Hiv - I Quantitative (Viral Load),Pcr Hiv -Ii Quantitative (Viral Load),Pcr Hiv-1 Drug Resistance,Pcr Hla B,Pcr Hla B*5701,Pcr Hla B27,Pcr Hla B51 (Bechets Disease),Pcr Hla Celiac Disease,Pcr Hla-Cw6(C*06- Psoriatic Arthritis),Pcr Hpv Dna (Ffpe Block),Pcr Hpv Dna (Lbc),Pcr Hpv Screening,Pcr Hpv Typing,Pcr H-Ras Mutation,Pcr Hsv Qualitative,Pcr Hsv Quantitative,Pcr Huntington Disease Mutation Analysis,Pcr Idh 1/2 Mutation,Pcr Igvh Mutation,Pcr Jak 2 Panel [Jak2v617f & Jak2 Exon 12 Mutation],Pcr Jak2 (V617f) Mutation,Pcr Jak2 Exon 12 Mutation,Pcr Jak2 Reflex Panel ( Jak V617f Negative To Exon 12 Mutation),Pcr Japanes Encephalitis - Csf,Pcr Jc Virus Qualitative,Pcr Kit Gene Mutation (Exon 9 11 13 17) (Gist/Melanoma),Pcr K-Ras Mutation,Pcr Leptospira Detection,Pcr Lpl Panel (Myd88 + Cxcr4),Pcr Malaria (Plasmodium) Detection,Pcr Mgmt Methylation Assay,Pcr Microsatelite Instability In Colon Cancer,Pcr Mll/Af4 T(4:11),Pcr Mpl Mutation,Pcr Mpn Reflex Panel 1 (Bcr-Abl1 Ql Jak2v617f Jak2 Exon 12 Calr Mpl),Pcr Mpn Reflex Panel 2 ( Jak2v617f Jak2 Exon 12 Calr Mpl),Pcr Mpn Reflex Panel 3 ( Jak2v617f Calr Mpl),Pcr Mpn Sure Panel(Bcrabl Ql Jak2v617f Jak2ex12 Mpl Calr),Pcr Mthfr Mutation,Pcr Mucormycosis,Pcr Myd88 Gene Mutation,Pcr Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 ( Dmpk Gene),Pcr Narcolepsy (Hla Drb1*15 Dqb1*06:02 Dqa1*01:02),Pcr Npm-1 Mutation,Pcr N-Ras Mutation,Pcr Nudt15 Genotyping,Pcr Pai 1 Genotyping,Pcr Parvovirus- B 19 - Qualitative,Pcr Parvovirus- B 19 - Quantitative,Pcr Pdgfr Mutation,Pcr Pdgfra (Exon 12 18) Mutation,Pcr Pik3ca Mutation,Pcr Pml/Rara T(15;17) - Qualitative,Pcr Pml/Rara T(15;17) - Quantitative,Pcr Pmp 22 ( Peripheral Myelin Protein 22) By Mlpa,Pcr Pneumocystis Pneumonia (Pcp),Pcr Pole Gene Mutation Analysis (Sequencing),Pcr Primary Chimerism ( Pre Transplant Patient & Donor),Pcr Prothrombin Mutation,Pcr Respiratory Pathogen Panel: Multiplex Rt-Pcr,Pcr Ret Gene Mutation Testing (Exon - 10 11 13 14 15 16),Pcr Rickettsia Detection,Pcr Rubella Detection,Pcr Salmonella Detection,Pcr Sca Detection - Single Form,Pcr Sma (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) By Mlpa,Pcr Spinal Cerebral Ataxia ( Sca Panel 1 2 3 6 7 & 12),Pcr Std (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Panel,Pcr T Cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement,Pcr T(8;21)Aml-Eto Quantitative Assay,Pcr Tb/Ntm Detection,Pcr Tel/Aml1 T(12:21),Pcr Tert Gene Mutation Testing,Pcr Thalassemia Complete Work-Up,Pcr Thiopurine Toxicity Genotyping (Tpmt + Nudt15 Genotyping),Pcr Thrombophilia Mutation,Pcr Torch Panel,Pcr Toxoplasma Detection,Pcr Tp53 Gene Mutation Analysis,Pcr Tpmt Genotyping,Pcr Transplant Pathogen Mini Panel A,Pcr Transplant Pathogen Mini Panel B,Pcr Transplant Pathogen Mini Panel C,Pcr Transplant Pathogen Mini Panel D,Pcr Transplant Pathogen Panel (13 Pathogens),Pcr Tropical Fever Panel,Pcr Ugtia1 Mutation,Pcr Varicella Zoster Virus,Pcr Vesicular Rash Panel,Pcr Viral Meningitis - Qualitative,Pcr Warfarin Sensitivity,Pcr West Nile Virus Detection,Pcr Y Chromosome Microdeletion,Pcr Zika Virus Rna (Qualitative),Pcwh Syndrome (Pcwh),Pdgfra Mutations,Pdl 1 By Immunohistochemistry,Pediatric Hematologic Malignancies Panel - 16 Genes,Pediatric Nervous System/Brain Tumors Panel - 32 Genes,Pediatric Solid Tumors Panel - 47 Genes,Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease (Pmd),Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-Like Disease - Gjc2,Penicillium Chrysogenum - Specific Igg,Periodic Fever Syndromes Panel- Lpin2, Mefv, Mvk, Nlrp3, Pst Pip1, Tnfrsf1a,Peripheral Smear Study,Perlman Syndrome Test - Dis3l2,Pesticide (Qualitative) - Gastric Lavage Wadaj,Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome - Stk11,Ph For Fluid,Phadia - Extended Eczema Panel,Phadia - Extended Rhinitis/Asthma Panel.,Phadia - Generalized Comprehensive Panel.,Phadia - Non Veg. Food Panel,Phadia - Veg. Food Panel,Phadia -Comprehensive Food Panel (Veg. And Non Veg,Phadia-Generalized Comprehensive Panel.(Veg Food),Phadiatop Adult Allergy Screening,Phadiatop Infant Allergy Screening,Phadiatop Infant( ≪5 Year) Ige,Phelan-Mcdermid Syndrome,Phenobarbitone,Phenol Level - Urine,Phenothiazines (Qualitative) - Urine,Phenylalanine Quantitative Plasma,Phenytoin (Eptoin/Epsolin/Dilantin),Pheochromocytoma Marker Profile,Phosphorus,Phosphorus 24 Hour Urine,Pigeon Serum Protein Feather & Droppings Igg,Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome (Pths),Pituitary Hormone Deficiency, Combined, 4 (Cphd4),Pivka-Ii,Pivka-Ii (Dcp),Pla2 Receptor Ab By Elisa,Pla2 Receptor Antibody Quantitative,Plasma Renin Activity,Platelet Count (Fluorescent),Platelet Gp Receptor (Gpiib/Iiia And Gp Ib) Study By Flowcytometry,Platinum,Pleural Fluid Analysis,Pml/Rara,Pml-Rara Qualitative By Real- Time Pcr,Pml-Rara Quantification By Real-Time Pcr,Pneumo Slide Panel,Pneumocystis Carinii Detection,Pneumoslide Panel By Ifa Igm,Pnh By Flaer Method,Pnh By Flow (Flaer),Pompe Disease Test - Gaa, Lamp2,Porphobilinogen Urine,Porphyria Profile (Porphobillinogen + Ala),Posaconazole Level,Potassium (K+),Potassium 24 Hour Urine,Potocki-Lupski Syndrome (Ptls),Potocki-Shaffer Syndrome (Pss),Prader?Willi Syndrome (Pws),Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome Methylation-Specific Deletion/Duplication Analysis(Ms Mlpa),Pregnancy Test ( Upt ),Pregnenolone,Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (1 Embryo) Extended,Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (1 Embryo) Stat,Prenatal Dmd (26 Exons); With Maternal Cell Contamination Analysis,Prenatal Fish For 13 18 21 X & Y Abnormalities,Prenatal Karyotype & Fish,Prenatal Karyotyping,Prenatal Karyotyping Product Of Conception(Poc),Prenatal Spinal Muscular Atrophy; With Maternal Cell Contamination Analysis,Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Panel- 30 Genes,Pro Calcitonin(Pct),Product Of Conception - Fish,Product Of Conception - Ngs,Progesterone,Prolactin,Propionic Acidemia Panel - Pcca, Pccb,Prostate Cancer Panel - 12 Genes,Protein 24 Hour Urine,Protein C,Protein C Deficiency Test - Proc,Protein Creatinine Ratio,Protein Electrophoresis,Protein S Deficiency Test - Pros1,Protein S(Free),Protein With A/G Ratio,Ps For Mp,Psa (Psa Free & Psa Total),Psa Total,Pt (Prothrombin Time),Pt (Prothrombin Time) & Aptt (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time),Pth (Parathyroid Hormone),Pthrp - Parathyroid Hormone Releated Peptide,Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Panel - Acvrl1, Bmpr2, Cav1, Eng, Kcna5, Smad9,Pulmonary Hypertension, Primary, 1(Pph1),Pus Routine Examination,Pyruvate,Pyruvate Dehydrogenase E1- Alpha Deficiency (Pdhad),Quadruple Marker,Ra Factor,Rabies Virus Antibodies,Ras Family (Kras, Hras, Nras),Rbc Folic Acid,Recombinant Chromosome 8 Syndrome,Recql4-Related Disorders Test,Reducing Substances Stool,Renal/Urinary Tract Cancer Panel - 29 Genes,Respiratory Syncytial Virus Iga,Ret Ptc Rearrangement,Reticulocyte Count (Automated),Retinitis Pigmentosa 2 (Rp2),Retinoblastoma Test - Rb1,Retinoschisis 1, X-Linked, Juvenile (Rs1),Rett And Angelman Syndromes And Related Disorders Panel (Upto 26 Genes),Rett Syndrome - Mecp2,Rett Syndrome, Congenital Variant,Reverse T3,Rft- Renal Function Test (Urea, Creatinine, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride),Rh Antibody Titre,Rhabdoid Tumor Predisposition Syndrome Panel - Smarca4, Smarcb1,Riboflavin Transporter Deficiency Neuronopathy Panel (2 Genes),Rifampicin By Hplc,Ripa (Ristocetin Induced Platelet Aggregation),Rna Sequencing & Analysis On Illumina Platforms (Sample - 35),Rna-Seq_Db (Rna-Seq Genome Database),Ros-1,Rota Virus Stool,Rota Virus Stool,Rpr (Vdrl),Rubella (German Measles) Avidity, Igg,Rubella Igg,Rubella Igm,Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome 1 (Rsts1),S.Typhi Igm By Card,Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome (Scs),Sandhoff Disease Test- Hexb, Hexa,Sanger Sequencing (Sample - 44),Sanger Sequencing (Sample -41),Sanger Sequencing (Sample -45),Sanger Sequencing Of Amplicons (Single Direction),Sarcoma Panel-40 Genes,Sbb (Sudan Black B) Stain,Sca 12,Sca 2,Sca 3,Sca 6,Schwannomatosis Test -Smarcb1, Nf2,Scl-70 Antibody,Scleroderma Diagnosis Panel,Scrap Material C/S,Scrub Typhus Igg By Card,Scrub Typhus Igm By Card,Scrub Typhus Igm By Elisa,Seizures, Benign Familial Neonatal, 1, And/Or Myokymia,Selenium Level,Semen Examination,Senior-Loken Syndrome Panel - Cep290, Iqcb1, Nphp1, Nphp4,Serotonin Serum,Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient (Saag),Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Panel - 19 Genes,Sex Growth Hormone,Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Shbg),Sgot,Sgpt,Short Qt Syndrome Panel - Cacna1c, Cacna2d1,)Cacnb2, Kcnh2, Kcnj2, Kcnq1,Sickle Cell Disease (Targeted) - 3 Genetic Variants,Sickle Cell Disease (Targeted)- 3 Genetic Variants; With Maternal Cell Contamination Analysis,Sickling Test,Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome Test-Gpc3,Simpson-Golabi-Behmel Syndrome, Type 1 (Sgbs1),Single Mutation Confirmation By Sanger Sequencing,Sirolimus Level,Skeletal Function Test,Skin Dif(Direct Immunofluorescence (Dif),Slide For Review (≫20 Slides + ≫20 Blocks),Slide For Review (1 Slide + 1 Block),Slide For Review (10-15 Slides + 10-15 Blocks),Slide For Review (16-20 Slides + 16-20 Blocks),Slide For Review (2 Slides + 2 Blocks),Slide For Review (3 Slides + 3 Blocks),Slide For Review (4 To 6 Slides + 4 To 6 Blocks),Slide For Review (5 Slides + 5 Blocks),Slide For Review (6 Slides + 6 Blocks),Slide For Review (7 To 9 Slides + 7 To 9 Blocks),Slit-Skin Smear Examination With Modifiled Acid Fast Stain,Sm Ab,Small Cell Carcinoma Of The Ovary (Hypercalcemic Type) Test-Smarca4,Small Fiber Neuropathy - Scn9a, Scn10a,Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (Slos),Smith-Magenis Syndrome (Sms),Snp-Det08 (Snp Detection In 500 Bases),Sodium (Na+),Sodium 24 Hour Urine,Sodium Urine,Soluble Transferrin Receptor Stfr,Somatic Mutation Panel 56 Genes,Sotos Syndrome 1 (Sotos1),Sotos Syndrome Test - Nsd1,Speech-Language Disorder 1 (Spch1),Sperm Dna Fragmentation,Spermatogenic Failure, Y-Linked (Spgfy) Panel,Spinal Muscular Atrophy By Mlpa,Spinal Muscular Atrophy Panel (2 Genes),Split Hand/Foot Malformation (Shfm) Panel,Sputum For Afb,Sputum For Cytology,Sputum For Eosinophil,Sputum Routine & Micro,Ss-A By Elisa,Ss-A/Ro (60 Kda 52 Kda),Ss-A/Ro (60 Kda),Ss-B By Elisa,Ss-B/La,Stem Cell Count(Cd-34 Count),Sterility Test For Biological Indicator,Sterility Test For Blood Product,Sterility Test For Water,Steroid Detection In Unknown Drug Powder,Stickler Syndrome (Stl) Panel,Stone Analysis,Stone Analysis By Automated Machine,Stool Antigen H.Pylori,Stool Examination,Stool Examination For Parasite,Stool For Hanging Drop,Stool For Vibrio Cholera,Stool Occult Blood,Streprococcus Pneumoniae (Pneumococcal) Ag Urine,Streptococcus Pneumoniae Antigen,Stress Cytogenetic (Fanconi Anemia),Strongyloidiasis Serology Serum By Eia,Str-Plate12 (Microsatellite Genotyping),Str-Rrp10 (Microsatellite Genotyping(Ready To Run)),Succinylacetone,Succinylacetone, Blood,Sucrose Lysis Test,Sudan Iii Stain For Fat In Stool,Sudan Iv Stain Stool,Swine Flu By Pcr,Syndromic Neurodevelopmental Epilepsy Panel - 16 Genes,Synovial Fluid Gram Z N Stain,Synovial Fluid Routine Examination,Synovial Fluid Uric Acid,Synpolydactyly 1(Spd1),Syphilis (Total) Antibodies,Syphilis Antibody,Systemic Scierosis Profile,T3,T4,Tacrolimus Level,Tamoxifen Sensitivity Test (Cyp2d6 Mutations),Tay-Sachs Disease Mutation Analysis - Hexa,Tb Gold,Tb Pcr By Gene Expert,Tb Pcr From Block,Tb Pcr From Tissue,Tb Pcr-Blood,Tb Pcr-Csf,Tb Pcr-Fluid,Tb Pcr-Urine,Tel/Aml1,Testosterone,Tetanus Toxoid Igg Antibodies,Tft- Thyroid Function Test Basic (T3, T4, Tsh),Tft- Thyroid Function Test Advance (Free T3, Free T4, Tsh),Thallium By Icpms,Theophylline,Thiopurine Metabolite,Thrombin Time,Thrombocytopenia, Paris- Trousseau Type (Tcpt),Thrombocytopenia-Absent Radius Syndrome (Tar),Thrombophilia Panel,Thrombophilia Panel (Mthfr, Factor V And Factor Ii) By Pcr,Thyroglobulin,Thyroid Cancer Panel-11 Genes,Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (Tsi),Thyroxine-Binding Globulin (Tbg) Level Serum,Timothy Syndrome-Cacna1c (Exon 1 Is Not Included In Deletion/ Duplication Analysis),Tissue Processing Block Cutting And Staining For 1St Block & Slide,2Nd Block Cutting And Slide Staining For Same Patient,Extra Slide Staining (H & E),Grossing Charges Per Sample,Tissue Transglutaminase Ttg- Dgp Screen,T-Lymphocyte Subset Analysis,Tms - Newborn Screening For Metabolic Disorder,Tms Extended (New Born Screening) Up To Six Month,Tnf-Alpha,Toe Syndactyly, Telecanthus, And Anogenital And Renal Malformation,Tooth Agenesis, Selective 3 (Sthag3),Torch 5 Parameters Igg,Torch 5 Parameters Igm,Torch Complex - 10 Parameter (Elisa ),Torch Complex - 8 Parameter (Elisa),Torch Panel Avidity Igg,Total Bilirubin,Total Iron Binding Capacity (Tibc),Total Protein Fluid,Total Protein Serum,Townes-Brocks Syndrome (Tbs),Townes-Brocks Syndrome Test - Sall1,Toxo - Igg,Toxo - Igm,Toxoplasma Avidity, Igg, Serum,Toxoplasma Dna Detection, Pcr,Tpha,Tpha,Csf,Tpmt Enzyme Activity,Tpmt Genotyping,Transferrin Level,Transferrin Saturation,Transplant -Donor Derived Cell Free Dna ; % Dd-Cfdna,Transplant -Hla Typing (A B C Drb1 Drb3 4 5 Dqab),Transplant -Hla Typing (A B Drb1),Transplant -Hla Typing For Patient And Donor,Transplant -Hla Typing Individual Locus (A/B/C/Dr/Dq),Transplant -Lymphocyte Cross Match Report (Cdc),Transplant -Panel Reactive Antibody Report (Pra) Class I & Ii Report,Transplant -Single Antigen Screen Test (Sa Qualitative- Class I Ii & Mic A),Transplant -Single Antigen Quantitative Test Report (Single Antigen Class I & Ii ),Transplant -T & B Cell Flow Cross Match (Fcxm) Report,Transthyretin Amyloidosis -Ttr,Treacher-Collins Syndrome 1 (Tcs1),Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome (Trps) Panel,Tricyclic Antidepressants (Tca),Triglyceride,Triglyceride Fluid,Triglyceride - Urine,Triple Marker,Triple X Syndrome,Trisomy 12,Trisomy 8,Troponin - T,Troponin I (High Sensitive) By Cmia,Troponin I (High Sensitive) By Clia,Tryptase,Tsh,Tsh Receptor Antibody,Ttg Iga,Ttg Igg,Ttg-Dgp Screen Test,Tuberculosis Culture,Tuberous Sclerosis (Tsc) Panel,Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Panel - Tsc1, Tsc2,Turner Syndrome,Type Vi Collagenopathy Panel - Col6a1, Col6a2, Col6a3,Typhi Dot By Card,Typhi Dot Igg,Typhi Dot Igm,U1rnp (Rnp) Ab,U1-Snrnp,Uibc,Ulnar-Mammary Syndrome (Ums),Unifungal Pcr,Uniseq-01 (Purified Plasmid/Pcr Product Sequencing Service),Uniseq-02 (R-E.Coli Clone Sequencing Service),Unstable Hb,Upt (Urine Pregnancy Test),Urea,Urea Clot Lysis Test,Urea Cycle Disorders Panel - Aldh18a1, Arg1, Asl, Ass1, Cp S1, Hmgcl, Oatotc, Slc25a13, Slc25a15,Urea Fluid,Urea Nitrogen 24 Hour Urine,Uric Acid 24 Hour Urine,Uric Acid Serum,Uric Acid Urine,Urine Afb,Urine Albumin,Urine Amino Acid Quantitative By Lcms,Urine Calcium,Urine Calcium Creatine Ratio,Urine Chloride,Urine Copper (Spot),Urine Cotinine (Nicotine) Level-By Card,Urine Cotinine By Hplc,Urine Creatinine (Random),Urine Drug Screen - Amphetamine,Urine Drug Screen - Barbiturate,Urine Drug Screen - Benzodiazepine,Urine Drug Screen - Cocaine/Benzoylecgonine,Urine Drug Screen - Marijuana,Urine Drug Screen - Methadone,Urine Drug Screen - Methamphetamine,Urine Drug Screen - Opiates/Morphine,Urine Drug Screen - Phencyclidine,Urine Drug Screen - Tetra Hydro Cannabinol,Urine Drug Screen (6 Drugs),Urine Drug Screen (9 Drugs),Urine Electrolytes (Random),Urine For Chyluria,Urine For Cytology,Urine For Eosinophil,Urine For Fat Globules,Urine For Haemoglobinuria,Urine For Heavy Metals,Urine For Phase Contrast Microscopy,Urine For Protein Electrophoresis,Urine For Reducing Substances,Urine For Specific Gravity,Urine Free Light Chain Assay,Urine Glucose,Urine Hemosiderin,Urine Immunofixation,Urine Kappa Light Chain,Urine Magnesium,Urine Myoglobin,Urine Organic Acid,Urine Ph,Urine Phosphorus(Random),Urine Porphobilinogen Qualitative,Urine Porphobillinogen - Quantitative (24 Hour),Urine Porphobillinogen - Quantitative (Spot),Urine Potassium,Urine Protein,Urine Protein Creatinine Ratio,Urine Protein Electrophoresis,Urine Rbc Morphology By Phase Contrasmicroscopy,Urine Routine Examination,Urine Uric Acid,Urine Uric Acid Creatinine Ratio,Urine Urobilinogen,Valproic Acid Level (Sodium Valporate),Van Der Woude Syndrome 1 (Vws1),Van Der Woude Syndrome Panel -Grhl3, Irf6,Vancomycin,Varicella Zoster Igg,Varicella Zoster Igm,Vdrl,Vdrl Csf,Velocardiofacial Syndrome (Vcfs),Vgkc Antibody Serum,Vgkc Antibody, Csf,Vitamin A,Vitamin B1,Vitamin B12,Vitamin B2,Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine),Vitamin C,Vitamin D,Vitamin D Gold (Covers Vitamin D2 Vitamin D3 & D),Vitamin E,Vitamin K,Vitamin K1,Vitek Cs Blood Aerobic With Vitek Automation,Vitek Cs Csf With Vitek Automation,Vitek Identification,Vitek Identification And Sensitivity,Vitek Sensitivity,Vizag One Marker,Vizag Pdl1(B7h1p),Vma 24 Hour Urine,Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome - Vhl By Pcr,Von Willebrand Disease (Vwd) -Test,Von Willebrand Factor (Vwf) Study,Von Willibrand Antigen,Voriconazole Level,Waardenburg Syndrome (Ws) Panel,Warfarin Sensitivity (Cyp2c9, Vkorc1),Was-Related Disorders Test,Weak Z N Stain,Weaver Syndrome Test - Ezh2,Weil Felix Test,Werner Syndrome Test - Wrn,Wet Mount Preparation,Whole Exome Sequencing,Widal,William Syndrome (7Q11.23),Williams-Beuren Region Duplication Syndrome,Wilms Tumor Panel- Dkn1c, Dis3l2, Gpc3, Wt1,Wilms Tumor, Aniridia, Genitourinary Anomalies And,Wilson Disease Test - Atp7b,Witkop Syndrome,Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome,Womens Hereditary Cancers (Hereditary Breast And Gynecologic Cancers) -22 Genes,Wt1-Related Disorders Test,X, Y Fish Panel,Xdr Tb Rapid Genotyping,Xdr Tb Rapid Genotyping Test 2Nd Line (Aminoglycosides/Fluoroquinol Ones/Capreomycin),Xdr Tb Rapid Genotyping Test 2Nd Line (Aminoglycosides/Fluoroquinolones/Capreomycin) Lpa,X-Inactivation, Familial Skewed,X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X- Ald),Xpert Hcv-Viral Load,Xpert Hiv Viral Load,Xpert Hiv-1 Quantitative Viral Load With Cd4 Count,Xpert Xdr Tb,Y Chromosome Microdeletion,Yersinia Culture-Stool,Yersinia Enterocolitica Antigen- Stool,Zika Virus Qualitative Pcr,Zinc Level,Znt8 (Zinc Transporter 8) Antibody Clia

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-01-2024 18-01-2024
2 28-12-2023 11-01-2024

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INR 100000.0 /-
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