
Tender For Various Construction Works, rohtak-Haryana

Forest Department has published Tender For Various Construction Works. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-12-2023. Road Work Tenders in rohtak Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Various Construction Works
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Various Construction Works- 1 Construction of CC path from service road to crocodile enclosure at Rohtak Zoo. 2 Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetaton, grass, brush wood, trees and sapling of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of 1m above ground level and removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50 m ioutside the prephery of the area closed 3 carriage of soil upto 28 km including loading/ unloading of soil 4 compaction of earth work 5 Earth work in exacavation in foundation, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil not exceeding 2 meters depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches stacking the exacavated soil clear from rthe excavated and subsequent filling around masonary in 15 cm layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within a lead of 50 m 6 CC 1:4:8 with stone aggregate size 40 mm in bed of path 7 CC 1:1.5:3 with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size for RCC work in slab 8 Cold twisted deformed bars for RCC worked where not included in the camp, rate of RCC included bending, binding and placing in position complete in all respect 9 CC 1:1.5:3 with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size in pavement runway path 10 Structural steel work in single fixed plate, including cutting, fixing in position and applying a primer coat approved steel primer all complete 11 Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical mens including stacking of servicable material and disposal unservicable material within 50m lead as pewr direction of enginer in charge in cement morter. 12 Providing and fixing ground level precast CC in Kerbs, edgings etc as per approval pattern and setting in position with Cement mortar 1:3, including the cost of required centering, shuttering complete 13 Partition in Ghariyal Pond at Rohtak Zoo 14 carriage of soil upto 28 km including loading/ unloading of soil 15 Compaction of earth work 16 CC 1:5:10 with stone aggregate size 40 mm in bed of path 17 CC 1:2:4 with stone aggreagate 20 m nominal size in pavement runway path 18 Construction of path from service patrh tp PM room at Rohtak zoo 19 Earth Work 20 Compaction of earth work 21 Providing and laying in CC of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering -all work below plinth level and up to floor IV level 1:4:8 22 Steel reinforcement for RCC work, where not included in the complete rate of RCC, including straighteneing, cutting, bending, placing in position, binding, wastage, overlaps, welded joints, sapcer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed steeln wire etc. 23 Providing and laying in CC of specified grade of RCC, excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement -all work upto plinth level. 24 Providing and laying in position CC of specified grade , excluding the cost of centering, shuttering -all work upto plinth level. 25 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc and removal of form for, lintels, beams, plinth beams, griders, bressumers sqm and cantilevers 26 Partition of lion enclosure at Rohtak Zoo 27 Site clearness with bouandry wall front, rear right & left side 28 Earth work in exacavation in foundation, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil not exceeding 2 meters depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches stacking the exacavation and subsequent filling around masonary in 15 cm layers with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil as directed within a lead of 50 29 CC 1:4:8 brick ballast 40mm niminal size in foundation and plinth 30 1st calss brick work laid in cement dust mortar 1:4 in foundation of plinth 31 damp proof course 50 mm thick CC 1:1.5:3 using stone aggregate of hot between 20mm nominal size with 2 caots at 1.65 kg/sqm laid hot and sanded 32 CC 1:1.5:3 top coating of wall CC 33 1st class brick work laid in cement stone dust mortar 1:4 in 1st story utpo 4m above plinth level 34 steel work angle and channel 35 fixing of GI wire netting 36 Top GI wire 4mm diameter 37 Fixing of GI netting wire nut bolt 38 12mm thick cement plaster 1:4 walls 39 providing and applying 2 coat wall puttyy, JK birla make preperation plastered surface and grinding the surface smooth with sand paper complete in all respect 40 Paint new work 2 coats and including primer coat 41 Painting steel work with deluxe multi surface paint to give an sqm even shade. 2 or more coat applied 42 Repair & Painting of Boundary wall at Rohtak Zoo 43 12 to 20 mm trhick cement plaster 1:4 walls in patches of area 2.5sqm and under including cutting the patchin proper shape (outside and inside wall average) 44 Removing of snowcem/paint and preparing surface for snowcem (Inside & outer wall) 45 Finishing wall with exterior paint such as snowcem 2 or more coat old.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 26-12-2023 DATE EXTENSION Date 28-12-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 34000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 17.15 Lakhs /-
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