
Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road From Marthal Bridge To Naripaalanroad In Boothapandi Town Panchayat., Kanniyakumari-Tamil Nadu

Town Panchayats has published Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road From Marthal Bridge To Naripaalanroad In Boothapandi Town Panchayat.. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-12-2023. Road Work Tenders in Kanniyakumari Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road From Marthal Bridge To Naripaalanroad In Boothapandi Town Panchayat.
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Strengthening Of Bt Road From Marthal Bridge To Naripaalanroad In Boothapandi Town Panchayat.; 1 Picking the existing BT surface upto 50mm depth as directed by the departmental officers and collecting the picked up salvaged metal and stacking the same for reuse and deposting the debris excluding cost of materials including all labour charges for picking and all other tools and plants employed of the work and including all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification as per MORTH Rev.V clause No. 111, 112, 202, 305.4.3 & 501. 2 Providing and laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregates to Wet Mix Macadam 150 mm thick specification including premixing the materials with water at OMC in mechnanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site laying in uniform layers with pavers in Sub Base/ Base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to acheive the desired density including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per clause 406 of MORTH Rev-5. 3 Providing and laying Prime Coat over WMM surface using 7 Kg of Emulsion Bitumen (SS1) per 10 sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as perClause 502 of MORTH Rev-5 4 Providing and laying Tack Coat over WMM surface (treated with primer) using 2.50 Kg of Bitumen Emulsion (RS1) per 10 sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as perClause 503 of MORTH Rev-5 5 Providing and laying 50mm consolidated thick Dense Bituminous Macadam using 0.24 cum of 26.50-13.20mm, 0..25cum of 13.20-2.36mm and 0.23cum of 2.36mm & below and with 53.20 Kgs of VG30/VG40 bitumen for premixing per 10sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to work site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compacted by Vibratory / Pneumatic Roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30 t CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, Paver Finisher / 9m paver finisher, Vibratory / Pneumatic rollers and all other tools and plant required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification using CMP as per clause 505 MORTH Rev-5 6 Providing and laying Bituminous concrete to 40mm - 30mm thickusing 0.13 cum of 19.00-9.50 mm graded metal and 0.17 cum of 9.50-2.36 mm graded metal and 0.26 cum of 2.36 mm & below metal with50.30 kgs of 60/70bitumen for premixing per 10 sqmincluding cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and agregates to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20- 30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to work site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 40 mm with paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compacted by Vibratory / Pneumatic Roller (80-100 KN) tothe required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30tCMP with bitumen boiler,tipper trucks,paver finisher, Vibratory /Pneumatic Rollers and all other tools and plants required, including fuel and all other incidental charges etc.,complete as per specification using CMPas per clause 507 of MORTH Rev-5. 7 Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5mm thick including & reflecting glass beads and 250 gms/sqm. Area thickness of 2.5 mm exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC 35. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes. 8 Plain Cement concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two Crushed Stone Sand and four aggregates) using 20mm ISS HBG metal including cost of all materials and labour charges for mixing, laying, compacting and curing etc, complete as per standard specifications. TNDSS NO: 30 V,VI (S3) VII-3 9 Earth work excavation and depositing on the bank with initial lead and lift of 10 metres and initial lift of 2 metres in hard stiff stiff clay stiff block cotton hard red earth murram, gravel stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and hard gravelly soils (SS 20 B) etc., complete as per standard specification 10 Plain Cement concrete 1:4:8 (one cement, four sand and eight aggregates) using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials and labour charges for mixing, laying, compacting and curing etc, complete as per SS 11 Supplying and erecting steel centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting upto 3.29 m height for plain surface as RCC slabs, rectangular tee (or) elbeams, lintel, bed block stair case waist slab, landing slab, etc., complete as per standard specification. (Plain surface) 12 Supplying and erecting steel centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting upto 3.29 m height for plain surface as RCC slabs, rectangular tee (or) elbeams, lintel, bed block stair case waist slab, landing slab, etc., complete as per standard specification. (Protective wall) 13 Cement Concrete of mix (1:3:6) using 60% of hard broken stone aggregate of maximum nominal size of 40 millimetre and down grade of 40% of hard broken stone aggregate of maximum nominal size of 20 millimetre I.S. specified grading, mixing by mixer machine including dewatering the placement site, laying the concrete in layers and in bays, vibrating compacting and finishing the surface with all leads and lifts, watering, curing complete to attain the profile and strength as specified in the drawings and specifications for various depth and height above and below ground level complete as directed by the Engineer complying with specification. 14 MAINTENANCE 15 Towards the charges for routine maintenance of the road work executed under NABARD SCHEME including dressing of berms by refilling the gully with the earth from borrow pits, cleaning of wild seasonal growth on berms, destilting of side drains and CD works, white washing guard stones, painting of KM, HM stones, parapets, cutting of branches of trees, refixing displaced guard stones, caution boards, speed limit boards etc., with the periodicity for the above activities as prescribed in IRC-SP-20:2002 and as directed by the departmental officers except for the constructional defects which has to be rectified by the contractor at his own cost. 16 Clearing and Grubbing by LightJungle removing and disposing of all materials such as bushes, shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 150mm in thickness as rubbish including all other incidental charges etc., complete as per MORTH Specification 111, 112, 201. 17 Upkeeping 1st year (50%) 18 Upkeeping 2nd year (60%) 19 Upkeeping 3rd year (60%) 20 Upkeeping 4th year (60%) 21 Upkeeping 5th year (60%) 22 Excavation including removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials necessary for the construction of roadway and side drains in accordance with the specifications and the lines, grades and cross section shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer as per CI.301 & 305 of MORTH IV Revision. For Box cutting 23 Upkeeping 1st year (40%) 24 Upkeeping 2nd year (40%) 25 Upkeeping 3rd year (40%) 26 Upkeeping 4th year (40%) 27 Upkeeping 5th year (40%) 28 Tack coat- Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion (RS-I type) using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg/sqm on the prepared bituminous/ granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom as per clause 503 29 4th year (3%) 30 5th year (5%) 31 Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete 30mm Consolidated thick using 0.13 cum of 19.00 – 9.50mm,0.17 cum of 9.50-2.36mm and 0.26 cum of2.36 mm & below with 50.30 kgs of 60/70 Grade Bulk bitumen cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregates to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central hot mix plant 20 – 30 ton capacity, Conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading themix to uniform thickness of 40 mm with mechanical pavers to the specified grades and cross sections and compaction by Vibratory/Pneumatic rollers to the required density etc., including labour for loading bitumen into bitumen tank and Metal to feeder unit,labour for attending to paver site etc., including hire charges and fuel charges for 20 – 30 ton CMP With bitumen boiler tipper,trucks, paver Finisher/9M,Vibrator rollers and all other tools and plants required,including all other incidental charges etc., complete as per standard specification using CMP Clause 507 of MORTH Rev-5

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 118500.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 1.18 Crore /-
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