
E-Tender For The Selection Of Firms To Procure And Supply Science Lab Equipments To 516 Government Schools Under The Control Of The Deparment Of School Education And 126 Schools Under The Control Of The Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Depa, chennai-Tamil Nadu

Tamilnadu Textbook Corporation has published E-Tender For The Selection Of Firms To Procure And Supply Science Lab Equipments To 516 Government Schools Under The Control Of The Deparment Of School Education And 126 Schools Under The Control Of The Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Depa. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-12-2023. Tape Supply Tenders in chennai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : E-Tender For The Selection Of Firms To Procure And Supply Science Lab Equipments To 516 Government Schools Under The Control Of The Deparment Of School Education And 126 Schools Under The Control Of The Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Depa
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

E-Tender For The Selection Of Firms To Procure And Supply Science Lab Equipments To 516 Government Schools Under The Control Of The Deparment Of School Education And 126 Schools Under The Control Of The Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Department , Schedule B1: Science Lab Equipment For 443 Government Higher Secondary Schools Under The Department Of School Education Under The Nabard Scheme , Physics Lab Equipment (Ghss) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Vernier Calipers , Travelling Microscope , Knife Edges (Non Uniform Bending) , Slotted Weight , Spring Constant Setup , Stop Clock , Simple Pendulum Setup I) Iron Stand - With 8X5 With Heavy Base With Clamp And Base Nut Ii) Thread -Nylon / Cotton Iii) Split Cork - Rubber No 11 , Resonance Column Apparatus , Tuning Fork (Box) , Hammer For Tuning Fork , Long Glass Tube For Stokes Law , Lead Shots (Box) , Beaker - 250 Ml , Capillary Tube , Needle For Capillary Rise , Copper Calorimeter For Newtons Law Of Cooling , Thermometer , Sonometer - Slotted Weight With Hanger , Meter Scale , Meter Bridge , Unknown Resistance , High Resistance , Daniel Cell - (Electronic Type) Rs.1100 , Leclanché Cell - ( Electronic Type) Rs.1100 , Galvanometer , Decade Resistance Box , Tangent Galvanometer , Ammeter , Commutator , Rheostat , Spirit Level , Connecting Wires , Spectrometer , Flint Glass Prism , Sodium Vapour Lamp , Reading Lens For Spectrometer , Grating , Mercury Vapour Lamp , Diode Characteristics , Zener Diode , Transistor Characteristics , Logic Gates Using Integrated Circuit , Demorgan’S Theorem Verification Apparatus , Potentiometer , Dpdt Switch , Ic Regulated Power Supply , Jockey , Sonometer , Sonometer Power Supply , Chemistry Lab Equipment (Ghss) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Burette With Stopcock , Pipette With Safety Bulb , Burette Stand , Test Tube , Boiling Tubes , Test Tube Holder , Test Tube Stand , Conical Flask , Watch Glass , Wash Bottle , Funnel , China Dish , Beaker Glass , Beaker Glass , Wire Gauze , Thermometer 110 C , Porcelain Tiles , Reagent Bottles , Spatula , Spatula , Reagent Bottle , Measuring Jar , Measuring Jar , Measuring Jar , Glass Trough , Glass Rod , Electronic Balance , First Aid Box , Test Tube Brush , Porcelain Mortar And Pestle , Measuring Jar , Glass Tube , Glass Dropper , Water Bath , Dropping Bottle , Separating Funnel , Chromatography Paper , Filter Paper , Ph Papers , Litmus Paper Blue , Litmus Paper Red , Lead Nitrate - 250Gm , Copper Sulphate - 250Gm , Copper Carbonate - 250Gm , Aluminium Sulphate - 250Gm , Aluminium Nitrate - 250Gm , Ferric Chloride - 250Gm , Zinc Sulphate - 500Gm , Zinc Sulphide - 100Gm , Calcium Carbonate - 250Gm , Barium Chloride - 500Gm , Magnesium Sulphate - 250Gm , Magnesium Carbonate - 250Gm , Magnesium Phosphate - 250Gm , Ammonium Chloride - 250Gm , Ammonium Bromide - 250Gm , Potassium Dichromate - 250Gm , Silver Nitrate - 25Gm , Lead Acetate - 250Gm , Ammonium Molybdate - 50Gm , Ammonium Carbonate - 250Gm , Ferrous Sulphate - 1000Gm , Potassium Chromate - 250Gm , Potassium Iodide - 100Gm , Potassium Ferrocyanide - 250Gm , Potassium Ferricyanide - 250Gm , Ammonium Sulphate - 250Gm , Ammonium Thiocyanate - 250Gm , Ammonium Oxalate - 250Gm , Oxalic Acid - 500Gm , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate - 1000Gm , Copper Turnings - 50Gm , Sodium Carbonate - 1000Gm , Sodium Bicarbonate - 250Gm , Ammonium Acetate - 250Gm , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate - 250Gm , Yellow Ammonium Sulphide (Solution) - 500Ml , Hydrogen Peroxide - 500Ml , Conc. Hcl - 500Ml , Conc. H2so4 - 500Ml , Conc. Hno3 - 500Ml , Acetic Acid - 1 Litre , Ethyl Alcohol - 500Ml , Sodium Nitroprusside - 50Gm , Nesslers Reagent - 125Ml , Magneson Reagent - 125Ml , Aluminon Reagent - 125Ml , Liquid Ammonia - 500Ml , Phenolphthalein- 125Ml , Methyl Orange - 125Ml , Borsches Reagent - 125Ml , Bromine Water - 500Ml , Fehlings Reagent (A&B) - 500Ml , ?-Naphthol - 250Ml , Sodium Nitrite - 250Ml , ? - Naphthol - 250Ml , Phenyl Hydrazine - 100Ml , Periodic Table , Atomic & Molecular Model , Packing In Solids- Hcp, Ccp , Sc Model , Bcc Model , Fcc Model , Structure Of Sodium Chloride Model , Benzaldehyde - 500Ml , Cinnamic Aldehyde - 250Ml , Acetophenone - 250Ml , Benzoic Acid - 250Gram , Cinnamic Acid - 100Gram , Urea - 500Gram , Glucose - 250Gram , Aniline - 100Ml , Salicylic Acid - 100Gram , Benzo Phenone - 250Ml , Zoology Lab Equipment (Ghss) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Chemicals :Formaldehyde - 500Ml , Chloroform - 250Ml , Anti-Sera A - 5Ml , Anti-Sera B - 5Ml , Anti-Sera D - 5Ml , Spirit- 1500Ml , Lancet - 100 Needles , Nesslers Reagent - 125Ml , Phenol- 125Ml , Iodine Solution- 125Ml , Models/ Charts/ Photographs : T Rna Photo , Homologous Organ , Analogous Organ - Bird Wing And Insect Wing , Animal Cloning- Dolly Sheep - Chart , Human Insulin Production - Flow Chart , Normal Karyo Type (Human) , Pataus Syndrome , Turners Syndrome , Haemophilia Pedigree , Sickle Cell Anaemia Pedigree , Wildlife Sanctuary Locations Marked Map , Mendalian Traits , Humerus , Loose Bones , Rib Cage , Ball And Socket Joint , Addison’S Disease , Marasmus , Exopthalmic Goitre , Ecg Chart , Kangayam Bull , Aquaponics , Honey Bee , Bombyx Mori , Preserved Specimens :Mutualism-Sea Anemone On Hermit Crab , Commensalism- Sucker Fish And Shark , Spongilla , Sea Anemone , Pleuro Brachia , Tape Worm , Ascaris - Male And Female , Earthworm , Cockroach , Pila , Starfish , Balano Glossus Models , Rat , Prepared Slides: Paramecium Conjugation , Human Sperm , Human Ovum , Entamoeba Histolytica , Thymus T.S , Lymph Node T.S , Squamous Epithelium , Columnar Epithelium , Rbc , Wbc , Apparatus; Pipette , Test Tube , Dropper , Slide , Cavity Slide , Two Cavity Slide , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker - 100Ml , Beaker - 200Ml , Beaker - 100Ml , Beaker - 200Ml , Stethoscope, Regular , Sphygmomanometer , Test Tube Holder , Mortar And Pestle , Simple Microscope Iso 9001:2015 , Compound Microscope Iso 9001:2015 , Spirit Lamp , Test Tube Stand , Glucometer , Hammer Iron , Tray 15X18 , Dissection Needle - Packets , 1 1/2 Nail - 100Gram , Dettol Bottle , Dissection Box , Consumables: Cotton - Packet , Botony Lab Equipment (Ghss) As Per New Syllabus For One School , T.S Of Mature Anther , T.S Of Ovule , Pollen Germination , Pollinia Of Calotropis , Bacteria - Lactobacillus , Fungi - Yeast , Algae - Volvox , Algae - Oedogonium , Plasmolysis Of Cell , Deplasmolysis , Rhizopus , Chlamydomonas , Spirogyra , Mitosis (Metaphase) , Mitosis (Anaphase) , Nerium Leaf Ts , Dicot Root T.S , Monocot Root T.S , Dicot Stem T.S , Dicot Leaf T.S , Monocot Leaf T.S , Preserved Specimen: Rhizome - Ginger , Sucker - Chrysanthemun , Epiphyllous Buds- Bryophyllum , Pneumatophores - Avicennia , Epiphytic Roots - Vanda , Keezhanelli - Phyllanthus Amarus , Agaricus - Basidocorps , Foliose Lichen , Polyalthia , Chara , Funaria , Adiantum , Cyathium , Eichornia , Opuntia , Inflorescence- Panicle, Corymp , Simple Dichasium - Polychasial Cyme , Venation-Pinnately Reticulate (Ficus) , Palmately Reticulate - Divergent (Cucurbita) Reticulate , Palmately Reticulate - Convergent (Cinnamon) Reticulate , Pinnately Parallel Venation (Canna) , Parallel Convergent (Bamboo) Palmately , Parallel Divergent (Borassus) Palmately , Physiological Apparatus: Wilmotts Bubbler , Arc Auxanometer , Motor And Pestle - Set , Test Tubes-10 And Holder-1 , Beaker , Beaker , Funnel - 2 , Hammer , Meter Scale, String And Nails - Full Set , Electronic Balance , Spirit Lamp , Water Bath , Small Knife , Conical Flask - 250 Ml , Petri Dish , Kuhnes Fermentation Experiment , Models/ Charts/ Photographs: Dicot Seed , E.Coli (Pbr 322) , Callus With Plantlets , Ecological Pyramids (Number, Biomass Energy) , Monohybrid Cross , Dihybrid Cross , Ten Percent Law (Energy Flow) , Chromosomal Abbreviation (Deletion Duplication, Inversion) , Anemochory - Tridax , Hydrochory - Coconut , Zoochory - Achyranthes , Types Of Ovules (Anatrophus, Orthotropous, Camphylotropous) , Fabaceae- Clitoria Ternatea , Apocynaceae - Catharanthus Roseus , Solanaceae - Datura Metal , Euphobiaceae-Ricinus Communis , Musaceae - Musa Paradiaca , Ultra Microscopic Structure Of Bacterial Cell , Types Of Stele - Actinostele, Plectostele, Dictyostele, Eustele , Cell Cycle , Nitrogenous Bases - Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine And Uracil , Chemicals: Sodium Chloride - 500Gm , Liquid Soap Solution - 500Ml , Ethanol - 150Ml , Sucrose - 500Gm , Boric Acid - 100Gm , Distilled Water - 500Ml , Benedict Solution - 250Ml , Starch Powder - 100Gm , Iodine Solution1% - 125Ml , Sodium Hydroxide N/10 - 125Ml , Copper Sulphate - 100Gm , Chromatography - 10 Sheets , Horsegram Powder - 50Gm , Petroleum Ether 10-80 - 125Ml , Acetone - 125Ml , Potassium Hydroxide N/10 - 125Ml , Glucose - 50Gm , Aloe Gel, Gingelly Oil (Economic Importance) - 50Gm , Microscopes:Compound Microscope Eye Piece 10X Objective Lenses = 10 X 45X , Dissection Microscope Eye Piece 10X, 20X , Consumables:Filter Paper 11 Cm - Packet , Ph Paper200 Leaves - Packet , Slides (Cavity) - 100 Pieces Set , Cover Slip , Needles , Beads (64 Yellow And 64 Green) - Packet , Schedule B2: Science Lab Equipment For 73 Government High Schools Under The Department Of School Education Under The Nabard Scheme , Physics Lab Equipment (Ghs) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Vernier Callipers , Screw Gauge , Simple Microscope (Iso 9001:2015) , Compound Microscope (Iso 9001:2015) , Burette - 50 Ml With Stop Clock , Pipette - 10 Ml Graduated , Small Size Measuring Jars , Long Size Measuring Jars , Beakers - 250Ml , Ammeters - 0-5 A , Voltmeter - 0-10 V , Galvanometers 30-0-30 , Rheostat , Battery Eliminator , Two Way Plug Keys , Concave Lens , Convex Lens , Bifocal Lens , Concave Mirrors , Convex Mirrors , Plane Mirrors , Bar Magnets , Magnetic Compass - Small Sizes , Spring Balance , Physical Balance With Weight Box , Digital Balance Capacity 600 Gm , Clinical Thermometer , Lactometer , Hydrometer Light Or Heavy , Drawing Boards , Glass Prisms , Glass Slabs , Clamps With Iron Stand 8X5 Inches , Wire Gauze , Stop Watch , Glass Rods - 8 , Magnifying Lens - 2 , Transistors , Tuning Forks , Simple Pendulum Stand , Meter Scale (Ruler) , Lens Stand, Screen , Slotted Weight (With Hanger) 5X50gm , Periscope , Pinhole Camera , Kaleidoscope , Knife Edges 8 , Ohms Law (Inbuilt Set) , Torch Light , Solar Eclipse Model , Lunar Eclipse Model , Faraday Experiment , Digital Personal Weighing Scale , Bell-Jar Experiment 8X4 , Telescope , Sand Clock , Chemistry Lab Equipment (Ghs) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Copper Sulphate - 250Gm , Magnesium Sulphate - 250Gm , Calcium Sulphate - 250Gm , Iron (Ii) Sulphate - 250Gm , Zinc Sulphate - 250Gm , Calcium Oxide - 250Gm , Potassium Iodide - 50Gm , Lead Nitrate - 250Gm , Barium Chloride - 250Gm , Calcium Carbonate - 250Gm , Sodium Carbonate - 250Gm , Sodium Bicarbonate - 250Gm , Silver Nitrate - 25Gm , Potassium Chromate - 250Gm , Iodine Solution N/10 - 125 Ml , Sucrose - 500Gm , Ethanol - 500Ml , Yeast - 250Gm , Ammonium Chloride - 250Gm , Magnesium Chloride - 500Gm , Magnesium Ribbon - 25Gms , Zinc Granules- 250Gm , Copper Granules - 250Gm , Hydrochloric Acid (Concentrate) - 500Ml , Nitric Acid (Concentrate) - 500Ml , Sulphuric Acid (Concentrate) - 500Ml , Lactic Acid - 250Ml , Citric Acid - 250Gm , Acetic Acid - 500Ml , Sodium Hydroxide- 250Gm , Calcium Hydroxide - 500Gm , Amonia 500Ml , Phenolphthalein - 125Ml , Methyl Orange - 125Ml , Litmus Paper (Red & Blue) - Packet , Ph Paper - Packet , Chromatography Paper - Sheet , Filter Paper 11 Cm - Packet , Zinc Coated Screws -Nos. , Copper Coated Screws - Nos. , Atomic Model 60/120 Balls , Periodic Table , Ionic Bond In Nacl , Covalent Bond In Cl2 , Separating Funnel - 250 Ml , One Hole & Two Hole Stopper , Spatula - 6 , Dropper - 6 , Tripod Stand - 7*4 Inch , Test Tube 5*5/8 Inch , Test Tube Stand , Watch Glass - 3 , Wire Gauze , Spirit Lamp , Tongs 6 , Boiling Tube With Cork , Potassium Permanganate - 250Gm , Silica Gel - 250Gm , Conical Flask - 250 Ml , Beakers - 250Ml , Graphite, Diamond, And Fullerene , Scissors - 5 , Eosin Dye - 50Ml , Funnel - 3 Inch (75Ml) , Biology Lab Equipment (Ghs) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Simple Microscope Iso 9001:2015 , Plain Slides 100 M Box , Beaker , Test Tubes , Test Tube Stand Plastic With Six Holes , Stethoscope , Thermometer , Clinical Thermometer , Weighing Balance , Gloves Box , Dissecting Box , Dissecting Pan Tray 12X18 Ss/Pvc , Cover Slips Box , Cotton Box Obsorbent , Wooden Board 8X6 (Dissection) , Hammer For Dissection , Hydra , Pila , Star Fish , Cockroach , Leech , Millipede , Tape Worm , Earth Worm , Octopus , Corals , Ascaris Male And Female , Cockroach , Spirogyra , Nepenthes , Algae , Mammalian (Sheep) Brain , Mammalian (Sheep) Eye , Mammalian (Sheep) Kidney , Mammalian (Sheep) Heart , Mammalian (Sheep) Lungs , Sea Urchin , Animal Cell , Plant Cell , Mitochondria , Chloroplast , Mono Hybrid Cross , Stages Of Seed Growth , Human Ear , Human Eye , Human Brain , Human Kidney L.S , Human Heart , Nephron , Neuron , Endocrine Glands , Blood Circulatory System , Human Reproductive System Male And Female , Digestive System -Human , Human Skeleton System , Excretory System , Body Structure (Dismantle) Human , Skin Cross Section , Monocot Stem , Mono Cot Root , Dicot Root , Dicot Stem , Monocot Leaf , Dicot Leaf , L.S. Of Ovule , Parenchyma Tissue , Sclerenchyma Tissue , Collenchyma Tissue , Xylem , Phloem , Cell Division - Mitosis All Stages - 2 Slides For Each Stages , Cell Division - Miosis All Stages - 2 Slides For Each Stages , Chlamydomonas , Amoeba , Endamoeba , Red Blood Corpuscles , White Blood Corpuscles , Plasmodium , Paramecium , Hydra Budding Stage , Euglena , Androecium , Gynoecium , Invertebrate , Vertebrate , Nitrogen Cycle , Silkworm Life Cycle , Diseases - Virus, Bacteria, Fungi , Dna- Structure, Replication , Chromosome Structure , Cell Division Mitosis And Meiosis , Animal Kingdom - Classification , Human Teeth , Schedule B3: Science Lab Equipment For 98 Adi Dravidar And 28 Tribal Welfare Government Higher Secondary Schools Under Adi Dravidar And Tribal Welfare Department , Physics Lab Equipment (Ad&Tw Ghhs) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Vernier Calipers , Travelling Microscope , Knife Edges (Non Uniform Bending) , Slotted Weight 5X50 Gms , Spring Constant Setup , Stop Clock , Simple Pendulum Setup,I) Iron Stand, Ii) Thread, Iii) Split Cork , Resonance Column Apparatus , Tuning Fork - Box , Hammer For Tuning Fork , Long Glass Tube For Stokes Law , Lead Shots - Box , Glass Beaker - 250Ml , Capillary Tube 1Mm Dia-30 Cm Length , Needle For Capillary Rise , Copper Calorimeter For Newtons Law Of Cooling , Thermometer , Sonometer With Slotted Weight With Hanger Total 2.5 Kg (Each 0.5 Kg) Knife Edge , Meter Scale , Meter Bridge-Wire Pattern Of 100 Cm. All Terminals Soldered For Permanent Contacts , Unknown Resistance (2,3,5,Ohm) Bakelite/ Plastic Case Each 2 , High Resistance (10K) , Daniel Cell - Complete Set (1.08 V Battery Type) , Leclanché Cell-Complete Set (1.5 V Battery Type) , Galvanometer - Mounted (30-0-30) , Decade Resistance Box (Manganin Coil, Two Dials Multiple Of 0.1 And 1 Ohm) , Tangent Galvanometer - Best Quality With Jewelled Compass Box And Brass Parts (Back Elite Ring 6 1/2 Diameter With 3 Windings 2,5.50 Turns) , Ammeter Mounted 1-5 Ampere , Commutator - Plug Type , Rheostat 25 Cm (10) Eureka Wire 2.8 Ampere Or 3.3 Ampere (22 Ohms) , Spirit Level , Connecting Wires - Single Core (Coil Of 10 M) , Spectrometer-Brass 15 Cm Circle 6 Brass 1/2 Minute Circle , Flint Glass Prism 38X38 Or 50Mm X50mm , Sodium Vapour Lamp (35W) 220V, Ac And Transformer , Reading Lens For Spectrometer , Grating (15,000 Lines Per Inch Mounted In Glass Plate (25Mmx25mm) , Mercury Vapour Lamp With Lamp Housing And Transformer , Diode Characteristics Junction Diode , Zener Diode , Transistor Characteristics Apparatus Npn Ce Mode , Logic Gates Using Integrated Circuit , Demorgans Theorems Verification Apparatus , Potentiometer (10 M Wire) Stretched On Wooden Frame With Jockey , Dpdt Switch , Ic Regulated Power Supply Output Voltage 2-12 V , Jockey , Sonometer Magnet Powerful Permanent Type Teak Wood Stand , Sonometer Power Supply Ac , Sodium Vapour Lamp Philips 35 W , Chemistry Lab Equipment (Ad&Tw Ghhs) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Non-Consumable: Burette With Stopcock Borosilicate Glass (50Ml) , Pipette With Safety Bulb Borosilicate Glass (20 Ml) , Burette Stand Wooden With Clamp (8 X 5”) , Test Tube 20Ml - 150-50Mm Borosilicate Glass , Boiling Tubes 50Ml (Borosilicate Glass) , Test Tube Holder Wooden Handle , Test Tube Stand 6 Holes Plastic , Conical Flask 250Ml Borosilicate Glass , Watch Glass 10Cm Dia , Wash Bottle 500Ml Plastic , Funnel Plastic (5 Cm Dia) , China Dish Superior Quality 4” , Beaker Glass (100 Ml) Borosilicate , Beaker Glass (250 Ml) Borosilicate , Wire Gauze 6” X 6” , Thermometer 110 C , Porcelain Tiles 8” X 6” , Reagent Bottles Plain Glass Narrow Mouth (250Ml ) , Spatula Ss Nickel Plated 6” Long , Spatula Plastic Semi Micro-6” Long , Reagent Bottle – Plain Glass With Wide Mouth 250 Ml , Measuring Jar – 1000 Ml Plastic Graduated , Measuring Jar – 500 Ml Plastic Graduated , Measuring Jars – 250 Ml Plastic Graduated , Glass Trough 10X5 To Prepare Dilute Acids , Glass Rod 8 , Electronic Balance , First Aid Box , Test Tube Brush , Porcelain Mortar And Pestle 4 Dia. , Measuring Jar 100 Ml (Glass) , Glass Tube 8 Length (Two Sides Open) , Glass Dropper For Adding Reagents , Water Bath (Wide Mouth Copper Vessels) , Dropping Bottle Plastic(For Adding Reagents) 100Ml , Separating Funnel Glass – Borosilicate With Glass Stopcock – Pear Shape 500 Ml , Consumables:Chromatography Paper 47 X 56 Mm , Filter Paper (Ordinary) 10.5 Cm (Packet) , Ph Papers , Litmus Paper Blue , Litmus Paper Red , Lead Nitrate - 250Gm , Copper Sulphate - 250Gm , Copper Carbonate - 250Gm , Aluminium Sulphate - 250Gm , Aluminium Nitrate - 250Gm , Ferric Chloride - 250Gm , Zinc Sulphate - 500Gm , Zinc Sulphide - 100Gm , Calcium Carbonate - 250Gm , Barium Chloride - 500Gm , Magnesium Sulphate - 250Gm , Magnesium Carbonate - 250Gm , Magnesium Phosphate - 250Gm , Ammonium Chloride - 250Gm , Ammonium Bromide - 250Gm , Potassium Dichromate - 250Gm , Silver Nitrate - 25Gm , Lead Acetate - 250Gm , Ammonium Molybdate - 50Gm , Ammonium Carbonate - 250Gm , Ferrous Sulphate - 1000Gm , Potassium Chromate - 250Gm , Potassium Iodide - 100Gm , Potassium Ferrocyanide - 250Gm , Potassium Ferricyanide - 250Gm , Ammonium Sulphate - 250Gm , Ammonium Thiocyanate - 250Gm , Ammonium Oxalate - 250Gm , Oxalic Acid - 500Gm , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate - 1000Gm , Copper Turnings - 50Gm , Sodium Carbonate - 1000Gm , Sodium Bicarbonate - 250Gm , Ammonium Acetate - 250Gm , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate - 250Gm , Yellow Ammonium Sulphide (Solution) - 500Ml , Hydrogen Peroxide - 500Ml , Acids / Alcohols: Conc Hcl - 500Ml , Conc. H2so4 - 500Ml , Conc. Hno3 - 500Ml , Acetic Acid - 1 Litre , Ethyl Alcohol - 250Ml , Reagents:Sodium Nitroprusside - 50Gm , Nesslers Reagent - 125Ml , Magneson Reagent - 125Ml , Aluminon Reagent - 125Ml , Liquid Ammonia - 500Ml , Phenolphthalein - 125Ml , Methyl Orange - 125Ml , Borsches Reagent - 125Ml , Bromine Water - 500Ml , Fehlings Reagent (A&B) - 500Ml , ?-Naphthol - 250Ml , Sodium Nitrite - 250Ml , ? - Naphthol - 250Ml , Phenyl Hydrazine - 100Ml , Models/Charts/Photographs:Periodic Table (Long Version) , Atomic & Molecular Model , Packing In Solids- Hcp, Ccp , Sc Model , Bcc Model , Fcc Model , Structure Of Sodium Chloride Model , Organic Compounds: Benzaldehyde - 500Ml , Cinnamaldehyde - 250Ml , Acetophenone - 250Ml , Benzoic Acid - 250Gm , Cinnamic Acid - 100Gm , Urea - 500Gm , Glucose - 250Gm , Aniline - 100Ml , Salicylic Acid - 100Gm , Benzo Phenone - 250Ml , Zoology Lab Equipment (Ad&Tw Ghhs) As Per New Syllabus For One School , Chemicals: Formaldehyde - 500Ml , Chloroform - 250Ml , Anti-Sera A - 5Ml , Anti-Sera B - 5Ml , Anti-Sera D - 5Ml , Spirit- 500Ml , Lancet , Nesslers Reagent - 125Ml , Phenol- 125Ml , Iodine Solution- 125Ml , Models/ Charts/ Photos:T Rna Photo Model , Homologous Organ , Analogous Organ. Bird Wing And Insect Wing , Animal Cloning- Dolly Sheep - (Chart) , Human Insulin Production - Flow Chart , Normal Karyo Type (Human) - Chart , Pataus Syndrome- Chart , Turners Syndrome , Haemophilia Pedigree Chart , Sickle Cell Anaemia Pedigree Chart , Wildlife Sanctuary Marked Map , Mendalian Traits Chart , Humerus , Loose Bones , Rib Cage , Ball And Socket Joint , Addison’S Disease , Marasmus , Exopthalmic Goitre , Ecg Chart , Kangayam Bull , Aquaponics , Honey Bee , Bombyx Mori , Preserved Specimens:Mutualism-Sea Anemone On Hermit Crab , Commensalism- Sucker Fish And Shark Models , Spongilla Models , Sea Anemone Models , Pleuro Brachia , Tape Worm , Ascaris Male And Female , Earth Worm , Cockroach , Pila , Starfish Models , Balano Glossus Models , Rat , Prepared Slides:Paramecium Conjugation , Human Sperm Slide , Human Ovum Slide , Entamoeba Histolytica , Thymus T.S , Lymph Node T.S , Squamous Epithelium , Columnar Epithelium , Rbc , Wbc , Apparatus: Pipette 25 Ml , Test Tube 15*125Ml , Dropper 5 Ml , Slide (Plain) , Cavity Slide , Two Cavity Slide , Beaker 50 Ml (Glass) , Beaker 50 Ml (Plastic) , Beaker 100 Ml, Glass , Beaker 200 Ml Glass , Beaker 100 Ml (Plastic) , Beaker 250 Ml (Plastic) , Stethoscope Regular , Sphygmomanometer Analog , Test Tube Holder , Mortar And Pestle , Simple Microscope (Iso 9001:2015) , Compound Microscope (Iso 9001:2015) , Sprit Lamp , Test Tube Stand , Glucometer , Hammer Full Iron , Trays 10 X12 , Tray 15X18 , Dissection Needle - Packets , 1 1/2 Iron Nails - 100Gm , Dettol Bottle 250 Ml , Dissection Box , Consumables:Cotton - Packet 25 Gm , Botony Lab Equipment (Ad&Tw Ghhs) As Per New Syllabus For One School , T.S Of Mature Anther , T.S Of Ovule , Pollen Germination , Pollinia Of Calotropis , Bacteria - Lactobacillus , Fungi - Yeast , Algae - Volvox , Algae - Oedogonium , Plasmolysis Of Cell , Deplasmolysis , Rhizopus , Chlamydomonas , Spirogyra , Mitosis (Metaphase) , Mitosis (Anaphase) , Neerium Leaf Ts , Dicot Root T.S , Monocot Root T.S , Dicot Stem T.S , Dicot Leaf T.S , Monocot Leaf T.S , Preserved Specimens:Rhizome -Ginger , Sucker - Chrysanthemun , Epiphyllous Buds- Bryophyllum , Pneumatophores - Avicennia , Epiphytic Roots - Vanda , Keezhanelli - Phyllanthus Amarus , Agaricus - Basidocorps , Foliose Lichen , Polyalthia , Chara , Funaria , Adiantum , Cyathium , Eichornia , Opuntia , Inflorescence- Panicle, Corymp , Simple Dichasium - Polychasial Cyme , Venation-Pinnately Reticulate (Ficus) , Palmately Reticulate - Divergent (Cucurbita) Reticulate , Palmately Reticulate - Convergent (Cinnamon) Reticulate , Pinnately Parallel Venation (Canna) , Parallel Convergent (Bamboo) Palmately , Parallel Divergent (Borassus) Palmately , Physiological Appratus:Wilmotts Bubbler , Arc Auxanometer , Motor And Pestle - Set , Test Tubes-10And Holder-1 , Beaker , Beaker , Funnel , Filter Paper- Packet , Ph Paper - Packet , Slides (Cavity) -Pieces , Cover Slip , Needles , Beads (64 Yellow And 64 Green) - Set , Hammer , Meter Scale, String And Nails - Full Set , Electronic Balance , Spirit Lamp , Water Bath , Small Knife , Conical Flask , Petri Dish , Kuhnes Fermentation Experiment , Models/ Charts/ Photographs: Dicot Seed , E.Coli (Pbr 322) , Callus With Plantlets , Ecological Pyramids (Number, Biomass Energy) , Monohybrid Cross , Dihybrid Cross , Ten Percent Law (Energy Flow) , Chromosomal Abbreviation (Deletion Duplication, Inversion) , Anemochory - Tridax , Hydrochory - Coconut , Zoochory - Achyranthes , Types Of Ovules (Anatrophus, Orthotropous, Camphylotropous) , Fabaceae- Clitoria Ternatea , Apocynaceae - Catharanthus Roseus , Solanaceae - Datura Metal , Euphobiaceae-Ricinus Communis , Musaceae - Musa Paradiaca , Ultra Microscopic Structure Of Bacterial Cell , Types Of Stele - Actinostele, Plectostele, Dictyostele, Eustele , Cell Cycle , Nitrogenous Bases - Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine And Uracil , Chemicals : Sodium Chloride - 500Gm , Liquid Soap Solution - 100Ml , Ethanol - 150Ml , Sucrose - 500Gm , Boric Acid - 100Gm , Distilled Water -1Litre , Benedict Solution - 250Ml , Starch Powder - 100Gm , Iodine Solution- 100Ml , Sodium Hydroxide - 100Ml , Copper Sulphate - 100Gm , Chromatography - Sheets , Horsegram Powder - 50Gm , Petroleum Ether - 100Ml , Acetone - 100Ml , Potassium Hydroxide - 100Ml , Glucose - 50Gm , Aloe Gel, Gingelly Oil (Economic Importance) - 50Gm Each , Microscope: Compound Microscope Eye Piece 10X Objective Lenses=10X 45X Iso 9001:2015 , Dissection Microscope Eye Piece = 10Xiso 9001:2015

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 22-12-2023 Corrigendum / Clarifications Other 26-12-2023
2 23-12-2023 Corrigendum Other 26-12-2023

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INR 400000.0 /-
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INR 14.41 Crore /-
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