Bids Are Invited For Procurement Of Gym Items Treadmills 10Hp , Curve Treadmills , Elliptical Cross Trainer , Full Body Trainer Electrical , Recumbent Bike , Spin Bike , Air Rowing Machine , Multi Adjustable Bench , Seated Preacher Curl , Lat Pull Down And Seated Row , Multi Press Chest And Shoulder , Pec Fly Rear Delt , Abd And Back Extension , Seated Calf Raise , Cross Fit With Functional Trainer , Rods 7Ft , Rods 5Ft , Rods 4Ft , Rods 3Ft , Weight Plates 5Kg , Weight Plates 7.5Kg , Weight Plates 10Kg , Weight 15Kg , Weight 20Kg , Weight 25Kg , Dumbbells 5Kg , Dumbbells 7.5Kg , Dumbbells 10Kg , Dumbbells 12.5Kg , Dumbbells 15Kg , Dumbbells 17.5Kg , Dumbbells 25Kg , Dumbbells 30Kg , Dumbbells 20Kg , Dumbbells Rack , Kettle Bell 8Kg , Kettle Bell 10Kg , Kettle Bell 12Kg , Kettle Bell 14Kg , Medicine Ball 1Kg , Medicine Ball 2Kg , Medicine Ball 3Kg , Medicine Ball 4Kg , Medicine Ball 5Kg , Vector X Pp Multicolour Aerobic Stepper 11 Kg Total Quantity : 168