
Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing And Commissioning For Creation Of 250 Kva & 63 Kva Sub Station Alongwith Erection Of 11 Kv Line On 9 Mtr. St Poles, 30Mmacsr Weasel Conductor And Lt Line On 8 Mtr. St Poleat Wss Rakh Badali Under , udhampur-Jammu And Kashmir

Power Development Department has published Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing And Commissioning For Creation Of 250 Kva & 63 Kva Sub Station Alongwith Erection Of 11 Kv Line On 9 Mtr. St Poles, 30Mmacsr Weasel Conductor And Lt Line On 8 Mtr. St Poleat Wss Rakh Badali Under . Submission Date for this Tender is 02-01-2024. Electrification Work Tenders in udhampur Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing And Commissioning For Creation Of 250 Kva & 63 Kva Sub Station Alongwith Erection Of 11 Kv Line On 9 Mtr. St Poles, 30Mmacsr Weasel Conductor And Lt Line On 8 Mtr. St Poleat Wss Rakh Badali Under
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection, Testing And Commissioning For Creation Of 250 Kva & 63 Kva Sub Station Alongwith Erection Of 11 Kv Line On 9 Mtr. St Poles, 30Mmacsr Weasel Conductor And Lt Line On 8 Mtr. St Poleat Wss Rakh Badali Under Jjm On Turnkey Basis- 1 Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing and Commissioning for Erection of 11 KV line on 9 mtr. ST poles, 30mm² ACSR Weasel Conductor at WSS Rakh Badali (Intake). 2 9 mtr. Long ST Pole (ST-410 SP-33) 3 11 mtr. Long ST Poles (ST-410 SP-56) 4 GI V Cross -arm with top Bracket including clamps 5 GI Channel X-arm including clamps and Angle for braces 6 30mm² ACSRweasel conductor 7 PG Clamps for 30mm² ACSR conductor 8 11 KV Polymer composite Pin Insulator 12 KV, 5 KN, lighting impulse 75 KV Positive and 80 KV Negative, Creepage distance 320mm. 9 11 KV Polymeric Composite Disc insulator 12 KV, min failing load 45 kn, lightening impulse 75KVPositive and 80 KV Negative, creepage distance 320mm with fitting. 10 Galvanized Nuts and Bolts 11 Danger Plates with Clamps 12 Anti climbing device with clamps 13 Earthing complete byGI Rod 20 mm, 2.5 mtr long through G.I. Strip 25X3 mm 14 11 KV GO AB Switch 3 phase, 3 pole, 200 Amp, vertical 15 Painting of 9 mtr long ST poles with two coat of Aluminium Paint. 16 Cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standard 0.5 cum per pole 17 Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator (2Nos.), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nut-bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete 18 Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing and Commissioning for creation of 63 KVA Sub stn. at WSS Rakh Badali Stage Intake. 19 11/0.433 KV, 3-phase distribution Transformer 63 KVA with Bimetallic Terminal Connectors Energy Level-2 Aluminium Wound, & with LV Cable box having detachable Aluminium Gland plate 20 Gapless surge Arrestor, 9 kv, 10 KA , LA with polymer housing stn. Type 21 11 KV GO AB Switch 3 phase, 3 pole, 200 Amp, vertical 22 11 KV Horn gap fuse set 3 phase 200 A 23 120mm² 1.1 KV Grade, PVC insulated stranded conductor FRLS Type 24 9 mtr. Long pole (ST-410 SP33) 25 11 KV Polymeric Composite Disc insulator 12 KV, min failing load 45 kn, lightening impulse 75KVPositive and 80 KV Negative, creepage distance 320mm with fitting 26 GI Channel /Angle/flat of sizes including clamps 27 Galvanized Nuts and Bolts. 28 Earthing of sub stn. Excavation of earth pit of dia 650mm & depth 3000mm installation of earthing pipe of 40mm Nominal bore & 4mm wall thickness & length 2.5 mtr. Long as per IS 1239. G.I Strip for neutral earthing of size 25mmx3mmfor connection of transforemr body, GO Set & lightening arrestor as per IS 2629/85, GI Nuts & bolts refilled with earth enhancement materials and earth chamber with RCC Slab cover 29 11 KV Polymer composite pin insualtor, 12 KV, 5KN Lightening impulse 75 KV Positve and 80 KV Negative, creepage distance 320mm 30 LT distribution box for 63 KVA DTR with MCCB for incomer and SFUs for outgoing circuits 31 Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator (2Nos.), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nut-bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete 32 PG Clamps 33 Danger Plates with Clamps 34 GI Barbed wire for Anticlimbing 35 3-Phase 4 Wire LT Prodigy Meter with Box. 36 Cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standard 0.5 cum per pole 37 Painting of ST poles 9 mtr. Long with 2 coat of Aluminum paint. 38 Survey,Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing and Commissioning for Erection of 3 Phase 4 Wire LT 30mm² line on 8 mtr. ST poles at WSS Rakh Badali (Intake). 39 8 mtr. Long ST poles (ST-410 SP15) 40 GI M Clamps for shackle insulator 41 30mm²ACSR weasel Conductor 42 Shackle insualtor 43 Galvanized Nuts and Bolts. 44 Danger Plates with Clamps 45 Anti climbing device with clamps 46 Earthing complete byGI Rod 20mm 2.5 mtr. Long through GI Strip 47 Paintingof 8 mtr. Long ST poles with two coat of Aluminium paint 48 Cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standard 0.5 cum per pole 49 Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator (2Nos.), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nut-bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete 50 Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing and Commissioning for Erection of 11 KV line on 9 mtr. ST poles, 30mm sq. ACSR Weasel Conductor at WSS Rakh Badali Stage-1 51 9 mtr. Long ST Pole (ST-410 SP-33) 52 GI V Cross -arm with top Bracket including clamps 53 GI Channel X-arm including clamps and Angle for braces 54 30mm² ACSRweasel conductor 55 PG Clamps for 30mm² ACSR conductor 56 11 KV Polymer composite Pin Insulator 12 KV, 5 KN, lighting impulse 75 KV Positive and 80 KV Negative, Creepage distance 320mm. 57 11 KV Polymeric Composite Disc insulator 12 KV, min failing load 45 kn, lightening impulse 75KVPositive and 80 KV Negative, creepage distance 320mm with fitting. 58 Galvanized Nuts and Bolts 59 Danger Plates with Clamps 60 Anti climbing device with clamps 61 Earthing complete byGI Rod 20 mm, 2.5 mtr long through G.I. Strip 25X3 mm 62 11 KV GO AB Switch 3 phase, 3 pole, 200 Amp, vertical 63 Painting of 9 mtr ST poles with two coat of Aluminium Paint. 64 Cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standard 0.5 cum per pole 65 Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator (2Nos.), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nut-bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete 66 Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing and Commissioning for installation of 250 KVA Transformer at WSS Rakh Badali Stage-1 67 11/0.433 KV, 3-phase distribution Transformer 250 KVA with Bimetallic Terminal Connectors Energy Level-2 Copper Wound, & with LV Cable box having detachable Aluminium Gland plate 68 Gapless surge Arrestor, 9 kv, 10 KA , LA with polymer housing stn. Type 69 11 KV GO AB Switch 3 phase, 3 pole, 200 Amp, vertical 70 11 KV Horn gap fuse set 3 phase 200 A 71 300mm² 1.1 KV Grade, PVC insulated stranded conductor FRLS Type 72 9 mtr. Long pole (ST-410 SP33) 73 11 KV Polymeric Composite Disc insulator 12 KV, min failing load 45 kn, lightening impulse 75Positive and 80 KV Negative, creepage distance 320mm with fitting 74 GI Channel /Angle/flat of sizes including clamps 75 Galvanized Nuts and Bolts. 76 Earthing of sub stn. Excavation of earth pit of dia 650mm & depth 3000mm installation of earthing pipe of 40mm Nominal bore & 4mm wall thickness & length 2.5 mtr. Long as per IS 1239. G.I Strip for neutral earthing of size 25mmx3mmfor connection of transforemr body, GO Set & lightening arrestor as per IS 2629/85, GI Nuts & bolts refilled with earth enhancement materials and earth chamber with RCC Slab cover 77 11 KV Polymer composite pin insualtor, 12 KV, 5KN Lightening impulse 75 KV Positve and 80 KV Negative, creepage distance 320mm with fitting. 78 LT distribution box for 250 KVA DTR with MCCB for incomer and SFUs for outgoing circuits 79 Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator (2Nos.), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nut-bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete 80 PG Clamps 81 Danger Plates with Clamps 82 GI Barbed wire for Anticlimbing 83 3-phase 4 wire Trivector meter with CT, PT unit 84 Cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standard 0.5 cum per pole 85 Painting of ST poles 9 mtr. Long with 2 coat of Aluminium paint. 86 Survey, Supply, Transportation, Carriage, Erection,Testing and Commissioning for erection of LT 3 phase 4 wire LT 30mm² line on 8 mtr. ST pole at WSS Rakh Badali Stage-I 87 8 mtr. Long poles (ST-410 SP15) 88 GI M Clamps for shackle insulator 89 50mm² ACSRRabbit conductor 90 Shackle insulator 91 Galvanized Nuts and Bolts. 92 Danger Plates with Clamps 93 Anti climbing device with clamps 94 Earthing complete byGI Rod 20mm 2.5 mtr. Long through GI Strip 95 Painting of 8 mtr ST poles with two coat of Aluminium Paint. 96 Cement bottoming 1:2:4 mix as per REC standard 0.5 cum per pole 97 Galvanised Stay Set with 50x8mm stay clamp, guy insulator (2Nos.), anchor plate (200x 200 x 6 mm), nut-bolts, 2 Nos turn-buckles, 1.8m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 7/3.15 mm dia GI stranded wire complete

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 28-12-2023 Date Extension Notice I Date 02-01-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 140900.0 /-
Tender Value
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