Tender For Supply Of Netsim(R&D) Version 1. Item NETSIM software for Standard (R&D) version Specifications Quantity Component 1- Internetworks: Ethemet Fast & Gigabit, ARP, Routing - RIP, OSPF, WLAN-802.11 a/b/g/p/n/ac& Minstrel Rate Adaptation Algorithm Propagation models- HATA Urban/Suburban, COST 231 HATA urban/Suburban, Indoor Home/Office/Factory, Friis Free Space, Log Distance. Shadowing-Constant, Lognormal. Fading-Rayleigh, Nakagami IPv4, Firewalls, Queuing Round Robin, FIFO, Priority, WFQ, TCP Old Tahoe, Tahoe, Rano, New Reno, BIC, CUBIC, Window Sealing, SACK UDP Common Modules: Traffic Generator: Voice, Video, FTP, Database, HTTP, Email, P2P, Custom, COAP Virtual Network Stack, Simulation Kernel, Command Line Interface, Metrica Engine with packet and event trace, Plot Generator, Packet Animator, Packet Encryption, External Interfaces: MATLABE, WireShark, SUMO. Component 2-Leguey & Cellular Networks: Pare Aloha & Slotted Aloba, GSM and CDMA Component 3-Advanced Routing and Switching: VLAN, Multicast Routing-IGMP, PIM, Layer 3 Switch, Access Control Lists, NAT Component 4-Mobile Adhoe Networks: MANET-DSR. AODV, OLSR, ZRP. Single and Multiple MANET Component 5-Software Defined Networks: Based on Openflow v1.3 Component 6-Internet of things: lot with RPL protocall Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) LR-WPAN 802.15.4 Component 7-Cognitive Radio Networks: WRAN IEEE 802.22 R&D Single user license Component 8-Long-Term Evolation Networks: LTE, LTE- Advanced Composent 9-Vehicular Adhoc Networks: IEEE 1609 WAVE. Basic Safety Message (BSM) protocol per 12735 DS&C, Interface with SUMO for road traffic sinnilation Component 10-5G NR mmWave Networks: HIPP 38 Series. Full Stack covering SDAP, POCP, RLC-UM, TM, MAC, PHY FRI and FR2, manWave propagation. Component II Satellite Communication Networks: Goo Stationary Satellite, Farwand link TDMA in Ka Band and Retum link MF-TDMA in Ka band per DVB S2, Markov Loo Fading model. Device models for Satellite, Satellite Gateway, and Satellite Uer Terminals Licensing Type: Perpetual license