Supply Of Glassware Plasticware Metalware Chemicals And Misc Items For Dept Of Microbiology Of Pmcmet Bavmc Pune , Glassware Plasticware Metalware Chemicals And Mic Items For Department Of Microbiology , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Beakers , Beakers , Beakers , Beakers , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Dishes Petri Glass , Dishes Petri Glass , Dishes Petri Glass , Cover Slip , Cover Slip , Slide , Staining Dropper Bottle , Test Tube , Test Tube , Test Tube , Reagent Bottles With Screw Cap & Pouring Ring , Empty Bottle For Blood Culture , Empty Bottle For Blood Culture , Autoclavable Bottle With Screw Cap , Autoclavable Bottle With Screw Cap , Specimen Jars , Specimen Jars , Specimen Jars , Specimen Jars , Glass Rod , Culture Tubes Round Bottom, Clear With Pp Caps , Glass Test Tubes , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Jars, Specimen , Amber Colour Bottles , Funnel , Plastic Slide Box , Plastic Can , Polygrid Test Tube Stand Material Rpp , Polygrid Test Tube Stand Material Rpp , Test Tube Stand Rpp , Polygrid Test Tube Stand Material Rpp , Plastic Beakers , Plastic Beakers , Plastic Beakers , Plastic Bucket , Plastic Bucket , Plastic Funnel , Universal Screw Cap , Plastic Dropper , Autoclavable Plasticbasket , Cryo Box , Serumstorage Vials , Serum Storage Vials , Slide Storage Box , Plastic Staining Dropping Bottle , Screw Cap Autoclavable Plastic Bottle , Bio Medical Waste Container , Bio Medical Waste Container , Biomedical Waste Buckets , Edta Tube , Clot Activator Tube , Plain Tube ( Serology ) , Sterile Universal Container , Latex Dropper Bulb , Dropper Vial Bulb , Rubber Bulb , Rubber Bulb , Utility Tray , Utility Tray , Utility Tray , Utility Tray , Rubber Latex Glove , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Multichannel Micro Pippette ( 8 Channel ) , Multichannel Micro Pippette ( 8 Channel ) , Multichannel Micro Pippette ( 8 Channel ) , 8 Tube Strips Tubes & Optically Clear Flat Cap For Real Time Pcr , 96 Welled Rtpcr Plates For Rtpcr , Pcr Foil Seal , Deep Well Plates 96 , 96 Tip Comb For Deep Well Magnets , Filtered Tips 1000Ul , Filtered Tips Sterile 20 Ul , Filtered Tips 200 Ul , Filtered Tips 10 Ul , Nitrile Gloves , Nitrile Gloves , Nitrile Gloves , Microcentrifuge Tubes , Cryo Vial , Cryo Box 81 Place , Cryo Tags , Cryo Babies , 0?C Mini Cooler , Reagent Reservoir , Rack Of 10 Ml Tube Rack , Reversible Rack With Cover , Biohazard, Garbage Bag , Biohazard, Garbage Bag , Biohazard, Garbage Bag , Syringes With Needle 1Ml , Syringes With Needle 2Ml , Syringes With Needle 5Ml , Syringes With Needle 10Ml , Sterile Centrifuge Tubes , Plastic Storage Boxes , Sterile Cotton Swab Stick , Sterile Petri Plates , Sterile Petri Plates , Serum Vial Sample Storage Box And Stands , Empty Tip Box , Empty Tip Box , Tuberculin Syringe With Needle , Sharp Container , Sharp Container , Parafilm , Petriseal , Cryogenic Marker , Petri Plate Carrier , Petri Plate Carrier , Crystal Violet , Safranine , Peptone Broth Powder , Kovacs Reagent , Bile Esculine Agar , Glucose , Dextrose , Sucrose , Lactose , Maltose , Oxidase Disc , Rcm - Robertsons Cooked Meat Medium , Sda With Chloramphenicol , Koh Pellet , Albert Staina & B , Hydrogen Peroxide , Sheep Blood Agar Plates , Urea 40% , Andrades Indicator , Potassium Telluride 1% , Acetone , Iso Amyl Alcohol , Phenol, Crystals , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Immersion Oil For Microscopy , Malachite Green ( C.I.42000 ) ( Basic Green 4 ) , Potassium Iodide, Hi-Ar™ / Acs , Grams Iodine , Phenol Red , Glycerol , Ferric Chloride , Congo Red, Practical Grade , Alpha Naphthylamine , Alpha Naphthol , Muller Hinton , Lpcb , Lead Acetate , Methylene Blue , C.L.E.D Agar ( Bromothymol Blue ) , Lugols Iodine , Carbol Fuchsin ( Strong ) , Grams Iodine , Simmons Citrate , Tsi Agar , Phenyl Alanine Agar , Mannitol , Nutrient Agar , Macconkey Agar , Agar Agar , Brain Heart Infusion Broth , Alkaline Peptone Water , Urea Agar Base , Microscopic Lens Cleaning Solution , Mrvp Medium , Blood Agar Base , Tcbs Agar , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar ( Xld Agar ) , Mac Cartney Bottles , Lj Medium Slant , Loefllers Serum Slope , Of Medium , Lysine Decarboxylase , Ornithine , Cetrimide Agar , Nitrate Broth , Dtm Agar Base With Dermato Supplement , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar , Nutrient Broth , Ss Agar , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Base Modified , Hi Chrome Candida Differential Agar , Phenolphthalein Phosphatase Agar , Potato Dextrose Agar , Sodium Bicarbonate , Anaerogas Pack , Anaero Indicator Tablet , Autoclavebiological Steam Indicator , Class 6 Autoclave Chemical Indicators / Strips [ Steam ] ( 50 Pcs. ) , 98 % Sulfuric Acid , Gram Stain Kit , India Ink , Zn Acid Fast Stain Kit , Acetic Acid 1% , Basic Carbol Fuschin Powder , Amikacin , Co-Trimoxazole , Ciprofloxacin , Clindamycin , Imipenem , Linezolid , Piperacillin , Piperacillin / Tazobactam , Nitrofurantoin , Gentamicin , Cefepime , Tigecycline , Aztreonam , Optochin , Bacitracin , Furazolidone , Chloramphenicol , Levofloxacin , Norfloxacin , Ampicillin , Vancomycin , Teicoplanin , Erythromycin , Oxacillin , Meropenem , Novobiocin , Ceftazidime , Ceftriaxone , Cefotaxime , Cefepime+Tazobactam , Onpg , Polymyxin B , Cefoxitin , Polymyxin B , Cefaperazone+Sulbactam , Cefixime , Moxifloxacin , Cefuroxime , High Level Streptomycin , High Level Gentamicin , Ceftazidime +Clavulanic Acid , Furazolidone , Ampicillin+Sulbactum , Vancomycin E Strips , Colistin , Azithromycin , Cefazolin , Penicillin , Tobramycin , Amoxycillin , Amoxicillin-Clavulanate , Cefotaxime , Doxycycline , Minocycline , Tetracycline , Fosfomycin , Ticarcillin-Clavulanate , Ticarcillin , Colistin E Strip , Polymyxin B E Strips , Netilmycin , Cefpodoxime , Nalidixic Acid , Fosfomycin , Sparfloxacin , Rifampicin , Cefepime E Strip , Penicillin G E Strip , Ceftriaxone E Strip , Ethyl Alcohol , Viral Transport Medium , Geimsa Stain , Boric Acid Powder , Methanol , Thioglycolate Medium , Macfarland Standard 0.5 , Antisera-Salmonella , Atcc Strain - Enterococcus Fecalis 29212 , Atcc Strain - E.Coli 25922 , Atcc Strain - E.Coli 35218 , Atcc Strain - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 27853 , Atcc Strain - Staphylococcus Aureus 25923 , Atcc Strain - Staphylococcus Aureus 29213 , Neutral Red Indicator , Neutral Red Solution , Arginine , Sulphanilic Acid , Liquid Paraffin , Bromocresol Purple Indicator , Bromothymol Blue Indicator , Phenol Red Indicator , Methyl Red Indicator , Nacl , Xylene , Pa Coliform Kit , Dpx Mount , Metal Slide Rack , Ss Test Tube Racks , Ss Test Tube Racks , Enamel Trays , Enamel Trays , Enamel Trays , Enamel Trays , Ss Curved Fine Points Forcep , Ss Straight Fine Points Forcep , Ss Straight Blunt Points Forcep , Ss Straight Toothed Points Forcep , Sterile Scalpel Holder Blades , Sterile Scalpel Holder , Smooth Rods ( For Supprting Slides During Staining ) , Tripod Stand , Mesh , Cotton Bundles , Whatmann Filter Paper No. 1 , Assorted Nichrome Loops , Fixed Nichrome Loop Embedded In Ss Rod With Heat Resistant Handle , Straight Wire , Loop Electric Sterilizer , Ph Paper , Manual Needle Cutter , Blotting Paper , Nylon Brush For Washing Test Tubes