
Tender For Supply Of Glassware Plasticware Metalware Chemicals And Misc Items For Dept Of Microbiology Of Pmcmet Bavmc Pune, pune-Maharashtra

Pune Municipal Corporation has published Tender For Supply Of Glassware Plasticware Metalware Chemicals And Misc Items For Dept Of Microbiology Of Pmcmet Bavmc Pune. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-12-2023. Laboratory Equipment Tenders in pune Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Glassware Plasticware Metalware Chemicals And Misc Items For Dept Of Microbiology Of Pmcmet Bavmc Pune
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Glassware Plasticware Metalware Chemicals And Misc Items For Dept Of Microbiology Of Pmcmet Bavmc Pune , Glassware Plasticware Metalware Chemicals And Mic Items For Department Of Microbiology , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Conical Flask , Beakers , Beakers , Beakers , Beakers , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Dishes Petri Glass , Dishes Petri Glass , Dishes Petri Glass , Cover Slip , Cover Slip , Slide , Staining Dropper Bottle , Test Tube , Test Tube , Test Tube , Reagent Bottles With Screw Cap & Pouring Ring , Empty Bottle For Blood Culture , Empty Bottle For Blood Culture , Autoclavable Bottle With Screw Cap , Autoclavable Bottle With Screw Cap , Specimen Jars , Specimen Jars , Specimen Jars , Specimen Jars , Glass Rod , Culture Tubes Round Bottom, Clear With Pp Caps , Glass Test Tubes , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Glass Pipettes ( Graduated ) , Jars, Specimen , Amber Colour Bottles , Funnel , Plastic Slide Box , Plastic Can , Polygrid Test Tube Stand Material Rpp , Polygrid Test Tube Stand Material Rpp , Test Tube Stand Rpp , Polygrid Test Tube Stand Material Rpp , Plastic Beakers , Plastic Beakers , Plastic Beakers , Plastic Bucket , Plastic Bucket , Plastic Funnel , Universal Screw Cap , Plastic Dropper , Autoclavable Plasticbasket , Cryo Box , Serumstorage Vials , Serum Storage Vials , Slide Storage Box , Plastic Staining Dropping Bottle , Screw Cap Autoclavable Plastic Bottle , Bio Medical Waste Container , Bio Medical Waste Container , Biomedical Waste Buckets , Edta Tube , Clot Activator Tube , Plain Tube ( Serology ) , Sterile Universal Container , Latex Dropper Bulb , Dropper Vial Bulb , Rubber Bulb , Rubber Bulb , Utility Tray , Utility Tray , Utility Tray , Utility Tray , Rubber Latex Glove , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Single Channel Micropipettes Fully Autoclavable Calibration For Ce, Iso And Ivd , Multichannel Micro Pippette ( 8 Channel ) , Multichannel Micro Pippette ( 8 Channel ) , Multichannel Micro Pippette ( 8 Channel ) , 8 Tube Strips Tubes & Optically Clear Flat Cap For Real Time Pcr , 96 Welled Rtpcr Plates For Rtpcr , Pcr Foil Seal , Deep Well Plates 96 , 96 Tip Comb For Deep Well Magnets , Filtered Tips 1000Ul , Filtered Tips Sterile 20 Ul , Filtered Tips 200 Ul , Filtered Tips 10 Ul , Nitrile Gloves , Nitrile Gloves , Nitrile Gloves , Microcentrifuge Tubes , Cryo Vial , Cryo Box 81 Place , Cryo Tags , Cryo Babies , 0?C Mini Cooler , Reagent Reservoir , Rack Of 10 Ml Tube Rack , Reversible Rack With Cover , Biohazard, Garbage Bag , Biohazard, Garbage Bag , Biohazard, Garbage Bag , Syringes With Needle 1Ml , Syringes With Needle 2Ml , Syringes With Needle 5Ml , Syringes With Needle 10Ml , Sterile Centrifuge Tubes , Plastic Storage Boxes , Sterile Cotton Swab Stick , Sterile Petri Plates , Sterile Petri Plates , Serum Vial Sample Storage Box And Stands , Empty Tip Box , Empty Tip Box , Tuberculin Syringe With Needle , Sharp Container , Sharp Container , Parafilm , Petriseal , Cryogenic Marker , Petri Plate Carrier , Petri Plate Carrier , Crystal Violet , Safranine , Peptone Broth Powder , Kovacs Reagent , Bile Esculine Agar , Glucose , Dextrose , Sucrose , Lactose , Maltose , Oxidase Disc , Rcm - Robertsons Cooked Meat Medium , Sda With Chloramphenicol , Koh Pellet , Albert Staina & B , Hydrogen Peroxide , Sheep Blood Agar Plates , Urea 40% , Andrades Indicator , Potassium Telluride 1% , Acetone , Iso Amyl Alcohol , Phenol, Crystals , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Immersion Oil For Microscopy , Malachite Green ( C.I.42000 ) ( Basic Green 4 ) , Potassium Iodide, Hi-Ar™ / Acs , Grams Iodine , Phenol Red , Glycerol , Ferric Chloride , Congo Red, Practical Grade , Alpha Naphthylamine , Alpha Naphthol , Muller Hinton , Lpcb , Lead Acetate , Methylene Blue , C.L.E.D Agar ( Bromothymol Blue ) , Lugols Iodine , Carbol Fuchsin ( Strong ) , Grams Iodine , Simmons Citrate , Tsi Agar , Phenyl Alanine Agar , Mannitol , Nutrient Agar , Macconkey Agar , Agar Agar , Brain Heart Infusion Broth , Alkaline Peptone Water , Urea Agar Base , Microscopic Lens Cleaning Solution , Mrvp Medium , Blood Agar Base , Tcbs Agar , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar ( Xld Agar ) , Mac Cartney Bottles , Lj Medium Slant , Loefllers Serum Slope , Of Medium , Lysine Decarboxylase , Ornithine , Cetrimide Agar , Nitrate Broth , Dtm Agar Base With Dermato Supplement , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar , Nutrient Broth , Ss Agar , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Base Modified , Hi Chrome Candida Differential Agar , Phenolphthalein Phosphatase Agar , Potato Dextrose Agar , Sodium Bicarbonate , Anaerogas Pack , Anaero Indicator Tablet , Autoclavebiological Steam Indicator , Class 6 Autoclave Chemical Indicators / Strips [ Steam ] ( 50 Pcs. ) , 98 % Sulfuric Acid , Gram Stain Kit , India Ink , Zn Acid Fast Stain Kit , Acetic Acid 1% , Basic Carbol Fuschin Powder , Amikacin , Co-Trimoxazole , Ciprofloxacin , Clindamycin , Imipenem , Linezolid , Piperacillin , Piperacillin / Tazobactam , Nitrofurantoin , Gentamicin , Cefepime , Tigecycline , Aztreonam , Optochin , Bacitracin , Furazolidone , Chloramphenicol , Levofloxacin , Norfloxacin , Ampicillin , Vancomycin , Teicoplanin , Erythromycin , Oxacillin , Meropenem , Novobiocin , Ceftazidime , Ceftriaxone , Cefotaxime , Cefepime+Tazobactam , Onpg , Polymyxin B , Cefoxitin , Polymyxin B , Cefaperazone+Sulbactam , Cefixime , Moxifloxacin , Cefuroxime , High Level Streptomycin , High Level Gentamicin , Ceftazidime +Clavulanic Acid , Furazolidone , Ampicillin+Sulbactum , Vancomycin E Strips , Colistin , Azithromycin , Cefazolin , Penicillin , Tobramycin , Amoxycillin , Amoxicillin-Clavulanate , Cefotaxime , Doxycycline , Minocycline , Tetracycline , Fosfomycin , Ticarcillin-Clavulanate , Ticarcillin , Colistin E Strip , Polymyxin B E Strips , Netilmycin , Cefpodoxime , Nalidixic Acid , Fosfomycin , Sparfloxacin , Rifampicin , Cefepime E Strip , Penicillin G E Strip , Ceftriaxone E Strip , Ethyl Alcohol , Viral Transport Medium , Geimsa Stain , Boric Acid Powder , Methanol , Thioglycolate Medium , Macfarland Standard 0.5 , Antisera-Salmonella , Atcc Strain - Enterococcus Fecalis 29212 , Atcc Strain - E.Coli 25922 , Atcc Strain - E.Coli 35218 , Atcc Strain - Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 27853 , Atcc Strain - Staphylococcus Aureus 25923 , Atcc Strain - Staphylococcus Aureus 29213 , Neutral Red Indicator , Neutral Red Solution , Arginine , Sulphanilic Acid , Liquid Paraffin , Bromocresol Purple Indicator , Bromothymol Blue Indicator , Phenol Red Indicator , Methyl Red Indicator , Nacl , Xylene , Pa Coliform Kit , Dpx Mount , Metal Slide Rack , Ss Test Tube Racks , Ss Test Tube Racks , Enamel Trays , Enamel Trays , Enamel Trays , Enamel Trays , Ss Curved Fine Points Forcep , Ss Straight Fine Points Forcep , Ss Straight Blunt Points Forcep , Ss Straight Toothed Points Forcep , Sterile Scalpel Holder Blades , Sterile Scalpel Holder , Smooth Rods ( For Supprting Slides During Staining ) , Tripod Stand , Mesh , Cotton Bundles , Whatmann Filter Paper No. 1 , Assorted Nichrome Loops , Fixed Nichrome Loop Embedded In Ss Rod With Heat Resistant Handle , Straight Wire , Loop Electric Sterilizer , Ph Paper , Manual Needle Cutter , Blotting Paper , Nylon Brush For Washing Test Tubes

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 05-12-2023 corrigendumprebid Technical Bid 11-12-2023
2 30-11-2023 corrigendum Technical Bid 11-12-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 6079 /-
INR 52833.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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