
Tender For The Supply Of Laboratory Instruments / Equipments, Chemicals And Glasswares At In-House Lab Facility, Tncsc Godown Complex, Karumathampatti Village, Coimbatore For A Period Of 1 Year, coimbatore-Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation Limited has published Tender For The Supply Of Laboratory Instruments / Equipments, Chemicals And Glasswares At In-House Lab Facility, Tncsc Godown Complex, Karumathampatti Village, Coimbatore For A Period Of 1 Year. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-12-2023. Chemical Supply Tenders in coimbatore Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For The Supply Of Laboratory Instruments / Equipments, Chemicals And Glasswares At In-House Lab Facility, Tncsc Godown Complex, Karumathampatti Village, Coimbatore For A Period Of 1 Year
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

For The Supply Of Laboratory Instruments / Equipments, Chemicals And Glasswares At In-House Lab Facility, Tncsc Godown Complex, Karumathampatti Village, Coimbatore For A Period Of 1 Year , Glasswares - Biochemical Analysis , 1000 Ml Volumetric Flask , 250 Ml Conical Flask , Acid Mask, Acid Glove , Aluminium Foil , Ambered Glass Bottle 100 Ml , Asbestos Gloves , Beaker 100 Ml , Beaker 250 Ml , Beaker 500 Ml , Bunsen Burner , Burette 50Ml , Burette Stand , Butter Sheet Roll , Centrifuge Tube - Plastic 50 Ml , Desiccator With Silica Gel 1 Kg , Digital Thermometer - 50 To 350 °C , Filtration Set Up With Motor , Funnel - Big , Funnel - Small , Glass Beads (Box) , Glass Rod - Medium , Glass Thermometer - 50 To 150 ° C , Glass Vials - 2 Ml , 2 Ml Glass Vial Cap , Goggles , Gooch Crucible , Grinding Unit , Long Stemmed Funnel 100 Ml Capacity , Measuring Cylinder - Glass -100 Ml , Measuring Cylinder - Plastic -100 Ml , Measuring Cylinder - Glass 50 Ml , Micro Pipettewith Tip - 1 To 2 Ml , Micro Pipette 1 Ml , Micro Pipette With Tip - 20 To 200 ?L , Micro Pipette With Tip - 0 To 1000 ?L , Micro Pipette With Tip - 1 To 5 Ml , Mohr Pipette 10 Ml , Mohr Pipette 2 Ml , Mohr Pipette 25 Ml , Monier - Williamsapparatus , Oil Sample Bottle 115 Ml (40Z) , Pasteur Pipette (Box) , Pipette Bulb (Medium) , Pipette Stand - Horizontal , Pipette Volumetric 10 Ml , Pipette Volumetric 20 Ml , Pipette Volumetric 5 Ml , Quartz Sand , Reagent Bottles - 100 Ml , Reagent Bottles - 250 Ml , Reagent Brown Bottle - 250 Ml , Reagent Bottles - 500 Ml , Reagent Bottles - 1000 Ml , Reflux Apparatus: Flat Bottom Flask (Amber Color) 250 Ml , Round Bottom Flask With 1 M Long Air Condenser , Scoop , Separating Funnel 500 Ml , Separating Funnel 250 Ml , Spatula , Spatula Medium Size , Spatula Small Size , Stopper Bottle 250 Ml , Stoppered Conical Flask 250 Ml , Standard Measuring Flask - 50 Ml , Standard Measuring Flask - 100 Ml , Test Tube Stand , Test Tubes , Micro Tips - 1 - 2 Ml , Tongs Large , Tongs Medium , Tripod Stand , Tlc Plate And Chamber , Tlc / Hptlc Plates Coated With Silica Gel G Or Precoated Readymade Plates Cut To Suit , Uv Light Chamber , Volumetric Flask 10 Ml , Volumetric Flask 100 Ml , Volumetric Flask 1000 Ml , Volumetric Flask 25 Ml , Volumetric Flask 250 Ml , Volumetric Flask 50 Ml , Volumetric Flask 50 Ml , Volumetric Flask 500 Ml , Wash Bottle , Watch Glass , Weight Box With Nabl Calibration Certificate (0.1 Mg To 220 G Range) - (Set) , Whatman 91 Filter Paper (Boxes) , Whatman 1 Filter Paper (Boxes) , Whatman 42 Filter Paper (Boxes) , White Knitting Wool Role , 25 Mm Nylon Disc Filter 0.2 ?, 0.45 ? (Box Each) , Disposable Syringe(Boxes) , Wire Gauze , Eppendorfs Tube (Boxes) , Microbiological Analysis , 100 Ml - Sample Container , Absorbent Cotton , Non Absorbent Cotton , Autoclave Disposable Bag , Bunsen Burner , Deodororising Pearls(Pkt.) , Inoculationloopstand , Inoculation Loop , Micropipette - 0.1 Ml Capacity , Micropipette -1 Mlcapacity , Micropipette - 10 Mlcapacity , Micropipette Stand , Micropipette Tip Boxes , Parafilm (Roll) , Petriplates - 90 Mm , Ppe - Lab Coat, Gloves, Mask, Head Cap , Rubber Bands(Pkt.) , Sample Storage Racks , Screw Cap Bottles - 100 Ml , Screw Cap Bottles - 250 Ml , Screw Cap Bottles -500 Ml , Screw Cap Bottles -1 Litre , Spatula , Stomacher Bag , Swab Stick (Pkt.) , Swab Template , Test Tube Stand , Test Tubes - 13 Ml Capacity , Test Tubes - 27 Ml Capacity , L Rod , Durhams Tube (Pack) , Microbiology Lab , Stomacher , Vortex Mixture , Plate Rotator (Plate Master For Speed Plating) , Pass Box ( 1.5 X 1.5 ) , Ph Meter , Refrigerators - 300 Liters (Double Door) - 3 Star - Branded , Anti-Vibration Table , Hygrometer- Temperature & Humidity - Clock With Calibration Certificate , Biochemical Lab , Nitrogen Concentrator- With Nitrogen Flow , Rotary Shaker , Ultra Sonicator , Laboratory Electric Bunsen Burner , Mixie (Branded) , Cooling Centrifuge - Capable Of Holding 50 Ml & 15 Ml Centrifuge Tubes With Constant Temperature , Industrial Grinding Unit , Sample Tray , Autoclavable Test Tube Basket With Cover, Pp - Small , Autoclavable Test Tube Basket With Cover, Pp - Medium , Autoclavable Test Tube Basket With Cover, Pp - Large , Lc Column: C18 (100 Mm X 4.6 Mm), 5 ?M , Uve Solution By Lc Tech Derivitative (Cobra Cell) , Vaccum Extraction Manifold System , Chemicals (Ar Grade) , Acetic Acid - 500 Ml , Acetone - 500 Ml , Ammonia 2.5 Lit , Anhydrous Sodium Sulphate - 500 G , Bromophenol Blue - 25 G , Carbon Tetrachloride - 500 Ml , Chloroform - 500Ml , Copper Sulphate - 500 G , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Ar Grade , Dried Chlorine - 250G , Ethanol - 500 Ml , Ethyl Alcohol - 500 Ml , Glacial Acetic Acid 500 Ml , Glacial Acetic Acid - 2.5 Lit , Hydrochloric Acid - 500 Ml , Hydrogen Peroxide 500 Ml , Iodine Mono Chloride (Wiji Solution) 250 Ml , Iso Amyl Alcohol - 500 Ml , Iso Butanol - 500 Ml , Lead Acetate - 500 G , Mercuric Iodide 100 G , Methylene Blue - 25 G , Supra Pure Nitric Acid 69 % (2 Liter) , Petroleum Ether - 2.5 Lit , Phenol - 500 G , Phenolpthalein - 25 G , Potassium Chloride 500 G , Potassium Dichromate - 500 G , Potassium Hydroxide - 500 G , Potassium Iodide - 100G , Potassium Permanganate - 500 G , Potassium Sodium Tartrate - 500 G , Silica Gel 500 G , Sodium Carbonate 500 G , Sodium Hydroxide - 500 G , Sodium Thiosulphate - 500 G , Starch - 500 G , Sucrose (Analytical Grade) 500 G , Sulphuric Acid 500 Ml , Acetonitrile Hplc Grade , Methanol Hplc Grade , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Ar Grade , Pottasium Di-Hydrogen Phosphate Ar Grade , Hydrochloric Acid Emparta , Alpha Amylase , Pyrogallal , Media , Andrade Peptone Water(100 G X 01 No.) , Argininedecarboxylase Broth Base (100 G X 01 No.) , Autoclave Strip - Efficiency Check(100 G X 01 No.) (Biological & Chemical) , Brilliant Green Agar (500 G X 01 No.) , Brilliant Green Bile Broth(Pack) , Buffered Peptone Water(500 G X 01 No.) , Cedar Wood Oil (100 G X 01 No.) , Chloramphenicol Yeast Glucose Agar (500 G X 01 No.) , Deoxycholate Agar (Pack) , Dulcitol Disc (500 G X 01 No.) , Eosin Methyleneblue Agar (500 G X 01 No.) , Gelatin Medium (01 Vial) , Glucose Disc (100 G X 01 No.) , Gram Stain Kit(100 G X 01 No.) , Hot Air Oven - Efficiency Check ( Biological & Chemical ) - (01 Vial) , Hugh Leifson Medium (01 Pack) , Hydrogen Peroxide(01 Pack) , Iso Propyl Alcohol (100 G X 01 No) , Kauffmann Muller Tetra Thionate Broth(500 Ml) , Kovacs Indole Reagent (10 Litre) , Lactose 1% Disc(500 G X 01 No) , Lysine Decarboxylase Broth Base (100 Ml) , Macconkey Agar (01 Vial) , Macconkey Broth (100 G X 01 No.) , Malonate Broth (500 G X 01 No.) , Mannitol Disc (100 G X 01 No.) , Motility Medium (01 Vial) , Mr - Vpmedium (500 G X 01 No.) , Mr - Vp Reagent (100 G X 01 No.) , Nutrient Agar (Each 100 Ml X 01 No.) , Nutrient Broth (500 G X 01 No.) , Ornithine Decarboxylase Broth Base (500 G X 01 No.) , Oxidase Disc (1 Pack) , Paraffin Oil (2.5 Litre X 01 No.) , Peptone Bacteriological (500 G X 01 No.) , Plate Count Agar (500 G X 01 No.) , Poly Valent Antisera(O, H & Vi) - Salmonella (Each 01 Nos.) , Rappaport Vassiliadis Medium (500 G X 01 No.) , Salicin Disc (01 Vial) , Selenite Cystine Broth (500 G X 01 No.) , Selenite F Broth (500 G X 01 No.) , Simmon Citrate Agar (100 G X 01 No.) , ß - Galactosidase Disc (01 Vial) , Sucrose Disc (01 Vial) , Tergitol - 7 - Agar (500 G X 01 No.) , Triple Sugar Iron Agar (100 G X 01 No.) , Tryptophan Broth (100 G X 01 No.) , Urease Agar (100 G X 01 No.) , Uv Efficiency Check (100 Ml X 01 No.) , Violet Red Bile Agar (500 G X 01 No.) , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (500 G X 01 No) , Ph - Buffer- 4With Nist Certificate( 100 Ml) , Ph - Buffer- 7 With Nist Certificate ( 100 Ml) , Ph - Buffer- 10 With Nist Certificate ( 100 Ml) , Certified Reference Materials With Traceable To Iso 17034 -Biochemical , Brilliant Blue Fcf - 100 Mg , Erythrosine - 100 Mg , Fast Green Fcf - 100 Mg , Indigo Carmine - 100 Mg , Ponceau 4 R - 100 Mg , Sunset Yellow Fcf - 100 Mg , Tartrazine - 100 Mg , Carmoisine - 100 Mg , Icp Multi Elementsstandards Solution Diluted In Nitric Acid - Merck , Iron As Fe , Potassium Dichromate 80 G , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate - 80 G , Sodium Carbonate 80 G , Vitamin A , Vitamin B12 , Vitamin B9 , Vitamin D , Afalotoxin B1, B2, G1 & G2 , Uric Acid , Citric Acid , Microbiological , Salmonella (01 Vial ) , Shigella (01 Vial ) , Saccharomyces Cerevisae (01 Vial ) , Aspergillus Brasilliensis (01 Vial ) , Geobacillus Stereothermophillus (01 Vial ) , Bacillus Subtilis (01 Vial ) , Escherichiacoli (01 Vial ) , Bacillus Pumillus (01 Vial ) , Miscellaneous , Slipper Stand , Closed Dust Bin , First Aid Box , Lab Coat Hanger , Lab Slippers (Pairs) , Stationeries As Per Requirement , Spray Bottle , Lab Coat , Window Screens For Icp-Oes Room

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 13-12-2023 DATE CORRIGENDUM Date 19-12-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 15000.0 /-
Tender Value
Refer document
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