Procurement Of Dental Instrument And Equipment Procurement Of Dental Instrument And Equipments , Jaquette Scaler , Crane Kaplan , Cumine Scaler , Hoe-Orban , Surface Scaler , Scaler Anterior , Scaler Posterior , Periotome Straight Flexi , Periotome Curved Flexi , Scalpel Handle Straight , Bard Parker Type With Metric Ruler , Gracey Currettes Standard Set , Gracey Currettes After Five Set , Furcation Currates , Princhard Currette , Unc-15 Prob , Goldman Fox Prob , Screening Prob , Nabers Prob , Williams Prob , Marquis Color Coded Prob , Sugarman M / D, B / L Perodontal File , Schluger , Oscheinbein Chisel , Kirkland Knife , Orbansknife , Buck Knife , Buser Periosteal Elevator , Goldman Fox Periosteal Elevator , Kramer Nevins Periosteal Elevator , Glickman Periosteal Elevator , Bone Curettes , Miller Bone File , Goldman Fox Straight Scissor , Catroviejo Straight And Curved Scissor , Adson Plain And Serrated Tissue Forceps , Castroviejo Needle Holder , Tissue Nipper , Corn Suture Plier , Mosquito Straight And Curved Hemostats. , Bone Mapping Caliper Forcep , Bone Graft Condensor , Bone Graft Carrier , Bone Compactor , Membrane Placement , 60% Hydroxyapatite & 40% B-Tcp Synthetic Biocompatible Dental Bonegraft 1Cc , 60% Hydroxyapatite & 40% B-Tcp Synthetic Biocompatible Dental Bonegraft 1Cc , Rhodes Back Action Chisel. , Schluger Files. , Goldman Fox Pocket Marker Right. , Goldman Fox Pocket Marker Left , Vista Tunneling Procedure Set. , Prf Box , Arkansas Stone / Sharpening Stone. , Cement Spatula , Bone Crusher. , Bone Mill , Glass Slab , Ligature Cutter , Universal Plier , Adam’S Plier , Digital Centrifuge Machine With Timer ( 8×15Ml ) / High Speed 1000 – 10000 Rpm. , Clear And Non Sterilized 15 Ml Graduated Centrifuge Tube Polypropylene Leak- Proof Tubes. , Dappen Dish. , Electrocautery For Dental And Oral Surgical Procedures With 3.5 M Cycle Output Frequency, 225W Ac Input Power, 200W Output Power, 225 W Unit Wattage. , Aesthetic Gauges Set. , Coe Pak