Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments In The Dept Of Electronics And Physics Dept , Waveguide Measurement Setups ( Electronicsdept ) , 23Ua187-R1 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 3.95 To 5.85 Ghz; Quantity -1 24Ua187-R 3 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 3.95 To 5.85 Ghz ; Quantity -1 26Ua187-Rprecision Load, Us, 3.95 To 5.85 Ghz; Quantity -1 35Ua187n-R Coaxial Adapter, Us, 3.95 To 5.85 Ghz, N ( M ) ; Quantity -2 ( Detailed Specification Attached ) , 23Ua137-R 1 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 5.85 To 8.20 Ghz; Quantity -1 24Ua137-R3 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 5.85 To 8.20 Ghz; Quantity -1 26Ua137-Rprecision Load, Us, 5.85- 8.20 Ghz; Quantity -1 35Ua137n-R Coaxial Adapter, Us, 5.85-8.20 Ghz, N ( M ) ; Quantity -2 ( Detailed Specification Attached ) , 23Ua90-R 1 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 8.20 To 12.40 Ghz; Quantity -1 24Ua90-R 3 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 8.20 To 12.40 Ghz; Quantity -1 26Ua90-R Precision Load, Us, 8.20 To 12.40 Ghz, N ( M ) ; Quantity -1 35Ua90n-Rcoaxial Adapter, Us, 8.20 To 12.40 Ghz, N ( M ) ; Quantity -2 ( Detailed Specification Attached ) , 23Ua62-R1 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 12.40 To 18.0 Ghz; Quantity -1 24Ua62-R3 / 8 Offset Short, Us, 12.40 To 18.0 Ghz; Quantity -1 26Ua62-Rprecision Load, Us, 12.40 To 18.0 Ghz; Quantity -1 35Ua62n-R Coaxial Adapter, Us, 12.40 To 18.0 Ghz, N ( M ) ; Quantity -2 ( Detailed Specification Attached ) , Uv Vis Spectrum Analyzers For Absorbance Transmittance Reflection Emission And Scattering ( Physics Dept ) ( Detailed Specification Attached ) , Spectrophotometer -Portable , Uv-Vis Lightsource , Sample Holder , Optical Fiber , Reflection Probe , Reflection Probe Holder , Monochromator And Software ( Specification Attached ) , Precision Spin Coater ( Physics Dept ) , Spin Coater- A Microprocessor Controlled Programmable System