
Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals And Glasswares, ernakulam-Kerala

Department of Higher Education has published Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals And Glasswares. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-11-2023. Waxes Tenders in ernakulam Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals And Glasswares
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Laboratory Chemicals And Glasswares , Yeast Extract Powder , Lugols Iodine , Potassium Sodium Tartarate 99% , Benzoic Acid , Sucrose Extra Pure , Sodium Taurocholate , Isopropyl Alcohol , Lamposolv , Spirit ( Diluent For Dna Extraction ) , Cleansol , Gelatin Powder , A-Amylase , Starch Powder , Amino Acid Kit ( 20 Items ) , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Powder , Agar Agar , Dextrose ( D-Glucose ) , Chloroform , Isp2 Medium , Gram Staining Kit , Nutrient Agar , Benzene Hexachloride , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Manganese Sulphate 99% , Potassium Hydroxide Pellets , Potassium Iodide L R , N Butanol 99% , Picric Acid Crystal , Leishman Stain Solution , Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit , Blood Group Identification Kit , Acetone Lr , Methylene Blue Aqueous , Hydrochloric Acid , Ortho-Tolidine Pure , Antibiotic Disc Amoxycillin 10 Mcg 5 Vl , Antibiotic Disc Gentamicin 10 Mcg 5 Vl , Antibiotic Disc Chloramphenicol 30 Mcg 5 Vl , Antibiotic Disc Erythromycin , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetocarmine , Sodium Chloride , Silica Gel , Paraffin Wax , Ninhydrin Reagent , 0.1M Citrate Buffer, Ph 4.8 , Thiosemicarbozide , Sodium Thiosulphate Anhydrous , Maltose Monohydrate , P Nitro Phenyl Phosphate Disodium Salt Ar , Trichloro Acetic Acid , Diacetyl Monoxime Reagent , Borax , Congo Red ( 1% Aqueous ) Solution , O-Tolidine Reagentfor Blood Glucose , Bovine Serum Albumin , Bbiuret Reagent , 1-Naphthol , 2-Naphthol , Ammonium Ferric Sulphate ( Ferric Alum ) , Ammonium Molybdatea R , Ammonium Thiocyanatea R , Aniline , Barium Sulphate , Benzoyl Chloride , Biphenyl , Blood Group Testing Kit ( Anti Seruma, Anti Serum B, Antigen D ) , Boiling Tube 20 Ml Borosilicate Glass , Cadmium Nitrate Ar , Castor Oil , Ceric Ammonium Sulphatea R , Chloro Benzene , Clove Oil , Cobalt Nitrate , Conc. Hydrochloric Acid , Conc. Sulphuric Acid , Ciopper Sulphate , Cupferon Reagent , Ether , Ethyl Benzoate , Eucalyptus Oil , Ferric Chloridea R , Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate ( Mohrs Salt ) , Filter Paper No.1 Sheets , Filter Paper Ordinary , Gingelly Oil , Gram Staining Kit , Hydrogen Peroxide ( 30% ) , Lead Acetate , Lead Nitrate , Lemon Grass Oil , Mercuric Chloridea R , Methyl Acetate , Methyl Benzoate , Methyl Alcohol A R , Naphthalene , Nickelacetate , Nickel Ammonium Sulphate , Nitrobenzene , Oleic Acid , Phenol , Potassium Chloridea R , Potassium Ferricyanidea R , Potassium Iodide , Resorcinol , Salicylaldehyde , Selenium Metal Powder , Sesame Oil , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Sodium Meta Bisulphite , Strontium Nitrate , Terephthalic Acid , Stannous Chloride , Thioureaemparta , Tin-Metal Granules , Tlc Plates ( Sheet ) , O-Toluidine A R 99% , Whatmann 40 , Whatmann 41 , Zinc Acetate A R , Zirconium Nitrate Ar , 1, 4 Dioxane , Acetone , Agar Powder , Agarose , Ashbys Mannitol Agar Medium , Ba , Barritts Reagent A , Barritts Reagent B , Bee Wax , Buffer Capsule Ph 7 , Buffer Capsule Ph 4 , Buffer Capsule Ph 9.2 , Ca Edta , Calcium Carbonate , Calcium Hydroxide , Calcium Hypochlorite , Canada Balsam , Chloroform , Chromatography Paper , Chromozurol S , Chromic Acid , Chromoacetic Acid , Clove Oil , Cmc Agar , Colloidal Chitin Agar , Congo Red , Copper Sulphate , Craf Solution , Crystal Violet , Crystalline Phenol , Dev Tryptophan Broth , Dinitro Salicylic Acid , Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate , Dpph , Dpx , Dragendorffs Reagent , Drosphila Medium , Na2-Edta , Edta Ferric Monosodium , Eosin , Ethanol , Ethidium Bromide , Ethyl Acetate , Fast Green , Fast Green , Ferric Chloride , Filter Paper ( Whatmann ) , Folin Ciocalteu Reagent , Formaldehyde , Formic Acid , Gelatin , Glacial Acetic Acid , Glycerol , Glycine , Grams Iodine , Grams Staining Kit , Haematoxylin Powder , Harris Haematoxylin , Hydrochloric Acid , Isoamyl Alcohol , Isopropyl Alcohol , Kanamycin , Kinetin , King’S Medium B Agar , Kings B Medium Broth , Koh , Kovacs Reagent , Labolene , Lactophenol Cotton Blue , Lampo Solv , Leishmans Stain , Macconkey Agar , Malachite Green , Maltose , Manganous Sulphate Monohydrate , Mercuric Chloride , Methanol , Methyl Red , Methyl Teritary Butyl Ether , Monopotassium Phosphate , Mr Vp Media , Mr-Vp Broth , N-Hexane L.R , Na2 Edta , Naa , Nutrient Agar , Nutrient Broth , Oxidase Disc , Para Phenylene Diamine , Paraffin Wax ( Mp 50- 55C ) , Peptone Water , Perchloric Acid 70% , Petroleum Ether , Ph Buffer Tablets Ph 7 , Ph Buffer Tablets Ph 10 , Ph Buffer Tablets Ph 4 , Phenol , Phenolphthalin , Phenyl Hydrazine Hydrochloride , Phosphoric Acid , Pikovskayas Agar , Potassium Acetate , Potassium Chomate , Potassium Dichromate , Potassium Hexacynoferrate , Potassium Permangnate Powder , Potassium Thiocyanate , Potato Dextrose Agar , Pre Coated Tlc Plate , Proline , Propanol , Pyrridine , Pyrocatechol , Resazurin Dye , Rochelle Salt ( Sodium Potassium Tartrate ) , Saffranine , Silver Nitrate , Sim Broth ( Without Agar ) , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Carbonate ( Anhydrous ) , Sodium Chloride , Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate , Sodium Dithionite , Sodium Hydroxide , Sodium Hydroxide Pellet , Sodium Nitrite , Sodium Potassium Tartarate , Sodium Sulphite , Sodium Thionate , Sulphanilamide , Starch , Starch Agar , Sucrose , Sulphuric Acid , Tertiary Butyl Alcohol , Toluene , Tris Free Base , Tri Sodium Citrate Dihydrate , Trichloro Acetic Acid , Tris Amino Methyl , Tris Buffer , Tris Hydrocholoride , Triton X -100 , Wagnerss Reagent , Xylene , Conical Flask , Coverglass , Microscope Glass Slides , Stain Bottle Small , Inoculation Loop , S Line Petri Dishes , S Line Petri Dishes , Glass L Shaped Spreader- , Glass Wool , Watch Glass , Test Tubes , Plant Tissue Culture Tubes , Autoclavable Pp Caps For Tissue Culture Tubes 25Mm , Screw Cap Reagent Bottle , Tissue Paper Roll , Absorbent Cotton , Forceps For Plant Tissue Culture , Bottle Brush , Screw Cap Reagent Bottle

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 900 /-
INR 3000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3 Lakhs /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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