
Tender For Narwana Wqms Activity-2023-24 (Water Quality Monitoring Surveillance), `Strengthening Of Public Health Division Narwana -Supplying Certified Reference Material, Analytical Reagents, Laboratory Materials Etc For Sub-Divisional Lab At Public H, narwana-Haryana

Public Health Engineering Department has published Tender For Narwana Wqms Activity-2023-24 (Water Quality Monitoring Surveillance), `Strengthening Of Public Health Division Narwana -Supplying Certified Reference Material, Analytical Reagents, Laboratory Materials Etc For Sub-Divisional Lab At Public H. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-11-2023. Application Software Tenders in narwana Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Narwana Wqms Activity-2023-24 (Water Quality Monitoring Surveillance), `Strengthening Of Public Health Division Narwana -Supplying Certified Reference Material, Analytical Reagents, Laboratory Materials Etc For Sub-Divisional Lab At Public H
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Tender Details

Tender For Narwana Wqms Activity-2023-24 ( Water Quality Monitoring Surveillance ) , `Strengthening Of Public Health Division Narwana -Supplying Certified Reference Material, Analytical Reagents, Laboratory Materials Etc For Sub-Divisional Lab At Public Health Engineering Division Narwana And All Other Works Contingent Thereto- 1 Barium Chloride=500 gm with 2-3 yr expiry date,Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 2 Supply of Electrode for ph700,Make Eutech 3 Ammonium Buffer solution (500ml )-Make- Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 4 Bottle top dispensor-with recirculation valve,fully autoclavable,calibration andaccuracy as per ISO 8666,,adujstable delivery nozzle,180 deg.rotation for easy volume setting,PTFE piston with ETP-O ring,Volume range-0.5 to 5 ml,increment-0.1 ml,accuracy in %-0.5 ml,along with 20mm,32mm,36 mmadaptors for reagent bbottles-Make Borosil,Glassco 5 Bromocresol green indicatior with Sodium metal (5g) Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Qualigen/Fischer Scientific, Bromocresol green indicatior with Sodium metal (5g) 6 Burett,capacity50 ml,Interval 0.10 ml,toleranceplus - 0.05 ml,With NABL calibration certificate,Make-Borosil along withPolylab burette standwith clamp. 7 Burette,ClassA,Amber colour,capacity50 ml,Interval 0.10 ml,toleranceplus - 0.05 ml,With NABL calibration certificate,Make-Borosil along withPolylab burette standwith clamp. 8 Calcium Carbonate,NIS traceable (CRM) along with certificate, size- 50 gm Traceability -NIST,atleast with 2 yr expiry date with IS 17034, Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion 9 Chlorine comparator 2000 plus ( plus 2 plastic cells) with all acessories like glass filter for Range 3/40 A and 3/40 K. 10 Chlorine comparattor Disk (3/40A)Range-0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6 to1.0 mg/l,Make-Lovibond,also produce lovibond certificate for orignality 11 Chlorine comparattor Disk (3/40K)Range-0.5 To6.0 mg/l,Make-Lovibond,also produce lovibond 12 Conc.HNO3 -500 ml,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Qualigen/Fischer Scientific with atleast 2-3 yt expiry date 13 Conductivity CRM=1410 micro Siemens-500 ml,crm ,nist traceable 17034 with certificatewith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Inorganic veNture 14 Conical flask 100 ml capacity,narrow mouth with rim,make-Borosil 15 Cuvette set for Hach DR2800 16 Dell 24 inch monitor,full HD,Height swivel tilt,in built speaker,DisplayPort 1.2VGA HDM,HDMI Cable, along with dell keybboard and wireless mouse, 1.No Microteck UPS 17 Digital flat stirrer-speed range-10-1500 rpm,digital,along with 5.No magnetic stirrer beads,7 stirring mode for bettermixing,Make-Glassco,Borosil 18 DPD No.1 Tablet-Make-Lovibond,Pack size 500/pack,Required Quantity is in numberofpack 19 Draining basket-Size-400 x 400 x 100 mm,Make-Polylab/borosil 20 EDTA (AR Grade 500 gm)-Make SD Fine/Merck/QUALIGEN /finarwith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 21 EDTA (AR Grade)-N/50- 500 ML-Make SD Fine/Merck/QUALIGEN with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 22 Eriochrome Black-T-AR Grade-25 gm,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Qualigen /finarwith atleast 2-3 yr expiry dat 23 Ferrover-For 10 ml,Make-Hach/Lovibond -1 packet (100 pouch) atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 24 Forceps,material ss 410 grade,straight blunt point ,size 150 mm-Make-borosil,glassco,tarson 25 Glass filteration assembly with silicone stopper,47mm,-autoclavable,glass funnel capacity-300ml, filter support base glassfilter-47 mm,glass reciever flask-1000ml,aluminium clamp-47mm,silicone stopper,vaccum pump-oil free(flow 15 ltr/min,current 0.3 amp,flow rate-17 LPM,frequency -50hz-warranty 1 year along with silicone/tubing pipe 2 mtr length)Make-Borosil/Merck/Tarson 26 Iso Propyl Alcohal (3L)-Make- Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 27 Lab gloves-Nitrile,powderfree-Complete Pack,Make-Cole parmer,fischer brand 28 Labolene-5lt-Make Qualigen/Finar 29 Laboratory Tray- 450 x 350 x 75 mm,Make-Polylab/borosil 30 Labware Dryer-Optimum air circulation that dries labware in less than 15 mins ,Perfectly dried labware for error free experiments, Benchtop and Wall mountable unit ,Assorted stainless steel easy to clean Pegs Heater (ON / OFF) feature for drying plasticware. Number of pegs-22,peg size volume compatiability-16mm-12 n0,10mm-10 no, Temperature Range ( C)- Ambient to 70 C,Time control-yes,drying power-1075 w,Dimension( W x D x H) (400 x 367 x 620) mm,Make-Borosil,thermofischer 31 Large Basket with cover for test tube,Make-Polylab,borosil 32 low form beaker with spout ,capacit -2000ml,Make-Borosil 33 low form beaker with spout ,capacit -3000ml,Make-Borosil 34 Mac Conkey brooth,double strength -Himedia-500 gm.atleast with2-3 yr expiry date 35 Measuring Cylinder,Class A,50 ml capacity ,Hexagonal base ,along with Nabl certificate,Borosil 36 Methyl Orange-125 ml-Make-Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine /finarwith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 37 Methyl red-AR grade-25 GM .Make- Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 38 Murexide Indicator-5gm,Make Sdfine/Merck/Qualigen 39 Narrow mouth PVC Sterlized aautoclavable -2000 ml bottle,Make-Polylab,tarson 40 Narrow mouth PVC Sterlized autoclavable-1000 ml bottle,Make-Polylab/taarson 41 Nitraver-for 10 ml,Make-Hach/Lovibond -1 packet (100 pouch) atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 42 Ph buffer calibration solution-10.01,crm,nist traceable with certificate-orion/ merck -475 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date with ISO 17034 , Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organicventure 43 Ph buffer calibration solution-4.01,crm,nist traceable with certificate-orion/ merck -475 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date withISO17034,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organic venture 44 Ph buffer calibration solution-7.0,crm,nist traceable with certificate-orion/ merck -475 ml,atleast with2-3 yr expiry date with ISO 17034, Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/orion/Eutech/ in organicventure 45 Phenolpthalein indicator, with 2-3 yr expiry date,Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 46 Pipeete controller -Can fill 25 ml pipette under 4 secondsSafety valve and hydrophobic filters provide double protection against fluid penetrationTwo different speed modes – High and Low along with Gravity drainPower : 2 x 1.2 V / 1000 mAh NiMH batteriesBattery Service Life : Eight hours continuous useBattery Charging Time : 2 – 3 hours to charge fullyVolumetric Range : Plastic or Glass pipette from 0.1 ml up to 200 mlSafety System : Replaceable hydrophobic 0.45 pm PTFE filter Safety check valveStandard Accessory : Battery charger (UK plug): Desktop Stand: Hydrophobic PTFE membrane filter 0.45 µm 1Pc: Hydrophobic PTFE membrane filter 0.20 µm 1Pc: Wall mounting stand with screw,Make-Borosil/Glassco/Brand 47 Potassium Chloride (500g)-AR grade- Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 48 Potassium Chromate=500gm-AR Grade)-Make SD Fine/Merck/QUALIGEN /finarwith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 49 potassium nitrate (KNO3),-500gm-AR Grade- Make SD Fine/Merck/QUALIGEN/FINAR with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 50 Reagent bottles,narrow mouth with screw cap,amber,Capacity-250 ml,Make-Borosil 51 Round pipette stand-28 pipete,Make-Polylab,Borosil 52 Silver nitrate -AR Grade-25 gm,Make-Himedia/Merck/Sigma aldrich/Merck- with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 53 Silver nitrate –N/50-500 ml,Make-Himedia/Merck/Sigma aldrich/Merck/finar- with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 54 Sodium carbonate ,NIS traceable (CRM) along with certificate, size- 50 gm Traceability -NIST,atleast with 2 yr expiry date with ISO 17034, Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion 55 Sodium chloride ,NIST Traceable (CRM) along with certificate Traceability -NIST, Size 80 gm, atleast with 2 yr expiry date with ISO 17034, Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion 56 Sodium Chloride-AR grade-500gm,Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 57 Sodium Thiosulphate=500gm-AR Grade)-Make SD Fine/Merck/QUALIGEN/finar with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 58 Spadns reagent for fluoride-Make-Hach/Lovibond(500 ml)-1 packet (100 pouch) atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 59 Spatula, one flat end, one end spoon, 8 inches Make - Borosil / Glassco /Tarson 60 Sulfaver -For10ml,Make-Hach/Lovibond -1 packet (100 pouch) atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 61 Sulphuric Acid (0.02 N)-500 ML-Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Qualigen/finar/Fischer Scientific/finar with atleast 2-3 yr expiry date 62 Sulphuric Acid-Conc 99.9%-500ml- Make- Qualigen/Merck/Sdfine/finar 63 Test tube cleaning brush 64 Turbidity Standard 1000NTU,-500 ml,crm ,nist traceable 17034 with certificatewith atleast 2-3 yr expiry date,Make-Merck/Sigma aldrich/Orion/Inorganic veNture 65 Whatman Filter/Millipore paer size-0.45 micron membrane filter

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 15964.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 7.98 Lakhs /-
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