
Quotation For The Subject Items -, MORMUGAO-Goa

Mormugao Port Trust has published Quotation For The Subject Items -. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-11-2023. Tape Supply Tenders in MORMUGAO Goa. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Quotation For The Subject Items -
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Tender Details

Quotation For The Subject Items -1. Printing & supply of shorthand books consisting of 192 pages on 58 gsm ruled white paper in size 195 x 125mm, with printing of MPA logo on the cover. Printing as per the specimen. 2. Supply of Registers with ruled sheets of 96 pages on 57gsm deluxe white paper (ruled sheets) of size 190 X 320 mm, with hardbound front & back cover, calicloth bound, light blue colour paper at top and bottom, black white printing in bilingual as per our specimen on top. 3. Supply of register, with 192 pages, 57 GSM white ruled sheets of good quality, size 190 X 320 mm, bound on front & back with hard cover, calicloth binding, pasted with sky blue black & white printed paper and printing in bilingual on the front cover (paper) as per our specimen. 4. Supply of Registers with white ruled sheets of 288 pages on 57gsm white paper in size 190 X 320 mm with front & back cover in white colour paper, cali-cloth bound and printing in Bilingual on the front cover as per the specimen. 5. Supply of registers with ruled sheets of 384 pages on 57 gsm deluxe quality white paper of size 190 X 320mm, hard bound front & back cover, cali cloth bound light blue colour paper printed as per specimen on top & bottom. 6. Supply of Exercise books of 192 pages on 57gsm ruled white paper of size 90 X 155 mm, with printing of MPT name and logo Sticker on the front cover. 7. Box Files in special size of 370 X 275 X 85 mm with minor tolerance, of special quality thick card board with STEEL adjustable lever and printing of labels as per our specimen. 8. Supply of Flap Folders of thick card board at the base, of size 260x360mm. The pads should be pasted with printed (printing as per specimen) light blue colour paper. The flap folders should be provided with calicloth pasted pair of flaps of size 200mm x 100mm, and white cotton tape of good quality of sufficient length. MPA name and logo should be printed on the flap folders on the flaps as per specimen.

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