Rate Contract For Procurement Of Avr And Vfd Spares For Ntpc Rate Contract For Procurement Of Avr And Vfd Spares For Ntpcstations-23-25 , Diode Set, Tag Board Assmbly 12 Pole Bhel , Contactor, Cn9070111136, Dvr Bhel , Transformer, Sa0657000043, Bhel , Control Transformer, Cn9074474136, Bhel , Vfd Auxiliary Contr / Relay 220Vdc Bhel , Memory Card, 69203Yv1aa-Ct370 Bhel , Air Flow Monitor, Sa0653980388, Bhel , Avr:Temp Surveillanc Apr103 Sa0653941021 , Pot Separating Stage, Un0099a, Bhel , Unitrol Test Point Card Un0094a Bhel , Isolated Di Mod R1 Max Iop334, Bhel , Command I / P Mod Uns2662 Bhel , Final Pulse Moduleun0809a Bhel , Davr: Ty Trf 5Kva 3-Ph, 415 / 220V Ynyn0 , 32 Ch Alam Card Un0665av1 Bhel , Pulse Final Stage Un0097a Bhel , Binary I / P Module, Unc4661av2, Bhel , Command I / P Mod Uns2661 Bhel , Digital I / O Module, Un0662 Bhel , Binary Output Module, Unc4662av1bhel , Current Monitor Card, 6Qm1210, Bhel , A / D Coverter Card, Un0611av1 Bhel , Cplg Stg Mod Assy, Ce69143350, Bhel , Ac / Dc Supply Moduleunc4664av1 Bhel , Avr:Pwr Mdl, Bht E3590, Cn9086207251 Bhel , Davr:R2 Un0901c Dc / Dc Conv , Pulse Suprvsn Module#Un0053 Bhel , Mdl Interrupt Gen Un0661av1 Bhel , Dc / Dc Supply Module, Un0664av1 Bhel , 19 Subrack Sa0653940300, Bhel , Filter Module, 692.03.Ia2a A, Bhel , Firing Card, Un0663bv1, Bhel , Mdlce69133441, Convrtr Supply , Un0098a-P , Avr:Pwr Sup 220V-51V, 10V Mdl69203py5ba , Dc Supply Module, Un0664av, Bhel , Digi Firing&Ctrl Mod Un0663b Bhel , Microterminal Mdl692.03 Tb2aaa Uns2660au , Avr:Un0663 Firing 150Hz Ed69203du1ba , Powr Suply Ac / Dc Cnvrtr Kx9180a Bhel , 16 Ch Analog I / O Mod Un610av1 Bhel , Davr Cpu Module-Un0660av1 Bhel , Digitalvolt&Current Mod Unc4660av1 , Auxiliary Board Nsfc, Ed660dsfca00, Bhel , Distribution Board, Ed660xtfya00, Bhel , Daughter Board Of Sfe, Ed660dsfea00, Bhel , Card Ds38000 Dlcb 660D Dlcba Of Bhel Vfd , Voltage Divider Card:Ds3800xptn;Bhel , Daughter Board, Ed660dliba00, Bhel , Vfd Lci Pcb Card: Pcb660ntda-Aia; Bhel , Eeprom Card, 660Dmpba, Bhel Vfd , Pulse Distrib Board, 660Xtfha, Bhel , Fan Loss Card For Evc / Sfe, 660Nflaa, Bhel, , Hria Relay Input Broad, Ds3800hria, Bhel , Field Exciter Board, Ed660nsfea00, Bhel , Attenuator&Buffer Board, 660Hisaa, Bhel , Signal Cond&Test Board, 660Nlcba Bhel , Control Card For Evc / Sfe, 660Nhvla, Bhel , Interface Board, Ed660hlcba00, Bhel , Micro Proccpu Board Ds38000 Vfd Bhel , Power Supply Ds3800 Ps7a 660Ps7aa Of Vfd , A / D Converter Board, Ed660haiaa00, Bhel , System Firing Card, Ed660nsfca00, Bhel , Hi Lvl Relay O / P Board, 660Hroaa, Bhel , 2.3Kv Gate Circuit, Ed660hptka00, Bhel , Calculation Board, Ed660nliba00, Bhel , Power Supply Ds38000 Psff660psffa Of Vfd , Input / Output Module, 660Iomaa, Bhel , Semrack For Vfd: Lci-Semrack-2-Spr; Bhel , Wireless Semrack With Cards Lci-Semrack , Set Of Ribbon Cable-2.3Kv Vfd; Bhel , Pwr Mdl 4I5v / 150A Synchro Field Exciter , Power Sup Unit Ce.688.04.Daa.104 Bhel , Fan Vane Axial Sb7413199106 Bhel , Vfd / Esp:Thy.Brdg Pwr Mdl:Ed7471015101;Bh , Thyristor Leg Module: Ce68804caa101;Bhel , Thyristor Leg Module: Ce68804daa101;Bhel , Sw Micro Mc2r3e1-5Nbs Bhel , Pnumatic Timer On Delay ( 0.05-60 ) Vfd Bhel , Vfd Control Trf Cn9751166209 Bhel , Reactor Eht Epoxy Potted For Vfd Bhel , Res Vltg Dpdnt 460 / 480 En7461412744 , Resistor: Metal Film, 20Mohm, 2W Dvr , Sfu Tpn, Fnx125, 125A, 415V L&T , Ct Variable Frequency 2 / 2A Vfd Bhel , Fan Axial 115V Tn3a2 / Tne2abhel , Current Transformer, Ce7403299043, Bhel , Metal Oxide Varistor, Cn9061182484, Bhel , Metal Oxide Varistor, Cn9061182492, Bhel , Power / Control Fuse, Cn9073177014, Bhel , Fuse Assy, Cn9073177022, Bhel , Transformer Pwr Dry 1.5Kva, 240 / 110V , Mccb:Thermal Release-3 Pole:200A:415V , Air Flow Monitr Unitvfd Bhel , Cap Elctrlytic:4800Vac:1.0 Mfd Vfd , Temp Scanner 12P; 0-200°C Cu7341795123 , Control T / F, 10Kva, Cu7403199413, Bhel , Electr.Module 69208Hrdea Bhel , Set Of Ribbon Cbls 1 Ch 1.2Kvlci_Rcab , Power Sup Unit 688.03.Bba.103 Bhel , Power Sup Unit, 688.03.Abb.103, Bhel , Electr.Module 660Hptfa Ds3800hptf Bhel , Power Sup Unit, Ce.689.41.Dab.002, Bhel , Interrupt Gen Mod, Un0661av Bhel , 16 Ch Analog I / O Module, Bhel , Off Load Isolator, 250A, 1000V , Thyristor Bank, Cn9086209777, Bhel , Micro Terminal Uns2660av1, Bhel , Contactor, 500 Vac / 600 Vdc, Bhel , 5Kva Trf, Sa0657000035, Bhel , Circuit Breaker, Sao657950025, Bhel , Diode Bridge, Cn9063443021, Bhel , Field Dis Ckt Bkr Cex 57-80 , Thyristor Assy, Ce 68912 Jbc 001, Bhel , Interrupt Gen Module Bhel , Dc Transducer, 0-200V, 4-20Ma, Bhel , Tripping Coil, Cn9070205076 , Resistor, 2Ohm, 45Kw, Ampcontrol , 32 Ch Digital I / O Module Bhel , Ac Transducer, 110V, 4-20Ma, Bhel , Rotary Cam Switch, C801an742-01Er , 32 Ch Alarm Indic Mod, Bhel , 16 Ch 48V Binary I / P Module, Bhel , Tc Suprelay, Cn9076741042, Bhel , Pulse Cplg Stg Card, Un0096a Bhel , Contactor, 240Vac, 10A, 4No+4Nc, Bhel , Aux Relay, 24Vdc, Re-301, Bhel , Pulse Coupling Stg Module Bhel , Eprom, 27C256, Bhel, Hier452 562R2 , Resistor, 4.7K, 25W, Cn906367430 , 16 Ch Binary I / O Module Bhel , Resistor, 2K, Cn9061059526, 25W , Power Trf, Sao482905107, 4Kva, Bhel , Surge Supprs Diode, 150-250V, Bhel , Thyristor Stack, 6Qg12, Bhel , Zener Diode, W / Fuses, 6.20V, Bhel , Dc Transducer, -15 / 0 / 15V, 4-20Ma , Eprom, 27C64, Avr / Kdvr, Bhel , Thyristor, Bht N4590, Bhel , Ct, Ring, Resin Cast, 100 / 1A, 15Va , Contactor Aux.:4No+4Nc:Bhel , Tier Fan Rack For 2Bsep Bhel , S20 Cable, 21Pin, Bhel , Mcb, 380Vac / 440Vdc, 25A, 2P, Bhel , S21 Cable, 21Pin, Bhel , Ct, 7.5Va, 15V, For Davr Bhel , Base For Re-300 / 301 Aux Relay , Eprom, 27C256, Bhel, Hier 452 555R2 , Xfmr, Ctrl, Dry, 50-400Hz, 3Ph, Bhel , Eprom, 27C256, Bhel, Hier 452 561 , Dc / Dc Convrt, Ed69203py6ba, Bhel , Ac / Dc Supply Module, Unc4664, Bhel , Pulse Coupling Stage Module, Bhel , Aux Relay With Led, Cu7422348895, Bhel , Power / Control Hrc Fuse, 16A, Bhel , Power / Cntr Fuse, Aa7431405022, Bhel , Power / Cntr Fuse, Aa7431401035, Bhel , Control Fuse, Aa7431405030, Bhel , Power / Cntr Fuse, Dr0701080027, Bhel , Power / Cntr Fuse, Aa7431405090, Bhel , Power / Cntr Fuse, Dr0701080019, Bhel , Interface Cable, Areca Ii, Bhel , Relay Driver, 69208Hrdda, Bhel , Power Sup Module, Ed660dpsaa00, Bhel , Wattmeter, Dr0701080078, Bhel , Current Transformer, Ce7403297024, Bhel , Field Exciter, Ds3820sff, Bhel , Thyristor Fuse, 20A, Bhel, Vfd , Plus Relay Driver, 69208Hrdda, Bhel , Power Sup Module, Ed660ntrfb, Bhel , Quad Output Power Sup Card, Bhel , Transformer, Sa0655944567, Bhel , Vfd Ct Cable, Dt0701078014, Bhel , Relay, Cn9070111152, Vfd Bhel , Aux Contactor / Relay, Cn9070111144, Bhel , Resistor, Ed7460499900, Bhel, Vfd , Surge Suppressor, Ed7465135931, Bhel , Surge Suppressor, Cn9751091691, Bhel , Auxiliary Relay, Cn9076801029, Bhel , Thyristor Fuse, T080103a, Bhel, Vfd , Pneum Timer, Cn9076720339, Bhel, 11M-1 , Display Module, 660Xtfyb, Bhel , I / O Card, Ed660xbpga00, Bhel , Mov Fuses, 05212001510-03, Bhel, Vm12 , Closing Coil, 05212001510-03, Bhel, Vm12 , Shunt Trip Coil, 05212001510-03, Bhel, Vm12 , Closing Spring, 05212001510-03, Bhel, Vm12 , Metal Oxide Varistor, Cn9061183413 , Metal Oxide Varistor, Cn9061183065 , Resistor, Ed7460499960, Bhel, Ww11r , Xtfh Resistor, Ed7460483168, Bhel , Tripping Spring, 05212001510-03, Bhel, Vm12 , Aux Relay, Cn9076406022, Bhel, Vfd , Pulse Transformer, Ce6880410003, Bhel , 2.3Kv Thyristor Bridge Leg, Bhel , 1.2 Kv Thyristor Bridge Leg, Bhel , Fan Vane Wire Guard, Bhel Vfd , A / D Convrt Board, Ed660haiaa00, Bhel , Xtfx Card, 660Xtfxa, Bhel , Color Note Book Pc, Bhel Vfd , Handheld Unit Pcb, 660Hnmba, Bhel , Control Trf, Cn9074265081, Bhel , 2.3Kv Thyrister Bri Leg, Vfd, Bhel , 2.3Kv Thyrister Bri Leg, Vfd, Bhel , Ammeter, Moving Coil, 96X96mm, 0-800A, Flush , Speedometer, Dro701080051, 0-750Rpm , Voltmeter, 0-3000 V, Bhel, Dr0701080060 , Resistor, Ww, 120Ohm, 2.5W, 5% , Resistor, Metal Film, 475Ohm, 0.5W, 1% , Capacitor, Electrolytic, 21.25Mfd, 250Vac , Capacitor, Eletrtant, 2.2Mfd, 33Vdc , Resistor, Metalfilm, 100R, 0.5W, 1% , Resistor, Metal Film, 221Ohm, 0.5W, 1% , Resistor, Metal Film, 100R, 1 / 2W, 1% , Diode, Zener, 3.3V, Bzx85c3v3, Bhel , Capacitor, Polymet, 1Mf, 63Vdc, Bhel , Resistor, Metalfilm, 56.2R, 2W, 5% , Resistor, Metalfilm, 3.32K, 0.25W , Resistor, Metalfilm, 133K, 1 / 4W, 1% , Resistor Metal Film, 825K, 1%, 0.5W , Resistor, Metalfilm, 33.2K, 1 / 4W, 1% , Resistor, Metalfilm, 180K, 1 / 2W, 1% , Resistor, Metalfilm, 392K, 1 / 2W, 1% , Resistor, Metalfilm, 5.62K, 0.5W, 1% , Capacitor, Polyester, 47Nf, 100Vac