
Tender For Organization Of Konark Festival At Konark- 2023, konark-Odisha

Orissa Tourism Development Corporation Limited has published Tender For Organization Of Konark Festival At Konark- 2023. Submission Date for this Tender is 06-11-2023. Cosmetics Tenders in konark Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Organization Of Konark Festival At Konark- 2023
National Competitive Bid

Tender Details

Tender For Organization Of Konark Festival At Konark- 2023-- 1 STAGE LIGHT 2 PAR64–1kw[Osram,SylvaniaorGEBulb only], [Bulb—CP60, 61&62] 3 Multy20withbarndoors 4 2kw Solar (Canara Brand) 5 SGMFollowSpot 6 Pointy Light 7 CitiColour 8 Sharpy 9 4.00KW HMI PAR for Temple 10 4.00KWHMI Fresnel for Temple(CANARA BRAND) 11 Smokemachine 12 Haze Machinewithfan 13 JumboStrobe Light 14 LEDPar 3W 15 Halogen Light1 KWforAuditorium & others 16 Tablelamp formusicians withCFL Bulb 17 Operating Console for par and other lights[Avolitepearl 2010] withprogrammer 18 AppropriateDMXoperatingconsolefor Sharpy & MovingHead 19 Appropriate DMX operating console for LED par 20 SoundlessGenerator125 KVA including fuel [onlyforstagelighting].TheGeneratorwill operatefrom 4.00 P.M. for 08hrs. 21 IIIphasechangeover 22 Profile Light with Irish Control & Gobo Holder 23 1 KW Baby Fresenal with Buander (CANARA BRAND) 24 SkyTaker2500 W 25 Generator [10 KVA] & required cabling for Sky Taker including fuel. THE Generator will operate from 04.00 for 06hrs. 26 Platformwith ladder forurgentrepair/ replacement 27 Led Profile Spot 28 Colour Blinder light 29 Blinder Light 30 Aluminum Truss 2 side (60 x 30) including transportation & installation 31 STAGE SOUND 32 Line Array 4000W/5000W including all equipments for the system for both side of Stage. 33 JBL 712 Monitor with matching amplifier (Philips/Sunodyne) 500 watt RMS. 34 Microphones(Shure/ AKG/Senheiser) 35 CordlessMicrophones(Shure/ Sony/ Senheiser) 36 EffectProcessorYamahaSPX 2OOO 37 EqualizerBSSOpalModel/ DBX231 38 JBLCrossOver 39 Digital/AnalogueMixer(Yamaha/ Mackie/ Sound craft )ofadequatecapacitytomeettherequirement of stage sound.(32 Channels) 40 MicrophoneStands 41 SnakeCableasperrequirement 42 CD/DVDPlayer(Sony/Philips.) 43 125KVAGenerator(Soundless) for soundfor culturalprogrammewithfuel.Thegeneratorwill operate from 04.00 PM for 08hrs. 44 InearEarphone with Amplifier 45 Audioandvideorecordingofeachday programme,inPendrive. 46 ILLUMINATION 47 HalogenLight ( 1KW ) 48 MetalHalide(400 W) 49 MetalHalide Light( color)( 400W) 50 ColourBulb (each chainshouldbe50Nos. bulb) 51 Tuni Light (each chainshouldbe100Nos.bulb) 52 LEDdisplay Panel of size 12’ X 8’ with cabling includingn all arrangements and watch & ward 53 LEDPipeLight(in differentcolors) 54 LongLampshedofAppliquewoks 55 Small Lamp shed of Applique work. 56 MediumsizeUmbrellaofAppliqueworks 57 Medium size lamp shed with Applique works 58 LEDLichuchain ( blue, white, pink,red and green.) 59 LED City Colour 60 62.5/63KVA Generator with fuel and cabling for illumination of temple from 04.00PM to 11.00PM. 61 250KVA Generator with fuel and cabling for Ambience from 04.00PM for 08hrs. 62 PAR Light for pathway 63 Lighttowerforparking5’X5’X15’with10Nos..of Metal halide of 400W each. 64 Ethnic Light Post 65 Illumination of Yatrinivas Building, Gitanjali Restaurant andwoodenRestaurant,Chandrabhagawith02 matching colour LED Litchu 66 GENERAL AMBIENCE CREATION AND OTHER ARRANGEMENTS 67 Signage6’X3’tobedisplayedatKonarkmadeofflex with wooden frame 68 Sitting Arrangements for Distinguished Visitors and Tourists for 7days. 69 Blow plastic Chair 70 Banquet Chair/ Steel Cushion Chair with white Cover 71 Leather Sofa (Single Seater) 72 Steel Sofa (Single Seater) 73 New White Towel for Sofa 74 PlatformforMusicians(16’-0”X4’-0”X0’-6”)madeof 19mm ply and carpeting , another platform 20x6x6 75 PlatformforLordJagannath(10’-0’’X4’-0’’X1’-0’’) madeof 19mmply&carpeting. 76 SunBoardsignage (3’-0X2’0’’) 77 Standiesof ironframewithbothsideflex (4’-0’’X4’- 0’’X4’-0’’) 78 Watch &Ward for Auditorium area and Entry gate for6days 79 ‘’A’’ Shift 80 ‘’B’’Shift (4Nos..lady Security) 81 ‘’C’’ Shift 82 Sweepers: 83 ‘’A’’Shift 84 ‘’B’’ Shift 85 BigDustbins 86 ErectionofServiceStallofSize10’X10’(Ethnic design)-closetoAuditorium:Platformonstrong woodenbaseof6” height &3sidewallwith4mm. thickplywithwoodenframeof8’heightpainted & covered withmatching carpet on floor,4Nos.. of tubelight&1No.15Amp.Plugpointwithall fittings and wiring etc. 1No.Smooth Wooden counter with white cloth cover. Size-8’X2’x3’ and shelves at the back. Roofing: Tarpaulin roofing with Cotton cloth interior ceiling. 87 ErectionoffoodStallofSize15’X15’ (Ethnic design) closetoAuditorium:Platformonstrongwooden baseof6” height &3sidewallwith4mm.thickply with wooden frame of 8’ height painted & covered with matching carpet onfloor, 4Nos.. of tubelight &1No. 15Amp. Plug point with allfittings and wiringetc.1No.SmoothWoodencounterwith whitecloth cover.Size- 8’X2’x3’ and shelves atthe back. Roofing:Tarpaulin roofing with Cotton cloth interior ceiling. 88 ArrangementsforLight&soundoperators, Doordarshan staff and their accessories (chair, wooden bed, table etc) as per requirement 89 Covering of Doordarshan OB van with black cloth walling 90 Arrangement of Jugalbandi stage with all required necessary arrangements 91 Arrangement of gas balloons 92 CleaningofalldebrisofOpenAirAuditorium everydayby12.00 Noon. 93 Bamboo with black cloth covering 94 Hoardings- 95 04Nos.. X 20’-0” X 10’-0”= 800sqft , 96 01no. X 12’-0” X 10’-0”= 120sqft 97 08Nos.. X 10’-0”X 10’-0”= 300sqft 98 Replacement of backlit flex at the entrance of Open Air Auditorium, Konark 99 Erection of Selfie Kiosk with back drop 10’ x 10’, wooden platform with carpeting & light arrangement. 100 Clay Flower Pots (Mari gold) 101 CCTVsystem withallarrangements(Minimum12 cameras) 102 Fire Extinguisher (6 Kg) 103 LED ( 16 x10 ) FtAt Puri with 16x 4Platform with black masking with Security 104 Thermal Scanner 105 Hand Sanitizer for the Vip at the sitting arrangement 106 Pagoda ( 16 x 16 ) ftfor the VIP sittingincluding transportation 107 Single Seater Leather Sofa including transportation 108 Glass Teapoi 109 New Carpet for VVIP pathway and inside of Pagoda 110 Letter Cutout ( 21 X2) ft back side of stage 111 Floting candle with rose petals 112 Decorative Wings on the stage on hire basis 113 Decorative Main Entrance Gate at OAT with Ply, 3D model of POP & weather coat. 114 Decorative Gates (One for Yatrinivas & another gate near Tourist Office Entrance 115 Traditional painting on the outside compound wall of Yatrinivas, Konark 116 Standies of size 3’-0” x 6’-0” with iron frame & flex. (Dancing Figures) 117 Traditional Chita at auditorium, Gallery, Pathway from main gate to auditorium, museum wall & Entrance side wall of OAT. 118 Light Decoration at Police station 119 Odisha Tourism Logo Colouring 120 Any other Beutification Work as per the presentation

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 10000 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
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