
Tender For Event Management On Turnkey Basis Which Includes Designing An Execution And Supervision Of Activities And Services For Large Public Events With Relevant Technology Tie-Ups And Experience For The Execution Of Various Non Schedule Work Baliy, Cuttack-Odisha

Municipal Bodies has published Tender For Event Management On Turnkey Basis Which Includes Designing An Execution And Supervision Of Activities And Services For Large Public Events With Relevant Technology Tie-Ups And Experience For The Execution Of Various Non Schedule Work Baliy. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-11-2023. Dustbin Tenders in Cuttack Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Event Management On Turnkey Basis Which Includes Designing An Execution And Supervision Of Activities And Services For Large Public Events With Relevant Technology Tie-Ups And Experience For The Execution Of Various Non Schedule Work Baliy
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Event Management On Turnkey Basis Which Includes Designing & Execution And Supervision Of Activities & Services For Large Public Events With Relevant Technology Tie-Ups & Experience For The Execution Of Various Non Schedule Work I.E “Digital Exhibition Experience In An Ac Hanger, Green Fire Cracker Work On Opening & Closing Day Ceremonies, Sobhayatra ( Tableau ) For Opening & Inauguration, Errection Of Temporary Festive Arch At Entry Point Of Cuttack Municipal Corporation, Selfie Points At Lower & Upper Baliyatra Field, Art Wall In Between Lower & Upper Baliyatra Field & Road Side Branding At Lower & Upper Baliyatra Field For Historical Cuttack Baliyatra Festival 2023-0 1 Sobhayatra (Tableau) for opening & Inauguration of Historical Cuttack Baliyatra2023a. The objective is to hire an agency to plan and execute the Shobha Yatra during opening ceremony of Baliyatra in Cuttack and to attain a great buzz word and interest of the large number of people in the festival at Cuttack Baliyatra 2023. The contract with the successful agency will be till the end of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023`.b. The scope of work shall broadly include creating and organising activities in the following major areas which shall include, but not limited to.c. Shobha Yatra will be conducted in and around Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar for seven days from morning to evening during Bali Yatra. d.The procession is the combination of three tableaus on large vehicles as per approved design around traditional BaliYatra, various cultural bands, group of characters, dancers with colourful outfit, humans with cultural outfit etc. The large truck and other similar vehicles shall be used to move around the entire yatra.e. The performances will keep on happening throughout the day at prescribed route by authorities.f. The agency shall come up with more interesting ideas to make Shobha Yatra more interesting, grandeur and eye catching. 2 Fabrication and InstallationofTemporaryWelcomeGates during Cuttack BaliYatra 2023 ThescopeincludesInstallation,Operation&MaintenanceofTemporaryWelcomeGateforCuttack Baliyatra 2023 as detailed below. The supply and installation of goodsshall be strictly in compliance with the specification and terms & conditions as specified below.a. AgencywillberesponsibleforProduction,Fabrication,Installation,maintenanceand de-installation of all temporary gates for the duration of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023. These gates shall betemporaryinnature.b. Agencyhastoprovidethematicdesigns/conceptsfor allTemporaryGatesa. GatesonMajor Highwaysb. otherGatesin Bali Yatra areac. Theagencyhastosubmitthelocationswhichwillbefinalizedbythe client.d. The design of each gate must have its own consistency, creativity and strongly rooted on thetheme ofBali Yatra.e. The agency shall prepare & propose at least 3 - 3D Design/samples to client and get it approvedbefore commencingproductionandinstallation.f. Agency has to provide the exact dimensions and engage his creative team & designer with thecreative agency on-boarded for the Bali Yatra project by Cuttack Municipal Corporation for creation of creatives &brandingdesignandtheircontent.g. Theagencywillexecutetheworkwithrespecttoaesthetics,safetyonallaspects,theme,highlightwithambiencelight&workswithbestindustrypractices.h. ThestructureshouldbeFibre/Wood/Material/Bullaha/Bamboo/MS/SteelBracedframestructuretied/weldedwithnecessarysteelcable rope/weldingrods, coveredwithapproveddesigni. Gate Structure shall be designed by competent structural Designer and executed accordingly.Gate structure shallbedesignedand installed to takethewindpressure andlocalconditions.j. Width and height of the gate shall be sufficient as per the norms of traffic police, National HighwayAuthorityofIndia, PublicWorks Department, MunicipalCorporation or anyotherapplicablelaw.k. Structural stability is required to be certified by IIT /any other institute i.e.PWD/NHAI or otherinstituteapprovedbythe Cuttack Municipal Corporation i.e. NIT, Roukela .l. All recurring cost related to upkeep of gate will have to be borne by the agency for the entiredurationoftheproject.m. Gate structure shall have suitable provision for CCTV placement at appropriate height. The Cuttack Municipal CorporationshallhavetherightstoinstallthesecamerasontheGate Structure and Agency would provide all cooperation for the same (Installation and operation of CCTV will be done byotheragency)n. The agency shall ensure that there is adequate evening/night lighting on each of the erected gatefor the duration of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023.The agency also makes the provision for UPS power backupfor at least 1 hour. Earthing should be done as per requirement and instruction of consultant &electrical inspector. Electrical set up, cabling and power distribution shall be certified by qualifiedElectrical Engineer. All electrical work for lighting including cabling switchgears earthing etc. to bedonebybidderasperrelevantIS codesandgoodindustrypracticeso. Allgateand decorativematerial shall be weatherproof.p. All the setup must be ready before 27th Nov 2023. The gates will remain erected on-ground until26thDec2023q. Bidders are required to do their own due diligence and be aware that these locations are liable tochange.r. Maintain / Repair the temporary gate as per its concept, creativity, design, intelligent light effectsrequirement andundertakeallday-to-daymanagementtaskofmanpowerandsecurity.s. Agency is responsible for the de-installation of the setup posts the successful completion of theCuttack Baliyatra 2023t. The Contractor shall be responsible to purchase and meet all the insurance requirements, whereapplicable, of his people and works or goods that are to be executed or supplied under the scopeofthiscontract.Tentativelocations,dimensions&detailsofalltheGate,dimensionsof each thematic temporary gate should be as per the actual on ground road and the heightclearanceshouldbe6 metresorasperinstructionsoftheclient. Highway Entry Point –35 Mtr Width 3 Fabrication and Installationof Selfie Point(s) During Baliyatra 2023 ThescopeincludesInstallation,Operation&MaintenanceofSelfie Point(s)for Cuttack Baliyatra 2023 as detailed. The supply and installation of goodsshall be strictly in compliance with the specification and terms & conditions as specified below.a. AgencywillberesponsibleforProduction,Fabrication,Installation,maintenanceand de-installation of the selfie points for the duration of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023. These selfie points shall betemporaryinnature.b. Agencyhastoprovidethematicdesigns/conceptsfor the Selfie Points.c. Theagencyhastosubmitthelocation(s)whichwillbefinalizedbythe client.d. Each design of the selfie point must have its own novelty, consistency and creativity.e. The agency shall prepare & propose at least 5 - 3D Design/samples to client and get it approvedbefore commencingproductionandinstallation.f. Agency has to provide the exact dimensions and engage his creative team & designer with thecreative agency on-boarded for the Baliyatra project by Cuttack Municipal Corporation for creation of creatives &brandingdesignandtheircontent.g. Theagencywillexecutetheworkwithrespecttoaesthetics,safetyonallaspects,theme,high lightwithambiencelight&workswithbestindustrypractices.h. The selfie point(s) shouldbe combination of fibre, wood material, MSpipeframestructuretied/weldedwithnecessarysteelcable rope/weldingrods, coveredwith bright paint, prints and props etc as perapproveddesign.i. Selfie Point(s) Structure shall be designed by competent and experienced Designer and executed accordingly.Selfie point(s) structure shallbedesignedand installed to takethewindpressure and other local ground conditions.j. All recurring cost related to upkeep of the selfie points will have to be borne by the agency for the entiredurationofCuttack Baliyatra 2023.k. Allselfie pointsand decorativematerial shall be weatherproof.l. All the setup must be ready before 27th Nov 2023. m. Bidders are required to do their own due diligence and be aware that these locations are liable tochange.n. Maintain / Repair the decorative Selfie Point as per its concept, creativity, design, intelligent light effectsrequirement andundertakeallday-to-daymanagementtaskofmanpowerandsecurity.o. Agency is responsible for the de-installation of the setup posts the successful completion of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023p. The Contractor/bidder shall be responsible to purchase and meet all the insurance requirements, whereapplicable, of his people and works or goods that are to be executed or supplied under the scopeofthiscontract.Thetentativelocations anddimensionsof each selfie point but the same should be as per the actual on ground asperinstructionsoftheclient. Upper Baliyatra Ground – 400 Sft, Lower Baliyatra Ground – 400 Sft 4 Fabrication and Installationof Decorative Art Wall during Cuttack Baliyatra 2023 ThescopeincludesInstallation,Operation&MaintenanceofDecorative Art wallfor Cuttack Baliyatra 2023 as detailed. The supply and installation of goodsshall be strictly in compliance with the specification and terms & conditions as specified belowa. AgencywillberesponsibleforProduction,Fabrication,Installation,maintenanceand de-installation of the decorative art wall for the duration of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023. This wall shall betemporaryinnature.b. Agencyhastoprovidethematicdesigns/conceptsfor the Decorative Art Wallc. Theagencyhastoagree tothelocation(s)whichwillbefinalizedbythe client.d. Each design of the wall must have its own novelty, consistency, creativity and culturally related with thetheme ofBali Yatra.e. The agency shall prepare & propose at least 3 - 3D Design/samples to client and get it approvedbefore commencingproductionandinstallation.f. Agency has to provide the exact dimensions and engage his creative team & designer with thecreative agency on-boarded for the Bali Yatra project by Cuttack Municipal Corporation for creation of creatives &brandingdesignandtheircontent.g. Theagencywillexecutetheworkwithrespecttoaesthetics,safetyonallaspects,theme,highlightwithambiencelight&workswithbestindustrypractices.h. The wall structureshouldbe combination of wood material, MS/SteelBracedframestructuretied/weldedwithnecessarysteelcable rope/weldingrods, coveredwith bright paint and prints etc as perapproveddesign.i. Wall Structure shall be designed by competent structural Designer and executed accordingly.Wall structure shallbedesignedand installed to takethewindpressure andlocalconditions.j. All recurring cost related to upkeep of the decorative art wall will have to be borne by the agency for the entiredurationofCuttack Baliyatra 2023.k. Wall structure shall have suitable provision for CCTV placement at appropriate height. The Cuttack Municipal CorporationshallhavetherightstoinstallthesecamerasontheGate Structure and Agency would provide all cooperation for the same(Installation and operation of CCTV will be done byotheragency)l. Allgateand decorativematerial shall be weatherproof.m. All the setup must be ready before 27th Nov 2023. n. Bidders are required to do their own due diligence and be aware that these locations are liable tochange.o. Maintain / Repair the decorative art wall as per its concept, creativity, design, intelligent light effectsrequirement andundertakeallday-to-daymanagementtaskofmanpowerandsecurity.p. Agency is responsible for the de-installation of the setup posts the successful completion of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023q. The Contractor shall be responsible to purchase and meet all the insurance requirements, whereapplicable, of his people and works or goods that are to be executed or supplied under the scopeofthiscontract.r. Thetentativelocations,dimensions&detailsofallthedecorative art wall,dimensions of each decorative art wall should be as per the actual on ground asperinstructionsoftheclient. Upper Baliyatra Ground – 800 Sft, Lower Baliyatra Ground – 800 Sft 5 Fabrication and Installationof Road Side Branding Elements during Cuttack Baliyatra 2023 ThescopeincludesInstallation,Operation&MaintenanceofRoad Side Branding Elementsfor Cuttack Baliyatra 2023 as detailed. The supply and installation of goodsshall be strictly in compliance with the specification and terms & conditions as specified as detail below.a) AgencywillberesponsibleforProduction,Fabrication,Installation,maintenanceand de-installation of the Road Side Branding Elements for the duration of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023. These Road Side Branding Elements shall betemporaryinnature.b) Agencyhastoprovidethematicdesigns/conceptsfor the Road Side Branding Elements.c) Theagencyhastoagree tothelocation(s)whichwillbefinalizedbythe client.d) Each design of the road side branding elements must have its own novelty, consistency and creativity.e) The agency shall prepare & propose at least 10 - 3D Design/samples to client and get it approvedbefore commencingproductionandinstallation.f) Agency has to provide the exact dimensions and engage his creative team & designer with thecreative agency on-boarded for the Bali Yatra project by Cuttack Municipal Corporation for creation of creatives &brandingdesignandtheircontent.g) Theagencywillexecutetheworkwithrespecttoaesthetics,safetyonallaspects,theme,high lightwithambiencelight&workswithbestindustrypractices.h) The road side branding elementsshouldbe combination of fibre, wood material, MS pole, MS pipe,tied/weldedwithnecessarysteelcable rope/weldingrods, coveredwith bright paint, prints and props etc as perapproveddesign.i) Road side branding elements shall be designed by competent and experienced Designer and executed accordingly.Road Side branding element shallbedesignedand installed to takethewindpressure and other local ground conditions.j) All recurring cost related to upkeep of the road side branding element will have to be borne by the agency for the entiredurationofCuttack Baliyatra 2023.k) Allroad side branding elementsand decorativematerial shall be weatherproof.l) All the elements must be ready before 27th Nov 2023. m) Bidders are required to do their own due diligence and be aware that these locations are liable tochange.n) Maintain / Repair the decorative road side branding as per its concept, creativity, design, intelligent light effectsrequirement andundertakeallday-to-daymanagementtaskofmanpowerandsecurity.u. Agency is responsible for the de-installation of these elements post the successful completion of the Cuttack Baliyatra 2023v. The Contractor shall be responsible to purchase and meet all the insurance requirements, whereapplicable, of his people and works or goods that are to be executed or supplied under the scopeofthiscontract.w. Thetentativelocations anddimensionsof each road side branding but the same should be as per the actual on ground asperinstructionsoftheclient. Upper BaliYatra Ground Road – 60 Sft Lower BaliYatra Ground Road – 60 Sft 6 Digital Exhibition Experience in an AC Hanger during Cuttack Baliyatra 2023Digital Exhibition - Designingandexecutionwork:The Multi-media exhibition to come in the space with a total activity area of nearly 20,000 sq. ft of space to be put up at Baliyatra Ground at Cuttack. The space is subject to change.Exhibitioninfrastructure:The infrastructure needs to be arranged in the 20000 sq.ft of area of the exhibition space, which may include following things (list is indicative in nature, the bidder has to add necessary infrastructure over and above this, in order to make the event of global standard)• Hanger Structure to be set up in an open area around 12000 square feet with properair-conditioning which would have the sufficient space for artifacts, digital display,mini theatre (sound proof panaromic experience with proper acoustic), visualexperiencearea etc.(Allstructureshould befireproofs andwaterproofs and should be free from any natural calamities and untoward activities).• AC VIP seating area with sofa, table arrangements; seating capacity of 10-12 officers/ officials; approx. 200 sq.ft. area• ThematicPagodas:4 nos. • Sound and lighting arrangements for Venue with proper power supply and back up arrangements (the exhibition to be open from 11am - 11pm)• Provision for drinking water, Arrangement of refreshmentsforVIPpeoplein holding enclosure/hangar max50 persons per day.• Decoration / branding ofwholevenuebefittingtheoccasion• House-keepingstaff(05)forregularcleaningofExhibitionvenue,• Security guards (3 male and 2 female), with necessary scanning / detecting equipment (one). 5 CCTVs at the venue with monitoring and recordingfacility in and around the exhibition venue.• 10 standees, 10 banners (large sized), 20 buntings etc. and 10 hoardings around the exhibition venue and important places of the city.• At the exhibition, there should be arrangement of 10 vertical digital screenswhich would showcase,variousfilm components,through acentrally controlled cloud or from live feed of the exhibition. The screens should be of the quality as seen in most of the international airports.• Photography and Videography during the exhibition which should cover all aspects of the exhibition, events, and should be compiled as 3-minute daily capsuleforamplificationonvariousplatforms.Alsoa½hourvideofilmofthe 10 day exhibition and post production, narrative etc. for record and archival purpose.• Powersupplyalongwithback-up• Competentinterpreters/guidethroughouttheexhibitiondays• Anchorduringinaugurationevent• Decorationofthewholevenuebefitting theoccasion• Useofonlybio-degradablematerialforflexetc.Singleuseplasticshouldbe totally avoided.Designingandcurationofcontent:• Thecontenthastobedesignedsuitabletotheme of Baliyatra;Allcareshouldbetakento make it absolutely correct.• Engagingsubjectexperts(Minimum twofilmexpertsofrepute)forresearch work and identification of the suitable content• EngagingsubjectexpertsforScriptingofthecontentin Oriya, HindiandEnglish language.Innovative/Multi-Mediacomponents• The Exhibition shall include Anamorphic LED Setup with switcher, controller and other equipment to complete it in all respect. Size: 3.5 mtr x 3.5 mtr x 4.5 mtr.• Digital displays (Min. 10 nos). • One large sized LED screens (8*12) size, in the exhibition to showcase the Orissa Map cut out shape, running variety of content related to Orissa State.• Touch panels (Min. 4 nos.) with digital puzzles etc to engage young audience. • Virtual Reality (Min. 2 nos) with suitable content. • Projection mapping (Min. 2 projectors of 20k lumins each), Holograms (Min. 2 nos.), Sound showers (Min. 2 nos) and Selfie corners (Min. 2 nos). • 360 degree immersive panoramic experience area (1 no.), gesture recognition panels (Min. 2 no.) and other hi- tech components.• It should also include, digital milestone tiles, timeline screen panels with embedded information/glimpse of a particular films related to Bali Yatra, digitaldisplaypanelswithtouchscreensshowcasingvariety of content related to Orissa, Bali Yatra, CDA,CMC which makes new generations aware of the long history and importance of Cuttack city and Orissa culture.• The exhibition should have suitable facia with digital components depicting the complete theme.• Minimumtwo (2)differentVRexperiencesmaybegiven,forwhichthevideocontent have to be provided by the bidder. The bidder may also have some VR games apart from the mentioned two VRexperiences, so as to attract crowd to the exhibition.• The projection mapping should depict the suitable theme at the venue suggested by the authority.• Theexhibitionshouldhavedifferenthologramsandtouchpanelexperiences, projecting on different bigger walls.• UseofanysuitableinnovativeimmersivetechnologiesOtherarrangements:1. Videographer,photographerduringtheentireexhibitionperiod.2. Every day, 2-3 mins smallcapsule, for socialmedia upates, giving the glimpse andnews about the event. The final video should be of 5-10 mins duration giving complete glimpse of the entire event, which should be nicely curated.3. The agency need to refer to Government websites for the content curation and design.4. Social media support for the entire event. The vendor should put up social media executive, video editor and graphicsdesigner for theevent duration to popularize the exhibition.5. Gen sets and power back up be the responsibility of agency. The rehearsal must include performance on Power back up.6. Emergency fire fightingequipments need to be there and a full drill with trained staff be done on 18th rehearsal day.7. Thevendor shouldfactorinanymiscellaneous,additional andextrawork and design décor work suitable for the event. The vendor has to carry out any work beyond the scope which is suitable for the event.8. All the setup must be ready before 27th Nov 2023. The Digital Exhibition will remain erected on-ground till end of Cuttack Baliyatra 2023Cateringvenuearrangements:Thearrangementstobemadeforinaugurationoftheeventwithsnackspacket(wafers, samosa, sandwich,fruitjuiceandwater)for200 people.Maintenance:• Thescopeofworkwillalso includeconstructionofthedisplaypropertiesatsite wellin time, maintenance activities during the event and dismantling of the exhibits without any damage to the area, after the event and all the other ancillary works relating to the exhibition.• Housekeeping & security of display area for all days; the housekeeping and security should be available throughout the event.• One reception/information counter tables with new modern chairs for sitting and visitor chairs, stationary like visitor books, pens, scissors, ribbon, tray, dustbin etc• Four ushers (lady) /interpreters/guide throughout the exhibition days, well versed in English, Hindi and local language• Liaisingwithpublicauthoritiesforconductedvisits• Fireextinguishersandfiresafetyequipments• Earthing&Cabling asper venuenorms• Licenses/NOCfromrelevantGovt.authoritiesforshowoperation• Providing plants to add a green touch to the gallery, electrical fittings in the galleryasper requirements, as well as daily cleaning of the gallery during the course of the exhibition• All the accessories to follow the COVID-19 protocol i.e. sanitizers, masks and marking for the social distancing needs to be assured by the agency• SecurityManagement/personnelfor24*7duringtheexhibitionperiod;Anyotherwork:AsperrequirementoftheeventSpecificationsandauxiliaryrequirementAllmaterialtobeusedinapplicationshouldbeISIMarked&ISOStandards. Material specifications should be of standard premium company make.The vendor should take all care that there won’t be any use of Single use Plastic items in the entire exhibition area. 7 Green Fire Cracker work on Opening & Closing Day Ceremonies during Cuttack Baliyatra 2023Spectacular aerial fire work display shall be a continuous presentation with no gaps for 20 minutes each day. It should be of international standard. Finale shall be a minimum of 60 seconds in duration with no gaps.Spectacular aerial fire work display shall be a continuous presentation with no gaps for 20 minutes each day. It should be of international standard. Finale shall be a minimum of 60 seconds in duration with no gaps. Aerial fireworks should create mesmerizing firework effects — like a floral-shaped aerial pattern, a brocade or willow effect, a spherical burst shell and a spark trailing stars to name a few using high quality and variety of comets and shells.Proposed fire show shall include the following types of shells to be fired: 1) At least 300 nos, 3” Display Shells, 2) At least 200 nos., 4” Display Shells 3) At least 150, 5” Display Shells, 4) At least 50 Racks – 2.5 Color Finale, 5) At least 20 Racks – 3” Salute Finale 6) At least 8 Racks – 4” Finale 7) At least 5 Racks – 5” Finale.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 03-11-2023 1ST Corrigendum Notice Date 04-11-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 11800 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
Tender Value
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