
Tender For Providing Annual Rates For Removing Leakages Of Water Pipeline From Half Inches To 18 Inches And Allied Water Supply Work, satara-Maharashtra

Municipal Council has published Tender For Providing Annual Rates For Removing Leakages Of Water Pipeline From Half Inches To 18 Inches And Allied Water Supply Work. Submission Date for this Tender is 25-10-2023. Water Pipe Line Tenders in satara Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Providing Annual Rates For Removing Leakages Of Water Pipeline From Half Inches To 18 Inches And Allied Water Supply Work
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Providing Annual Rates For Removing Leakages Of Water Pipeline From Half Inches To 18 Inches And Allied Water Supply Work- M.S.Plate 3 Nutbolts 4 Rubber Packing For Valve 3Mm Thick 5 Rubber Packing For Valve 5Mm Thick 6 Graphite Gland Packing Rope ( Gland Rassi ) 6Mm Thick ) 7 Grease 8 Labour And Machinary 9 Maistry 10 Pump Driver 11 Welder 12 Welder For Pipe Line 13 Valve Operator For Water Supply Distrubation ( Avg, 6Hr ) 14 Tileturner 15 L.M.V. Driver 16 Electrician 17 Machanical 18 Hire Charges Of Machineries 19 Rent For Chain Pully Block With Tripod 20 Rent For Pump Including Operator & Excludingfuel 21 Rent For Welding Set With Generator 22 Rent For Jcb 23 Pipe Cutter With Operator 24 Excavation 25 Excavationforfoundation / Pipetrenchesin Earth, Soilsofalltypes, Sand, Graveland Softmurum, Includingremovingthe Excavatedmaterialuptoadistanceof50 Metres And Lifts As Below, Stacking And Spreadingasdirected, Normaldewatering, Preparing The Bed For Foundation And Excludingbackfilling, Etc. Complete. ( Bd-A-1 / 259 ) Lift 0 To 1.5 M 26 Excavationforfoundation / Pipetrenchesin Hardmurumincludingremovingthe Excavatedmaterialuptoadistanceof50m And Lifts As Below, Stacking And Spreading As Directedbyengineer-In-Charge, Normal Dewatering, Preparing The Bed For Foundation Andexcludingbackfilling, Etc.Complete. ( Bd- A-2 / 259 ) Lift 0 To 1.5 M 27 Excavationforfoundation / Pipetrenchesin Soft Rock And Old Cement And Lime Masonry Foundation Asphalt Road Including Removing The Excavated Material Upto A Distance Of 50 M Beyond The Area And Lifts As Below, Stackingasdirectedbyengineer-In- Charge, Normal Dewatering, Preparing The Bed Forfoundation Andexcluding Backfilling, Etc. Complete. ( Bd-A-4 / 259 ) Lift 0 To 1.5 M 28 Refilling The Trenches With Available Excavatedstuffwithsoftmaterialfirstover Pipelineandthenhardmaterialin15cm Layers With All Leads And Lifts Including Consolidation, Surcharging, Etc. Complete. 29 Water Connection Providing And Making Upvc / Mdpe Pipe Consumer Service Connection On Distributionmainbydrillingholewith Suitablemeans, Includingalllabour, Upvc / Mdpepipeofrequiredlength Withorwithoutroadcrossing As Describedbelow, Includingcostof Specials Like Saddle / Clamp Saddle Of Suitablematerial, Anddiametersuitable Fordistribution Main, 15Mm / 20Mm / 25Mmrespective Diaheavyduty Brass / Polyprophylyne ( Twin Jacketed ) Ferrule , Male And Female Thread Adapter Elbow, Bends, Couplers, Tees, Clampsof Suitablematerialandsundrymaterialsas Perrequirment, Includingprovidingand Fixing Medium Duty 15.Mm Brass Bibtap, Gicasingpipeof Suitablediameterof 32Mm / 40Mm / 50Mm Respectivelyof Required Length For Road Crossing, Includingrequird Labour For Excavation In All Types Of Strata Up To The Depth Of 0.75M Oraspersiterequirement, Alltypesof Plumbingfittings, Refilling, Closingthe Water Supplyin Thatarea, Dewatering, Hydraulictestingandrestartingthewater Supply , Transportation Of Materialetc. 30 ( With Road Crossing ) 31 For 15 Mm Service Connection 32 For 20 Mm Service Connection 33 For 25 Mm Service Connection 34 ( Without Road Crossing ) 35 For 15 Mm Service Connection 36 For 20 Mm Service Connection 37 For 25 Mm Service Connection 38 Providingd.I.Pipes ( Pushonjointspressure Pipesofd.I.Offollowingclassanddiameters Confirming To The I. S. Specification Inclusive Cost Ofjointingmaterials ( Rubbergasketofepdm Quality ) 39 100 Mm Dia 40 150 Mm Dia 41 200 Mm Dia 42 250 Mm Dia 43 300 Mm Dia 44 350 Mm Dia 45 400 Mm Dia 46 450 Mm Dia 47 Providing And Supplying Isi Standard Ms Specialsofrequiredthicknesswith3coatsof Approvedmakeepoxypaint ( Shalimar, Cibaor Mahindra&Mahindramake ) Frominsideand Outsideexcludingallstatutoryduties&Taxes Suchasgstleviedbygoi&Gominall Respect, Inspectioncharges, Transportationto Stores / Site, And Stacking, Etc. Complete. 48 Machineendssuitableforpscpipesofall Diametersasperdetaileddrawingwith10mmthick X 0.7 M Long Barrel Welded To It. 49 Onlyflangeswithmachininganddrillingholes, Etc. Com-Plete More Than 40 Mm Thick. 50 Double Flanged Specials Of All Diameters 51 All Socketed Specials Or Socketed Branch Flangedspecials Of All Diameters. 52 Plainendedspecialsorplainendedbranchflanged Specials Of All Diameters. 53 Msbarrels ( Pipepieces ) Locallymanufactured ( For Small Quantities ) 54 P. V. C. Pipes Providingandsupplyinginstandard Lengthsisimarkrigidunplastisedpvcfor Potablewaterwithrubberringjointsincluding Cost Of Rubber Ring As Per Is-4985-1998, Excluding Gst 55 Working Pressure 4 Kg / Sq.Cm 56 63 Mm. 57 75 Mm. 58 90 Mm. 59 Working Pressure 8 Kg / Sq.Cm 60 63 Mm. 61 75 Mm. 62 90 Mm. 63 110 Mm. 64 125 Mm 65 140 Mm. 66 Lowering, Layingand Jointingwithp.V.C. Pipesandspecialsoffollowingclassand Diameterincludingcostofconveyancefrom Storestositeofworksincludingcostofall Labour, Material, Except Cement Solvent, Rubber Ring, As Per Is Code, Etc. Complete ( With Cement Solvent Joint / Ring Fit Joint ) . 67 Working Pressure 4 Kg / Sq.Cm 68 63 Mm. 69 75 Mm. 70 90 Mm. 71 Working Pressure 8 Kg / Sq.Cm 72 63 Mm. 73 75 Mm. 74 90 Mm. 75 110 Mm. 76 125 Mm 77 140 Mm. 78 D.I. Fittings ( Mechanical Joints ) Providing And Supplying D.I. Fittings With I Si Mark Mechanicalj Ointconfirmingtotables12totable31ofis 9523 / 2000Uptolatestamendmentsincludingcostofsbr / Edpmgaskets, Nuts, Bolts, Washers Andductile Iron Followerglands.Fittingsshouldbewithinternallyordinary Portlandcementmortorlinedandexternallymetalliczinc Coating / Zincrichpaintwithfinishinglayerofblackbitumen Coatingincludingtransportationandexcludingallstatutary Duties And Taxes Such As Gst Levied By Gol And Gom In All Respect Etc. Complete. 79 Mj Collar / Coupling 80 80 Mm Dia 81 100 Mm Dia 82 150 Mm Dia 83 200 Mm Dia 84 250 Mm Dia 85 300 Mm Dia 86 350 Mm Dia 87 400 Mm Dia 88 450 Mm Dia 89 H. D. P. E. Pipesprovidingandsupplyingi Nstandardlengths Polyethelenepipes, Confirmingtois4984 / 14151 / 12786 / 13488Withnesessaryjointing Material Like Mechanical Connector I. E. Thread / Insert Joint / Quick Release Coupler Joint / Compressionfittingjointorflangedjoint Excludingcoupler / Specials, Including Transportationandfreightcharges, Inspection Charges, Loading / Unloading Charges, Conveyance To The Departmental Stores & Stacking The Same In Closed Shade Duly Protecting From Sunrays & Rains, Excluding Gst Levied By Gi & Gom In All Respect Etc. Complete. 90 Pe-100 A ) 6 Kg / Sq. Cm : 91 63 Mm 92 75 Mm 93 90 Mm 94 110 Mm 95 Pe-100 A ) 8 Kg / Sq. Cm : 96 63 Mm 97 75 Mm 98 90 Mm 99 110 Mm 100 Lowering, Laying And Jointing H. D. P. E. / M.D.P.E.Pipesinproperpositionincludingall Specials By Compression Fitting / Electrofusion And Butt Fusion Jointing Procedure As Per Relevent Is Codecompletewithallmaterialsforjointing Procedurelikeelectrofusionmachine, Electric Heater / Butt Fusion Welding Machine With Hydraulic Jack, Toploadingclampetc.Andalllaboursas Directedbyengineerinchargeasperis-7634 Part Ii 101 20 Mm 102 25 Mm 103 32 Mm 104 40 Mm 105 50 Mm 106 63 Mm 107 75 Mm 108 90 Mm 109 110 Mm 110 Providing&Supply Ofelectrofusionfittings In Accordance With Bs En12201: Part-3 Suitable For Drinking Water With In Black / Blue Colour Manufacturedfromcompoundedpe80 / Pe100 Virginpolymerandcompatiblewithpe80 / Pe100 Pipes, In Pressure Rating Sdr11 With Min Pn12.5 Rated For Water Application And Shall Be Inclusive Of All Cost Such As Testing, Inspection Charges, Transportation Up To Store, Transit Insurance, Loading, Unloading, Stacking Excluding Gst Levied By Goi & Gom In All Respect, Etc. Complete. 111 Couplers 112 Couplers 20 113 Couplers 25 114 Couplers 32 115 Couplers 40 116 Couplers 50 117 Couplers 63 118 Couplers 75 119 Couplers 90 120 Couplers 110 121 Equal Tee 122 Equal Tee 20 123 Equal Tee 25 124 Equal Tee 32 125 Equal Tee 40 126 Equal Tee 50 127 Equal Tee 63 128 Equal Tee 75 129 Equal Tee 90 130 Equal Tee 110 131 Elbow 90 Deg. 132 Elbow 90 Deg. 20 133 Elbow 90 Deg. 25 134 Elbow 90 Deg. 32 135 Elbow 90 Deg. 40 136 Elbow 90 Deg. 50 137 Elbow 90 Deg. 63 138 Elbow 90 Deg. 75 139 Elbow 90 Deg. 90 140 Elbow 90 Deg. 110 141 Elbow 45 Deg. 142 Elbow 45 Deg. 32 143 Elbow 45 Deg. 40 144 Elbow 45 Deg. 50 145 Elbow 45 Deg. 63 146 Elbow 45 Deg. 75 147 Elbow 45 Deg. 90 148 Elbow 45 Deg. 110 149 End Cap 150 End Cap 20 151 End Cap 25 152 End Cap 32 153 End Cap 40 154 End Cap 50 155 End Cap 63 156 End Cap 75 157 End Cap 90 158 End Cap 110 159 End Cap 125 160 Male Adaptor 161 Male Adaptor 20 X 1 / 2 162 Male Adaptor 25 X 3 / 4 163 Female Adaptor 164 Female Adaptor 20 X 1 / 2 165 Female Adaptor 25 X 3 / 4 166 Coupling 167 Coupling 20 X 20 168 Coupling 25 X 25 169 Valves Providing Double Flange Sluice Valve Confirming For Is- 14846 Including Worn Gear Arrangements As Per Test Pressure, Stainless Steel Spindle, Caps, Including Inspection Charges, Transportationuptodepartmental Store, Unloading, Stackingexcluding Gst Leviedbygoi&Gominallrespectetc. 170 Sluice Valves - Pn -1 ( Without By Pass ) 171 50 Mm. 172 65 Mm. 173 80 Mm. 174 100 Mm. 175 125 Mm. 176 150 Mm. 177 Sluicevalves-Pn-1.0 ( Withbypassarrangement ) 178 50 Mm. 179 65 Mm. 180 80 Mm. 181 100 Mm. 182 125 Mm. 183 150 Mm. 184 Sluicevalve-Pn-1.6 ( Withoutbypassarrangement ) 185 50 Mm. 186 65 Mm. 187 80 Mm. 188 100 Mm. 189 125 Mm. 190 150 Mm. 191 Sluicevalve-Pn-1.6 ( Withbypassarrangement ) 192 50 Mm. 193 65 Mm. 194 80 Mm. 195 100 Mm. 196 125 Mm. 197 150 Mm. 198 Providing, Double Flanged Short Body Patterntypemanuallyoperatedbutterfly Valvehavingbody, Discandendcoverin Graded Cast Iron To Is-210 Gr.Cf 200 Generallyconfirmingtois-13095-1991, Syntheticrubberfacedringsecured Ondisc Byretainingringwithstainlesssteelscrew Stubshaftofstainlesssteelridinginteflon Bearingincludinginspectioncharges, Transportation Up To Departmental Store, Unloading, Stacking Excluding Gst Levied By Goi & Gom In All Respect Etc. Excluding C.C. Foundation / Structural Steel Support. 199 Butterflyvalve-Pn-1 ( Withbypassarrangement ) 200 80 Mm. 201 100 Mm. 202 125 Mm. 203 150 Mm. 204 Lowering, Laying And Jointing In Position Followingc.I.D / Freflexvalves, Butterfly Valvesandsluicevalvesincludingcostof All Labour Jointing Material, Including Nut Bolts Andgivingsatisfactoryhydraulictestingetc. Complete. ( Rate For All Class Of Valves. ) 205 50 Mm. 206 65 Mm. 207 80 Mm. 208 100 Mm. 209 125 Mm. 210 150 Mm. 211 200 Mm. 212 250 Mm. 213 300 Mm. 214 350 Mm. 215 400 Mm. 216 450 Mm. 217 Providingandsupplying Air Valves Asper Is-14845-2000Andmjp’Sstandard Specifications Of Approved Make Andquality Of Following Diameters Including Railway Freight, Inspectioncharges, Unloadingfrom Railway Wagons, Loading Into Truck, Transportation Upto Departmental Stores, Unloding And Stacking Excluding Gstlevied By Goi & Gom In All Respect Etc. Complete. 218 Airvalvesingleballflanged / Screwedtype - Pn -1 219 12 / 15 Mm. 220 20 Mm. 221 25 Mm. 222 32 Mm. 223 40 Mm. 224 50 Mm. 225 Airvalvesingleballflanged / Screwedtype - Pn -1.6 226 12 / 15 Mm. 227 20 Mm. 228 25 Mm. 229 32 Mm. 230 40 Mm. 231 50 Mm. 232 Providingandsupplying Air Valves Asper Is- 14845 And Mjp’S Standard Specifications Double Orifice Type Combined With Screw Down Isolating Valve, Small Orifice Elastic Ball Restingonagunmetalorificenipple, Large Orifice Vulcanite Ball Seating On Moulded Seat Ring, Inletfaceanddrilled, Including Insurance, Thirdpartyinspectioncharges, Loading, Unloading, Transportationupto Departmentalstores, Excludinggstlevied By Goi & Gom In All Respect Etc. Complete. 233 Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - Pn -1 234 50 Mm. 235 65 Mm. 236 80 Mm. 237 Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - Pn -1.6 238 50 Mm. 239 65 Mm. 240 80 Mm. 241 Providingandsupplying Air Valves Asper Is-14845-2000Andmjp’Sstandard Specificationsdoubleorificetypecombined With Isolating Sluice Valve, Mounted In Horizontalpositionandoperatedbywheel Gearing, Small Orifice Elastic Ball Resting On A Gunmetalorificenipple, Largeorifice Vulcaniteballseatingonmouldedseatring, Inletfaceanddrilled, Includinginsurance, Third Party Inspection Charges, Loading, Unloading, Transportationuptodepartmental Store, Excluding Gst Levied By Goi & Gom In All Respect Etc. Complete. 242 Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - Pn -1 243 100 Mm. 244 150 Mm. 245 200 Mm. 246 Air Valve Double Ball Flanged Type - Pn -1.6 247 100 Mm. 248 150 Mm. 249 200 Mm. 250 Lowering, Laying And Fixing In Proper Alignmentandpositionalltypesofc.I.Air Valvesasdirectedbyengineer-In-Charge Includingcostofconveyancefromstoresto Siteofwork, Costofallmaterialandgiving Satisfactoryhydraulictesting, Etc.Complete. ( For All Class Of Valves ) . 251 Air Valve Single Ball ( Pn-1 And Pn - 1.6 ) 252 15 Mm. 253 20 Mm. 254 25 Mm. 255 32 Mm. 256 40 Mm. 257 50 Mm. 258 65 Mm. 259 80 Mm. 260 100 Mm. 261 125 Mm. 262 150 Mm. 263 200 Mm. 264 Air Valve Double Ball ( Pn-1 And Pn - 1.6 ) 265 15 Mm. 266 20 Mm. 267 25 Mm. 268 32 Mm. 269 40 Mm. 270 50 Mm. 271 65 Mm. 272 80 Mm. 273 100 Mm. 274 125 Mm. 275 150 Mm. 276 200 Mm. 277 Providingandsupplyingi.S.I.Markrubber Gasketsuitableforc.I.Ord.I.Pipeofall Classfor Tytonjointsincluding Inspection Charges, Transportationuptodepartmental Stores Excluding Gst Levied By Goi & Gom In All Respect Etc. Complete. 278 S.B.R. Gaskets For C. I. / D.I. Pipes 279 80 Mm 280 100 Mm 281 150 Mm 282 200 Mm 283 250 Mm 284 300 Mm 285 350 Mm 286 400 Mm 287 450 Mm 288 Sealing ‘ O Rings Of Sbr ( For Cid Joints ) 289 80 Mm 290 100 Mm 291 125 Mm 292 150 Mm 293 Flat Flanged Gaskets Moulded Out Of Sbr ( Forflanged Joints ) 294 80 Mm 295 100 Mm 296 125 Mm 297 150 Mm 298 200 Mm 299 250 Mm 300 300 Mm 301 350 Mm 302 400 Mm 303 450 Mm 304 Providing Rubber Gasket - 305 Epdm Gaskets For C. I. / D.I. Pipes 306 80 Mm. 307 100 Mm. 308 150 Mm. 309 200 Mm. 310 250 Mm. 311 300 Mm. 312 350 Mm. 313 400 Mm. 314 450 Mm. 315 Mechanical Joints And Fittings 316 Supplyofc.I.Mechanicalcompressionflanged / Socket Tailpiece ( Popularly Knownasitmflanged / Sockettailpiece ) Suitable For Making Flanged Connection With The Plain Barrel Of C. I. Spun Pipes ( As Per - Is - 1536 / 2001 ) And D. I. Pipes ( As Per Is: 8329 / 2000 ) .Thetailpiectobesuppliedcompletewithsealing Rubbergasketofs.B.R, C.I.Followerglandsandm.S.Nut Bolts.Thewholeassemblyshouldbemechanicallyand Hydraulicallytestedtotheprovisionsaslaiddowninis:1538 / 1993. The Rates Are Inclusive Of Cost Of Material, Freight Charges, Loading, Transportationandunloadingatdepartementalstore, Excluding Gst Levied By Gol And Gom In All Respect, Etc. Complete As Directed. 317 80 Mm Dia 318 100 Mm Dia 319 125 Mm Dia 320 150 Mm Dia 321 200 Mm Dia 322 250 Mm Dia 323 300 Mm Dia 324 350 Mm Dia 325 400 Mm Dia 326 450 Mm Dia 327 Supplyofc.I .Mechanicalcompressioncollarcoupling Suitableforc.I.Spunpipes ( Asper-Is-1536 / 2001 ) And Complete With Sealing Rubber Gasket Of Sbr, .C.I. Follower Glands Andm.S.Nutbolts.Thewholeassemblyshouldbemechanically And Hydraulically Tested To The Provisions As Laid Down In Is:1538 / 1993. 328 80 Mm Dia 329 100 Mm Dia 330 125 Mm Dia 331 150 Mm Dia 332 200 Mm Dia 333 250 Mm Dia 334 300 Mm Dia 335 350 Mm Dia 336 400 Mm Dia 337 450 Mm Dia 338 Xv. Fabrication Of M.S. Pipes & Specials 339 Providing, Fabricatingandfixingexpansionjointsfor Pipelines As Per The Drawing. The Rate To Include Machiningthestrakesandsteelringasshowninthe Drawing And Welding On Either Automatic Welding Machineormanually, Rateincludesplatesandflats Required For Expansion Joint And All Other Materials Such As Synthetic Rubber, Rubber Ring, Etc. Including Packing As Per Specifications, Grease, Bolts And Nuts, Local Handling, Excluding Gst Levied By Goi & Gom In All Respect Etc.Complete. 340 Expansion Joints Suitable For Pipe Diameters. 341 300 Mm 342 400 Mm 343 450 Mm 344 500 Mm 345 Valve Repair 346 Valve Threaded With Material Threding Operation And Removing And Fittingrod 347 80 Mm Dia 348 100 Mm Dia 349 125 Mm Dia 350 150 Mm Dia 351 200 Mm Dia 352 250 Mm Dia 353 300 Mm Dia 354 350 Mm Dia 355 400 Mm Dia 356 450 Mm Dia 357 Threaded Rod Guider With Material Threding Operation And Removing And Fittingrod 358 80 Mm Dia 359 100 Mm Dia 360 125 Mm Dia 361 150 Mm Dia 362 200 Mm Dia 363 250 Mm Dia 364 300 Mm Dia 365 350 Mm Dia 366 400 Mm Dia 367 450 Mm Dia

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