
Tender For Following Works, Amritsar-Punjab

Co Operative Sugar Factories Federation Ltd has published Tender For Following Works. Submission Date for this Tender is 31-10-2023. Computer Peripheral Tenders in Amritsar Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Following Works
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Tender Details

Tender For Following Works Tubes cleaning by high pressure water jet Tubes cleaning by high pressure water jet of evaporator bodies (7 Nos.) 1) Semi kesner (1000m 2) Semi kesner (800M³) 3) Vapour cell 4) 1 body 5) 2nd body 6) 3 body 7) 4 body Centrifugal Machines PLC/SCADA Automation System. Complete PLC/SCADA and automation Panel, working with remote Panel including Display 8 inch Siemens make PLC/SCADA system complete wire with machine Poxy sensor including commissioning of CF machine with one crushing season warranty for buckau wolf make flat bottom type C/F machine capacity 750 kg/charge Mechanical tube cleaning of evaporator bodies. (7 Nos.) 1) Semi kesner (1000m³) 2) Semi kesner (800M²) 3) Vapour cell 4) 1 body 5) 2nd body 6) 3 body 7) 4th body Tube cleaning of pans 05 Nos. All juice heater tube cleaning and its allied units. Caustic soda/Scale softner addition in respective bodies after receiving from store and bringing to respective station Electromagnetic flow meter 6 with digital display Rate of flow 30m/hr for measuring the treated effluent complete in all respect. Repairing of electromagnetic flow meter 6 including its digital display. Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of juice distribution plate of Dorr. Modification of Sulphur furnace Repairing of internal part of save all of SK 1000m² Dismantling, Fabrication & Erection of 1 flate of partition plate of juice heater distribution both Top and bottom box. Make Kirlosker/ Sintech Lime pump of 27 m. Hr capacity Head-30 mtrs K.W.-9.3 RPM-1450 Suction-80mm Delivery-50mm With CI body & working part SS Sludge pump Suction 4 Delivery 4 Capacity 75 m/hr Head 15 mtrs RPM-1440 With CI body & working part SS Make Kirlosker/k.S.B/Sintech Centrifugal pump having Capacity 40 m mtr hr Head-30 mtrs With CI body SS impeller, SS working part suitable for pumping 60 Bx syrup/ melt High flow pump & spares High flow pump size 4 x 4 model PSL-21410- AABN capacity 30 m/hr, Head-30 mtrs, RPM-480, Drive 15 HP with SS rotor SS connecting rod & SS shaft. Heating arrangement with electric heater complete in all respect for hot air blower instead of steam for drying the 20 Ton sugar/hour in hopper for 2500 TCD sugar plant. Conical Flask 250 ml, make Borosil Measuring cylinder 10ml, make Borosil Pipette (Bulb) make Borosil 50 ml 25 ml 5 ml Measuring Flask, make Borosil 1000 ml 500 ml 250 ml 10 ml Beaker 250 ml 100 ml Funnel Glass 4 inch half stem Wash bottle plastic 500 ml Mug plastic 1 Itr Mug aluminum or steel 500 ml Bucket plastic 12 ltr 5 ltr Reagent bottle glass 1 ltr Mud flask (wide mouth) 200ml Forecape for muffle furnace length apps 1.5 feet (steel) Weighing scale digital capacity maximum 10 kg accuracy ±1gm Ph meter digital pen type Thermometer (red mercury make zeal) temp. 0-110°c Indicator paper bromothymole blue Universal indicator paper ph range 2.0-10.5 Hot plate 1500-2000 watt beat quality Whatman filter sheet size 42 cm x 56 cm Buffer Table 4,7,9.2 Carbon de sulphite Conc. Hydrochloric acid Oxalic acid Mercuric chloride Ethyle alcohol 500ml x 10-500 ml Sodium oxalate Sodium chloride Lead sub acetate (basic lead acetate) make devis or qualigen Fitter paper ordinary 18.5 cm circle make kalpi Maintenance charges for automatic online continuous effluent monitoring system (OCEMS) at ETP for crushing season 2023-24. [Make system S.P.A.] Model- Micromac Eco Along with the online transmission of data for BOD, COD, TSS, PH,flow rate to the server of PPCB/CPCB System included:- A. Online COD, BOD TSS and ph analyzers. B. Online transmission of data. Bag stitching thread 1000 meter long breaking strength 7-8 kg/mtr. Jute twin 3 ply x 72 breaking strength 14 lb/ft. Green colour marker Red colour marker Cleaning & washing of boiling bouse equipments after close of crushing season ie. Dorr, JS, S.F. R.V.F.. Juice weighing scale, syp & molasses tanks, crystallizer (all type) pug mills, magma mixer. melter, tank (AH,BH,CL), gutter etc. and ground & upper floor. Terms/conditions:- 1. Tool and tackles will be provided by the mills 2. Mill is not responsible for any mishappening of your persons. 3. Contractor shall deploy sufficient man power to the above jobs within week 4. Work should be done with the satisfaction of chief chemist Bringing of Lime & Sulphur from Sulphur vehicle to Go-down. Preparation of MOL daily in three shift during crushing season 2023-24 four persons per shift also they have to follow the instruction of CC for any other misc. job in spare time. Daily Juice heater tube cleaning and boxing up per day two persons. Complete cleaning of juice weighing scale and DSM screen with hot water. Contract of operation & supervision of ETP & APCD for the crushing season 2023-24 Electric crane/lift for lifting of lime with motor (starter) complete in all respect capacity 01 Ton.

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