
Tender For 2 Year Rate Contract For Chemical, Test Kits, Reagents, Media And Glassware For Microbiology Department, kota-Rajasthan

Government Medical College has published Tender For 2 Year Rate Contract For Chemical, Test Kits, Reagents, Media And Glassware For Microbiology Department. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-12-2023. Tape Supply Tenders in kota Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For 2 Year Rate Contract For Chemical, Test Kits, Reagents, Media And Glassware For Microbiology Department
Open Tender

Tender Details

2 Year Rate Contract For Chemical, Test Kits, Reagents, Media And Glassware For Microbiology Department , Antibiotic Sensitivity Disc , Amikacin ( 30?G ) , Aztreonam ( 30?G ) , Ampicillin ( 10 ?G ) , Ampicillin + Sulbactam ( 10 / 10?G ) , Azithromycin ( 15?G ) , Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid ( 20 / 10?G ) , Bacitracin ( 10 ?Nit ) , Colistin ( 10Mcg ) , Cefoperazone ( 75?G ) , Ceftazedime ( 30?G ) , Cefepime ( 30?G ) , Cefepime + Tazobactan ( 30?G ) , Cefadroxyl ( 30?G ) , Carbenicillin ( 100?G ) , Ciprofloxacin ( 10?G ) , Co- Trimoxazole ( 25?G ) , Cefoperazone + Sµlbactam ( 75?G ) , Cefotaxime / Clavµlanic Acid ( 30 / 10?G ) , Ceftazidime / Tazobactum ( 30 / 10?G ) , Cephalothin ( 30?G ) , Cefµroxime ( 30?G ) , Cefotaxime ( 30?G ) , Ceftriaxone ( 30?G ) , Chloramphenicol ( 30?G ) , Clindamycin ( 2?G ) , Cefaclor ( 30?G ) , Cefotetan ( 30?G ) , Cefpodoxime ( 10?G ) , Ceftizoxime ( 30?G ) , Cefixime ( 5?G ) , Cefoxitin ( 30?G ) , Cefalexin ( 30?G ) , Cefazolin ( 30?G ) , Cefprozil ( 30?G ) , Cefixime / Clavµlanic Acid ( 5 / 10?G ) , Ceftrixone / Sµlbactam ( 30 / 15?G ) , Ceftriazone / Tazobactam ( 30?G ) , Doxycyline ( 10?G ) , Dicloxacilline ( 1?G ) , Erythromycin ( 15?G ) , Fµrazolidone ( 50?G ) , Feropenem 5?G , Fosfomycin ( 50?G ) , Gentamicin ( 10?G ) , High Level Gentamicin ( 120?G ) , Gemifloxacin ( 5?G ) , Imipenam ( 10?G ) , Imipenam + Cilastin ( 10 / 10?G ) , Levofloxacin ( 5?G ) , Lincomycin ( 15?G ) , Linezolid ( 30?G ) , Meropenam ( 10?G ) , Mezlocilin ( 75?G ) , Moxifloxacin ( 5?G ) , Netilmicin ( 30?G ) , Norfloxacin ( 10?G ) , Nalidixic Acid ( 30?G ) , Nitrofurantoin ( 200?G ) , Novobiocin ( 5?G ) , Oxytetracyclin ( 30?G ) , Oxacillin ( 5?G ) , Ofloxacin ( 2?G ) , Onpg , Optochin ( 5?G ) , Polymyxin B ( 10 ?Nit ) , Polymyxin B ( 300 ?Nit ) , Prµlifloxacin ( 5?G ) , Piperacillin ( 100?G ) , Piperacillin +Tazobactam ( 100 / 10?G ) , Pristinomycin ( 15?G ) , Rifampicin ( 5?G ) , Roxithromycin ( 30?G ) , Sisomicin ( 10?G ) , Ticarcillin ( 75?G ) , Ticarcillin + Clavµlanic Acid ( 75 / 10?G ) , Tetracycline ( 30?G ) , Tecoplanin ( 30?G ) , Tigecycline , Tobramycin ( 10?G ) , Vancomycin ( 30?G ) , Anti - Fungal , Ketoconazole , Itraconazole , Amphotericin-B , Nystatin , Clotrimazole , Miconazole , Sugar , Adonitol , Arabinose , Cellobiose , Dextrose , Dulcitol , Fructose , Galactose , Inositol , Inulin , Lactose , Maltose , Mannitol , Mannose , Melibiose , Raffinose , Rhamnose , Salicin , Sorbitol , Sucrose , Trehalose , Xylose , Culture Media , Alkaline Peptone Water , Agar Powder Bacteriological , Air Sampler Agar Strip- ( A ) - Tsa- Agar For Total Count -Sd ( B ) Sabourund -Dextrose Agar Sb , Andrade Peptone Water , Anaerobic Indicator Tablet , Arginine Dihydrolase Broth , Bacttec Myco / F Lytic , Bacttec Peds Plus / F , Bacttec Plus Aerobic / F+ , Bacttec Plus+ Anaerobic , Bacttec Standard 10 Aerobic / F , Bacttec Lytic / 10 Aanerobic / F , Bbl Mgit Tubes , Beef Extract Agar , Beef Extract Broth , Bile Esculin Agar , Bile Salt Agar , Bird Seed Agar Diphenyl Supplement , Blood Agar Base , Brain Heart Infusion Broth , Cary Blair Medium , Cetrimide Agar , Cled Media , Congo Red Agar , Cooked Meat Medium R.C.Medium , Corn Meal Agar , Decarboxylase Base Without Amino Acids , Deoxycholate Citrate Agar , Dermatophyte Base Without Amino Acid , Emb Agar Levine , Glucose Broth , Glucose Phosphate Broth , Uti Agar , Hichrome Improved Salmonella Agar , Salmonella - Shigella Agar , Candida Differental Agar , Lactose Monohydrate Bacteriological Grade , Loeffler Serum Medium Base , Lowenstein – Jensen Media Base , Lysine Decarboxylase Broth , Lysine Iron Agar , Mac Conkey Agar , Muellar Hinton Agar , Mannitol Salt Agar , Mueller Hinton Agar , Nnn- Medium , Nutrient Agar , Nutrient Broth , Of Basal Medium , Omthine Decarboxylase Broth , Peptone Bacteriological , Peptone Water , Phenolphthalein Phosphate Agar , Phenyl Alanine Agar , Potassium Tellurite Agar , Potato Dextrose Agar , Rpmi 1640 Agar W / Mops & 2% Glucose W / O Sodium Carbonet ( Twin Pack ) , Sabouraud Chloramphemcol Agar , Sabouraud Dextrose Agar , Sda With Cycloheximide Chloramphenicol , Selenite F Broth Twin Pack ( Medium 11 ) , Simmons Citrate Agar , Sulphide Lndole Motility ( Sim ) Medium , Stuart Transport Medium , Tcbs Agar , Tetra Thionate Broth , Throglycollate Medium Fluid , Throglycollate Agar , Trichophyton Agar 1 , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Trypticase Soy Broth , Tyi -S-33 Medium ( Trypaticase Yeast ) , Urea Agar Base Christensen , Uti Chrome Agar , Wilson & Blair’S Bbs Agar Medium 9 , Xld Agar , Yeast Carbon Base Agar , Yeast Nitrogen Base Agar , Vitek -2 , Gn Test Kit Vtk2 , Gp Test Kit Vtk2 , Yst Test Kit Vtk2 , Nh Test Kit , Anc Test Kit , Ast-St03 Test Kit , Ast-P628 Test Kit , Ast-Ys08 Test Kit , Ast N235 Urine Card , Kit Densichek Plus Standards , Ast-N405 , Ast-N406 , Ast-N407 ( Critical Care Card ) , Unsensitized Tubes 1X2000 , Suspension Solution 3X500 Ml , Antiseras , Shigella Dysenteriae Polyvalent , Vibrio Cholera 01 Antiserum Polyvalent , Subtype B ( Ogawa ) , C ( Inaba ) , 0:139 , Salmonella O Antiserum Polyvalent ( A-Z & Vi ) , O Factor Antiserum 0:2 ( A ) , 0:4 ( B ) , 0:7 ( C1 ) , 0:9 ( D ) , 0:13 ( G ) , Vi , H Factor Antiserum H:A, H:B, H:I, H:G, H:M, H:Z , Polyvalent O Antiserum For Enterotoxigenic Strains Of E.Coli , Chemicals , Absolute Alcohol / Ethanol , Absolute Alcohol / Ethanol , Acetamide , Acetic Acid Glacial , Acetone , Acridine Orange , Aerogas Pack , Agarose , Albert Stain Kit , Ammomum Oxalate -Ar , Ammonia , Andrade Indicator , Aniline , B. Sterothermophilus Spore Strips , Basic Fuchsin , Benzamide , Buffer Tablets 7.0 Ph , Buffer Tablets 9.2 Ph , Calcofluor White M2r , Carbamide , Carbol Fuchsin , Catalase Peroxidase Test Kit For Mycobacterium , Catalase Test Kit For Mycobacterium , Catechol , Cedar Wood Oil , Charcoal Powder , Chlorazole Black E , Chromotrope Zr , Conc. Hydrochloric Acid About 37% , Conc. Sulfuric Acid About 98% , Copper Ii Chlonde Dihydrate , Crystal Violet , Ctab , Cycloheximide ( Actidione ) , Cynogen Bromide , Disinfectant Solution Surface Cleaning , Di-Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous , Distilled Water , Dntps ( Datp, Dgtp, Dctp, Dttp ) , Dpx Mount , Edta Mb Grade , Edta Ar , Eosin 2% , Ethyl Acetate Ar , Fast Green , Ferric Chloride Ar , Field Stain A , Field Stain B , Formaldehyde Solution Min 37% , Formalin Tablets , Formamide , Gelatin , Giemsa Stain , Glassware Cleaning Solution , Glycerol Ar , Hand - Sanitizer , Hydrogen Peroxide 30% , Iodine Crystals Ar , Iso Amyl Alcohol , Iso Propanol , Iso-Amyl Alcohol , Koh , Kovac Indole Reagent , Lactophenol Cotton Blue , Leishman Stain , Light Green Sf , Liquid Paraffin Heavy , Liquid Paraffin Light , Loeffler Methylene Blue , Lugol Iodine , Lysol 5% , Malachite Green 1% W / V , Mangnese Sulphate Ar , Merecurous Chloride ( Mgcl2 ) , Methyl Alcohol , Methyl Red Indicator , Methylated Spirit , Methylene Blue Pure , N N Dimethyl Formamide , Neutral Red , Niacin Detection Kit W / Syringe , Nigrosine , Nitrate Reduction Test Kit For Mycobacterium , Normal Saline , Nuclease Eliminator For Rnase / Dnase , Nuclease Free Water , Nuclease Free Water , Omeara Reagent , P. Nitrobenzonic Acid , Paraffin Wax , Ph Paper 1 - 14 , Phenol Crystals Ar , Phenol Red Certified , Phosphotungestic Acid , Polyvinyl Alcohol A- Cold Water Soluble B-Hot Water Soluble , Potassium Acetate , Potassium Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous , Potassium Dichromate Ar , Potassium Iodide Ar , Potassium Nitrate , Potassium Permangnate Ar , Proteinase K , Pyrazinamidase Test Kit For Mycobacterium , Pyrazinamide , Rnase A , Saffranine Crystals , Schaeffer & Fulton’S Spore Stain Kit , Schaeffer Fuchsin Sulph Reagent , Sds , Silverised H2 O2 ( H2, O2 11% W / V With Silver Nitrate Sol.0.01% W / V Compatible For Fumigation With Aerosol Generator Fogging Machine , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Acetate Anhydrous Mb Grade , Sodium Chloride Mb Grade , Sodium Chloride Ar , Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate Anhydrous , Sodium Hydroxide Ar , Sodium Hypochlorite 4% , Sodium Hypochlorite 10% , Sodium Polyanetholesulphonate ( Sps ) , Sodium Taurocholate , Sulphanilic Acid Ar , Sulphuric Acid , Taq Polymerase , Teepol , Tetramethyl P- Phenylene Diamine Dihydrochloride ( Oxidase Reagent ) , Thiomersal , Thiophene Carboxylic Hydrazide Test Kit For Mycobacterium , Toluidine Blue , Tri Potassium Phenophthlin Di Sulphate , Tris Base , Tris-Cl Buffer , Twine 80 , Twine 20 , Urea Powder Ar , Xylene Ar , Zinc Dust , Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate , ? Nephthol Ar , ? Nephthylamine Ar , Plastic & Consumables , Aluminium Foil , Aspirator Bottle With Stopcock 10 L , Aspirator Bottle With Stopcock 5 L , Autoclavable Bags Non- Printed 8X12 , Autoclavable Bags Non- Printed 12X24 , Autoclavable Bags Non- Printed 24X30 , Beaker 250 Ml , Beaker 500 Ml , Beaker 1000 Ml , Beaker 2000 Ml , Beaker 5000 Ml , Bmw Disposal Bags Red 19X24 , Bmw Disposal Bags Red 29X39 , Bmw Disposal Bags Yellow 19X24 , Bmw Disposal Bags Yellow 29X39 , Bmw Container 15-20 L , Biohazardous Waste Container 50-60 L , Blotting Sheet 150 Gsm , Cellophane Tap 33 X 22 Mm , Centrifuge Tubes 15 Ml , Centrifuge Tubes 50 Ml , Cooler Box 12 Places 1.5 / 2 Ml , Cooler Box 32 Places 1.5 / 2 Ml , Cooler Rack ( Pcr Plate ) , Cotton Role , Cryo Storage Boxes 1.8 Ml , Cryo Storage Boxes 1.5 Ml , Cryo Tape ( Label ) , Cryo Tubes ( Vials ) 5 Ml , Daimond Pencil For Glass Slide , Deep Well Plate 96 , Deep Well Plate -Gf 96 Well , Deep Well Tube Strip 8 Well , Deep Well Tube Strip Of 8 Cap , Disinfectant Solution , Disposable Gloves 7.5 , Elisa Plate 96 Wells Round Bottom , Elisa Plate 96 Wells Flat Bottom , Falcon Tubes 50 Ml , Filter Paper Sheets , Filter Papers Wattmen No 1 , Glass Marking Pencil ( White , Blue, Red ) , Gloves Acid Resistant , Gloves Acid Resistant , Gloves Acid Resistant , Graduated Cylinders 10 Ml , Graduated Cylinders 100 Ml , Graduated Cylinders 20 Ml , Graduated Cylinders 250 Ml , Graduated Cylinders 50 Ml , Graduated Cylinders 500 Ml , Ice Buckets , Kling Film , Lab Slippers , Lab Wash , Laboratory Apron / Coat , Laboratory Fresh Deodorising Pearls , Laboratory Head Cap , Laboratory Shoes Cover , Liquid Hand Wash Soap , Mask , Mask N95 , Match Box , Micro Centrifuge Tube 1.5 Ml , Micro Centrifuge Tube 2 Ml , Micro Centrifuge Tube Stand , Micro Centrifuge Tubes 0.5 Ml , Micro Centrifuge Tubes 1.5 Ml , Micro Centrifuge Tubes 2 Ml , Micro Pipettes 10Ul , Micro Pipettes 0.5 Ul-10 Ul , Micro Pipettes 10 Ul - 100 Ul , Micro Pipettes 100 Ul - 1000 Ul , Micropipette Filter Tips Reload 10 Ul , Micropipette Filter Tips Reload 1200 Ul , Micropipette Filter Tips Reload 300 Ul , Micropipette Tips 5 Ml , Micropipette Tips 0.1-10 Ul , Micropipette Tips 1Ul-200Ul , Micropipette Tips 100Ul-1000Ul , Micropipette Tips Dual Filter Boxes , Micropipette Tips Dual Filter Boxes , Micropipette Tips Dual Filter Boxes , Micropipette Tips Low Retention , Micropipette Tips Low Retention , Micropipette Tips Low Retention , Multi Channel Pipette 100 To 1000 Ul , Multi Channel Pipette 10 To 100 Ul , Multi Channel Pipette 0.5 To 10 Ul , Nichrome Loop Wire D-4 ( Hendal With 10 Loop ) , Nichrome Straight Wire ( Hendal With 10 Wire ) , Nitrile Powder Free Gloves Small , Nitrile Powder Free Gloves Medium , Nitrile Powder Free Gloves Large , Oak Ridge Centrifuge Tubes , Oak Ridge Centrifuge Tubes , Parafilm 4X125 , Pcr Cap ( 1X8 ) , Pcr Plate 96 Well Non Skirted , Pcr Plate 96 Well Non Skirted , Pcr Plate 96 Well Semi Skirted , Pcr Plate 96 Well Semi Skirted , Pcr Plate Seal ( Microseal B ) , Pcr Rack With Cover , Pcr Tube Strip 0.1 Ml ( 1X8 ) , Pcr Tube Strip 0.2 Ml ( 1X8 ) , Permanent Marker Pen , Pipette 0.1 To 2.5 Ul , Pipette 0.5 To 10 Ul , Pipette 10 To 100 Ul , Pipette 100 To 1000 Ul , Pipette 2 To 20 Ul , Pipette 20 To 200 Ul , Pipette Pump 25Ml , Plastic Dropper , Ppe Kit ( With Goggle, Faceshield, Shoecover And Hood ) , Reagent Droping Bottles , Reagent Pipettes Bulb , Reversible Rack With Cover , Rnase / Dnase-Free Multichannel Reagent Reservoirs, Disposable , Rubber Teats , Sample Tray 96 Holes , Screw Cap Tube , Self Adhesive Autoclave Tapes , Self Adhesive Dry Heat La 412 , Slide Staining Stand , Soap ( 125 Gm Per Piece ) , Spatula Spoon 12 , Spatula Spoon 6 , Specimen Container , Specimen Container , Stainless Steel Forceps Pointed , Stainless Steel Forcepsblunt 8 Inch , Sterile Container , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates 120 Mm. , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates 150 Mm. , Sterile Disposable Petri Plates 90 Mm. , Sterile Disposable Swab Stick With Container , Sterile Scalpal Blade , String Sleeves ( Tip Combs ) Gf , Surf ( Washing Powder ) , Teasing Needles , Test Tube Holder , Test Tube Rack ( 12 Holes ) For Medium Sized Tubes , Tharmocol Box Medium Size 18X18X18 , Thumbpress Dropper , Tissue Lint Free , Tissue Roll , Uncoated Micro Titre Plates ( 96 Wells ) , Utility Tray 320X260x70 Mm , Utility Tray 320X260x100 Mm , Utility Tray 360X310x130 Mm , Utility Tray 540X435x130 Mm , Vacutainer Plain Vial 4 Ml , Vtm With Sterile Swab Stick , Vtm Storage Rack 50 Hole , Wash Bottle , Wash Bottle , Waste Bags Black , Waste Bags Black , Waste Container Blue Colour , Waste Container Whitecolour , Zip Lock ( 4X6 Inch ) , Zip Lock ( 10X14 Inch ) , Glassware , Beaker With Spout 100Ml , Beaker With Spout 1000Ml , Beaker With Spout 2000Ml , Beaker With Spout 250Ml , Beaker With Spout 500Ml , Borosilicate Glass Rods , Candle Jar , Conical Flask 100Ml , Conical Flask 1000Ml , Conical Flask 250Ml , Conical Flask 500Ml , Durham Tube , Funnels , Funnels , Glass Rods 10 Mm X 60 Cm , Glass Test Tube ( 12Mmx75mmx1.0Mm ) , Graduated Cylinders 10Ml , Graduated Cylinders 100Ml , Graduated Cylinders 25Ml , Graduated Cylinders 250 Ml , Graduated Cylinders 50Ml , Graduated Cylinders 500 Ml , Mac-Cartney Bottle 100 Ml , Micro Cover Slip , Micro Glass Slide , Oil Bottle With Glass Rods , Petridish 90Mm Diameter , Petridish 75Mm Diameter , Petridish 150Mm Diameter , Reagent Bottle With Dropper Rubber Teats , Reagent Bottle With Dropper Rubber Teats , Reagent Bottles ( Amber Colour ) 100 Ml , Reagent Bottles ( Amber Colour ) 1000 Ml , Reagent Bottles ( Amber Colour ) 250 Ml , Reagent Bottles ( Amber Colour ) 500 Ml , Reagent Bottles ( Clear ) 100 Ml , Reagent Bottles ( Clear ) 1000 Ml , Reagent Bottles ( Clear ) 250 Ml , Reagent Bottles ( Clear ) 500 Ml , Testube Without Rim 12X100x1.2 Mm , Testube Without Rim18x150x1.2 Mm , Thermometer Mercury 20° To 50° , Thermometer Mercury 0° To 4° , Thermometer Mercury 30° To 250° , Widal Test Tube Round Bottom , Widal Test Tube Conical Bottom , Serology & Elisa , Crp – Latex Kit ( Latex Agglutination Method ) , Ra – Factor Kit ( Latex Agglutination Method ) , Widal Test Tube Method , Widal Test Slide Method , Aslo Titrekit ( Latex Agglutination Method ) , Hbs Ag Card Test , Rpr Test For Syphilis , Hcv Kit ( Rapid Test ) , Hiv Tri Dot Test , Hiv Rapid Test , Hiv Comb Test , Vdrl Rapid Test ( Dip Stic ) , Torch Panel Rapid Test , Elisa Kit-Toxoplasma Igg , Elisa Kit-Toxoplasma Igm , Elisa Kit- Rubella Igg , Elisa Kit-Rubella Igm , Elisa Kit-Cytomegalovirus Igm , Elisa Kit-Cytomegalovirus Igg , Elisa Herpes Simplex Igg , Elisa Herpes Simplex Igm , Elisa Kit- Brucella Igg , Elisa Kit- Brucella Igm , Elisa Kit- Ttg Igm , Elisa Dengue Kit Igg , Elisa Dengue Kit Igm , Elisa Dengue Kit Ns-1 , Elisa Kit-Chikungunya Igm , Elisa Kit Scrub Typhus Igm , Elisa Kithav Igm , Elisa Kithev Igm , Elisa Kithbsag , Elisa Kitrota Virus Antigen , Tpha ( Syphilis ) , Elisa Anti Ccp , Elisa Antichlamydia , Elisa Hiv , Japanese Encephalitisigm , Ana Elisa , Anti-Ds Dna Igg Elisa , Ebstein Barr Virus ( Ebv ) Igm Elisa , Hbc Igm Elisa , Hbcab Elisa , Hbeab Elisa , Hbeagelisa , Hcvigm Elisa , Measles Igg Elisa , Measles Igm Elisa , Leptospirosis Igm Elisa , Leptospirosis Igg Elisa , Chlamydia Trachomatis Igg Elisa , Chlamydia Trachomatis Igm Elisa , Hpv Elisa Igg , Sars Cov 2 Antibody Elisa , Fungal Marker Galactomannan Elisa , Fungal Marker 1-3 Beta D Glucan Elisa , Anti Echinococcus Igg Elisa , Anitbody Detection Cd4 Cd3 Facs Count , Scrub Typhus Igg Elisa , Elisa Kit Scrub Typhus Igm , Elisa Dengue Igm , Elisa Dengue Kit Ns-1 , Elisa Kit-Chikungunya Igm , Sat For Brucella , Rbpt ( Rose Bengal Plate Test ) For Brucella , Leptospira Rapid Diagnostic Test ( Lateral Flow Assay ) , Leptodipstick Rapid Diagnostic Test For Leprospira , Dridot Rapid Diagnostic Test For Leptospira , Lepto-Lat Rapid Diagnostic Test For Leptospira , Molecular , Neuro Panel Kit , Respiratory Pathogen Panel Kit [ 33 Different Pathogens ] , Gastrointestinal Panel , Transplant Panel Kit , Hiv Viral Load , Hpv Hr With 16 / 18 Genotyping Kit , Dengue Virus Serotyping , Cmv Qt Kit , Rifampicin & Isoniazid Drug Resistant Mtb Detection Kit , Mtbc One Step Nested Kit ( Mtbc And Ntm ) , Torch Panel Kit , Viral Rna Extraction Kit , Dna Extraction Kit , Ebv Quantitative Kit , Hsv Quantitative Kit , Panfungal Dna Pcr Kit , Xdr Tb Pcr Kit , Sepsis Panel Kit , Fungal Pcr For Mucormycosis , Swine Flu H1n1, Influenza A ( H3n2 ) & Influenza B ( Victoria, Yamagata ) , Covid Seq Assay 3 Boxes , Miseq Reagent Kit V3 ( 150-Cycle ) 2 Boxes , Idt For Illumina Pcr Indexes Set 1-4 , Illumina Covidseq V4 Primer Pools , Covidseq Positive Control ( Cpc ) , Miseq Reagent Micro Kit V2 ( 300-Cycles ) , Miseq Reagent Kit V3 ( 600-Cycle ) , Miseq Reagent Kit V2 ( 500-Cycles ) , Miseq Reagent Kit V2 ( 300-Cycles ) , Miseq Reagent Nano Kit V2 ( 300-Cycles ) , Idt-Ilmn Pcr Index Set 1 ( 96 Idx ) , Idt-Ilmn Pcr Index Set 2 ( 96 Idx ) , Idt-Ilmn Pcr Index Set 3 ( 96 Idx ) , Idt-Ilmn Pcr Index Set 4 ( 96 Idx ) , Viral Surveillance Panel, Ruo 96 Rxns , Pan-Coronavirus Panel, Ruo 96 Rxns , Flex Lysis Reagent Kit , S2-Standard Cartridge , S1-High Resolution Cartridge , S2-Standard Cartridge Quantitive Kit , S1-High Resolution Cartridge Quantitive Kit , Quantifluor® Dsdna System , Others , Anti Hav Compatible With Liaison Clia , Hav Igm Compatible With Liaison Clia , Hbsag Compatible With Liaison Clia , Anti Hbs Compatible With Liaison Clia , Anti Hbc Compatible With Liaison Clia , Hbcigm Compatible With Liaison Clia , Hbeag Compatible With Liaison Clia , Antihbe Compatible With Liaison Clia , Hcv Ab Compatible With Liaison Clia , Anti Hev Igg Compatible With Liaison Clia , Anti Hev Igg Compatible With Liaison Clia , Chkamydia T Igg Compatible With Liaison Clia , Chkamydia T Igg Compatible With Liaison Clia , C Difficle Toxin A &B Comaptible With Liaison Clia , C. Difficle Toxin A& B Comaptible With Liaison Clia , Ds Dna Compatible With Liaison Clia , Ana Screen Comaptible With Liaison Clia , Anti Hav Compatible With Cobas Clia , Hav Igm Compatible With Cobas Clia , Hbsag Compatible With Cobas Clia , Anti Hbs Compatible With Cobas Clia , Anti Hbc Compatible With Cobas Clia , Hbcigm Compatible With Cobas Clia , Hbeag Compatible With Cobas Clia , Antihbe Compatible With Cobas Clia , Hcv Ab Compatible With Cobas Clia , Anti Hev Igg Compatible With Cobas Clia , Anti Hev Igg Compatible With Cobas Clia , Chlamydia T Igg Compatible With Cobas Clia , Chlamydia T Igg Compatible With Cobas Clia , C Difficle Toxin A &B Comaptible With Cobas Clia , C. Difficle Toxin A& B Comaptible With Cobas Clia , Ds Dna Compatible With Cobas Clia , Ana Screen Comaptible With Cobas Clia , Anti Hav Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Hav Igm Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Hbsag Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Anti Hbs Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Anti Hbc Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Hbcigm Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Hbeag Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Antihbe Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Hcv Ab Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Anti Hev Igg Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Anti Hev Igg Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Chlamydia Tigg Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Chlamydia T Igm Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , C Difficle Toxin A &B Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , C. Difficle Toxin A &B Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Ds Dna Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Ana Screen Compatible With Backman Coulter Clia , Gentamicin 120Ug , Streptomycin 300Ug , Ceftazidim-Clavulanate 30 / 10Ug , Cefoxitin-Cloxacillin 30 / 200Ug , Enamel Tray Big Size 24X18x2.5 Inchs Made Up Of High Quality Enamel, White Porcelain Coated , Enamel Tray Small Size 18X12x2.5 Inchs Made Up Of High Quality Enamel, White Porcelain Coated , Single Channel Pipette , Fixed Volume 50Ul And 100Ulwith Stand , Multichannel Pipette Variable Volume 100-1000 8 Channels , Multichannel Pipette Variable Volume 100-1000 12 Channels , Chikungunya Detection Kit ( Rt Pcr With Extraction Kit ) , Dengue Detection Kit , Hcv Genotyping Kit , Respiratory Viral Pathogen Panel Kit , Tropical Fever Panel Kit , Amphotericin B ( Ap ) ( 100 Mcg ) , Amphotericin B ( Ap ) ( 20 Mcg ) , Amphotericin B ( Ap ) ( 50 Mcg ) , Clotrimable ( Cc ) ( 10 Mcg ) , Fluconazole ( It ) ( 10 Mcg ) , Itraconazole ( It ) ( 10 Mcg ) , Itra Conazole ( It ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Ketoconazole ( Kt ) ( 10 Mcg ) , Ketoconazole ( Kt ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Ketoconazole ( Kt ) ( 50 Mcg ) , Miconazole ( Mic ) ( 30 Mcg ) , Miconazole ( Mic ) ( 50 Mcg ) , Nystatin ( Ns ) ( 100 Mcg ) , Nystatin ( Ns ) ( 50 Mcg ) , Amphotericin B ( Ap ) ( Range In Mg / Ml .002-32 Mcg / Ml ) , Anidulafungin ( And ) ( .002-32 Mcg / Ml ) , Capsofungin ( Cas ) ( .002-32 Mcg / Ml ) , Clotrimazole ( Cld ) ( .002-32 Mcg / Ml ) , Fluconazole ( Flc ) ( .016-256Mcg / Ml ) , Flucytosine ( Flu ) ( .002-32 Mcg / Ml ) , Griseofungin ( Gri ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Itraconazole ( Ic ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Ketoconazole ( Kc ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Micafungin { Myc } ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Miconazole ( Mic ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Natamycin ( Nat ) ( .016-256Mcg / Ml ) , Nystatin ( Ns ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Posaconazole ( Pos ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Terbinafine ( Trb ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Voriconazole ( Ic ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , Isavuconazole ( Isv ) ( .002-32Mcg / Ml ) , D.T.M Agar Base Granulated , Yeast Extract Powder , Lysine-Ornithine -Arginine Kit , Bile Salts , Metal Loops Holder , Bile Esculin Disc ( 50 Discs / Vl ) , Oxidase Disc, 1 Vl ( 50 Discs / Vial ) , Pyr Broth , Pyr Reaganet , Macconkey Sorbitol Agar ( Sorbitol Agar ) , Indian Ink , Micro Pipette Rack Stand, Acrylic, 5 Places , Colistin Sulphate , Pfizer Selective Enterococcus Agar , Culture Tube, With Pp Cap. Cap. 10Ml , Vancomycin Hydrochloride ( 500Mg ) , Bhi Agar ( Brain Heart Infusion Agar ) , Ceftazidime / Avibactam 30 / 20Mcg Antibiotic Disk

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 09-11-2023 date extension Date 04-12-2023
2 09-11-2023 Technical corrigendum Technical Bid 04-12-2023
3 30-10-2023 Final technical corrigendum Technical Bid 09-11-2023
4 30-10-2023 corrigendum Technical Bid 09-11-2023
5 30-10-2023 date extend Date 09-11-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 5000 /-
INR 1483080.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 7.41 Crore /-
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