
Tender For 2000142713-Painting Of Struc Like Jnhouse Stk Cy24 Haz, Hazira-Gujarat

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For 2000142713-Painting Of Struc Like Jnhouse Stk Cy24 Haz. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-10-2023. Hand Glove Tenders in Hazira Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For 2000142713-Painting Of Struc Like Jnhouse Stk Cy24 Haz
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Tender Details

Tender For 2000142713-Painting Of Struc Like Jnhouse Stk Cy24 Haz 1 2000142713 10 10 10 PREPARATION PAINTING SURFACE 40,000 M2 20 P & A TWO COAT OF PRIMER 40,000 M2 30 PAINTING APPLICATION BY SPRAY 40,000 M2 Email : Dharmraj.Desai@amns.in Contact : 9879101055 Name : Desai, Dharmraj - AM/NS India - Material Item Details : SERVICE OF PAINTING STRUCTURE LIKE-JUNCTION HOUSE, PIPELINE, RECLAIMER AS PER SAFETY AND RCM RECOMMENDATION JOBS AT MATERIAL HANDLING DEPARTMENT. SCOPE OF WORK VENDOR: 1.EXECUTION OF JOB AS PER AGREED DETAILED SOW OF PAINTING STRUCTURE LIKE-JUNCTION HOUSE, STACKER RECLAIMER 2.ALL PPE AS PER COMPANY RULES <(>&<)> REGULATIONS. 3.FOLLOWING ALL RULES AND REGULATION OF COMPANY INCLUDING SAFETY <(>&<)> HSE NORMS. 4.WSA POLICY <(>&<)> GROUP INSURANCE. 5.ALL TRANSPORTATION FACILITY. 6.MANPOWER SHOULD BE COMPETENT AS PER COMPETENCY MATRIX AS PER LATEST MSA. Detailed scope of work: - 1. Painting work instructions to be taken from concerned MH Area In charge, considering Safety and RCM recommendation. 2. All safety PPEs to manpower must be provided before entry to plant premises. (Safety shoe, hand gloves wherever required, Safety Helmet, Safety Goggles, Dust mask, Safety Jackets). 3. Vendor must ensure that skilled/educated supervisors are deployed for supervision of job. 4. Daily Toolbox talks (for understanding hazards and risk involved in job) to be given to manpower in presence of MH engineer and proper records to be maintained. 5. No work to be start at site without taking work permit from concern MH Area. 6. All consumables shall be in the scope of vendor. 7. Brush, Certified Ladder, Certified scaffolding (if require), Certified Safety Lifeline is in the scope of vendor. 8. Surface area preparing and cleaning for painting shall be in scope of vendor. 9. Height Pass Certification will be mandatory for people working at height. 10. After Painting proper housekeeping (droplets of paint) cleaning shall be in scope of vendor. 11. Contractor to mobilize resources within 7 days after receiving of work order. 12. Painting Job should not get delayed due to lack of manpower or material, failing to fulfill MH requirement will impose commercial penalties. 13. Below penalty clause applicable if job completion is not within the timeline due to non-availability of equipment or manpower. Job completion Penalty 70-80% 5% of billing amount of that month 60-70% 10% of billing amount of that month 60% below 20% of billing amount of that month 14. Any lapse found in safety/security inside plant premises will attract termination of work order with immediate effect. # Movement of Manpower / Associates at our Hazira Site. 1. No Pedestrian/Cycles/Two Wheelers movement will be allowed inside the Plant Premises. 2. Vendor must ensure availability of sufficient buses/vehicles to ply their associates inside plant premises. Vendors to ensure safe transportation of their associates from their place of residence to respective work location in the plant and back. The movement of persons inside the plant by foot/bicycle/two wheelers is prohibited. Other Terms: Associate has to undergo Medical Fitness at our Care Nursing Home, AM/NS Township, Hazira. This would be done as per AM/NS India standards and the cost shall be borne by the vendor. AMNS has its own Secures Access system called SCRUM at Hazira Site which is use for processing the Gate Pass. SCOPE OF WORK AMNS INDIA: 1.OVER ALL SUPERVISION OF WORK. 2.Nonconformity of work penalty <(>&<)> SPECIFIC PENALTY FOR NONPERFORMANCE BY VENDOR AND MUST BE STRICTLY MEASURED. 3.PENALTY WILL BE IMPOSED IN CASE OF NON-COMPLIANCE / VIOLATION OF HSE NORMS <(>&<)> QUALITY OF WORK. 4. SUPPLY OF PAINT

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