Balance Work Construction Of Ntphc At Laridora Baramulla ( Balance Work ) - 1 Providing and Laying of Soling Size on Level (Hand Packed) Watering Ramming Complete Below Foundation and Rooms (Including Cost of All Material, Leads, Lifts and Carriages Etc. Upto Site of Work Complete 2 Providing And Laying In Position Cement Concrete Of Specified Grade Excluding The Cost of Cantering And Shuttering -All Work up to Plinth Level 1:4:8(1cement :4 Coarse Sand :8 Graded Stone Aggregate 40mm Nominal Size) PCC Below Foundation & Rooms -Mud mat (Including Cost Of All Material, Leads, Lifts And Carriages Etc. Upto Site of Work Complete 3 Providing And Laying in Position Cement Concrete of Specified Grade M-10 Excl. The Cost of Centering and Shuttering -All Work Upto Plinth Level: 1:3:6(1 Cement :3 Coarse Sand :6 Graded Stone Aggregate 40 Mm Nominal Size) (Including Cost of All Material, Leads, Lifts and Carriages Etc. Upto Site of Work Complete 4 Providing And Fixing 4mm Thick Panels of Plain Glass for Fixed Glazing Panels/ Shutters (Only Panel Area to Be Measured) Including Cost of Teak Wood Beadings of Required Size Complete 5 Painting With Synthetic Enamel Paint of Approved Brand and Manufacture Including Applying Priming Coat with Ready Mix Pink of Approved Brand and Manufacture on Wood Work Etc. Including Cost and Carriage of All Materials Equipment’s Complete Job as Per Drawings, Specifications and As Directed by The Engineer Incharge. 6 P/F 12mm Thick T&G Planks Made of Imported Wood Panelling (New Zealand Pine or Equivalent) For Walls Soffits & Sealing Incl Cost of Necessary Adhesive, Budloo Wood Backing & Cost of Nails Etc Complete Job. As Approved by Site Engineer -In-Charge (Including Cost of All Material and Carriages Etc Upto Site of Work Complete) Incl Polishing 7 Providing And Applying Cement Based Wall Putty of Required Thickness Over Plastered Surface to Prepare the Surface Even and Smooth Complete in Specified Areas as Per Specified Patter (Including Cost of All Material, Leads, Lifts and Carriages Etc Upto Site of Work Complete). 8 Wall Painting with Acrylic Emulsion Paint of Approved Brand and Manufacture to Give an Even Shade. Two or More Coats on New Work 9 Granite Work In Floors:-Providing And Fixing( Gang Saw Cut Mirror Polished (Flamed , Pre-Moulded And Pre-Polished), Machine Cut For Flooring, Steps ,Risers Of Stairs Etc.( Flamed In staircase) Of Required Size Of Approved Shade, Colour And Texture Laid Over 20mm Thick Base Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse Sand) With Joints Treated With White Cement, Mixed With Matching Pigment, Epoxy Touch Ups, Including Rubbing, Curing, Moulding(Of Edges WhereverRequired ) And Polishing To Edge To Give High Gloss Finish Etc. Complete At All Levels. Granite Of Any Colour and Shape 18mm Thick. And Slab Area Over 0.50 Sq M. (Note: The Granite Stone Slab Shall Be Cut to Required Size and Laid to The Required Pattern Including Rounding, Chamfering, Bull Nosing of The Edges as Directed. Actual Area of Slab, As Laid Shall Be Measured) Sample to Be Approved by Engineer-In-Charge.(Including Cost of All Material, Leads, Lifts and Carriages Etc. Upto Site of Work Complete 10 Making Plinth Protection 50mm Thick of Cement Concrete 1:3:6 (1 Cement: 3 Coarse Sand: 6 Graded Stone Aggregate 20 Mm Nominal Size) Over 75mm Bed of Dry Brick Ballast 40mm Nominal Size Well Rammed and Consolidated and Grouted with Fine Sand Including Finishing the Top Smooth. (Crushed) (Including Cost of All Material, Leads, Lifts and Carriages Etc. Upto Site of Work Complete 11 Providing and Fixing of 50mm Dia Stainless Steel Railing of 304 Grade of Hallow Tube 1.6 Mm Thick of Jindal/Salem Make or Equivalent Including Welding and Fixing with Stainless Steel Machine Screws for Making Required Size and Shape, Buffing Etc. Complete And Fixing Stainless Steel Balusters Upto 900 Mm Height and S S Tubes, Three in One Installed Horizontally Including Cutting, Welding, Grinding to Required Shape and Size by Required Steel Dash Fasteners, Nuts, Bolts, Screws, Etc. In Floors and Treads Including Providing Ss Shoe at Each Balusters Complete as Per Architectural Drawings and As Per the Directions of Engineer In charge Including Cutting of Granite/Marble Floors and Fastening with Lead Grouting If Required, Complete in All Respects. 12 Providing & Fixing Of Stainless Steel Nevel Post (Ornamental) Including Top Ball of isi304 Grade Of Required Height Duley AnchoredTo Floor With Dash Fasteners . Height Of the Nevel Post Shall Not Be Less Than 1050 Mm Above the Finished Skirting Level All Complete as Per Architectural Drawings (Including Cost of All Material, Leads, Lifts and Carriages Etc Upto Site of Work Complete). Complete As Per the Directions of Engineer In charge. 13 Providing And Fixing Aluminium Work for Doors, Windows, Ventilators and Partitions with Extruded Built Up Standard Tubular Sections/Appropriate Z. Sections and Other Sections of Approved Make Conforming To IS: 733 And is : 1285, Fixed with Dash Fastener of Required Dia. And Size Including Necessary Filling Up of Gaps at Junctions I.E, At Top, Bottom and Sides with Required Edmo Rubber I Neoprene. Gasket Felt Etc. Aluminium Sections Shall Be Smooth, Rust Free, Straight, Mitred and Jointed Mechanically Wherever Required Including Cleat Angle, Aluminium Snap Beading for Glazing I Panelling, C.P. Brass I Stainless Steel Screws, All Complete as Per Architectural Drawings and The Directions of Engineer-In- Charge (Glazing, Panelling and Dash Fasteners to Be P Of Powder Coated 50 Microns) Including Beading.aid for Separately.) Powder Coated Aluminium (Minimum Thickness of powderedcoated of 50 microns )including beading 14 For Shutters of Doors, Windows & Ventilators Including Providing and Fixing Hinges I Pivots and Making Provision for Fixing of Fittings Wherever Required Including the Cost of Edmo Rubber I Neoprene Gasket Required (Fittings Shall Be Paid for Separately.) Powder Coated Aluminium (Minimum Thickness of Powder Coated 50 Microns) 15 Providing And Fixing 8mm Thick HPl Panels in Aluminium Door, Windows, Ventilator Shutters and Partitions Etc Complete as Per Architectural Drawings and The Direction Soof Engineer in Charge 16 Providing And Fixing Glazing in Aluminium Door, Window, Ventilator Shutters and Partitions Etc. With Edmo Rubber I Neoprene Gasket Etc. Complete As Per the Architectural Drawings and The Directions of Engineer-In-Charge. (Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic items.) 22.3.3 with floar glass panes of 8mm thickness (weight not 17 Making Soak Pit 2.5 M Diameter 3.0 Metre Deep with Nallah Boulder Filling in Centre Portion and Dry-Stone Masonry Work in Circumferential Area and S.W. Drain Pipe 100 Mm Diameter, 1.8 Long Complete as Per Standard Design Including Slab and Manhole Cover Complete Job 18 Constructing Septic Tank, Of Size 5.0mx2.5mx1.4m Approx. Height (Height to Be Fixed as Per Site Requirement I.E. Below Invert Level of Last Manhole (1.5 M Water Depth), In B/W, 350/230 Mm Thick (Minimum) Walls And 400 Mm Including Slab and Two Manholes and Reinforcement Complete Job. 19 Providing nd Fixing White Vitreous China Pedestal Type Water Closet (European Type) With Seat and Lid, 10 Litre Low Level White Vitreous China Flushing Cistern & C.P. Flush Bend with Fittings & C.I. Brackets,40 Mm Flush Bend, Overflow Arrangement with Specials of Standard Make and Mosquito Proof Coupling of Approved Municipal Design Complete, Including Painting of Fittings and Brackets, Cutting and Making Good the Walls and Floors Wherever Required 20 Providing And Fixing 10 Litter Low Level White P.V.C. Flushing Cistern, Including Flush Pipe (Of Approved Make) With Manually Controlled Device (Handle Lever) Conforming to Is: 7231, With All Fittings and Fixtures Complete, Including Cutting and Making Good the Walls and Floors Wherever Required. 21 Providing And Fixing White Vitreous China Flat Back Half Stall Urinal of Size 580x380x350 Mm with White Pac Automatic Flushing Cistern, With Fittings, Standard Size C.P. Brass Flush Pipe, Spreaders with Unions and Clamps (All in C.P. Brass) With WasteFitting as Per Is :2556, C.I. Trap with Outlet Grating and Other Couplings in C.P. Brass, Range of Three Half Stall Urinals With 10 Litre P.V.C. Automatic Flushing Cistern 22 Providing And Fixing of Wash Basin Pedestal Type Including Nuts, Bolts, Waste Coupling, Waste Pipe, Ss Grating & Basin Mixer Incl. Making Good the Walls. White Vitreous China Wash Basin Pedestal Type 630x450mm Size of Approved Brand & Manufacture Complete Job. 23 Providing And Fixing Mirror of Superior Glass (Of Approved Quality) And of Required Shape and Size with Plastic Moulded Frame of Approved Make and Shade With 6 Mm Thick Hard Board Backing: Rectangular Shape 1500x450 Mm 24 P/Fixing of Sanitary Fittings of Approved Make 25 CP Sink Mixer (Long Neck) 26 CP Wall Mixer 27 Pac Connections 28 CP Waist Coupling 29 CP Bibcock 30 CP Angle Valve 31 CP Gratings 32 Geyser (Abs) 50 Litter 33 Providing And Fixing Toilet Paper Holder with Flap Made Out Of C.P Brass 34 Providing And Fixing C.P Brass Soap Dish. 35 Providing And Fixing Cp Brass Towel Rail Complete with Cp Brackets Fixed to Wooden Cleats with Cp Brass Screws. 36 Providing And Fixing Soil, Waste and Vent Pipes Is 13592 & Fittings (Is: 14735) Suitable to Rubber Ring Joints, Which Includes Bends, Rubber Ring, Jointing, Junctions, Clean Out Plug, Cowls, Offsets, Collar, M.S Holder-Bat Clamps, Access Pieces, Trap of Self Cleansing Design.Etc. Complete Including Jointing. 37 110 Mm Dia . Pac SW Socketed Pipe with Rubber Ring Joints as Per Is:13592 Type-B 38 75 Mm Dia. Pac SW Socketed Pipe with Rubber Ring Joints as Per Is:13592 Type-B 39 Providing And Fixing of Floor Traps 110 Mm with Double Chrome Plated Cover One Grated and One Closed and All Other Fittings Required. Makes: - Astral/Semco/Finola 40 Providing And Fixing Polyethylene-Aluminium-Polyethylene (Pe-Alpe) Composite Pressure Pipes Conforming to Is - 15450, U.V. Stabilized with Carbon Black Having Thermal Stability for Hot & Cold-Water Supply, Capable to Withstand Temperature Up To 80 0c, Including All Special Fittings of Composite Material (Engineering Plastic Blend and Brass Inserts Wherever Required) E.G. Elbows, Tees, Reducers, Couplers & Connectors Etc., With Clamps At 1.00 Metre Spacing. This Includes Testing of Joints Complete as Per Direction of The Engineer in Charge. 41 4050 (50 Mm Od) Pipe 42 5065 (65 Mm Od) Pipe 43 Constructing Masonry Chamber 60x60x75 Cm Inside, In Brick Work In Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Coarse Sand) With C.I. Surface Box 100x100x75 Mm (Inside) With Hinged Cover Fixed In Cement Concrete Slab 1:2:4 Mix (1 Cement: 2 Coarse Sand:4 Graded Stone Aggregate 20 Mm Nominal Size) Necessary Excavation Foundation Concrete 1:5:10 (1 Cenment:5 Fine Sand: 10 Graded Stone Aggregate 40 Mm Nominal Size) And Inside Plastering With Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement :3 Coarse Sand) 12 Mm Thick Finished With A Floating Coat Of Neat Cement Complete As Per Standard Design With F.P Bricks. 44 Providing And Fixing Stainless Steel an Isi 304 (18/8) Kitchen Sink as Per I.S. 13983 With C.I. Brackets and Stainless-Steel Plug 40 Mm, Including Painting of Fittings and Brackets, Cutting and Making Good the Walls Wherever Required :610x510mm Bowl Depth 200mm