Tender For Supply Of Medicines And Items-- 1 Medicines / Items 2 AHG Coombs Test Care 3 Gel Reverse & Forward Grouping 4 Hand Piece NSK 5 Round Diamond State Diamond Burs 6 Absorable Surgical Suture U.S.P (Synthetic) Vicryl no. 1 , 180 cm 2180 D ,Double Needle Steriled surgical needle Suture(Brandid Coated Pol Yglactin 910 Violet) 7 Absorable Surgical Suture U.S.P (Synthetic) Vicryl no. 1 , 180 cm 2347 D ,Double Needle Steriled surgical needle Suture(Brandid Coated Pol Yglactin 910 Violet) 8 ADK Abdominal Drainage Kit (Tube Length 50 cm ) no. 32 for post operative Drainage 9 Adult Endotrocheal Tube no. 9 cuffed 10 Agfa CR film (DT1B)(1x100) 10x12 11 Agfa CR film (DT1B)(1x100) 12x15 12 Agfa CR film (DT1B)(1x100) 8x10 13 AH Plus Densply 14 Analyzer Roll for CBC 15 Anti Rabies Immunoglobin 100 i.u. Inj. 16 APTT Kit 17 Artisunate 200 mg + Sulphadoxine + Pyremethamine Tab. 18 Aspen M -68 DS Diluent (20000 ml) Cell Counter Part 5 make of machine M-6800 19 Aspen M -68 FD dye 12 ml Cell Counter Part 5make of machine M-6800 20 Aspen M -68 LB Lyse 1000 ml Cell Counter Part 5 make of machine M-6800 21 Aspen M -68 LD Lyse (1000 ml) Cell Counter Part 5 make of machine M-6800 22 Aspen M- 68 LH lyse (1000 ml) Cell Counter Part 5 make of machine M-6800 23 B.B. Frame 24 Benzathine penicillin (powder) Injection 12 lacs IU vial 25 BIO RAD and Equivalent PCR strips caps Bio -Rad (120 Strips Cap) Compatible with BIO-RAD Machine 26 BIO RAD and Equivalent PCR Tubes strips (Bio -Rad (120 Strips) Compatible with BIO-RAD Machine 27 Blood Glucose Kit (ERBA) Pack size 2*400ml 28 Bonding Agent 29 Borosil Reagent Bottle 250 ml narrow mouth 30 Borosil Reagent Bottle 500 ml wide mouth 31 Bracket Gauge Set 32 Bracket Holder 33 Bracket kit HBT (022 Slot) 34 Broken nail removeable set 35 Broken screw extractor T. Handle 36 Buccal tube Holder 37 Buccal Tubes (022 Slot) 38 Buprenorphine Sublingula 2 mg Tab. 39 C - Reactive Protein Kit latex (25 Test) 40 C Arm Cover 41 Calcium Cytrate 1000 mg Calcidrol with Zinc Tab. 42 Calcium Hydroxide Powder 43 Calexcel 44 Cannula Fixer Cotton TEFLOFIX I.V. Cannula Fixator, Material 100% Cotton · Recyclable Yes · Color White · Dressing Type Fixator · Sterilized Yes … 45 Cap. Amoxicillin + Clavunate 625 mg with LB 46 Amoxicillin trihydrate equivalent to 500mg Amoxycillin per capsule.Cap. Amoxicillin 500 mg 47 Cap. Debagatrin 110 mg 48 Carpinon 1 ml Inj. 49 CBC Cleaner model no. 6000 3 Part10 Ltr 50 CBC DeluentFluid Model no. 6000 3 Part 20 Ltr 51 CBC Lyse Fluid model no. 6000 3 Part500 ml 52 CBC Test fluid kits for 3 Part Model - 6000 53 CBC Test fluid kits for 5 part Model - 6800 54 Cefpodoxime 100 mg Syrup 30 ml (An Orally Administered, Extended Spectrum, Semi-Synthetic Antibiotic Of The Cephalosporin Class) with DW 55 Cement Spatula 56 Centrifuge Machine 8 Tube Digital with Digital RPM Display & Digital Timer 57 Chloroquine Phosphate 250 mg Tab. 58 Chlorpromazine (hydrochloride) Tablet 50 mg 59 Cholecalciferol 60000 i.u. Sachet ( Calcirol 60000 IU granules are used to treat & prevent Vitamin D deficiency. It contains vitamin D3, which is also known as cholecalciferol ) 1 gm Sachet 60 Chromic Catgut 4227 no. 1 , 100 cm Round Body 61 Circlage wire tightner 62 Clear Micro Tips 10(Eppendrof / Brand/Tarson/ Moxcare/ Abdos) 63 Clear Micro Tips 100(Eppendrof / Brand/Tarson/ Moxcare/ Abdos) 64 Clear Micro Tips 100 ul (Eppendrof / Brand/Tarson/ Moxcare/ Abdos) 65 Clear Micro Tips 1000(Eppendrof / Brand/Tarson/ Moxcare/ Abdos) 66 Clear Micro Tips 20 ul(Eppendrof / Brand/Tarson/ Moxcare/ Abdos) 67 Clear Micro Tips 200 ul (Eppendrof / Brand/Tarson/ Moxcare/ Abdos) 68 Clobetasol + Miconazole + Neomycin + Gentamycin Ointment 15 gm Tube 69 Composite 70 Conjunctival Scissors for eyes 71 Conjutival Scissor 72 Cotrimoxazole (Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim) Tablet 20 mg + 100 mg (Peaditric) 73 Cotton Bandages 10 cm x 3.80yard (Super Quality) (1x12) ISI/CE Certified Company 74 Cotton Bandages 15 cm x 4 yard (Super Quality) (1x12) ISI/CE Certified Company 75 Cotton Gauze Cloth90 cm x 14 mtrs (Super Quality)ISI/CE Certified Company 76 Cotton Wool 400 gm packet Net (Material: 100% cotton surgical grade, purified, bleached, and carded. Water absorbent. Size selected: Cotton wool, roll of 400g) 77 COVID Antigen Rapid Test 78 CPDA Blood Bag Single 100 ml (Polymed / J Mitra) 79 CPDA Blood Bag Single 350 ml (Polymed / J Mitra) 80 CPDA Transfer Bag Blood Bag(Polymed / J Mitra) 81 CRYO MARKER 82 CRYO TAGS 83 CRYOBOXES (1 * 50) 84 Cushion Ball 85 Daclatasvir 60 mg Tablet 86 Deionised Water 5 ltr 87 Dengue Rapid NS1 + I gg + I gm Card Test Each 88 Dental End Cutter 89 Dextomid 50 mcg Inj. 90 Diazepam 5 mg Tab. 91 Digital HB Meter with 50 Strips 92 Digoxine Tablet 0.25 mg 93 Diltiazem Tablet 30 mg 94 Diluent 20 Ltr Lyse 500 ml Rinse 10 Ltr 3 Part Analyzer 95 DISCARDING JARS 500ml / 250ml 96 Disposable Air Injection Cannula 97 Disposable Dropper 1 ml (Tarson / Imported) 98 Disposable Dropper 3 ml 99 Disposable Dropper 3 mlSterilie 100 Double Blood Bag with sagum 350/ 450 ml (Polymed / J Mitra) 101 Double Lumen Catheter (Usually 20–22 F double lumen catheters with a 30–50 mL balloon are used.) 102 Double Pan Weighing balance machine 103 Drill Bit 10 104 Drill Bit 6 105 Drill bit for screw head break 2.7 106 Drill bit for screw head break 3.5 107 Drill bit for screw head break 4.9 108 Dropper Plastic (ABDOS/Tarson) 3 ml 109 Dropper Plastic (ABDOS/Tarson) 3 ml 110 Dropper Plastic (Non-Sterile) 3 ml 111 Dropper Plastic (Non-Sterile) 3 ml 112 Dunacoli Drops 113 Dycal(Dentsply) 114 EA 36 Stain 125 ml (Nice) 115 ECG Paper Roll 215 mm X 20 mm 12 Channel 116 EDTA Gel 117 Endo Box 118 Epidural Needle 18 No 119 Epidural Needle with Epidural Catheter 120 ESR Auto Fill Tube Disposable Each 121 ESR Glass pippet each (Marin , Field, Germany) 122 Ethanol (500ml) with spray pump 123 Ethanol 450 ml 124 Extraction Kits (1 *96 Pack size) Kit of Fully Automated Nucleic acid Extraction System (Genetix) per test 125 Facture wire ( 28 no.) 126 Facture wire (26 no.) 127 Falcon tube 50 ml (Tarson) 128 Fancylovir 100 mg Tablet 129 Fantanyl 100 mg/*ml Inj. 130 Fentanyl Citirate 2 ml Inj. 131 Ferrous salt + folic acid ( small) Tablet(enteric coated) Equivalent to 20 mg iron + 100 mcg folic acid , 132 FIEBA Factor VII 500 mg (Haemophilia) Injection 133 Filter paper circle (1*100) (Watsman) 134 Filter paper Rim (100 Pieces) Watsman/Supertech 135 Filter paper sheets (Watsman)(1*100) 136 Flavoxate Hydrochloride Tablet 200 mg 137 Flexible reames fix tip 10 mm 138 Flexible reames fix tip 11mm 139 Flexible reames fix tip 12 mm 140 Flexible reames fix tip 13 mm 141 Flexible reames fix tip 9 mm 142 Foleys catheter 3 way 143 For HCV Manual RNA Extraction Kit (Genetix/ My Lab/ Ciagen) 144 Formaline Sol. 4.5 ltr 40% (Nice) 145 Freezer -20 X 1 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Crispcold, Blue Star) 146 Freezer -70 X 2 (with accessories) Thermo Fisher Scientific, Celfrost, Labocon Inc 147 Gamma Benzene Hexachloride Cream 1% 25 gm 148 Gatifloxacin with prednisloneEye Drop 5 ml 149 GC Fuji 2 150 Gel electrophoresis & documentation unit (Applied Biosystems- Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., Syngene, Axygen Scientific) 151 Gel Ice Pack 152 Gel ice pack 125 ml 153 Gel ID System with centrifuge & Incubator 154 Generator set 320KVA Kirloskar, Cummins 155 Gimpable hook pleer 156 Glass Beakar 100 ml (Borosil) 157 Glass Beakar 1000 ml(Borosil) 158 Glass Beakar 250 ml(Borosil) 159 Glass Beakar 50 ml(Borosil) 160 Glass Beakar 500 ml(Borosil) 161 Glass Beakar 5000 ml(Borosil) 162 Glass Betas Stylize 163 Glass Cleaning Solution 5 ltr 164 Glass Slab 165 Glass slide (1 * 100) Blue Star , Cmark 166 Glass slide (1 * 500) Blue Star , Cmark 167 Glimepiride 2 mg + Metformin 500mg SR Bilayer Tablet 168 Gluco - Strips (200 Strips) with 1 Gluco Meter (GlucoSpark/ G1/) 169 Diacerein 50 Mg + Glucosamine Sulphate 750 Mg + Methyl Sulfonyl Methane 250 Mg Tab. 170 Glycerine irrigation 171 Glycerine Saline Enema 172 Glycine wash 3 ltr 173 GP Protaper 15 4 % 174 GP Protaper 20 4 % 175 GP Protaper 25 4 % 176 GP Protaper 30 4% 177 GP Protaper 40 4% 178 Gram Stain 4* 125 ml (Nice) 179 Graph for 20°C and 80°C Deep Freezer 180 Haemotology Regent Set 20 ltr Dillutent , 10 ltr Detergent/ 500 ml lytic (K.H. Biomedical) 181 Haloperidol Injection 5 mg , 1 ml ampoule 182 Halothane Inhalation 3% to 5% in oxygen/Nitrous Oxide. Maint 0.5-1% (250ml) 183 Hand Duster Superior quality size 16 *26 cm 184 Hand Sanitizer 400 ml (Chlorhexdine with 70 % Ethyl Alchol) FDA/CE Approved with alcohol content of 60-80%, and capacity of 75-100ml. 185 Hard Shell Plates Bio-Rad (25 Plates) 186 Hard wire cutter 187 Harpic bathroom cleaner 500ml 188 HBV DNA Extraction Kit 189 HBV Extraction Kit 190 HBV PCR Kit 191 HBV PCR Kit (Altona/ Mylab) 192 HCV (Hepatitis C ) RTPCR Kit (Altona/ My Lab) 193 HCV PCR Kit 194 HCV PCR Kit (Altona / Mylab) 195 HCV RNA Extraction Kit 196 Heparin sodium Injection 5 ml 197 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Rapid Test Each/Test 198 Hepatitis C Virus Rapid Test each/Test 199 HEV Elisa (1*96) (Athenese) 200 Hip U Drape 201 Hohman retrector long tip & wide tips 202 Hydrochlorothiazide Tablet 25 mg 203 Hydrogen 1 liter 204 Imipramine (hydrochloride) Tablet 25 mg 205 Immersion Oil (Heavy Grade) 30 ml (Nice) 206 Inj. Bupivacaine 20 ml 207 Inj. Carpinal 1 ml 208 Inj. Clonazepam 2 mg/5ml 209 Inj. Depooneiol 210 Inj. Epitrate 1 ml 211 Inj. Epitrate 1 ml 212 Inj. Feiba (Anti- Inhibitor Coagulant Complex) 500 U (Factor VIII) 213 Inj. Haloperidol 5 mg/ml 214 Inj. Hyaluronidase 1500 I.U. 215 Inj. Isavacunazole 200 mg 216 Inj. Remdisvir 100 mg 217 Injection Haemocoagular 0.2 IU (Botroclot) 218 Intermediate-acting insulin (Lente) Injection 40 IU/ml in 10 ml vial 219 Internal Controller (Real Star) 220 Intra Venus Set with Y Injection Port 221 Inverted Con Burs 222 Isopropyl Alcohol 70% + Aloe Vera Extract 1%(Spray) 223 Isosorbide mononitrate Tablet 20 mg (SR) 224 Isoxsuprine (hydrochloride) Tablet 10 mg 225 Itraconazole 1% w/w Gel 226 K - File 21 or 25 MM 227 Ketamine 10 ml Inj. 228 Lab Spirit 4.5 LTR pack (CH3-CH2-OH or C2H5OH (an ethyl group linked to a hydroxyl group), and is often abbreviated as EtOH.) 229 Lab Spirit 5 LTR pack (CH3-CH2-OH or C2H5OH (an ethyl group linked to a hydroxyl group), and is often abbreviated as EtOH.) 230 Lab Spirit 500 ml pack(CH3-CH2-OH or C2H5OH (an ethyl group linked to a hydroxyl group), and is often abbreviated as EtOH.) 231 Legature wire 232 Lense CleanerPaper pkt. (Whattman) 233 LEUKOPOR TAPE 5 cms X 9.14 m (2 inches) - Non woven fabric and skin friendly adhesive mass / Leukopor is a white hypoallergenic tape ideal for use on patients witb sensitive skin or for long term dressing . It is water repellent permeable to air and moisture highly conformable radio transparent and can be easily torn from the roll as required . 234 LEUKOPOR TAPE 24 - ; 2.5 cms X 9.14 m (1 inch) - Pack of 12 - ; .,Non woven fabric and skin friendly adhesive mass / Leukopor is a white hypoallergenic tape ideal for use on patients witb sensitive skin or for long term dressing . It is water repellent permeable to air and moisture highly conformable radio transparent and can be easily torn from the roll as required . 235 LEUKOPOR TAPE Pack of 4 - ; 7.5 cms X 9.14.,.,Non woven fabric and skin friendly adhesive mass / Leukopor is a white hypoallergenic tape ideal for use on patients witb sensitive skin or for long term dressing . It is water repellent permeable to air and moisture highly conformable radio transparent and can be easily torn from the roll as required . 236 Leukopore 2 cm 237 Levofloxacin 500 mg Tab. (Levofloxacin obeys linear pharmacokinetics over a range of 50 to1000mg) 238 Levofloxacin Eye Drop 5ml 239 Lignocaine viscous 240 Lims Forceps Toothed Extra fine 241 Lithium 400 mg Tab. 242 Lox heavy 5 % Inj. 243 Macckonky Broath 244 Magnesium Sulphate + Sullfacetamide (Sumag ) 75gm Ointment 245 Malaria Antigen PF Pan Rapid Test 246 Malicoat catheter 4 Wings 247 Manual RNA/ DNA Extraction Kit for HBV (Ciagen/ Genetix) 248 Manula HBV DNA Extraction Kit 249 Matrix Gel Card for Cross Match 250 Matthews 251 MCT Oil Smyle Syrup 252 MCT Tube 1.5 ml 253 MCT TUBE RACK 254 MCT Tube Rack 255 Mellicot Catheter no. 28,32 256 Mephentine inj. 10 ml 257 Mercurochrome 400 ml 258 Each vial of powder for solution for injection or infusion contains 1141.56 mg meropenem trihydrate equivalent to 1 g anhydrous meropenem. Meropenum 1 gmInj. 259 Methylcobalamin 1500 Mcg,Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 Mg,Folic Acid 1.5 Mg,Pyridoxine 3 Mg,Vit.D3 1000 260 Methyl ergometrine Tablet 125 mcg 261 Methylcobalamine 1500 mcg + Paradoxime 100 mg+ Niacinamide 100 mg Inj. 262 Metoprolol 1 mg / mlInj. 263 Metronidazole 60 ml Syrup 264 MICRO CENTRIFUGE TUBES (2 ml) 265 Micro Pipette ( 10 - 100 ul) Tarson / Dragon 266 Micro Pipette ( 100 - 1000 ul) Tarson / Dragon 267 Micro Pipette ( 5 - 50 ul) Tarson / Dragon 268 Micro Sealed Adhesive 269 Micro Tips 50 (Eppendrof / Brand/Tarson/ Moxcare/ Abdos) 270 Micro Tips Box100 ul(Tarson, eppendorf ) (1 * 960) 271 Micro Tips Box200 ul (Tarson, eppendorf )(1 * 960) 272 Micro Tips Box 1000 ul (Tarson, eppendorf ) (1 * 960) 273 Micro Tips Box 2 - 200 (Tarson, eppendorf ) 274 Micro tips large ( 500 ul (Tarson, eppendorf )(1 * 960) 275 Micro tips small (20 ul) (Tarson, eppendorf )(1 * 960) 276 Micropipette (Fully Autoclavable, 4 digit display for more accurate volume setting and easier volue identification) 3 years warranty (0.5-10, 2-20, 10-100 ul, 100 -1000 ul) Eppendorf/Fisher/Brand 277 MICROPIPETTES (100 TO 1000 MICRO LITRE) (Tarson, eppendorf ) 278 MICROPIPPETTES (20-200 MICRO LITRE) (Tarson, eppendorf ) 279 Microseal B adhesive seal Bio-Rad (100 Pcs) 280 Microseal B adhesive seal Bio-Rad (100 Pcs) 281 Microtipes 200 ul to 1000 ul (Tarson) 282 MICROTIPS (AEROSOL FILTERED STRILE RACKED) 10 Micro Itr (Tarsons , Thermo, Biochem, Moxcare) 283 MICROTIPS (AEROSOL FILTERED STRILE RACKED) 1000 Micro Ltr (Tarsons , Thermo, Biochem, Moxcare) 284 MICROTIPS (AEROSOL FILTERED STRILE RACKED) 20 Micro Ltr (Tarsons , Thermo, Biochem, Moxcare) 285 MICROTIPS (AEROSOL FILTERED STRILE RACKED) 200 Micro Ltr (Tarsons , Thermo, Biochem, Moxcare) 286 MICROTIPS (AEROSOL FILTERED STRILE RACKED) 50 to 100 ul Micro Ltr (Tarsons , Thermo, Biochem, Moxcare) 287 MINI COOLER (32 WELLS) 288 MINI COOLER (32 WELLS) 289 MINISPIN 290 Minoxidil 2% Lotion 291 Minoxidil 5% Lotion 292 MLS E.T. Tube 6,6.5,7 no, 293 Modulas 294 Mometasone Nesel Spray 295 Moons Cutter 296 Morphin Sulphate Inj. 1 ml 297 Moxifloxacin 5 mg + Lotiprednol 5 mg Eye Drop (MOXIFLOXACIN 0.5% WITH LOTEPREDNOL 0.5%) 298 Multi Channel micro pippette 30-300 (Fisher/ Eppendrof) 299 Multi Enzyme instrument cleaner and Disinfection 1 ltr 300 Multichannel micropipette 0-20 ul (Eppendrof/ Fisher) 12 Channel 301 Multichannel micropipette 0-20 ul (Eppendrof/ Fisher) 8 Channel 302 Multichannel micropipette 20-200 ul (Eppendrof/ Fisher) 12 Channel 303 Multichannel micropipette 20-200 ul (Eppendrof/ Fisher) 8 Channel 304 N - Acetyl Cysteine 50 mg + Silymarin Extract(70 %) 140 mg + L -Glutathione 15 mg + Choline Bitartrate 50 mg + L - Ornithine 50 mg + Co - Enzyme Q -10 2. 5mg +L -Camitine Tartrate 50 mg+ Inositol 50 mg + Vitamin B1 5 mg + Vitamin B2 3 mg + Vitamin B 6 5 mg + Vitamin B 12 20 mcg + Vitamin c 75 mg + Vitamin D3 500 I.U. + Folic acid 1 mg + calcium Panthonate 10 mg + Elemental iron 3 mg + Vitamin E Acetrate 12.5 mcg + Elemental Selenium 100 mcg + Elemental Zinc 10 mg Tab. 305 Naloxone (hydrochloride) Injection 400 mcg,1ml ampoule 306 Nandrolone Decanoate 25 mg Inj. 307 Narrow mouth Sampling Bottle 250ml(Glass) 308 Narrow mouth Sampling Bottle 500ml(Glass) 309 Needle Holder 310 Needle Holder for Eye OT (High - Quality Opthalmic Surgical Instruments Barraquer Needle Holder) 311 Nelbuphine 1 ml Inj. 312 Neomycin lignoacaine + Chlorobutol + Bacalomethasone ear drop 20 ml 313 Netilmicin Inj. 300 mg 314 Neurobin fort500 mcg/1ml inj. 315 Nifedipine 10 mg S/L Cap. 316 Nifidipine Cap. 5 mg. S/L 317 Nikethamide Inj. 1ml 318 Niti Wire (012, 014, 016, 018,017 * 025, 019 * ,25 319 Nollon mill set 6/3 320 Normal Saline 5 litre 321 Nose plier simple & mountype 322 Nubain 10mg/ml soultion for inj. 323 NUCLEASE FREE WATER 324 Nucleus Cracker 325 Nucleus Removal Forceps 326 Nummit Spray 327 Oertli phaco Tip 328 Oertli Vitreous cutter 329 OG 16 Probe 330 Olopatatdine Eye Drop 10 ml 331 OPG Viewer 332 Opticare microscope lense cleaner 333 Orafil - G 334 Orthotolodine 500 ml 335 Pancuronium Injection 2 mg/ ml 336 Pantoprazole 40 mg + Domperidone 20 mg Tablet 337 Paper Rim A4 Size ( Material. 70 gsm/Color. white. Number of Sheets per Pack. 500. (21.0 cm * 29.7 cm) 338 Pencronium Bromide Injection 339 Perafilm 2*250 (Tarson) 340 Perafin Oil Heavy 500 ml (Nice) 341 Pethadine HCL 50 mg Inj. 342 Petri Dish 90 mm Sterile (Tarson) 343 Phaco Casettes 344 Phaco Casettes (Alcon / Laurette) 345 Phaco Sleaves (Alcon / Laurette) 346 Phaco Sleves 347 Phaco Tips 2.8 mm 348 Phaco Tips 2.8 mm (Alcon / Laurette) 349 Phenobarbitone 60 ml Syrup 350 Phenobarbitone Tablet 30 mg 351 Phenobarbitone Tablet 60 mg 352 Phenytoin Oral solution 125 mg/5 ml 353 Pipette 10 UL (eppendorf/ Tarson) 354 Pipette 100 UL (eppendorf/ Tarson) 355 Pipette 20 UL (eppendorf/ Tarson) 356 Pipette 200 UL (eppendorf/Tarson) 357 Pipette Stand Aluminium 358 Pipette Stand Iron 359 Piracetam Inj. 360 Plasma Compressor 361 Plasma Extractor Manusal / Acrylic 10 mm Thick 362 Plasma Volume Expander 500 ml 363 Plaster Cutter 364 Plaster of Paris Bandages (1Roll) 20 cm X 2.7 mtrs , specially woven leno cloth, uniformly impregnated with the finest quality, 365 Plastic Sputum Cup with sticker 20 ml 366 PLC 367 PMT Set 368 Polypropylene Bag / Tempreature Range 135 Degree Cellsius(Small Size) 369 Polypropylene Bag / Tempreature Range 135 Degree Cellsius (Medium Size) 370 Pot. Dichromate 500 gm (Nice) 371 Potassium chloride (solution) Injectable 11.2% in 20ml 372 PPH Bakri Postpartum Ballon a syringe, a dual check valve, and 180 cm of tubing with attached bag spike , latex-free silicone. 373 Priking Lancet 28 G each 374 Primaquine (Diphosphate) Tablet 2.5 mg 375 Prob Cleaner (4*50 ml) (Agappe) 376 Promethazine (hydrochloride) Elixir or syrup 5 mg/ 5 ml 377 Proparacaine eye drops 5 ml 378 Protaper Files Sx-F3(Dentsply) 379 PT Kit 380 Purified Freeze Dried Human Coagulation Factor IX, Virus inactivated / Anti Hemophillic Factor IX Injection 600IU 381 PVC bag with a capacity of 2000 ml, anti-reflux valve, transparent PVC tube with a length varying between 100 and 110 cm, graduated scale every 100 ml and small lateral graduations, PVC connector secured to the tube and designed to be connected to the probe 382 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (250 Reactions) 383 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (250 Reactions) 384 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (250 Reactions) 385 QIAamp Mini Elute Virus Spin Kit (50 Reactions) 386 QIAamp Mini Elute Virus Spin Kit (50 Reactions) 387 QIAamp Mini Elute Virus Spin Kit (50 Reactions) 388 RC Prap 389 Reagent Bottle 250 ml 390 Reagent Bottle 500 ml 391 Reagent Pack for CBC 3 part (Deluent , Lyse, Cleaner , Probe Cleaner) Each Test 392 Reagent Pack for CBC 5 part (Deluent , Lyse, Cleaner , Probe Cleaner) Each Test 393 Reagent Pack for CBC 5 part (Rapid) 394 Recovery tubes RNA free 2 ml 395 Refrigerated tube rack 1.8 ml 396 Remdesivir 100 mg inj. 397 Reticulocyte stain kit each (Nice) 398 Rheumatoid Factor Kit ( 25 Test) 399 Ribon Splinting material 400 Risperidone Tablet 2 mg 401 RNA EXTRACTION KITS (Automated Genetix / My lab) 402 RNA/DNA free Aliquotes/vial (Sterk) 5 ml 403 Rotary files & Gutta Percha 25 # 4%, 20 # 4 %, 30 # 4%, 35 # 4 %) 404 Rotary files 15 4 % 405 Rotary files 20 4 % 406 Rotary files 25 4 % 407 Rotary files 30 4 % 408 Rotary files 40 4 % 409 RTPCR Kit for HBV (Meril / Mylab) 410 RTPCR Kit for HCV (Meril / Mylab) 411 RTPCR Mix Kit Covid - 19 (Bio Rad) 412 RTPCR Plate Siller 413 RTPCR Plates 414 RTPCR Test Kit (ICMR Approved) 415 Salbutamol Inhalation MDI– 100 microgram/ dose 416 Salbutamol Inhalation MDI– 100 microgram/ dose 417 Salmonella slide kit ( 4 * 5 ml) Vitro Detection & Quantitative Estimation 418 Scaler Unit 419 Scalpel 420 Screw Driver 2.7 mm 421 Screw Driver 3.5 mm 422 Screw Driver 4.5 mm 423 Screw removed forceps plies type 424 Self centering forceps 12 425 Self centering forceps 4 426 Self centering forceps 6 427 Self centering forceps 8 428 Self holding screw driver 3.5 mm 429 Self holding screw driver 4.5 mm 430 Semen Diluting Fluid 125 ml (Nice) 431 Sensorcaine injection 0.5% 20 ml 432 Seprators 433 Serafine Bulldog Clamp 434 Serum D - Dimer (Consumables) 435 Serum Ferritin & Serum IL6 (Equp) 436 Serum Ferritin (Consumables) 437 Serum IL6 (Consumables) 438 Serum LDH (Consumables) 439 Silk 1 -0 Cutting Needle 440 Silk 2 -0 , 5331 Round Body Needle 441 Silk 2-0 half circle oval needle 442 Silk 2-0 half circle taper cutting 443 Silk 3 -0 , 5003 Cutting Needle 16 mm needle 444 Silk 4 - 0 Cutting 445 Siloderm 20 mg Tube 446 Siloderm Tube 447 Silver Foil Paper 448 Silver sulfadiazine Cream 1%,30gm 449 Slide Rack of staining Turf 450 Sodium citrate 3.2% Blood collection Tube 451 Sodium Citrate 3.8 500 ml 452 Sodium Citrate 500 ml Solution 453 Sodium Hylanuranate 1.8 % in 1 ml PFS 454 Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 5 Ltr 10 % (Nice/Alfachem) 455 Sofosbuvir 400 mg + Ledipasavir 90 mg Tab. 456 Sofosbuvir 400 mg Tablet 457 Sofosuvir 400 mg Tablet 458 Solution Tank 13.5 Ltr. (S.S. Tank) 459 Spanner10 *11 460 Spanner 18*19 461 Spanner 8 *9 462 SS Wires (016 , 018 , 017 * 025, 019 x 025) 463 Stainless Steel Tray 8 *10 464 Succinyl Choline Vial Injection 50 mg/ml 465 Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim (Cotrimoxazole) Tablet 100 mg +20 mg 466 Suprapubic Catheter No. 16,18 467 Surgical Bur for strcup HP, (Round, Straight) 468 Sutu pack 2-0 469 Sutu Pack 3-0 470 Suture 10 - 0 Eye Double Needle Nylon 471 Suture 10- 0 Nylon 472 Suture 8 -0 Eye double needle Vicryl 473 Suture 8 -0 Nylon 474 Suture Tying Forceps 475 Suture Tying Forceps for Eyes 8- 0 to 10 -0 476 Suxamethonium Chloride 100mg/2ml 477 Suxamethonium Chloride 50mg/ml 478 Syphills Rapid Card each / Test 479 Syrup Amoxicillin + Clavunate 457 mg 60 ml With Lacto Bacilius 480 Tab. Acelofenac 100 mg + PCM 500 mg + Serropeptidase 15 mg 481 Tab. Aldronate 60 mg 482 Tab. Atorvastatin 10 mg + Fenofibrate 160 mg 483 Tab. Calcium Salt 500 mg + Vitamin D 3 250 i.u. 484 Tab. Cefixime 200 mg with Lacto Bacillus 485 Tab. Daclafosvir 60 mg 486 Tab. Deferiprone 500 mg 487 Tab. Levofloxacin 500 mg 488 Tab. Mefenamic Acid 100 mg + PCM 500 mg + Dicylomine 10 mg Dispersible 489 Tab. Rivaroxaban 10 mg 490 Tegaderm (A thin polyurethane membrane coated with a layer of an acrylic adhesive) 10 * 12 size 491 Temporal Nasal Speculum 492 Tenofavir 300 mg Tablet 493 Terbinafine Ointment 494 Test tube 10-75 (Borosil) 495 Testosteron 100 mg inj. 496 Thermal paper 110mm (Imported) 497 Thermo cycler (Applied Biosystems- Thermo Fisher Scientific) 498 Thermocol Box Small 499 Thermocol Sample transport boxes 165mm x 105mm x 87mm ID - 2 Ltrs Box and 203mm x 137mm x 117mm OD 500 Thiopentone (Sodium powder) Injection 0.5 g vial 501 Tincture iodine 400 ml 502 Tissue Rings 503 Tobramycin eye oint 15 gm 504 Towel White Superior Quality 30x 60cm 505 Tracheostong Tube with cuff 6.5,7,7.5,8 506 Tramadol Hydrochloride Tablet 100 mg 507 Tramadol Hydrochloride Tablet 50 mg 508 Trichloroacetic Acid Crystal 509 Trihexyphenidyl (hydrochloride) Tablet 2 mg 510 Tripple Blood Bag with sagum 350/ 450 ml (Polymed / J Mitra) 511 Tropi (Athenis/Pathkit) 512 Tropicamide Eye Drop 513 Trunaat Chips 514 Trypan Blue Dye 1 ml 515 Tube Siller With battery backup 516 Tuberculin, purified protein derivative (PPD) Injection 2 T.U./0.1 ml 517 TURP SET 518 Ultrasound Gelly 200 ml 519 Ultrasound Sony Paper Roll 520 Urine Analysis multi sticks 10 Parameter 521 Urine Conatainers 40 ml 522 Urograffin Dye 523 UV LIGHT 524 Vaccutainer black top (B.D) 525 Vaccutainer multi sample needle no. 22 526 Vails Clot Neonates 4 ml 527 Vails EDTA Neonates 3 ml 528 Vaseline 20 gm 529 Verapamil Tablet 40 mg 530 VIDEO Laryngoscope 531 Viral Load Testing Kit for Hepatitis B 532 Viral Load Testing Kit for Hepatitis C 533 Viral Transport Media with 2 Nylon Swab 534 Viscoelastic Solution 3 ml (pfs)(with Silicon cork) 535 Vitamin A Suspension 100000 IU/ml 536 VOTEX MIXER 537 VTM VIALS (HOLDING RACKS-45 Racks) 538 VTM VIALS (HOLDING RACKS-50 Racks) 539 Vyclovir 1000 mg Tab. 540 Vyclovir 500 mg Tab. 541 Warfarin (sodium) Tablet 2 mg 542 Warfarin (sodium) Tablet 5 mg 543 Weingart 544 White Petroleium Jelly 500gm 545 Wide mouth Sampling Bottle 250ml(Borosilicate Glass) 546 Wide mouth Sampling Bottle 500ml(Borosilicate Glass) 547 wire passer fiber handle (A.O. Type ) SML 548 Wise twister 549 X - Ray Film Fixer 550 X- Ray Film Developer 13.5 Ltr. 551 Zinc sulphate Syrup 552 ZIP LOCK Bag 6 X 8 (For first aid kit) 553 Air Rotor Diamond Burs (Taperd, Straight , Round) 554 Arch Burs 555 Articulating Papers 556 Barbed Broaches 557 K-Files - Size- 15-40 , Length:-21 mm , Should have rubber stopper 558 K-Files - Size- 15-40 , Length:-25 mm , Should have rubber stopper 559 K- Files Size- 45-80, Length:-25 mm, Should have rubber stopper 560 K-Files Size- 6, Length :- 21 mm , Should have rubber stopper. 561 K-Files Size- 6, Length :- 25 mm , Should have rubber stopper. 562 K-Files Size- 8, Length :- 21 mm , Should have rubber stopper. 563 K-Files Size- 8, Length :- 25 mm , Should have rubber stopper. 564 K-Files Size- 10, Length :- 21 mm , Should have rubber stopper. 565 K-Files Size- 10, Length :- 25 mm , Should have rubber stopper. 566 NiTi hand files (21 mm) Size- 15-40, For Curved Canals 567 H-Files , Size-15-40 , Length :-21 mm, Should have rubber stopper 568 H-Files , Size-45-80, Length :-25 mm Should have rubber stopper 569 Root Canal Spreader 15-40, 21 mm 570 Root Canal Spreader 15-40, 25 mm 571 Matrix Strips,Made from a thin, Strong, flexible, transparent material such as Mylar 572 Barbed Broaches , Made of stainless steel, can be sterilized length ≥ 21 573 Articulating Paper Strip, Red colored with sufficient thickness double side 574 Articulating Paper Strip, Blue colored with sufficient thickness double side 575 Matrix Band Retainer , No. 1 576 Matrix Band Retainer , No.8 577 Matrix Band , No. 1, Toflemire 578 Matrix Band , No. 8, Toflemire 579 Paper Point 25 580 Paper Point 30 581 Paper Point 35 582 Guttapercha point no. 20 583 Guttapercha point no. 25 584 Guttapercha point no. 30 585 Guttapercha point no. 15-40 586 Guttapercha point no. 45-80 587 Absorbent Point no. 15-40 588 Absorbent Point no. 45-80 589 Mini Plates ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 590 Arch Bar Length 1feet ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 591 Stainless Steel Wire 26 G. Soft ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 592 Fiber- reinforced splinting material- bondable reinforced ribben fiber-approx 2mm width ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 593 Air rotor cartridges (NSK) supertorque, Standard head ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 594 Composite Finishing Kit 595 Composite Finishing Kit- Disc type 596 Flowable Composite 597 Gates Glidden Drill No. 1 598 Gates Glidden Drill No. 2 599 Gates Glidden Drill No. 3 600 IOPA film size 30 mm x 40 mm 601 IOPA film size 31 mm x 41mm 602 Fixer & developer solution set (manual) to make 13.5 Lt solution each of fixer and developer 603 Formocresol Formalin, Cresol Glycerin ,Formocresol Formalin BP 20% v/v , Cresol IP 32% v/v , Glycerin IP QS 604 Air Rotor Spray bottle 605 Disposable Patient Drape Sheets 606 Dental Chair Covering Sterilized Cling Foil Rolls ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 607 Small cotton rolls for isolation ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED(Length-37mm, Dia-8-10mm) 608 Etchant 37% Phosphoric Acid ( 9 ml syringe) Solution 609 Mercury Pure Triple Distilled 610 Eugenol 611 Zinc Oxide Powder 612 Restroative Cement Type - II - (Powder & Liquid), Strontium Based, radiopaque glass ionomer with high fluoride release, Shade :- Pale Yellow 613 Restroative Cement Type - II - (Powder & Liquid), Strontium Based, radiopaque glass ionomer with high fluoride release, Shade :- Yellow Brown 614 Restroative Cement Type - II - (Powder & Liquid), Strontium Based, radiopaque glass ionomer with high fluoride release, Shade :- Dark Grey 615 Pit & Fissure Sealant ( 6 ml bottle) Solution 616 Calcium Hydroxide , Paste System Based and Catalyst -radiopaque 617 Cavity Varnish 5% sodium Fluoride 618 Zinc Phosphate Cement , Powder and Liquid 619 Calcium Hydroxide, Powder 620 Glass Ionomer Cement- Type-IX. 621 Hybrid Composite Resin for Anteriors ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 622 Mineral Trioxide Aggregate ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 623 NaOCl 5.25% Solution ISI/ ISO/CE/MARKED. 624 Topical Fluoride APF Gel 1.25% 625 Gum Paint 626 EDTA 17 % paste form. 627 Pulp Devitalizer 628 Rubber Dam Kit 629 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 1 (Inverted Bur) 630 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 1 (Straight End Taper) 631 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 1 (Round) 632 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 1 (Straight) 633 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 1 (Flame) 634 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 2 (Inverted Bur) 635 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 2 ( Straight End Taper) 636 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 2 (Round) 637 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 2 (Straight) 638 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 2 (Flame) 639 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 3 (Inverted Bur) 640 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 3 ( Straight End Taper) 641 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 3 (Round) 642 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 3 (Straight) 643 Air- Rotor Diamond Burs no. 3 (Flame) 644 Skin Stapler Standard ( Single Unit) 645 Ambu bag Adult, It should be double layered resuscitator within built pressure limiting system that prevents airways pressure from exceeding 7 k Pa ( 70 cm H2O without loss of valume. It should be supplied with reusable transparent breathing face mask , it should have tidal volume max 1300 ml it should be USFDA and ISO/CE certified. (Single Unit) 646 Ambu bag Ped, It should be double layered resuscitator within built pressure limiting system that prevents airways pressure from exceeding 4 k Pa ( 40 cm H2O without loss of valume. It should be supplied with reusable transparent breathing face mask , it should have tidal volume max 300 ml it should be USFDA and ISO/CE certified. (Single Unit) 647 ECG Paper 50 mm*20 mtr, roll 648 ECG Paper 50 mm*30 mtr, roll 649 ECG Paper 60 mm* 15 mtr, roll 650 ECG Roll Big 651 ECG Roll Small 652 Pedeatrics IV Drip Set with Air Vent 653 Blood Administration set/Blood transfusion set. Transparent cylindrical drip chamber with 200 micron filter. 150 cm long smooth kink resistant tubing. 654 I.V.Sets Disposable with Air Vent 655 Orthopadding cast/Zigzag cotton roll 4 656 Orthopadding cast/Zigzag cotton roll 6 657 Nicotine Patches 658 Nicotine Pastilles 2 mg 659 Nicotine Pastilles 4 mg 660 Tablet Vareniciline 0.5mg 661 Tablet Vareniciline 1 mg 662 Tablet Buspirone 5 mg 663 Anti Rabies Vaccine through ID route, 1 ml vials Vaccine 1ml. 664 Tenofovir 300 mg+ Lamivudine 300 mg Tablet 665 Dolutegravir Tablet 50 mg 666 Dual Kits for HIV and Syphilis - 667 CBNAAT TB Cartridges - 668 Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit for ASHAS - 669 Early Childhood Development (ECD) Kit for ASHAS - 670 Uro bag (neonates)- 100 ml 671 Tegaderm 2, 3/8 inch*2.3/4 inch 6*7 cm Tegaderm TM films IV transparent film IV transparent film dressing style(latex free) 672 Tegaderm 2, 3/8 inch*2.3/4 inch 6*7 cm Tegaderm TM films IV transparent film IV transparent film dressing style(latex free) 673 Meropenum Injection 125 mg 674 Triple Blood Bag with SAGM 350 ml 675 Triple Blood Bag with SAGM 450 ml 676 Quadruple Blood Bag with SAGM 350 ml 677 Quadruple Blood Bag with SAGM 450 ml 678 Plasma Volume Expander Injection ( Each 100 ml contains Polygeline, polypeptides of degaraded gelatin, cross linked via urea bridges 3.5 g ( equivalent to 0.63 g of nitrogen) NACL IP 0.85 g, KCL IP 0.038 g Cacl2 IP 0.070g water for Injection IP Q.s Electrolytes in m.mol/litre, 500 ml FFS 679 Olmesartan 20 mg + Amlodipine 5 mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 Tablet 680 Tranexamic acid 500 mg + Mefenamic acid 250 mg Tablet 681 Silver sulfadiazine Cream 1%,15 gm 682 Gentian Violet (Methylrosanilinium chloride Paint preparation aqueous solution 0.5%w/v), 50 ml Dark Bottle 683 Benzoyl Per Oxide Gel 2.5%, 20 gm tube 684 Permethrin Lotion 5%, 50 ml 685 Betamethasone Dipropionate Cream 0.1% w/w , 5 gm 686 Clobetasone Butyrate+ Miconazole Cream 687 Quadruple Blood Bags 450 ML 688 Bio Waste Bag Size 24 * 36 (All Colour) 689 Bio Waste Bag Size 30 * 40 (All Colour) 690 Bio Waste Bag Size 35 * 45 (All Colour) 691 Single Pan Balance 692 Double Pan Balance 693 Point of Care Analyser for HBA1C 694 Vaccutainer Sodium Citrate 3.8 % Vaccume Tubes 695 Vaccutainer with Gel Yellow Cap 696 Wash Bottles Plastic 250 ml 697 Tube Sealer with Battery Backup 698 Lab Tissues 699 Lab Tornicate to Draw Samples 700 Test Tube with Rim 12 * 75 Borosil 701 Thermal Paper 58 MM 702 Test Tube rack plastic 36 Tubes 703 Methanol for stains & indicators 2.5 704 Borosilicate Glass Cylinder 1000 ml 705 LED Microscope double eye pc - 24000 706 Sharp container 5 ltr 707 Hydrochloric acid N//10 sol. 500 ml 708 AR Phenol 99 % 709 W/v 40 5 Phenol 5 ltr 710 Formaldehdrade sol. (37- 41 %) 5 ltr Nice 711 Lab Plastic Tube 50 ml with Cap 712 Ethanol testing solution 500 ml 713 Borosilicate Flask 500 ml 714 Plastic Pasteur pipette 3 ml 715 Plastic Pasteur pipette sterile 3 ml 716 Digital HemoglobinMeter True HB with 100 Strips 717 True Hemoglobin each Strip 718 Ketorolac Tromethamine 30 mg / ml Inj. 1 ml 719 X -Ray Film Blue Base 8 * 10 720 X -Ray Film Blue Base 10 * 12 721 X -Ray Film Blue Base 12 * 15 722 ESR Stand ( 6 Tubes stand) 723 Vicryl no. 0 (2346) 724 Flow Cell Semi Auto Analyzer 725 Pyrazinamide 500 mg Tab. 726 Pyrazinamide 750 mg Tab. 727 Rifampicin 150 mg Cap. 728 Rifampicin 300 mg Cap. 729 Rifampicin 450 mg Cap. 730 Cycloserine 250 mg Tab. 731 Isoniazid 100 mg Tab. 732 Isoniazid 300 mg Tab. 733 Clofazamine 100 mg Tab. 734 Ethionamide 250 mg Tab. 735 Moxifloxacin 400 mg Tab. 736 Ethambutol 100 mg Tab. 737 Ethambutol 400 mg Tab. 738 Ethambutol 800 mg Tab. 739 Pyridoxine 50 mg Tab. 740 Pyridoxine 100 mg Tab. 741 LAB Cleaner (Nice) 5 Ltr 742 Methylene Blue (Marcks) 25 gm 743 Eosin (Marck) 744 Plastic Tube 50 ltr 745 Test Tube Small 746 X – Ray Film Blue Base 12 “ * 15 “ 747 X – Ray Film Blue Base 10 “ * 12 “ 748 X – Ray Film Blue Base 8 “ * 12 “ 749 Lead no. 0 to 9 750 Lead no. R & L 751 Glass Ionomer Cement 752 RotaryFiles 20 # 4 % 753 RotaryFiles 25 # 4 % 754 RotaryFiles 30 # 4 % 755 RotaryFiles 15 – 40# 4 % 756 Rotary GP 25 # 4 % 757 Rotary GP 30 # 4 % 758 Rotary GP 25- 40 # 4 % 759 Limss Forceps 760 Vannas Scissor 761 Corneo Scleral Scissor 762 Conjuctive Scissor 763 Wire Veetis 764 IRIS Repositer 765 Sims Key Hook 766 SimCo with Regular Cannula no. 22 767 SimCo with Regular Cannula no. 23 768 Needle Holder without Lock 769 X –Ray Developers 13.5 Ltr 770 Fixer 13.5 Ltr 771 Solan Tank 13.5 Ltr ( S.S. Tank) 772 Dilluent 20 ltr (ERBA/ Transasia) CBC machine Part5 773 Lyse I (1*500ml)(ERBA/ Transasia)CBC machine Part5 774 Lyse II ( 1 *500 ml ) (ERBA/ Transasia)CBC machine Part5 775 Lyse III(1 * 1000 ml) (ERBA/ Transasia)CBC machine Part5 776 Cleaner (1 * 50 ml) (ERBA/ Transasia)CBC machine Part5 777 Dilluent 20 ltrBC-6000 (Mindray 6 series) 5 part Heamatology Analyzer 778 Lyse I (1*500ml)BC-6000 (Mindray 6 series) 5 part Heamatology Analyzer 779 Lyse II ( 1 *500 ml )BC-6000 (Mindray 6 series)5 part Heamatology Analyzer 780 Lyse III(1 * 1000 ml) BC-6000 (Mindray 6 series) 5 part Heamatology Analyzer 781 Cleaner (1 * 50 ml) BC-6000 (Mindray 6 series) 5 part Heamatology Analyzer