
Supply, Testing, Installation, Commissioning &Demonstration Of Hand Tools, Instruments & Different Machineries/Equipment For Machinist Trade, howrah-West Bengal

Technical Education and Training Department has published Supply, Testing, Installation, Commissioning &Demonstration Of Hand Tools, Instruments & Different Machineries/Equipment For Machinist Trade. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-11-2023. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in howrah West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Corrigendum : Supply, Testing, Installation, Commissioning &Demonstration Of Hand Tools, Instruments & Different Machineries/Equipment For Machinist Trade
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Supply, Testing, Installation, Commissioning And Demonstration Of Hand Tools, Instruments And Different Machineries / Equipment For Machinist Trade , Slant Bed Cnc Turning Centre Including Attachment / Accessories And Transportation ( Cnc Lathe With Standard Accessories ) As Follows:- 1. Machine Capacity:A. Swing Over Bed : 510 Mm Or Higher, B. Turning Diameter : 320 Mm Or Higher, C.Distance Between Centres: 610 Mm Or Higher, D. Maximum Turning Length:500 Mm Or Higher, E. Slant Angle ( Bed Or Saddle ) Degrees : 30 Degrees Tohorizontal Or Higher, F. Cast Iron Grade For Bed And Saddle : Fg 300 Or Higher, G. Machine Weight Nett: 1500 Kgor Higher. 2. Spindle :A. Spindle Nose : A2-6, B. Bore Through Spindle : 35 Mm Or Higher, C.Maximum Spindle Speed: 3500 Rpm Or Higher, D.Spindle Power, Continuous : 7.5 / 11 Kw, E.Minimum Spindle Speed @ Full Power: 1200 Rpm Or Lower, F.Type Of Drive: Ac Servospindle Motor ( Digital ) , G.Chuck Size : 200 Mm Or Higher, H.Chuck Type: 3-Jaw Hydraulic, Hydraulic Power Operated, I.Spindle Bearing Class : P4 Class, J.Front Bearing Dia. ( Id ) : 60 Mm Or Higher. 3.Axes :A. X - Axis Travel : 185 Mm Or Higher, B. Z - Axis Travel560 Mm Or Higher, C. Programmable Feed Rate-X &Z: 10-10000 Mm / Min, D.Minimum Programmable Command - X & Z : 0.001 Mm, E.Rapid Traverse - X & Z : 20 M / Minor Higher, F.Type Of Drive - X & Z: Ac Servo Motor, G.Motor Torque - Z Axis : 3 Nmor Higher, H.Motor Torque - X Axis: 3 Nmor Higher With Brake, I.Ball Screw - Z & X Axes ( Diameter X Pitch ) : 25 X 10 Mm Or Higher J. Ball Screw Finish - Z & X Axes: Hardened And Ground, K. Ball Screw Class- Z & X Axes : Pre-Loaded With C3 Or Betterl. Guide Way Type - Z & X Axes : Antifriction Linear Motion Guide Waym. Guide Way Size - Z & X Axes : 25 Mm Or Higher N. Guide Way Precision - Z & X Axes : P Class, 4. Turret:A. Bi-Directional Tool Turret : Servo / Hydraulicb. No. Of Tools :8Nos Or Higher C. Tool Shank Size : 25×25 Mmor Higherd. Maximum Boring Bar Diameter: 40 Mm Or Higher, 5. Tail Stock:A. Quill Diameter :75Mmor Higher, B. Quill Stroke: 100 Mm Or Higher, C. Quill Taper: -Mt-4 Or Higher, D. Quill Actuation: Hydraulic, E. Tail Stock Base Travel Manual : 150 Mm Or Higher, F. Thrust ( Adjustable ) : 300 Kgf Or Higher, 6. Coolant / Lubrication / Hydraulic A. Coolant Tank Capacity :100Litresor Higher, B. Coolant Pump Motor : 0.55 Kw Or Higher, C. Coolant Pump Out Put :20 Lpm Or Higher, D. Lubrication Type : Automatic Centralized Lubrication, E. Lubrication Tank Capacity: 3 Litres Or Higher, F. Hydraulic Pump Discharge: 8 Lpm Or Higher, G. Hydraulic Tank Capacity : 30 Litres Or Higher , H. Hydraulic System Pressure Maximum: 30 Bar Or Higher, 7. Accuracy As Per Iso 230-2:A. Positioning Accuracy X & Z Axes : 0.012 Mm, B. Repeatability X & Z Axes : ± 0.007 Mm, C. Geometrical Alignment:Iso 13041-Part 1, D. Accuracy Of Finish Test Piece : Iso 13041-Part 6, 8. Cnc System:A. Control System :Fanuc / Siemens -Latest Version, B. System Resolution 0.001 Mm, C. Motors & Drives: Compatible With Cnc Controllers Mentioned Above, D. Tool Number Display: On Machine Operator Panel, E. Machine Control Panel: Feed Rate, Spindle Speed Override Knob, F. Mpg ( Manual Pulse Generator ) :On Machine Operator Panel, G. Cnc Features: Graphic Simulation, Programming Help , Tool Offset, Mdi, Absolute / Incremental Positioning, Pitch Error Compensation, 9. Power Source: A Mains Supply ( ± 10 % ) : 415 V, 3Ph., 50 Hz, B Total Connected Load Requirement Approx. 20 Kva, 10. Standard Equipment: A. Voltage Stabilizer: 20 Kva, B. Air Conditioning Unit For Electrical Cabinet: 1 No, C.Backup Pen Drive For Plc Ladder Logic: 1 No, D. Machine Lighting: 1 No, E. Levelling Pads And Jacking Screws: 4 No. ( Under Oem Scope ) , F. Operation Manual: 1 No, G. Maintenance Manual: 1 No. H. Installation Kit: 1 No. I. Maintenance Tool Kit: 1 No. J. 6 Rack Trolley ( Size 25X22X45” ) With Lock: 1 No. K. Machine Guarding With Safety Compliance: 1 No. 11. Makes Of Critical Machine Tool Components:A. Linear Motion Guide Ways :Hiwin / Thk / Pmi / Star , B Ball Screws:Hiwin / Thk / Tsubaki / Pmi / Star / Hmt / Nsk, C. Spindle Bearings:Rhp / Nsk / Fag / Skf / Nrb, D. Turret : Pragati / Baruffaldi / Sauter / Duplomatic / Oem, E. Hydraulic Chuck & Cylinder : Gmt / Kitagawa / Airtech / Pragati / Rohm, F. Hydraulic Power Pack : Yuken / Fluid / Rexroth, G. Panel Ac: Werner Finley / Rittal / Lextecnoid / Advance, H. Stabilizer :Neel / Servomax / Consul / Farmax / Equivalent / Opto, I. Lubrication : Cenlube / Dropco / Equivalent, J. Coolant Pump :Rajamane / Grundfos, K. Cutting Tools And Holders: Sandvik / Taegutec / Kennametal / Seco / Iscar / Mitsubishi, 12. Chip Conveyor - Miven / Universal. 13.Machine Loading , Unloading And Placing Under Oem Scope, After Installation 15 Days Application Training Provide By Firm, 2 Years Warranty From Manufacturer And Controller , 3 Years Amc After Competition Of Warranty ( Manufacturer ) 14. Cutting Tools & Tool Holders Quantity Inserts Quantity:1. External Turning Holder Lh: Pclnls2525 M-12 - 02 Nos., 2. Insert For External Turning: Cnmg 120408 : 40Nos ( 4 Box ) , 3. External Turning Holder Lh: Pdjnl 2525 M-15- 02 Nos., 4. Insert For External Turning :Dnmg 150604- 30 Nos. ( 3Box ) , 5. External Threading Holderlh Sel 2525 M 16- 02 Nos, 6. Insert For External Threading: 16El 0.5, 1.00, 1.25, 1.5, 2.00 Iso -Each Item 10 Nos. ( 1Box ) , 7. Internal Threading Holder Dia 20Lh Sil 0016 P16- 02 Nos. 8. Insert For Internal Threading 16Il 1.00, 1.50 & 2.00 Iso - 10 Nos. ( 1Box ) . 9. External Grooving Holder Rh Gehsr 25.2 - 2 Nos. 10. Insert For External Grooving : Gepi 3.00-0.2 - 20 Nos. ( 2 Box ) .11. Internal Grooving Holderrh Dia 20 Mm: Tgir 20C-3 - 02 Nos. 12. Insert For Internal Grooving: Tgme 304 - 20 Nos. ( 2 Box ) . 13.Boring Holder Sclcl For Minimum Bore Dia. 12 Mm - 2 Nos. 14. Insert For Boring : Wcmt - 30 Nos. ( 3 Box ) , 15. Boring Holder Sclcl For Minimum Bore Dia. 16 Mm - 2 Nos., 16. Insert For Boring : Ccmt- 30 Nos. ( 3 Box ) , 17. Insert Drill ( U Drill ) Dia 25 Mm : L / D-3 880-B2500l25-03 - 2 Nos., 18. Insert For U Drill: 880-05 03 05H-- C- Gm 1044 - 10 Nos. 19.Reducing Sleeves For Internal Holders 12 / 40 : Sc 40T 12B - 2 Nos., 20. Reducing Sleeves For Internal Holders 16 / 40 Sc 40T 16B - 2 Nos., 21.Reducing Sleeves For Internal Holders 20 / 40 Sc 40T 20B - 2 Nos. 22.Reducing Sleeves For Internal Holders 25 / 40 Sc 40T 25B - 2 Nos. 23.Centre Drill Hss A 2.5 X 6.3 - 5 Nos., 24. Twist Drill Hss Straight Shank, Dia 6, 8, 10, 12 Mm - Each Item 03 Nos., 25.Collets Suitable For The Above Drills - Each 01 Set. 26. Collet Holder - 02 Nos. 27. Boring Bar Holder - 03 Nos. , Cncvertical Machining Centre:1. Machine Capacitya ) Table Size- 600X350 Mm Or Higher, B ) Max. Load On Table - 250 Kg Or Higher, C ) T Slot Dimension ( N X W X P ) - 3 X 14 X 125 Mm, D ) Table Height From Floor - 800 ~ 900 Mm, E ) Cast Iron Grade For Bed And Saddle - Grade Fg 300, F ) Machine Net Weight - 1500 Kg. Or Higher, 2. Spindle A ) Spindle Nose - Bt40, B ) Minimum Distance ( Spindle Nose To Table ) - 200 - 650 Mm, C. Maximum Spindle Speed -8000 Rpm Or Higher, D. Spindle Power, Continuous - 5.5 / 7.5 Kw, E. Type Of Drive - Ac Servo Spindle Motor ( Digital ) , F. Spindle Bearing Class - P4, G. Front Bearing Dia. ( Id ) - 50 Mm Or Higher3. Axesa. X-Axis Travel - 500 Mm Or Higher, Y-Axis Travel - 400 Mm Or Higher, C. Z-Axis Travel - 450 Mm Or Higher, D. Rapid Traverse -X / Y / Z - 40 / 40 / 40 M / Min Or Higher, E. Minimum Programmable Command - X / Y / Z - 0.001 Mm, F. Progarmmable Feed Range -X, Y & Z Axes - 10-10000 Mm / Min, G. Type Of Drive - Ac Servo Motor, H. Motor Torque -X & Y Axes - 3 Nm Or Higher, I. Motor Torque - Z Acis - 6 Nm Or Higher With Brake, J. Ball Screw - X, Y & Z Axes ( Diameter * Pitch ) - 25*10 Mm Or Higher, K. Ball Screw Finish - X, Y & Z Aces - Ground And Hardened ( Liner Motion ) , L. Ball Screw Calss - X, Y & Z Axes - Preloaded With C3 Or Better, M. Guideways -X, Y & Z Axes - Antifriction Linear Motion Guide Way, N. Guideways Size - X, Y & Z Axes - 25 Mm Or Higher, O. Guideway Precision - X, Y & Z Axes - P Class 4. Automatic Tool Changera. Atc Type, Twin Arm Type , B. Number Of Too Pockets- 20 Nos Or Higher, C. Max Tool Diameter - 80 Mm Or Higher, D. Tool Selection - Bi-Directional, E. Tool Shank Type- Bt40, F. Tool Weight Max - 7 Kg Or Higher, G. Tool Length Max - 250 Mm Or Higher, I. Tool Clamp & Unclamp - Disc Spring & Hydro-Pneumatic5. Accuracy As Per Iso 230-2A. Positioning Accuracy For X, Y & Z Axes - 0.01 Mm, B. Repeatability For X, Y & Z Aces - ±0.005 Mm, C. Geometrical Alignment - Iso 10791-Part 1, D.Accuracy Of Finish Test Piece - Iso 10791 Part 7, 6. Cnc System A ) Control System- Fanuc Oi Mf Plus ( Latest Version ) , B ) Motors & Drives - Compatible With Cnc Controllers As Mentioned, C ) System Resolution - 0.001 Mm Or Above, D ) Tool Number Display - On Machine Operator Panel, E ) Machine Control Panel - Feed Rate, Spindle Speed Override Knob, F ) Mpg ( Manual Pulse Generator ) - On Machine Operator Panel / Hand Held, G ) Cnc Features - Graphic Simulation, Programming Help, Tool Offsets Mdi Absolute / Incremental Positioning, Pitch Error Compensation 7. Coolant / Lubricationa ) Coolant Tank Capacity - 150 Ltr. Or Higher, B ) Coolant Pump Motor - 1.1 Kw, C ) Coolant Pump Output, 20 Lpm Or Higher, D ) Lubrication Type, Automatic Centralized Lubrication, E ) Lubrication Tank Capacity, 3 Litres Or Higher, 8. Air Compressor For Tool Unclampa ) Compressor Type, Screw Type With Dryer, Filter & Air Receiver, B ) Tank Capacity- 200 Litres Or Higher, C ) Air Flow- 100 Cfm Or Higher, D ) Pressure - 6 Bar Or Higher, 100 Lpm, 9. Power Sourcea ) Mains Supply ( ± 10 % ) , 415 V, 3 Ph., 50Hz, B ) Total Connected Load Requirement- Approx. 25 Kva 10. Standard Equipmenta ) Voltage Stabilizer 25 Kva, 1 No. B ) Air Conditioning Unit For Electrical Cabinet 1 No. C ) Backup Cd For Plc Ladder Logic, Pen Drive 1 No. D ) Machine Lightning 1 No., E ) Leveling Pads And Jacking Screws, Under Oem Scope - 4 Nos. F ) Operation Manual - 1 No. G ) Maintenance Manual - 1 No. H ) Installation Kit - 1 No. I ) Maintenance Tool Kit - 1 No. J ) 6 Rack Tool Trolley, ( Size 25X22X45 ) With Lock - 1 No. K ) Machine Guarding With Safety Compliance - 1 No. L ) Tool Boy For Bt40 - 1 No. M ) Pull Stud For Bt40 Tool Holder - 20 Nos. N ) Chip Convayor With Tray 1 No. O ) Tool Preseter - 1 No. 11. Makes Of Critical Components 1 No.A ) Lm Guideways Thk / Pmi / Star, B ) Ball Screws Thk / Tsubaki / Pmi / Star / Hmt / Nsk, C ) Spindle Bearings Rhp / Nsk / Fag / Skf / Nrb, D ) Atcpragati / Gifu, E ) Panel Acwerner Finley / Rittal / Lextecnoid / Advance, F ) Stabilizerneel / Servomax / Consul / Farmax / Opto, G ) Lubricationcenlube / Dropco, H ) Coolant Pumprajamane / Gru Ndfos, I ) Air Compressor ( Capacity: 6 Kg / Cm2 - 300 Lpm Min. ) Godrej / Elgi / Kaeser / Atlascopco, J ) Cutting Tools And Holderssandvik / Taegutec / Ken Nametal / Seco / Mitsubishi, 12. Cutting Tools & Tool Holders ( For Bt40 As Per Machine Supplied ) :A ) Face Mill 45 Degree 63 Mm., Insert Type - Suitable Inserts 2 No.5 Sets, B ) Face Mill Square Shoulder 50 Mm, Insert Type - Suitable Inserts 2 No. 5 Sets, C ) Spot Drill Carbide, Dia.8 Mm X 90° 2 No., D ) Drill Insert Type - 16 Mm. Suitable Inserts 2 No.10 No., E ) Solid Carbide Twist Drill Straight Shank - 8 Mm 2 No. F ) Solid Carbide End Mill Straight Shank - 10, 12 Mm Dia. 2 No. G ) End Mill Insert Type Straight Shank - 16 Mm Dia. Suitable Inserts 2 No. 10 No., H ) Solid Carbide Reamer Straight Shank - 10 Mm, 2 No., I ) Finish Boring Bar Dia. 20 To 25 Mm, Suitable Inserts, 1 No., 10 No., J ) Holder For Face Mills ( Adapter ) , 2 No., K ) Collets For Above Drills, Reamers, End Mills 1 Set, L ) Collets For Tap 1 Set, M ) Collet Holder Suitable For Collets 4 No., N ) Side Lock Holder For 16 Mm Insert Drill 1 No., O ) Machine Vice 0-150 Mm Range - Mechanical Type 1 No., P ) C Spanner For Tightening Tools In Holder 1 No., Q ) Pocket Dial 10 Micron With Magnetic Dial Stand ( Universal Type ) 1 Set, R ) Hands Tools Set ( Spanners, Allen Keys, Etc. ) 1 Box, S ) T Nuts, Strap Clamps, Clamping Nuts And Studs 1 Set..Nb:I ) Machine Loading, Unloading And Placing Under Oem Scope. Ii ) After Installation, 15 Days Application Training Provided By Firm. Iii ) 2 Years Warrenty From Manufacturer And Controller.Iv ) 3 Years Amc After Completation Of Warenty ( Manufacturer ) .

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-11-2023 Date Corrigendum Date 24-11-2023

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