Construction Of Ssk ( Hwc, Type-B ) Under Ridf-Xxix For The Year 2023-24 At Dakshin Madhabdanga Sc, Mouza- Dakshin Madhabdanga, Under Maynaguri Development Block, Jalpaiguri-2 Surface Dressing of the ground… 3 Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches… 4 Earthwork in filling in trenches 5 Filling in foundation or plinth by silver sand… 6 Supplying polythene sheet 7 25 mm THICK DPC 8 Single brick flat soling 9 Cement concrete(1:3:6) 10 Ordinary cement concrete(1:2:4) 11 Ordinary cement concrete(1:1.5:3)..ground floor 12 Ordinary cement concrete(1:1.5:3)…1st floor 13 Ordinary cement concrete(1:1.5:3)…2ndfloor 14 Rienforcement for rcc works..ground floor 15 Rienforcement for rcc works…1st floor 16 Rienforcement for rcc works….2nd floor 17 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging.GROUND FLOOR 18 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging1ST FLOOR 19 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering and necessary staging2ND FLOOR 20 Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:6).. PLINTH 21 Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4)…GROUND FLOOR SUPERSTRUCTURE 22 Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4)1STfloor 23 Brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4)2ND Floor 24 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) inground floor 25 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in1ST floor 26 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in2ND floor 27 Labour for Chipping of concrete surface before taking up Plastering work 28 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r Ground Floor….20 MM (1:6) 29 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r 1STFloor….(1:6)…20 MM 30 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r 2NDFloor….(1:6)…20 MM 31 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r Ground Floor….(1:6)…15 MM 32 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r 1STFloor….(1:6)….15 MM 33 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r 2NDFloor….(1:6)…15 MM 34 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r Ground Floor….(1:4)…10 MM 35 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r Ground Floor….(1:4)…10 MM 36 Plaster (to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including r Ground Floor….(1:4)…10 MM 37 Neat cement punning about 1.5 mm thick in wall dado window sill floor etc 38 Artificial stone floor…Groundfloor 39 Artificial stone floor…2nd floor 40 Extra cost for labour over grey artificial stone 41 Supplying and laying true to line and level vitrified tiles of approved brand (size not less than 600 mm X 600 mm X 10 mm thick) in floor, skirting etc. set in 20 mm sand cement mortar (1:4) and 2 mm thick cement slurry back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91Kg./sqM or using polymerised adhesive (6 mm thick layer applied directly over finished artificial stone floor/Mosaic etc without any backing course) laid after application slurry using 1.75 Kg of cement per sqM below mortar only, joints grouted with admixture of white cement and colouring pigment to match with colour of tiles / epoxy grout materials of approved make as directed and removal of wax coating of top surface of tiles with warm water and polishing the tiles using soft and dry cloth upto mirror finish complete including the cost of materials, labour and all other incidental charges complete true to the manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (White cement, synthetic adhesive and grout material to be supplied by the contrr]e) With application slurry @1.75 kg/ Sq.m, 20 mm sandcement mortar (1:4) & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back sideof tiles, 0.2 kg/ Sq.m white cement for joint filling withpigment. 42 18 mm. to 22 mm. thick, kota stone slab set in 20 mm thick (avg) cement mortar (1:4) in floor, stair & lobby including pointing in cement slurry with admixture of pigment matching the stone shade, including grinding & polishing as per direction of Engineer - in - charge to match with the existing work. [Slurry for bedding @ 4.4 kg/Sq.m and pointing @2.0 kg/Sq.m] Ground floor 43 Supplying, fitting & fixing 1st quality Ceramic tiles in walls and floors to match with the existing work & 4 nos. of key stones (10mm) fixed with araldite at the back of each tile & finishing the joints with white cement mixed with colouringoxide if required to match the colour of tiles including roughening of concrete surface, if necessary or by synthetic adhesive & grout materials etc. With Sand Cement Mortar (1:4) 20 mm thick & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91 Kg/Sq.m & joint filling using white cement slurry @0.20kg/Sq.m. 44 Supplying, fitting & fixing 1st quality Ceramic tiles in walls and floors to match with the existing work & 4 nos. of key stones (10mm) fixed with araldite at the back of each tile & finishing the joints with white cement mixed with colouringoxide if required to match the colour of tiles including roughening of concrete surface, if necessary or by synthetic adhesive & grout materials etc. With Sand Cement Mortar (1:4) 20 mm thick & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91 Kg/Sq.m & joint filling using white cement slurry @0.20kg/Sq.m. 1st floor 45 Rendering the Surface of walls and ceiling with White Cement baseWATER PROOF wall putty of approved make & brand.(1.5 mm thick…ground floor 46 Rendering the Surface of walls and ceiling with White Cement baseWATER PROOF wall putty of approved make & brand.(1.5 mm thick…..1st floor 47 Rendering the Surface of walls and ceiling with White Cement baseWATER PROOF wall putty of approved make & brand.(1.5 mm thick…2nd floor 48 Acrylic Distemper to interior wall, ceiling with a coat of solvent basedinterior grade acrylic primer (as per manufacturers specification)including cleaning and smoothning of surface.Two Coats First Floor 49 Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brandeEIC. groundFloor 50 Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brandon plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receiveEIC. FirstFloor 51 Applying Exterior grade Acrylic primer of approved quality and brandon plastered or cencrete surface old or new surface to receiveEIC. 2nd Floor 52 Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approvedquality, as per manufacturers specification and as per direction ofEngineer-in-Charge to be applied over acrylic primer as required. Therate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidental charges but excluding the cost of primer Ground Floor 53 Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approved quality, as per manufacturers specification and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge to be applied over acrylic primer as required. The rate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidentalcharges but excluding the cost of primer 1stFloor 54 Protective and Decorative Acrylic exterior emulsion paint of approvedquality, as per manufacturers specification and as per direction ofEngineer-in-Charge to be applied over acrylic primer as required. Therate includes cost of material, labour, scaffolding and all incidentalcharges but excluding the cost of primer 2ndFloor 55 Supplying fitting and fixing in position approved P.V.C. door frame (Matt finish)made of extruded P.V.C. multichamber hollow section having dimensions 60mm x 50mm x 2mm (+/-0.2mm), horizontal section will be joined with vertical sectionby galvanised steel screws after inserting two number steel brackets asreinforcement making suitable space for placing hinges, one steel tube 40mm x20mm x 1.20 mm will be inserted on one full vertical side of the frame (hinge side) as reinforcement, the frame will then be fixed in the opening with the help ofP.V.C. expandable fastner/wooden gutties and galvanised steel screws includingcost of all materials and labour, hire charges of tools and appliances, carriage ofall materials, taxes and all other incidental charges complete 56 Supplying fitting and fixing P.V.C. door shutter of approved quality & shade inposition, the style & rail of the P.V.C. door shutter will be made of rigid P.V.C.multicavity hollow chamber of suitable size and section with 2.0 mm (+/-0.2……….ground floor 57 Supplying fitting and fixing P.V.C. door shutter of approved quality & shade inposition, the style & rail of the P.V.C. door shutter will be made of rigid P.V.C.multicavity hollow chamber of suitable size and section with 2.0 mm (+/-0.2……….1st floor 58 Collapsible gate with 40mm x 40mm x 6mm Tee as top and bottomguide rail, 20mm x 10mm x 2mm vertical channels 100mm apart infully stretched position 20mm x 5mm M.S. flats as collapsiblebracings properly rivetted and washered including 38mm steelrollers including locking arrangements, fitted and fixed in positionwith lugs set in cement concrete and including cutting necessaryholes, chasing etc. in walls, floors etc. and making good damagescomplete. 59 MS GATE JAIL TYPE..2ND FLOOR 60 M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S, W.I. Flats and bars of windows, railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in ground floor. 61 M.S.or W.I. Ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S, W.I. Flats and bars of windows, railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in 1STfloor. 62 Priming one caot on steel or other metal surface 63 Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint 64 Supplying fitting fixing 2track/3track aluminium sliding window 65 Supplying fitting fixing of partly glazed partly panelled 66 Top , bottom and side member 67 Louvered section 68 Cleat angle 69 Top bottom side 70 mullion 71 Glazing clip 72 Anodised aluminium butt hinges of approved quality manufactured from extrudedsection conforming to I.S. specification (I.S. 205/66) and fitted and fixed withcadmium plated screws 73 Supplying 4 lever mortice lock or any approved make and brand as perdirection of the Engineer- in -Charge 74 Fixed glazing 75 Lourver window 76 Supplying bubble free float glass of approved make and brandconforming to IS: 2835-1987. 4 mm 77 Supplying bubble free float glass of approved make and brandconforming to IS: 2835-1987. 8 mm 78 Providing fixing fitting medium density fibre board..ground floor 79 Providing fixing fitting medium density fibre board…1st floor 80 Anodised aliminium D-type handle of approved quality manufactured fromextruded section conforming to I.S. specification (I.S. 230/72) fitted and fixedcomplete 81 Anodised aluminium barrel / tower / socket bolt (full covered) of approvedmanufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. 204/74 fitted and fixedwith cadmium plated screws:225mm long x 10mm dia. bolt. 82 Anodised aluminium barrel / tower / socket bolt (full covered) of approvedmanufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. 204/74 fitted and fixedwith cadmium plated screws:225mm long x 10mm dia. bolt. 83 Iron hasp bolt of approved quality fitted and fixed complete (oxidised) with16mm dia rod with centre bolt and round fitting. 84 Supplying, fitting & fixing UPVC pipes A- Type and fittings conforming toIS:13592-1992 with all necessary clamps nails, including making holes inwalls, floor etc. cutting trenches in any soil through masonry concretestructures etc if necessary and mending good damages including joining withjointing materails (Spun Yarn, Valamoid/Bitumen/M-Seal etc) complete 110 mm dia 85 Plain tee 110 mm dia 86 PlainY110 mm dia 87 bend87.5 degree110 mm dia 88 Shoe110 mm dia 89 Suppllying fitting and fixing PVC Pipes of approved make of scheduled 80 medium duty conforming to ASTMD - 1785and threaded to match with GI pipes as per IS 1239- Part -I …..40 mm 90 Suppllying fitting and fixing PVC Pipes of approved make of scheduled 80 medium duty conforming to ASTMD - 1785and threaded to match with GI pipes as per IS 1239- Part -I …..15 mm 91 Suppllying fitting and fixing PVC Pipes of approved make of scheduled 80 medium duty conforming to ASTMD - 1785and threaded to match with GI pipes as per IS 1239- Part -I …..20 mm 92 Suppllying fitting and fixing PVC Pipes of approved make of scheduled 80 medium duty conforming to ASTMD - 1785and threaded to match with GI pipes as per IS 1239- Part -I …..20 mm 93 Supplying, fitting and fixing Peets valve fullway gunmetal standardpattern best quality of approved brand bearing I.S.I. marking with fittings(tested to 21 kg per sq. cm.). 15 mm dia 94 Supplying, fitting and fixing Peets valve fullway gunmetal standardpattern best quality of approved brand bearing I.S.I. marking with fittings(tested to 21 kg per sq. cm.). 20 mm dia 95 Supplying, fitting and fixing Peets valve fullway gunmetal standardpattern best quality of approved brand bearing I.S.I. marking with fittings(tested to 21 kg per sq. cm.). 25 mm dia 96 Supplying, fitting and fixing bib cock or stop cockChromium plated Bib Cock short body (Equivalent to Code No. 511& Model - Tropical / Sumthing Special of ESSCO or similar brand 97 Chromium plated angular Stop Cock with wall flange (Equivalentto Code No. 5053 & Model - Florentine of Jaquar or similar brand 98 Supplying P.V.C. water storage tank of approved quality with closed topwith lid (Black) - Multilayer 1500 ltr capacity 99 Labour for hoisting plastic water storage tank 100 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10 litre P.V.C. low-down cistern conforming toI.S. specification with P.V.C. fittings complete,C.I. brackets including twocoats of painting to bracket etc. 101 Labour for punching hole in plastic water storage tank upto 50 mm dia 102 Wash basin vitreous china of approved make (without fittings)supplied,fitted and fixed in position on 75mm X 75 mm X 75 mm woodblocks and C.I. brackets including two coats of painting of C.I. brackets 103 Angle back wash basin 400 mm x 400 mm 104 Supplying, fitting and fixing stainless steel sink complete with wastefittings and two coats of painting of C.I. brackets 530 mm X 430 mm x 180 mm 105 Supplying,fitting and fixing approved brand P.V.C. CONNECTOR whiteflexible, with both ends coupling with heavy brass C.P. nut, 15 mm dia 450 m long 106 Supplying,fitting and fixing approved brand 32 mm dia.P.V.C. waste pipe,with PVC coupling at one end fitted with necessary clamps 900 mm long 107 Supplying, fitting and fixing 15 mm swan neck tap with left & right handoperating nob with aerator (Equivalent to Code No. 510, 510(A) andModel - TROPICAL / SUMTHING SPECIAL of ESSCO or similar brand). 108 CP Pillar Cock - 15 mm. (Equivalent to Code No. 507 & Model -Tropical / Sumthing Special of ESSCO or similar brand 109 Supplying, fitting and fixing with cement jointing (3:1) salt glazedstoneware pipe including excavation of earth upto 1.50 metre depth in allsorts of soil both mixed or unmixed and refilling (but excluding concreting at bottom and sides 110 Supplying, fitting and fixing with cement jointing (3:1) with jute gasket soaked in cement mortar 150 m m 111 Stoneware single T or Y junction 112 Supplying, fitting and fixing C.I. round grating 100 mm 113 Supply of UPVC pipes (B Type) & fittings conforming to IS-13592-1992Single Socketed 3 Meter Length 114 Labour for fitting and fixing upvc pipes for above ground work 115 Labour for fitting and fixing upvc pipes for above ground work 116 Supply of UPVC pipes (B Type) & fittings conforming to IS-13592-1992Single 110 mm 117 door y LHRH 110 mm 118 bend87.5 110 mm 119 door bend110 mm 120 vent cowl 110 mm 121 Supplying, fitting and fixing E.W.C. in white glazed vitreous chinaware ofapproved make complete in position with necessary bolts, nuts etc 122 Supplying, fitting and fixing Squating plate with integral flushing in whitevitreous chinaware of approved make in cement concrete (6:3:1) withjhama chips complete. (Payment of concrete will be paid seperately 123 Supplying, fitting and fixing Closet seat of approved make with lid and C.P.hinges, rubber buffer and brass screws complete 124 Supplying,fitting and fixing 32 mm dia. Flush Pipe of approved make withnecessary fixing materials and clamps complete 125 Supplying, fitting and fixing liquid soap container 126 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality Indian make mirror 5.5 mm thickwith silvering as per I.S.I. specifications supported on fibre glass frame of any colour, frame size 550 mm X 400 mm 127 Supplying, fitting and fixing towel rail with two brackets 450 mm long 128 Constructing Inspection pit of inside measurement 600mm X 600mm X upto 600mm (depth) with 250 mm thick 1st. class brick work in cement mortar (1:4) on all sides, bottom of the pit consisting of 100 mm thick cement concrete (1:3:6) with stone chips over a layer of jhama brick flat soling, 15 mm thick (1:4) cement plaster to inside walls and out-side walls upto G.L. and 20 mm.thick (1:4) plaster to bottom of the pit, providing necessary invert with cement concrete (1:3:6) with stone chips as per direction, neat cement finishing to entire internal surfaces, top of the pit covered with 100 mm thick R.C.C. slab (1:1.5:3) with stone chips and necessary reinforcements upto 1% and shuttering including 6 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) in all external surfaces of the slab and one 560 mm dia. R.C.C. manhole cover of approved make supplied, fitted and fixed in the slab with necessary fittings, necessary earthwork in excavation in all sorts of soil, filling sides of the pit with earth and removing spoils after work complete in all respect with all costs of labour and materials. 129 Construction of circular soak well 2.5 metre deep in all types of sandy soils with dry brick work upto 1.6 metre from the bottom having 150 mm intermediate cement brick work (1:4) band all round and cement brick work (1:4) upto 0.90 metre from top with 20mm thick cement plastering (1:4) to inside face upto the depth of cement brick work, 15mm thick cement plaster (1:4) on outer face from top of the well upto G.L. and 6 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) on top of the R.C.C. cover slab including filling bottom 1.00 metre of inside of the well with brick metal (50 mm to 63 mm size) including R.C.C. cover slab of 100 mm thick with cement conc (1:1.5:3) with stone chips with necessary reinforcement and shuttering including one 560 mm dia. R.C.C. manhole cover (heavy type)of approved make supplied, fitted and fixed in the cover slab with necessary fittings, making nacessary arrangements for pipe connections, excavation of well including shoring, dewatering and removing the exess earth from the premises as per direction complete in all respect with all costs of labour and materials. With 250 mm thick dry brick work and 250 mm thick cement brick work (1:6) and1.00m inside dia. 130 Construction of septic tank of different capacities as per approved drawing with 1st class brick work in cement mortar (1:4) including two 560 mm dia. R.C.C. manhole cover(heavy type)of approved make supplied, fitted and fixed in the 100mm thick R.C.C (1:1.5:3) top slab with necessary fittings, 20mm thick cement plaster (4 : 1) with neat cement finish to the internal surfaces and 15 mm thick cement plaster (4 : 1) to outside wall upto 200 mm below G.L floor finished with 25 mm thick grey artificial stone over 100 mm thick R.C.C(1:1.5:3) bottom slab including supplying, fitting and fixing all necessry specials, fittings, S.W. tees, C.I. foot rest etc. including excavation earth in all sorts of soil, shoring, bailing out and pumping out water as necessary, ramming, dressing the bed and fefilling the sides of the tanks with earth, removing spoils, filling up the chamber with clear water, removing foreign materials from the chamber and including constructing attached inspection pit as per approved drawing and connecting all necessary pipes, joints etc. with internal plaster work and artificial stone flooring is to be done with admixture of water proofing compound @ 0.5% by weight of cement with all costs of labour and materials. Note:- (i) Finished level of Septic Tank should be 400 mm. from Ground Level. (ii) Height of 50 mm. Ventilation pipe &Mosquito proof mesh, should be follwed as per IS:2470,Part- I.Payment will be made separetly on the basis of actual height based on relevant 20 usersWith Pakur variety. (SAIL/TATA/RINL) 131 Cment concrete with graded stone balast40 mm size excluding shuttering in ground floor 132 Labour for boring tube well of required dia. by water jet system throughany type of soil strata including hire and labour charges for boring pipes,scaffolding, tools and plants as necessary and taking out them andlowering pipes, strainers, blind pipe etc. and fitting and fixing the samecomplete including bucket washing and other incidental works in theconnection. The tube well should have a minimum 50 mm gap in betweenthe outside of the tubewell pipe and the bore.For depth upto 150 metreFor depth upto 150 metre for 40 mm dia. Tube well with topenlargement of 80 mm dia. 133 100 mm dia. boring etc. top enlargement 134 Supply of PVC pipes & fittings Schedule 80 (medium duty) conformingto ASTMD - 1785 and threaded to match with GI Pipes as per IS : 1239(Part - I). 50 mm 135 Supply of PVC pipes & fittings Schedule 80 (medium duty) conformingto ASTMD - 1785 and threaded to match with GI Pipes as per IS : 1239(Part - I).100mm 136 Supplying PVC strainer of approved make with adapter conforming toI.S.12818 specifications…50 mm dia 137 Packing the annular space between the outside of the tubewell……. 138 Supplying, fitting and fixing plug of approved make conforming to I.S.specifications 139 Supplying, fitting and fixing steel cutter piece upto 450 mm long withsockets 140 Supply fittimng fixing reducing heavy type reducing socket 141 Supply fitting fixing GI cap 142 Washing and developing tube well with air compressor pump and enginefor 8 (eight) hours continuous pumping per day with necessaryarrangements for testing the yield in gallons per hour with V notchincluding hire and labour charges for all tools and plants and scaffoldingas required 143 Supplying, fitting and fixing gunmetal wheel valve of approved brand andmake tested to 21 kg per sq. cm. (for water lines only 144 Supply of G.I. pipe of TATA make (Above 50mm & upto150 mmlong) 145 Supplying pvc pipes of approved make……32 mm for exposed work 146 Submerssible pump…2 H.P. 147 Lowering, Installation and commissioning of submerssible pump motor set 148 Supply delivery and installtion of submerssible starter panel 149 Supply and delivery and fixing 2.5 sqmm 3 core flat cable… 150 Supplyiing and fixing CI water proof looping cable box 151 Labour for making arrangement for showing verticality 152 Collecting water of sample bactolerigical 153 Supplying 300 mm ms housing 154 ADD GST 18 % 155 ADD CESS 1 % 156 Electrical( including GST CESS )