
Tender For Supply Of Printing And Stationery Articles Items For Financial Year 2023-2024, midnapore-West Bengal

Police Department has published Tender For Supply Of Printing And Stationery Articles Items For Financial Year 2023-2024. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-10-2023. Crockery Item Tenders in midnapore West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Printing And Stationery Articles Items For Financial Year 2023-2024
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Printing And Stationery Articles Items For Financial Year 2023-2024-- 1 Alpin (King) (Good Quality) 2 Appointment Stand (Good Quality) 3 Binder Clip (Big) (2) (Good Quality) 4 Binder Clip (Small) (1) (Good Quality) 5 Binding Register 300 Sheets (Good Quality) 6 Binding Register 100 Sheets (Good Quality) 7 Binding Register 200 Sheets (Good Quality) 8 Binding Register 400 Sheets (Good Quality) 9 Binding Register 500 Sheets (Good Quality) 10 Bodkin (Good Quality) 11 Brown Paper (Good Quality) 12 Card Reader (i-ball) (Good Quality) 13 Compact Disc {C.D. ( R )} (Good Quality) 14 C.D. Marker Pen (Good Quality) 15 Calculator (12 Dizit) ORPAT (Good Quality) 16 Calculator (14 Dizit) ORPAT (Good Quality) 17 Calculator (12 Dizit) Casio (Good Quality) 18 Calculator (14 Dizit) Casio (Good Quality) 19 Candle (Big) (Good Quality) 20 Candle (Small) (Good Quality) 21 Cello Tape 1 (Good Quality) 22 Cello Tape 1/2 (Good Quality) 23 Cello Tape 2 (Brown) (Good Quality) 24 Cello Tape 2 (Good Quality) 25 Channel File Cover - A4Size (Good Quality) 26 Channel File Cover - F.S.Size (Good Quality) 27 Clip Board (Fibre) (Good Quality) 28 Cloth Pasting Envelop-Big Size (F.S.) (Good Quality) 29 Cloth Pasting Envelop -Medium Size (A4) (Good Quality) 30 Cloth Pasting Envelop -Small Size (11 X 5) (Good Quality) 31 Compatible Cartridge05 A (Black) (Good Quality) 32 Compatible Cartridge12 A (Black) (Good Quality) 33 Compatible Cartridge18 A (Black)(Good Quality) 34 Compatible Cartridge19 A (Black) (Good Quality) 35 Compatible Cartridge30 A (Black) (Good Quality) 36 Compatible Cartridge32 A (Black) (Good Quality) 37 Compatible Cartridge 33 A (Black) (Good Quality) 38 Compatible Cartridge34 A (Black) (Good Quality) 39 Compatible Cartridge 36 A (Black) (Good Quality) 40 Compatible Cartridge80 A (Black) (Good Quality) 41 Compatible Cartridge88 A(Black) (Good Quality) 42 Compatible Cartridge110 A (Black) (Good Quality) 43 Compatible Cartridge126 A ( Colour ) (Good Quality) 44 Compatible Cartridge128 A (Colour) (Good Quality) 45 Compatible Cartridge131 A (Colour)(Good Quality) 46 Compatible Cartridge158 A (Black) (Good Quality) 47 Compatible Cartridge201 A (Colour) (Good Quality) 48 Compatible Cartridge210 A (Colour) (Good Quality) 49 Compatible Cartridge 303 (Black) (Good Quality) 50 Compatible Cartridge 416 A (1 Per Set=4 Pc) (Good Quality) 51 ComputerCartridge GT 5810(Colour) (Good Quality) 52 Compatible Cartridge326 (Black) (Good Quality) 53 Compatible Cartridge137 A (Black) (Good Quality) 54 Compatible CartridgeSCX 4521F (Good Quality) 55 Compatible Cartridge436A (Good Quality) 56 Compatible Cartridge328 (Good Quality) 57 Compatible Cartridge337 (Good Quality) 58 Compatible Cartridge158 X (Black) (Good Quality) 59 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 680 (Black) (Good Quality) 60 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 680 (Colour) (Good Quality) 61 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 803(Black) (Good Quality) 62 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 803(Colour) (Good Quality) 63 Compatible Computer Printer Cartridge L220 (Black) (Good Quality) 64 Compatible Printer Cartridge L220 (Colour) (Good Quality) 65 Computer Printer Cartridge LX-300 II (Good Quality) 66 Computer Epson Printer Cartidge LX-310 (Good Quality) 67 Computer Printer Ribbon (Black) (Good Quality) 68 Computer Printer CartridgeHP 678 (Black) (Good Quality) 69 Computer Printer Cartridge HP 678 (Colour) (Good Quality) 70 Computer PaperPart- I( 10X12) (Silverton) (Good Quality) 71 Computer PaperPart -II( 10X 12) (Silverton) (Good Quality) 72 Correcting Pen/Whitener (Good Quality) 73 Cup with Plate (Bone China) (Good Quality) 74 Cup with Plate (La Opala) (Good Quality) 75 D.O. Print Paper (Good Quality) 76 D.V.D ( R ) (Good Quality) 77 D. F.CPaper(8.9 Kg) (Andhra) (Good Quality) 78 Desk Calender Refill (Good Quality) 79 Desk Calender Stand (Good Quality) 80 Double Clip File (Good Quality) 81 Drinking Glass (Good Quality) 82 Drinking Water Bottle (Plastic) 1 Ltr. (Milton) (Good Quality) 83 Drinking Water Bottle (Plastic) 1 Ltr. (Cello) (Good Quality) 84 Duster Cotton (Good Quality) 85 Engagement Pad (Good Quality) 86 Envelope (Brown) (Size- 10X4.5) (Good Quality) 87 Envelope (Brown) (Size- 11X5) (Good Quality) 88 Envelope (Brown) (Size- 5X4) (Good Quality) 89 Envelope (White) (Size- 11X5) (Good Quality) 90 Envelope (for Medicine) (Good Quality) 91 Fax Ribbon (Panasonic ) (Good Quality) 92 Fax Ribbon (Sharp) (Good Quality) 93 Fax Roll (Good Quality) 94 Fevicol(Kg) (Good Quality) 95 Fevicol (22.5 gm tube) (Good Quality) 96 File Cover (Two fold ) (Rupan Yellow) (Good Quality) 97 File Cover (Four fold ) (Rupan Yellow) (Good Quality) 98 Fevi Gum (200 ml) (Lime) (Good Quality) 99 Fevi Gum (60 ml ) (Lime) (Good Quality) 100 Fevi Gum (120 ml) (Lime) (Good Quality) 101 Fevistik (15gm) (Kores) (Good Quality) 102 File Flap (Good Quality) 103 Finger Print Ink Pad (Good Quality) 104 Gems Clips (Good Quality) 105 Glass Lid (Good Quality) 106 Govt. Calander Wooden Frame with Glass (Good Quality) 107 Gum (150 ml) (Kores) (Good Quality) 108 Gum (750 ml) (Kores) (Good Quality) 109 Highlighter Pen (Faber Castell) (Good Quality) 110 HP Computer Paper Cartridge 126 A(Colour) (Good Quality) 111 HP Computer Paper Cartridge 131 A(Colour) (Good Quality) 112 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 05 A (Black) (Good Quality) 113 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 12 A (Black) (Good Quality) 114 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 128A(Colour) (Good Quality) 115 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 201A (Colour) (Good Quality) 116 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 210 A (Black) (Good Quality) 117 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 210 A (Colour) (Good Quality) 118 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 303 (Black) (Good Quality) 119 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 678 (Black) (Good Quality) 120 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 678 (Colour) (Good Quality) 121 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 802(Black) (Good Quality) 122 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 802(Colour) (Good Quality) 123 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 88 A (Black) (Good Quality) 124 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 103 A (Black) (Good Quality) 125 HP Computer Printer Cartridge 158 X (Black) (Good Quality) 126 HP Computer Printer Cartridge Ink Tank 319 X (Liquid Ink) (Good Quality) 127 HP Computer Cartridge 416 A (1 Per Set=4 Pc) (Good Quality) 128 HP Ink Bottle GT 51 (Colour) (Good Quality) 129 HP Ink Bottle GT 52 (Colour) (Good Quality) 130 HP Ink Bottle GT 53 XL (Black) (Good Quality) 131 Khero Binding Register 100 Sheet (Good Quality) 132 Khero Binding Register 200 Sheet (Good Quality) 133 Khero Binding Register 300 Sheet (Good Quality) 134 Khero Binding Register 400 Sheet (Good Quality) 135 Khero Binding Register 500 Sheet (Good Quality) 136 Knife(Good Quality) 137 L- File Cover (Good Quality) 138 Lever Arch File (Good Quality) 139 Marker Pen Permanent (Reynolds) (Good Quality) 140 Memory Card (32 GB) (Good Quality) 141 Memory Card (64 GB) (Good Quality) 142 Memory Card (128 GB) (Good Quality) 143 Memory Card (256 GB) (Good Quality) 144 Note Book (32 Pages ordinary) (Good Quality) 145 Note Book (64 Pages ordinary) (Good Quality) 146 Nylon Bag (Big) (Good Quality) 147 Paper Tray with Clip (Good Quality) 148 Paper Weight (Glass) (Good Quality) 149 Paper Weight (Metal) (Good Quality) 150 Pen Hightec (Pilot- V5) (Black) (Good Quality) 151 Pen Hightec (Pilot- V5) (Red) (Good Quality) 152 Pen Hightec (Pilot- V5) (Blue) (Good Quality) 153 Pen Hightec (Pilot-V7) (Black) (Good Quality) 154 Pen Hightec (Pilot-V7) (Red) (Good Quality) 155 Pen Hightec (Pilot-V7)(Blue) (Good Quality) 156 Pen (Uniball Eye) (Red) (Good Quality) 157 Pen (Uniball Eye) (Blue) (Good Quality) 158 Pen (Uniball Eye) (Black) (Good Quality) 159 Pen (Uniball Eye) (Green) (Good Quality) 160 Pen (Use & Throw) (Agni) (Good Quality) 161 Pen (Use & Throw) (Linc) (Good Quality) 162 Pen (Add Gel) (Good Quality) 163 Pen (Bothside) (Good Quality) 164 Pencil (Apsara) (Good Quality) 165 Pencil Carbon (Kores 320mmx220mm) (Good Quality) 166 Pencil Carbon (Kores 420mmx330mm) (Good Quality) 167 Pencil Eraser (Good Quality) 168 Pencil Sharpner (Good Quality) 169 Pendrive 16 GB (HP) (Good Quality) 170 Pendrive 32 GB (HP) (Good Quality) 171 Pendrive 64 GB (HP) (Good Quality) 172 Pendrive 128 GB (HP) (Good Quality) 173 Pendrive 256 GB (HP) (Good Quality) 174 Pendrive 16 GB (SanDisk) (Good Quality) 175 Pendrive 32 GB (SanDisk) (Good Quality) 176 Pendrive 64 GB (SanDisk) (Good Quality) 177 Pendrive 128 GB (SanDisk) (Good Quality) 178 Pendrive 256 GB (SanDisk) (Good Quality) 179 Photo Paper (Glossy) (A4 Size) (Good Quality) 180 Pin Cushion (Good Quality) 181 Plastic Per Box File Cover (Good Quality) 182 Plastic Cover Transparent ( Big) (Good Quality) 183 Plotter Paper (Billmatrix) (Good Quality) 184 Printer Ink (Epson L360) Per Set (Good Quality) 185 Punching Machine (Double hole) (Good Quality) 186 Punching Machine (Single hole) (Good Quality) 187 Refill Small (Linc) Per 10 Pc. (Good Quality) 188 Round Received Stamp With Date (Good Quality) 189 Round Rubber Stamp(Good Quality) 190 Rubber Stamp (Good Quality) 191 Scale 12 (Fibre) (Good Quality) 192 Scale 12 (Steel) (Good Quality) 193 Scale 18 (Fibre) (Good Quality) 194 Scissors (Big) (Good Quality) 195 Scissors (Small) (Good Quality) 196 Sealing Wax (Good Quality) 197 Secret Documents Carrier (Good Quality) 198 Security Pass Card (Close Proximity Card with Cover and Lace) (Good Quality) 199 Security Pass Card VIP Cover and Lace (Good Quality) 200 Security Pass Cards Jacket and Clip (Good Quality) 201 Self Adhesive Notes Pad (Big) (4 X 3) (Good Quality) 202 Self Adhesive Notes Pad (Medium) (3 X 3) (Good Quality) 203 Self Adhesive Notes Pad (Small) (3 X 3) 3 Cut (Good Quality) 204 Selfinking Stamp (Good Quality) 205 Shorthand Note Book(Good Quality) 206 Sketch Pen(Good Quality) 207 Spoon (Big) (Good Quality) 208 Stamp Ink 120ml (Faber Castell) (Good Quality) 209 Stamp Ink 60ml (Faber Castell) (Good Quality) 210 Stamp Pad (Big) (Kores) (Good Quality) 211 Stamp Pad (Small) (Faber Castell) (Good Quality) 212 Stapler Machine (Kangaro HD-1213 Heavy Duty) (Good Quality) 213 Stapler Machine (Kangaro HDP-1320 Heavy Duty) (Good Quality) 214 Stapler Machine (No. 10) (Kangaro) (Good Quality) 215 Stapler Machine (No. 235-17) (Good Quality) 216 Stapler Machine (No. 24X6) (Kangaro) (Good Quality) 217 Stapler Pin (Kangaro HD-1213 Heavy Duty) (Good Quality) 218 Stapler Pin(Kangaro HDP-1320 Heavy Duty) (Good Quality) 219 Stapler Pin (No. 10) (Kangaro) (Good Quality) 220 Stapler Pin (No. 235-17) (Good Quality) 221 Stapler Pin (No. 24X6) (Kangaro) (Good Quality) 222 Subject Note Book No-5 (Big) (Good Quality) 223 Subject Note Book No-5 (Medium) (Good Quality) 224 Subject Note Book No-5 (Small) (Good Quality) 225 Tag (Good Quality) 226 Thread Ball (Big Size) (Good Quality) 227 Tiffin Plate (Big) (Good Quality) 228 Times Note Book (Big) (Good Quality) 229 Times Note Book (Medium) (Good Quality) 230 Times Note Book (Small) (Good Quality) 231 Towel (60) Bombay Dyeing (Good Quality) 232 Towel (72) Bombay Dyeing (Good Quality) 233 Towel (84) Bombay Dyeing (Good Quality) 234 Towel (For Hand - 24) Bombay Dyeing (Good Quality) 235 Tray(Fibre) (Good Quality) 236 Waste Paper Busket (Open) (Good Quality) 237 Waste Paper Busket with Cover (Good Quality) 238 Water Jug (Plastic) (Good Quality) 239 Water Sponj (Good Quality) 240 White Board (Good Quality) 241 White Board Duster (Good Quality) 242 White Board Marker (Good Quality) 243 Writing Pad 1/4 Size (Good Quality) 244 Writing Pad 1/8 Size (Good Quality) 245 Xerox Paper A4 (70 GSM) (Good Quality) 246 Xerox Paper A4 (100 GSM) (Good Quality) 247 Xerox Paper FS (70 GSM) (Good Quality) 248 Xerox Toner (Konica Minolta ) (Good Quality) 249 Xerox Toner (Samsung 4521F) (Good Quality) 250 Xerox Toner Keyocera Alfa 300 11 (I) (Good Quality) 251 Xerox Toner NPG 51 (Good Quality) 252 Xerox Toner NPG 59 (Good Quality) 253 Xerox Toner Samsung Xpress M-2071 (Good Quality) 254 Xerox Tonner (NPG-28) (Good Quality) 255 Xerox Tonner (Konica Minolta BIZHUB-164) (Good Quality) 256 Xerox Tonner Alfa 3010(I), 3511(I) (Good Quality) 257 Xerox Toner Keyocera (Supremo IK 164C FS 1035/2035/2200) (Good Quality) 258 Absconder Register (100 Sheets) Good Quality 259 Absconder Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 260 Acquitance Roll (100 Sheets) Good Quality 261 Administrative Review Metting Book (Black & White)Good Quality 262 Administrative Review Metting Book (Colour)Good Quality 263 All Arrest Register (Part - I) (100 Sheets) Good Quality 264 All Arrest Register (Part - II) (100 Sheets) Good Quality 265 Appointment Certificate (A4 size - Colour) Good Quality 266 Appointment Certificate (A4 Size - Colour Printing With Lamination) Good Quality 267 Assets statement Form Good Quality 268 Attendence Register (50 Sheets) Good Quality 269 Bill Transit Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 270 Bill Transit Register (100 Sheets) Good Quality 271 Bill Register (200 Sheets) (Khero Binding) Good Quality 272 Bill Register (300 Sheets) (Khero Binding) Good Quality 273 Bill Register (400 Sheets) (Khero Binding) Good Quality 274 Bill Register (500 Sheets) (Khero Binding) Good Quality 275 Bail Bond / PR Bond (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 276 Bail Bond Register (400 Sheets) Good Quality 277 Bill Extract Form 100 Sheets Pad BindingGood Quality 278 Booklet in given format in c/w Trial Monitoring Register 50 Sheets (Board Binding) Good Quality 279 Binding of Book (50 Sheets) Good Quality 280 Binding of Book (100 Sheets) Good Quality 281 Binding of Book (200 Sheets) Good Quality 282 Binding of Book (300 Sheets) Good Quality 283 Binding of Book (400 Sheets) Good Quality 284 Binding of Book (500 Sheets) Good Quality 285 Broadsheet and Road Traffic accident register (300 Sheets) Good Quality 286 Broadsheet and Road Traffic accident register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 287 C Form (100 Sheets in Triplicate) Good Quality 288 C.C. Book (100 pages in Duplicate) Good Quality 289 Certificate (A4 Size) Good Quality 290 Certificate (FS Size) Good Quality 291 C.D. Book u/s 161 Cr.P.C. (100 Sheets) Good Quality 292 C.D. Book u/s 172 Cr.P.C. (100 pages in Duplicate) Good Quality 293 C.D. File Cover Piece (As per sample) Good Quality 294 C.L. Register (50 Sheets)Good Quality 295 C.L. Register (100 Sheets)Good Quality 296 Calculation Sheets of arrear pay (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 297 Car Diary (30 Sheets) (Motorcycle) Good Quality 298 Car Diary (50 Sheets) (Govt. Vehicles) Good Quality 299 Car Diary (50 Sheets) (Hired Vehicles) Good Quality 300 Car index for Police Vehicle Good Quality 301 Cash Account Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 302 Cash Book for Police Office (200 Sheets)Good Quality 303 Cash Book for Police Office (300 Sheets) Good Quality 304 CFSL form (100 Sheets in Triplicate Pad Binding) Good Quality 305 CFSL Register (in Triplicate) (50 Pages) Good Quality 306 Challan Book (25 Sheets in Duplicate) Good Quality 307 Charge Report Form (100 Sheets Pad Binding)Good Quality 308 Charge Sheet / Final Report 1/8 size (100 Sheets) (Witness) Good Quality 309 Charge Sheet / Firnal Report 1/4 size (100 Sheets) (Accused) Good Quality 310 Charge Sheet / Firnal Report (50 Sheets in Triplicate) Good Quality 311 Committed to sessions form (100 sheet Pad Binding) Good Quality 312 Confedential Report Book (100 Sheets) Good Quality 313 Contingent Bill /GI Register(400 Sheets)Good Quality 314 Contingent Bill / GIRegister (100 Sheets)Good Quality 315 Contingent Bill / GI Register(200 Sheets)Good Quality 316 Contingent Bill / GI Register (300 Sheets) Good Quality 317 Contingent Bill / GI Register (500 Sheets) Good Quality 318 Conviction Register (200 Sheets)Good Quality 319 Court Inspector Daily Book (200 Sheets) Good Quality 320 Cover of V.C.N.B.Good Quality 321 Court Inspr. Daliy Book to be Produced before the Magistrate (200 Sheets) Form No. (RR)-23 Good Quality 322 Crime Index (100 Sheets)Good Quality 323 CS/FRT (Court) (100 Sheets) Good Quality 324 Despatch Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 325 Demi Official Book (25 Pages) (Pad Binding) Good Quality 326 Demi Official Book (50 Pages) (Pad Binding) Good Quality 327 Demi Official Book (100 Pages) (Pad Binding) Good Quality 328 Death Gratuity Form (100 Pages) (Pad Binding) Good Quality 329 District Map (AO Size ) per sq. inch Good Quality 330 DO Book (R.O. Office) (300 Sheets) Good Quality 331 DO Book (R.O. Office) 400 Sheets Good Quality 332 DO Book (R.O. Office) 500 Sheets Good Quality 333 DO Book (R.O. Office) 50 Sheets Binding Good Quality 334 DO Book (R.O. Office)100 Sheets Binding Good Quality 335 Binding of DO Book (200 Sheets) Good Quality 336 Binding of DO Book (300 Sheets) Good Quality 337 Binding of DO Book (400 Sheets) Good Quality 338 Binding of DO Book (500 Sheets) Good Quality 339 Drivers CC Book (50 Sheets in Duplicate) Good Quality 340 Duty Register (100 Sheets) Good Quality 341 EL Register (100 Sheets)Good Quality 342 Extract Acquitance Roll (100 Sheets Pad Binding)Good Quality 343 Final Memo book (50 pages in Triplicate) Good Quality 344 FIR Book (50 Sheets in Triplicate)Good Quality 345 Flex / Coloured BannerGood Quality 346 Flex with frameGood Quality 347 Forward Register Book (As per sample) Good Quality 348 FSL Form (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 349 Festival Greetings Card with Cover Good Quality 350 Fuel Slip (50 sheet in Duplicate) Good Quality 351 GD Book (100 Sheets in Duplicate) Good Quality 352 Generator Log Book (50 Sheets in Duplicate)Good Quality 353 GPF Register (300 Sheets)Good Quality 354 GPF Register (400 Sheets) Good Quality 355 GR Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 356 Group Insurance Form (100 Pages) (Pad Binding) Good Quality 357 Gun License Register (50 Sheets) Good Quality 358 Hazat Register (100 Sheets) Good Quality 359 Held Over Register (200 Sheets)Good Quality 360 Held Over Register (100 Sheets)Good Quality 361 History Sheet Part - I Sheet (As per sample) Good Quality 362 History Sheet Part - II Sheet (As per sample) Good Quality 363 History Sheet Part - III Sheet (As per sample) Good Quality 364 History Sheet Part - IV A Sheet (As per sample) Good Quality 365 History Sheet Part - IV Sheet (As per sample) Good Quality 366 History Sheet Part - V Sheet (As per sample) Good Quality 367 House Rent Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 368 House Rent Register (100 Sheets)Good Quality 369 Identification of suspects (100 Sheets) Good Quality 370 Identity Card for security personnelGood Quality 371 Income Tax Statement Form (Sheet)Good Quality 372 Income Tax Register (200 Sheets Board Binding) Good Quality 373 Injury Report (200 Sheets)Good Quality 374 Inspection Memo (100 Sheets with Paginated) Good Quality 375 Inspection Report Book (50 Sheets)Good Quality 376 Inspection Booklet (500 Sheets) (board Binding) Good Quality 377 Inspection Booklet (400 Sheets) (board Binding) Good Quality 378 Inspection Booklet (300 Sheets) (board Binding) Good Quality 379 Inspection Booklet (200 Sheets) (board Binding) Good Quality 380 Inspection Booklet (100 Sheets0 (board Binding) Good Quality 381 Investigation Report (100 Sheets)Good Quality 382 IOB (100 Sheets in Triplicate)Good Quality 383 Issue Voucher of RI Clothing Stores (100 Sheets)Good Quality 384 Issue Voucher of RI Miscellaneous Stores (100 Sheets) Good Quality 385 Issue Register of Forms Section (Rule) (200 Sheets) 386 Jail Parade Register (100 Sheets) Good Quality 387 Zimmanama (100 Sheets) Good Quality 388 Khatian Inspection Register (100 Sheets)Good Quality 389 Land & Building Register (15 Sheets Board Binding) Good Quality 390 Land & Building Register (100 Sheets Board Binding)Good Quality 391 Leaflets (Single Colour) (9/11) Good Quality 392 Leaflets (Coloured)Good Quality 393 Leaflet (Black & White) A-4 Size Good Quality 394 Leaflet (Multi Colour) A-4 Size Good Quality 395 Log Book (26 Pages) Good Quality 396 Laser Book (100 Sheets) Good Quality 397 M.A. Case Register (50 Sheets) Good Quality 398 Malkhana Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 399 Malkhana Register (400 Sheets) Good Quality 400 MAP printingGood Quality 401 Map printing with frameGood Quality 402 Muster Roll (200 Sheets) (Khero Binding)Good Quality 403 Muster Roll (300 Sheets) (Khero Binding)Good Quality 404 Muster Roll (400 Sheets) (Khero Binding)Good Quality 405 Muster Roll (500 Sheets) (Khero Binding)Good Quality 406 MCTP Register (150 Sheet) Good Quality 407 Memo of Arrest (100 Sheets Pad Binding with paginated) Good Quality 408 Missing Person Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 409 M.O.B. (100 Sheets in Triplicate) Good Quality 410 Monthly Cash Account Register (50 Sheets in Duplicate) Good Quality 411 Monthly status Form of Govt. Quarter (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 412 Monthly status Register of Govt. Quarter (Per 200 Sheets) Good Quality 413 Morning Report Book (200 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 414 Morning Report from (100 Sheets Pad Binding0 Good Quality 415 Musketry Firing Practice Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 416 Muster Roll (300 Sheets with hard board leather Binding) Good Quality 417 Muster Roll (400 Sheets with hard board leather Binding)Good Quality 418 Muster Roll (500 Sheets with hard board leather Binding)Good Quality 419 NCR Challan (100 Sheets) Good Quality 420 NCR Register (100 Sheets)Good Quality 421 NGR Register (100 Sheets)Good Quality 422 NGR Register (200 Sheet) Good Quality 423 N E R Book (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 424 Note Sheet (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 425 Note Sheet (50 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 426 Notice (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 427 Order of attachment to Compel (100 Sheets) Good Quality 428 Orderly Room Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 429 O.P.DTicket (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 430 Ordersheet of surrender of accused personGood Quality 431 P & A From (100 Sheets Pad Binding)Good Quality 432 Put-up-Pad with Logo (F.S. Size) Good Quality 433 P.O.L. Slip (100 Sheets)Good Quality 434 P.O.L. Slip (50 Sheets)Good Quality 435 Pay Acquittqnce Roll (100 Sheets with Pad Binding) Good Quality 436 Pay particulars form (100 Sheets)Good Quality 437 PD Book (100 Sheets in Duplicate)Good Quality 438 PM Book (100 Sheets in Duplicate)Good Quality 439 Post Mortem Report (50 Sheets in Triplicate) Good Quality 440 Printing (Colour) (A4 Size Sheet) Good Quality 441 Printing (Colour) (A4 Size Page) Good Quality 442 Printing (Black & White) (A4 Size Sheet) Good Quality 443 Printing (Black & White) (A4 Size Page) Good Quality 444 Printed qualifying certificate of RCsGood Quality 445 Printed SR file cover with 4 Sub filesGood Quality 446 Printed Stock Book register (300 Sheets)Good Quality 447 Printed Stock Book register (200 Sheets)Good Quality 448 Printed visitor slip book (50 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 449 Prisoner diet Bill Book (100 Sheets in Triplicate)Good Quality 450 Proceeding printed file cover Good Quality 451 Process Warrant Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 452 Process Warrant Register (300 Sheets) Good Quality 453 Procession Licence Book in Triplicate (100 Sheets) Good Quality 454 Production of fine realization register (200 Sheets)Good Quality 455 Production Warrant (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 456 Property Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 457 Photocopy of Accident Report FormGood Quality 458 Punishment Register (200 Sheets)Good Quality 459 P.G. Proforma (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 460 Printing Sticker (A4 Size) Good Quality 461 Qualifying Certificate with LaminationGood Quality 462 Risk Allowance Register (300 Sheets) Good Quality 463 Risk Allowance Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 464 Receipt Book for Booking Case Docket (100 Sheets) Good Quality 465 Receipt Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 466 Recovery Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 467 Register of persons convicted in heinous crime (200 Sheets)Good Quality 468 Release order form (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 469 Reward Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 470 R.C. Book of Medical Insurance Good Quality 471 R.C. Book of Medical Insurance Good Quality 472 Received Register (200 Sheets) Good Quality 473 Search/ Seizure List (100 Sheets Pad Binding) Good Quality 474 Session Register (100 Sheets in Duplicate) Good Quality 475 Spiral Binding of Books (Per 100 sheet)Good Quality 476 Spiral Binding of Books (Per 200 sheet)Good Quality 477 Spiral Binding of Books (Per 300 sheet)Good Quality 478 Spiral Binding of Books (25 Pages)Good Quality 479 Spiral Binding of Books (50 Pages)Good Quality 480 Spiral Binding of Books (75 Pages)(Good Quality) 481 S.R. Register (200 Sheets) (Good Quality) 482 Stock and Issue register of RI (500 Sheets) (Good Quality) 483 Stock Book of Departmental Store (50 Sheets) (Good Quality) 484 Stock Book of RI Misc. Store (500 Sheets) (Good Quality) 485 Stock Book of RI Misc. Resgister (300 Sheets) (Good Quality) 486 Service Book New (50 Sheets) (Good Quality) 487 Summon Register (200 Sheets) (Good Quality) 488 Summon to an accused person (100 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 489 Supplementary Charge Sheets Book (200 Sheets) (Good Quality) 490 Schedule-iv form of option (100 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 491 Schedule-v form of I P F (100 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 492 Square Sticker (Good Quality) 493 Spiral Binding of Book (Good Quality) 494 TI Parade Form (100 Sheet Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 495 T.M. Book (100 Sheets) (Good Quality) 496 TA Bill Form (100 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 497 Table Calender (8.5 X 7.5) (Good Quality) 498 TR Challan Form (50 Sheets) (Good Quality) 499 Trial Monitoring Register (200 Sheets) (Good Quality) 500 Trial Monitoring Register (50 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 501 Traffic equipment furniture register(Good Quality) 502 U.D. Case Challan (100 Sheets in Triplicate) (Good Quality) 503 U.D. Case Register (FIR) (50 Sheets in Duplicate)(Good Quality) 504 Un indentified Register (200 Sheets) (Good Quality) 505 V.C.N.B. cover(Good Quality) 506 V.C.N.B. Part 1(Good Quality) 507 V.C.N.B. Part II(Good Quality) 508 V.C.N.B. Part III(Good Quality) 509 V.C.N.B. Part IV(Good Quality) 510 V.C.N.B. Part V(Good Quality) 511 Venyl High Quality versatile printed map with wooden framing by plywood(Good Quality) 512 Visitors Slip Book (50 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 513 Wall Calender (12 X 16) (Good Quality) 514 Warrant for intermediate custody (100 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 515 Warrant of Arrest form (100 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 516 Warrant Register (100 Sheets)(Good Quality) 517 Warrant to search (100 sheet Pad Binding) (Good Quality) 518 Warrant forproduction in a Court (100 Sheets Pad Binding) (Good Quality)

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 23-09-2023 1st Corrigendum Other 04-10-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 40000.0 /-
Tender Value
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