Purchase And Supply Of Orthopedic Appliances 2023-24 , Laying And Jointing Pvc Pipe. Heading , Accomodative Chappal , Accomodative Shoe , Adductor Seperator , Afo ( Medial Arch Support, Medial Wedge, Lateral Wedge, Height Correction, Rubber Sole, Mcr Sole ) , Afo Articulated ( Medial Arch Support, Medial Wedge, Lateral Wedge, Height Correction, Rubber Sole, Mcr Sole ) , Afo Metalic ( Medial Arch Support, Medial Wedge, Lateral Wedge, Height Correction, Rubber Sole, Mcr Sole ) , Ak Prosthesis With Tess Belt ( Hi Tech ) , Below Knee Prosthosis ( Hi Tech ) , Cock Up Splint ( Length-From Tip Of The Middle Finger To Below The Elbow Joints ) , Corrective Accomodative Chappal ( Height Correction, Lateral Wadge, Heel Raise, Medial Arch Support, Medial Wedge, Mcr Sole ) , Corrective Accomodative Shoes ( Height Correction, Lateral Wadge, Heel Raise, Medial Arch Support, Medial Wedge, Mcr Sole ) , Cp Chair ( With Head Support, Adductor Separator, Wheels, Steel / Wooden ) , Ctev Afo , Ctev Shoe , Dynamic Cockup Splint , Elbow Extension Splint , Elbow / Arm Gaitor , Foot Drop Splint , Hip Adductor Seperator , Hkafo ( Medial Arch Support, Medial Wedge, Lateral Wedge, Height Correction, Rubber Sole, Mcr Sole ) , Kafo ( Medial Arch Support, Medial Wedge, Lateral Wedge, Height Correction, Rubber Sole, Mcr Sole ) , Knee Brace , Knee Brace With Joint ( Alimco ) , Knuckle Blender Splint , Leg / Knee Gaitor , Mcr Chappal , Mermaid Splint , Molded Shoe , Spinal Brace ( Scoliosis Brace, Spinal Jacket, Boston Brace ) , Air Bed , Air Cushion , Ankle Excerciser , Balancing Board , Bed Mat , Been Bag , Bolseer Set ( Abduction Pillow ) , Buggies , Cervical Collar , Corner Seat ( With Head Support With Activity Tray And Adductor Seperator ) , Cp Walker , Cp Wheel Chair , Dumbels Set 1 Kg , Dumbels Set 2 Kg , Educational Kit , Elbow Crutches , Folding Commode Chair With Wheels ( Steel ) , Fowler Cot ( Manual Operated Fowler Cot Cascors With Brake, Foldable And Detachable Side Railing, Head And Leg Position Adjustable, Length 81, Width 36, Height 20 ) , Gel Ball , Hallux Valgus Splint , Hand / Finger ( Grip ) Exerciser , Knee Cap , Motorised Wheel Chair , Msid Kit , Parallel Bar , Peanut Ball , Pedal Exerciser , Peg Board , Physio / Therapy Ball , Reclining Wheel Chair , Rollator , Sensory Ball , Shoulder Pully , Shoulder Wheel , Squeezing Ball , Standing Frame -With Head Support With Activity Tray Including Back Support With Cushion , Static Cycle , Supinator Pronation Device , Therapy Mat , Therra Band , Tlm Kit , Walker Paediatric , Walker ( Resiprocal ) , Walker With Wheel ( Resiprocal ) , Walker With Wheel Paediatric , Walking Stick , Walking Stick Quardripod , Walking Stick Tripod , Water Bed , Wedges , Weight Cuff 1 / 2Kg , Weight Cuff 1Kg , Weight Cuff 2Kg , Wheel Chair , Wheel Chair Paediatric , Wrist Circumductor