Carrying Out Various Electric Works On Semi Turn Key Basis For System Augmentation Strengthening Of Infrastructure In The Area Of Eudd I, Mathura Under The Jurisdiction Of Se, Eudc, Mathura- 1 Cartage of following material from Store centre, Mathura to work site. 2 ST Pole/PCC Pole (11/9/8.5 mtr. Long)(Bottom Portion Galvanized) 3 ST Pole Pole (13 mtr. Long)(Bottom Portion Galvanized) 4 630 KVA T/F 5 250 KVA T/F. 6 100 KVA T/F. 7 LT Aerial Bunch conductor. 8 LT XLPE/PVC cable 1cx630/400/240 9 LT XLPE cable of size 3.5x240/185/150/120/70 Sq. mm. 10 33 KV XLPE Cable 3x300 11 11 KV XLPE Cable 3x185/70 12 11 KV XLPE Cable 3x300 13 33 KV VCB 800 A, 750 MVA 14 33 KV Control Panel for Single T/F 15 33 KV Control Panel for Double T/F 16 11 KV Bus Coupler 17 ACSR Dog/Weasel/Ins. Weasel conductor 18 Other line material such as cross arm, MS Bracing Set, MS top channel, bottom channel, Tee-channel with clamp , clamps,Pin Insulator, Disc Insulator nut & bolts,Earth Rod, EARTH wire, V Type X arm, F Bracket, TPMO, Guarding Wire, D.O. Fuse Set etc. 19 Carriage of all above material from work Store Center, Mathura to work site.(Cartage Rates are to filled by bidder) 20 Digging of pit & erection of new single support ST Pole (13/11 mtr. long) including grouting of pole and fixing of all clamps, cross arm, pin/disc insulator & other accessories with providing stone pad as per relevant drawings. Any fabrication if required for above support. 21 Digging of pit & erection of new Four Pole Structure ST Pole (13/11 mtr. long) including grouting of pole and fixing of all Sturucture accessories, clamps, cross arm, pin/disc insulator & other accessories with providing stone pad as per relevant drawings. Any fabrication if required for above support. 22 Digging of pit & erection of new Tri Pole Structure ST Pole (13/11 mtr. long) including grouting of pole and fixing of all Sturucture accessories, clamps, cross arm, pin/disc insulator & other accessories with providing stone pad as per relevant drawings. Any fabrication if required for above support. 23 Digging of pit & erection of new Double Pole Structure ST Pole (13/11 mtr. long) including grouting of pole and fixing of all Sturucture accessories, clamps, cross arm, pin/disc insulator & other accessories with providing stone pad as per relevant drawings. Any fabrication if required for above support. 24 Provinding & fixing of 24 Volt Battery with Battery Charges 25 Providing & Delta Earthing for I/C VCB 26 Earthing of ST/PCC pole/Body earthing of T/F. by M.S earth rod. 27 Providing & fixing of MS Nut, Bolt and Washers 28 Painting of ST pole. 29 Digging of pit & erection of Stay rod with grouting cement sand and brick ballast including Nuzzling, binding Complete. (Stay Insulator providing by contractor) 30 Installation of 33 KV VCB 800 A, 750 MVA 31 Installation of Control Pannel for Single T/F 32 Installation of Control Pannel for Double T/F 33 Supply and Laying of Control Cable 4x2.5 34 Supply and Laying of Control Cable 2x2.5 35 Plinth & Foundation of 33 KV VCB 36 Pipe in Pipe Gel Earthing for 33 KV VCB & Control Panel 37 Suppply and Installation of Vaccume interrupter suitable for different make 11 KV VCB (Panel)1. ABB Make-092. Stelmac Make-093. BHEL Make -094. Biecco Make -095. Crompton Greeves-096. Yamuna Bansion-09 38 Suppply and Installation of Ashida Make (Aditya Series), Numerical microcontrollerbased 4 Pole, 3 O/C + 1E/F IDMTProtection Relay, Type ADR 141AFeatureAuxilary Voltage : 18-250 Volt AC/DC, CT secondary : 1/5 Amp. 39 Sagging of 33/11KV/LT line on Dog/weasel conductor on erected poles. 40 Providing & Sagging of 33 KV Line on Panther conductor on erected poles 41 Laying of AB conductor for LT line on erected poles. 42 Laying of LT XLPE/PVC cable 1cx630/400/240 43 Laying of LT XLPE/PVC cable 3.5cX400/240/150/70 44 Guarding of 33/11KV line. (including G.I. Wire and other related items) 45 Providing & fixing of Guarding Angle for 33/11 KV line 46 Providing & fixing of I Bolt for Guarding 47 Providing & fixing of Aluminium Biding Wire for Guarding 48 Providing & fixing of clamp for guarding angle for 11 KV line 49 Providing & fixing of Earth Wire Clamp 50 Providing & fixing of Danger Board 51 Providing & fixing of Barbed Wire 52 Providing & fixing of Stone Pad 53 Providing & fixing of P.G. Clamp 54 Fixing of 33/11 KV V type Steel Cross Arm 55 Fixing of 11 KV Pin Insulator with pin 56 Fixing of 33 KV Pin Insulator with pin 57 Fixing of Disc Insulator 45 KN & 70 KN (T&C/B&S) 58 Fixing of Disc fitting 45 KN & 70 KN (T&C/B&S) 59 Providing & fixing of 33 KV/ 11 KV F Bracket 60 Providing & fixing of Packing Piece Clamp for 33 KV/11 KV with nut & bolts 61 Providing & fixing of Aluminium Lug 150/240/400/630 62 Providing & fixing of ST Pole Clamp 63 Providing & Connecting Earthing Strip 64 Providing & fixing of Cable Jointing Kit O/D 33 KV 3x300 65 Providing & fixing of Cable Jointing Kit I/D 11 KV 3x70 66 Indoor 67 Outdoor 68 Straight Through 69 Providing & fixing of Cable Jointing Kit I/D 11 KV 3x120 70 Indoor 71 Outdoor 72 Straight Through 73 Providing & fixing of Cable Jointing Kit I/D 11 KV 3x185 74 Indoor 75 Outdoor 76 Straight Through 77 Providing & fixing of Cable Jointing Kit I/D 11 KV 3x300 78 Indoor 79 Outdoor 80 Straight Through 81 Provinding & Fixing of LT H/S Jointing Kit 3.5x240 Straight Through 82 Provinding & Fixing of LT H/S Jointing Kit 3.5x150 Straight Through 83 Provinding & Fixing of LT H/S Jointing Kit 3.5x70 Straight Through 84 Installation of 11/0.4 KV, 630 KVA T/F Mobile Trolley 85 Trolley Structure for 630 KVA T/F with vehicle tyre,rim,coupling,trolly hook,earthing, painting and related accessories with complete job (Accessories shall be provided by Contractor) 86 Providing & Fixing/Installation of A-2 Type LT PanelSupply &Erracetionoffactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminprooffloormounting double door type outdoor application,with M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis shell be detachable type gland plateElectricalcontrolpanelwithTPNMCCBs(FourPole50KAwith thermalmagnaticrelease with Adjustable Over Current and Short Circuit Protection, Ics=100% Icu, suitable for 415 V AC)Switchesandinstrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shallbeseparate and incomming section connecting with proper horizental /vertical busbar and outgoing section cable alley sectionandshall metering with digital multifuncation meter, with inbuilt Selector switches,istrument fuses, red yellow band blue phase indicators in in comming section, currenttransormeretc.The Boardshallhave suitablecapacity electrolyticaluminiumbusbarsas perIS8623insulatedwithheatshrink color codesleevand mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/ DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches entryboxesshallbecompletewithsuitablecable end boxes.The Jobincludesthe disconnecting anddismentling of existing B-1 type distribution panel including of complete replace old burn cables ends and joint new cable with cable jointers, luges, double compression glands,etc new cables will joint as per connected sizes in incoming and outgoing sectionsgrounting ofthe panel boardas per directionsofEngineer-incharge.INCOMING : 400 AmpMCCB1 Noand OUTGOING 250 AMP MCCB 03 NOS, 160 AMP 03 NOS. WITH EXTENDED ROTARY HANDEL,SPREDER SET ,PHASE BARRIER etcTheswitchboardshallbe fabicated with gelvnized primesheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2mm. with C-9 tank process powder coated other conditions also 87 Providing & Fixing/Installation of A-3 Type LT PanelSupply &Erracetionoffactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminprooffloormounting double door type outdoor application,with M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis shall be detachable type gland plateElectricalcontrolpanelwith TPNMCCBs(FourPole50KAwith thermalmagnaticrelease with Adjustable Over Current and Short Circuit Protection, Ics=100% Icu, suitable for 415 V AC)Switchesandinstrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shallbeseparate and incomming section connecting with proper horizental /vertical busbar and outgoing section cable alley sectionandshall metering with digital multifuncation meter, with inbuilt Selector switches,istrument fuses, red yellow band blue phase indicators in in comming section, currenttransormeretc.The Boardshallhave suitablecapacity electrolyticaluminiumbusbarsas perIS8623insulatedwithheatshrink color codesleevand mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/ DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches entryboxesshallbecompletewithsuitablecable end boxes. INCOMING : 630AmpACB- 1 Noand OUTGOING 250 AMP MCCB 5 NOS AND 100 AMP MCCB 2 NOS WITH EXTENDED ROTARY HANDEL,SPREDER SET ,PHASE BARRIER etcTheswitchboardshallbe fabicated with gelvnized primesheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2mm. with c-9 tank process powder coated.The Jobincludesthe disconnecting anddismentling of existing A-3 type distribution panel including of complete replace old burn cables ends and joint new cable with cable jointers, luges, double compression glands,etc new cables will joint as per connected sizes in incoming and outgoing sectionsgrounting ofthe panel boardas per directionsofEngineer-incharge. 88 Providing & Fixing/Installation of A-1 Type LT PanelSupply &Erectionoffactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminprooffloormounting double door type outdoor application, with M.S.Channel Base with bottom and top cable entries shall be detachable type gland plateElectricalcontrolpanelwithTPNACB(65 KA,4Pole Elect draw out , Micro processer Release icu=icw=ics 1sec) with short circuit protectionand TPNMCCBs(FourPole50KAwith thermalmagneticrelease with Adjustable Over Current and Short Circuit Protection, Ics=100% Icu, suitable for 415 V AC)Switchesandinstrument chamber etc. complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shallbeseparate and incoming section connecting with proper horizontal /vertical busbar and outgoing section with cable alley sectionandshall metering with digital multifunction meter with inbuilt Selector switches,instrument fuses, red yellow and blue phase indicators in incoming section, currenttransformeretc.The Boardshallhave suitablecapacity electrolyticaluminumbusbarsas perIS8623insulatedwithheatshrink color codesleeveand mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/ DMC support with detachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches entryboxesshallbecompletewithsuitablecable end boxes. (INCOMING : 1250AmpACB1 Noand OUTGOING 400 AMP MCCB 6 NOS AND 250 AMP MCCB 2 NOS WITH EXTENDED ROTARY HANDEL,SPREDER SET ,PHASE BARRIER etc) Theswitchboardshallbe fabricated with galvanized primesheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2mm. with seven tank process powder coated SWITCHGEAR.The Jobincludesthe disconnecting anddismantling of existing A-1 type distribution panel including of complete replace old burn cables ends and joint new cable with cable jointers, luges, double compression glands, etc new cables will joint as per connected sizes in incoming and outgoing sections, the grounding ofthe panel boardas per directionsofEngineer-incharge. 89 Providing & Fixing/Installation of B-1 Type LT PanelSupply &Erracetionoffactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminprooffloormounting double door type outdoor application,with M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis shell be detachable type gland plateElectricalcontrolpanelwithTPNMCCBs(FourPole50KAwith thermalmagnaticrelease with Adjustable Over Current and Short Circuit Protection, Ics=100% Icu, suitable for 415 V AC)Switchesandinstrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shallbeseparate and incomming section connecting with proper horizental /vertical busbar and outgoing section cable alley sectionandshall metering with digital multifuncation meter, with inbuilt Selector switches,istrument fuses, red yellow band blue phase indicators in in comming section, currenttransormeretc.The Boardshallhave suitablecapacity electrolyticaluminiumbusbarsas perIS8623insulatedwithheatshrink color codesleevand mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/ DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches entryboxesshallbecompletewithsuitablecable end boxes.The Jobincludesthe disconnecting anddismentling of existing B-1 type distribution panel including of complete replace old burn cables ends and joint new cable with cable jointers, luges, double compression glands,etc new cables will joint as per connected sizes in incoming and outgoing sectionsgrounting ofthe panel boardas per directionsofEngineer-incharge.INCOMING : 400 AmpMCCB1 Noand OUTGOING 250 AMP MCCB 03 NOS, 160 AMP 03 NOS. WITH EXTENDED ROTARY HANDEL,SPREDER SET ,PHASE BARRIER etcTheswitchboardshallbe fabicated with gelvnized primesheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2mm. with C-9 tank process powder coated switchgear 90 Providing & Fixing/Installation of B-2 Type LT PanelSupply &Erracetionoffactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminprooffloormounting double door type outdoor application,with M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreis shall be detachable type gland plateElectricalcontrolpanelwith TPNMCCBs(FourPole50KAwith thermalmagnaticrelease with Adjustable Over Current and Short Circuit Protection, Ics=100% Icu, suitable for 415 V AC)Switchesandinstrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shallbeseparate and incomming section connecting with proper horizental /vertical busbar and outgoing section cable alley sectionandshall metering with digital multifuncation meter, with inbuilt Selector switches,istrument fuses, red yellow band blue phase indicators in in comming section, currenttransormeretc.The Boardshallhave suitablecapacity electrolyticaluminiumbusbarsas perIS8623insulatedwithheatshrink color codesleevand mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/ DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches entryboxesshallbecompletewithsuitablecable end boxes. INCOMING : 200 AmpMCCB1 Noand OUTGOING 125 AMP MCCB 6 NOS WITH EXTENDED ROTARY HANDEL,SPREDER SET ,PHASE BARRIER etcTheswitchboardshallbe fabicated with gelvnized primesheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2mm. with c-9 tank process powder.The Jobincludesthe disconnecting anddismentling of existing B-2 type distribution panel including of complete replace old burn cables ends and joint new cable with cable jointers, luges, double compression glands,etc new cables will joint as per connected sizes in incoming and outgoing sectionsgrounting ofthe panel boardas per directionsofEngineer-incharge. 91 Providing & Fixing/Installation of C Type LT PanelDisconeccting and dismentlingof existing C panel and Supply,installation testing commisioning offactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminproof double door typeoutdoor application stand mounting,M.S. Channel Base incliding channel stand with bottom cable entreis The panel boardshall havesuitablecapacity electrolytic alumininum busbars asper IS8623 or above istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on nonhygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMC support. panel shall be completewithsuitablecableendboxes, double compression glands. panel comparment having special provision for internal locking system for stop the electricity theft The panelboard shall be fabricated with gelvnized prime sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. with seven tank process powder coated. panel haveing proper space for connectingincomming and outgoing cable terminations. 92 Providing & Laying of HDPE Pipe 160 mm OD PN-4 PE-80 Grade UV Stabilized HDPE as per IS: 4984 of 6 Meter length 93 Horizontal Drilling underground installation piping HDPE Pipe 160mm dia with minimum depth of pipe 1.2 below surface for double circuit length of line 94 Laying of 33/11 KV XLPE cable in HDPE Pipe/Trench/Double Pole structure/Loop etc. 95 Digging of trench by excavation of earth 0.90/1.5 Mtr. deep put brick on both side, filling of sand & brick on cable & earth ramming and dressing properly with complete job for laying 33/11 KV XLPE cable in trench 96 Laying of U/G LT XLPE Cable 3.5x70/150/240 with complete job 97 Installation of D.O. Fuse Set of 11 KV 98 Supply, install, testing and commisioning of 11 KV 630 Amps 21 KA for 3 Sec. SF6 insulated, one side extesible, outdoor duty 3 way R.M.U. manual operate, in combination of 01 nos. VCB modules (O/G) & 2 Nos. Load BreakerSwitch modules (I/C), CONSITIING OF COPPER BUSBAR in SF6 insulated 304 (Non-Ferrite Non-Magnetic Grade) stainless steel enclosure of thickness 2.5 mm with manometer fixed on the tank. the breaker shall have mechanical ON/OFF indicator with hand Trip device and spring charging, spring relase coil, auxiliary switch of 02 NO +2NC. The HV switchgerar and control gear should be confirming to IEC-62271-100, IEC-62271-200-2003 & IEC-60694-1996. The RMU gas tank should be internal arc tested for 21 KA for 1Second with IAC-AFL classification for gas tank. The complete RMU Should have ingress protection of minimum IP54. The RMU design should support site replaceable HT cable bushing. All the type test certified as per IEC from Third party lab to be submitted. RMU should have :- 01 Nos. micorprocessor based self powered numerical relay with over Current/earth fault & short circuit protection wiht each VCB feeder. - 3Nos. Protection CT Shall be of Burden 2.5 VA, ratio 200/1A, Class of Accuracy class 5P10 for O/C and E/F Protection for each VCB. (CT ration is indicative and may vary during detailed engineering) -1 No. Manometer for each tank-1 Nos. Voltage passage indicator for each feeder. -1 Nos. Fault Passage Indicator for each LBS Module.- Right angle boots for all the feeder Modules- Basic insulation level of complete system shall be 28KV(RMS)/75KV(Peak)- Vacuum Interrupter & RMU Should be of same make for better life cycle optimization. 99 Installation of TPMO of 11 KV 100 Providing and Fabrication of 33 KV Terminal Gantry with complete accessories 101 Concreting of Pole (ST 13 Mtr./11 Mtr.) PCC Pole 102 Installation & Fixing with accessories of 11KV Bus Coupler 103 Provding Accessories for 11 KV bus coupler 1250 Amp. Copper flat with nut & bolt others acc. For connection 02 different I/C 104 Removal of old transformer(160/100/63/25/16 KVA) with all connected accessories from existing double pole. 105 The Construction of new Plinth of Size 5’X5’X4’ aboveground level and one ft. below the ground level for 400/250 KVA transformer 106 Installation of following transformer on Plinth/Double pole with all connecting accessories jumering etc. including carriage of transformers from store centre, Mathura to work site. 107 250 KVA Transformer on Plinth 108 100 KVA Transformer on Double Pole structure 109 Providing and Installation of Tail less unit complete with Structure 110 Construction of M.S angle fencing of size (3M x3M x2M) around the plinth of 400/250 KVA transformer and gap between the M.S angle should not be more than 65mm. 111 Complete Gel earthingof 11/0.4 KV 250/400 Distribution Transformer by digging pits 6” dia upto 3 mtr. deep including chemical filled pipe in between (pipe-in-pipe) ISI mark B Grade & connecting with G.I strip of size 50mm X 6mm with neutral/body of 11/0.4 KV distribution transformer to above pipe-in-pipe (PIP) and filling of chemical crystalline conductive mixture containing highly conductive material around the (pipe-in-pipe) up to 3 Mtr. including making of chamber at the top of the earthing. Other details are as below:-1.Earth pipe material – mild steel, Galvanised.2-Main Electrode diameter – 42.4mm.3-Auxiliary Electrode pipe, Diameter – 76mm.4-Wall Thickness of main Electrode :- 2.6mm.5-Wall thickness of auxiliary Ist whole:- 3.2mm.6- Length of earthing electrode (PIP):- 3 Meter. 112 Road Restoration Kaccha/Pakka 113 Dismantling of single support ST/Rail Pole(13/11/9mtr.) with complete accessories and cartage of material from work site to Store Center, Mathura. 114 Dismantling of HT line and cartage of material from work site to Store Centre, Mathura.