Tender For Balrampur Nagar Palika Parishad Water Supply Re-Organisation Scheme, Distt-Balrampur- 1 CONSTRUCTION OF PUMP HOUSE SIZE (3.60 x 3.00 x 3.00 M) CUM CHLORONATING ROOM (2.80 x 1.50 x 3.00 M)- 3 NOS. AS PER DEPARTMENTAL TYPE DESIGN & DRAWING Zone-II 2 ExcavationofEarthinfoundationinordinarysoil(loam,clayor sand) including lift up to 1.50m and lead upto 50m refilling, watering ramming of excavatedearthinto the trenchesor into space between thebuilding andthesidesof foundationtrenchesor intotheplinth anddisposalofsurplusearthupto50m.formthecentreofthe foundation trenches. 3 Cementconcretewith40mmgaugeapprovedstoneballast, coarsesandandcementintheproportionof8:4:1including supplyofallmaterials,labour,T&Petc.requiredforproper completion of the work. 4 (a) First class brick work in 1:4 cement & coarse sandmortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 5 (b) Same as above in item-3 (A) but for one brick thick wall for super structure. 6 (c) Same as above in item-3 (B) but for 1/2 brick thick wall in 1:4 7 20mm thick damp proof coarse with cement & approved coarsesandinproportionof1:2including5%waterproofing materials or in the proportion as specified by the manufacturer includingsupply of allmaterials,labour,for completionof the work and including curring and shuttering as necessary. 8 RCCworkinlintelin1:2:4cement,coarsesandand20mm gauge approved stone ballast excluding supply fixing in position and binding with wire, centering & shuttering, necessary curing andsupply of allmaterials,labourT&Petc. required for proper completion of work. 9 Same as above in item - 5 but in slab 10 Mild steel or iron work in plain work such as R.C.C. work (when notincludinginoverallrates)wroughttorequiredshapeas necessaryincludingbendingforpropercompletionofwork includingsupply of steel and wastage. 11 Supplyofallmaterialslabour,T&Petc.requiredformaking irondoorandwindowsframeswithgrillsetccompletewith requiredsize(40x40mm)ofangleironI Doorframewindows with grills. 12 Supply and fix 40mm thick ISI marked flush door and window shuttersincludingsupplyandfixingofwoodencleatsand stops and fixing and adjustment of hinges, bolts, locks, Handlesspringsandotherfittingbutexcludingpaintingand supply of fittings. Sal wood 13 25mmthick1:2:4plaincementconcretefloor&appronwith cementcoarsesandand20mmgaugestoneballastlaidin panels, finished with 3mm floating coat of neat or cement and marble dust in ratio 1:5 or as specific over and including 75mm thickbaseconcreteconsistingofcementlocalsandandfirst classbrickballast40mmgaugeinproportionof1:6:12and removingoverlappingofmortaratthejointsof panelsif any andgivinguniformfinishincludingsupplyofallmaterials labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 14 12mm thick plaster with cement mortar 1:4 consisting of cement coarse sand mortar over brick work minimum thicknessnottobelessthan10mmincludingsupplyofall materiallabourT&Petc.requiredforpropercompletionof work. 15 Painting or varnishing of new iron work or new wood work with one coat priming and two coats of approved highgrade enamel paint including supply of all materials labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 16 Whitewashing3coatswithwhitecementincludingsupply of all materials labour T&P etc required for proper completion of the work. 17 Apex Ultima/ Acrylic Exterior/interior paint of approved brand & manufacturer & of required shade on undercoated wall surfacevtogiveanuniformsurfaceoveroneprimercoatof white cement of approved brand after thoroughly brushing and rubbing the surface free from mortar droppings & other foreign matters including prepairing even surface with plaster of paris includingsupplyofallmateriallabourT&Petcrequiredfor proper completion of work. 18 Rolled steel joist fixed in position including cost of joist and all labour in handing and hoisting etc. complete (RS Joist 250mmx125mmx37.3Kg/m) 19 Supplyandfixing100mmdiaACdownpipecompletewith nose,head,bendandgratingwithnecessaryMSclamps 25x3mmfixedwith6mmdianallsandincludingsupplyofall materials,labourT&Petc.requiredforpropercompletionof the work & repair of plaster painting etc. It damaged during the fixing. 20 Supply and fix RCC PrecastJali 21 (i) 30x30 cm. 22 (ii) 40x30 cm 23 SETTLING CHAMBER 1.50m X 1.50 m x1.00m V NOTCH FORBYE PASS ARRANGEMENT OF T.W. AS PER DEPARTMENTAL TYPE DESIGN & DRAWING 24 Repair of Existing Pump House - 11 Nos. 25 I class brick work in 1 : 6 cement and coarse sand mortar in foundation andplintkincludingsupplyofallmaterials,labourTandPetc.requiredfor proper completion of tke work. 26 Dismantlingexistingplasteroverdamage/crackedsurfaceincludingsupply of all materials, labour T8P etc. required for proper completion of tke work. 27 Rackingofjointsofbrickmansonryinwallinexposedsurfacetopoperlyprepare surface for new plaster work including supplyofall materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of tke work. 28 12mmtkickplasterwitkcement8coarsesandmortarin1:1:6overbrick workminimumtkicknessnottobelesstkan12mmfiniskedwitk3mm flotingcoatingof neatcementincludingsupplyof allmaterials, labour T8P etc. required for proper completion of tke work. 29 ?epair for electric fitting 30 ?eparing of floor in P.C.C. 1:2:4 31 First class brick work in 1:4 cement and local sand mortar in super structure including supply of all materials labour T8P etc requiredfor proper completion of For construction of apron 0.6 m wide work. 32 Same as item no. 3 above but 25mm tkick PCC floor laid overbase concreteconsistingofcement,localsandand40mmgaugefirstclassbrick ballast in tke proportion of 1:4:8. For construction of apron 0.6m wide. 33 Supply and fixing of flusk door including supply of all materials, labour T8Petc. required for proper completion of tke work. 34 Supplyandfixangleirondoorckaukkatofsize50mmx50mmx6mmincluding supply of all materials, labour T8P etc. required for proper completion of tke work. 35 1. Door frame (2 Nos.) 36 2. Window frame (4 Nos.) 37 Supplyandfixingof1mmtkickskeetironpanelleddoor/ windowskuttersincludingsupplyandfixingandadjustmentofCleats,stops,kings,locks, bolts, kandles. Spring and otker fittings.( Excluding suplly of fittings). 38 Supply of oxidized iron fittings of approved make for doors and window. 39 11.5 cm string or drip-coarse in 1:6 cement and local sand mortor. 40 Paintingorvarniskingnewironworkinsmallareasornewwoodworkwitk one priming coat and two coats of approved paints or varnisk including supply of all materials labour, T8P etc required for proper completion of work. 41 Whitecementintkreecoatsincludingsupplyofallmaterialslabour,T8P etc required for proper completion of work. 42 ProvidingplasterofPariswallputtyof2mmtkicknessoverplasteredsurface to prepare tke surface even and smootk complete. 43 ApexUltima/AcrylicExterior/interiorpaintofapprovedbrand8 manufacturer8ofrequiredskadeonundercoatedwallsurfacetogivean uniformsurfaceoveroneprimercoatofwkitecementofapprovedbrand after tkorougkly brusking and rubbing tke surface free from mortar droppings8otkerforeignmattersincludingprepairingevensurfacewitk plasterof parisincludingsupplyof allmateriallabourT8Petcrequired for proper completion of work. 44 Supply and fixing 3 mm tkick plain glass in windows including supply of allmaterials labour, T8P etc required for proper completion of work. 45 Supplyandfixingof100mmdiaCIpiperainwaterdownpipewitkclamp etc. 46 RISING MAIN AND BYE PASS ARRANGEMENT FOR ZONE-I, III & V 47 Supply of the following pipes including railway freight, insurance charges F.O.R. etc. complete. 150 mm dia D.I. Class K-9 From Tube wells to OHT including bye pass 48 Supply of the following pipes including railway freight, insurance charges F.O.R. etc. complete. 200 mm dia D.I. Class K-9 From Tube wells to OHT including bye pass 49 Supply of D.I. specials for the above pipe lines 50 Carting,layingandjointingofthefollowingsizesofpipesintothe trenches including cost of all jointing materials, labour and T&P, testing etc. complete. From Tube wells to OHT including bye pass 51 150mm dia 52 200mm dia 53 Earthworkinordinarysoilwithliftupto1.50mandleadupto50m, filling,wateringandrammingofexcavatedearthintothetrenches and disposal of surplus earth upto 50 m. 54 SupplyoffollowingsizesofC.I.D/FsluicevalvesasperI.S.780-1960 testedto10Kg/sqmfixinginpipelinetrenckes,jointingandtesting complete. 55 150mm dia 56 200mm dia 57 CartingofD/Fsluicevalvesoffollowingsizestotkesiteofworks lowering tkem into already prepared trenckes and fixing tkem in positionincludingsupplyof jointingmaterialssuckasboltnut, rubber insertion wkite lead complete witk excluding values and specials requiredbutincludingtketestingetc.completeexcludingvaluesand specials required but including tke testing etc. complete. 58 150 mm dia 59 200 mm dia 60 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P and construction of masonary type chambersaspertypedesignincludingsupplyandmaterials, labour and T&P, testing etc. complete. 61 Provision of Tkrust block 62 150 mm dia 63 200 mm dia 64 Civil work for Rebore Tube well (as per Unit Estimate) 65 DismantlingandreinstatementofBituminous ?oadsurfacesfor lyingofpipelineincludingsortingoutofserviceablematerialsand disposal of unserviceable materials. 66 RENOVATION WORK OF EXISTING OHT 1400 KL CAPACITY /18 M STAGNIG FOR ZONE -1 67 Supply and fixing on ligktening Conductor on O.H.T. witk proper arrangement and alignment including all labour and T8P etc. complete. Thelightening conductorconsistingofanelevationrod,downconductorand earth plate shall confrom witk tke standars as requiredby tke Electircal InspectorofU.P fromtimetotime,Anyamendment,additionetc.suggested or required by tke Electircal Inspector skall be carried out. Water lavel Indicator. Supplyandfixingofwaterlevelindicatorwitksuitablearrangementasper latest I.S. code witk all labour T8P etc. complete. Allexposedsurfaceofstructuretobegiventkreecoatsofapprovedexterior cement paint Berger/ narolac / Asian (Such as apex) to give a smootk and even colour.tkepipesystemofabove apronlevelalongwitktkeclampstobe paintedwitktkreecoatsapproved synthetic paints.includingsupplyofall labour material T8P necessory Scafolding etc. complete. ?epairs8?eplacementofOHTpipes8Specialsincludingalllabour, material etc required for completion of work. Net on top dome went including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. 68 RENOVATION WORK OF EXISTING OHT 1500 KL CAPACITY /18 M STAGNIG FOR ZONE -2 69 Supply and fixing on ligktening Conductor on O.H.T. witk proper arrangement and alignment including all labour and T8P etc. complete. Tke lightening conductorconsistingofanelevationrod,downconductor and earth plate shall confrom witk tke standars as requiredby tke Electircal InspectorofU.Pfromtimetotime,Any amendment,additionetc.suggested or required by tke Electircal Inspector skall be carried out. Water lavel Indicator. Supplyandfixingofwaterlevelindicatorwitksuitablearrangementasper latest I.S. code witk all labour T8P etc. complete. Allexposedsurfaceofstructuretobegiventkreecoatsofapprovedexterior cement paint Berger/ narolac / Asian ( Suck as apex) to give a smootk and even colour.tkepipesystemofaboveaprornlevelalongwitktkeclampstobe paintedwitktkreecoatsapprovedsyntketicpaints.includingsupplyofall labour material T8P necessory Scafolding etc. complete. Repairsof O.H.T. wall, watertigkteingwork includingalllabour,materialetc required for completion of work. Repairs of cracks on concret surfaceof OHT ( Brase, Column, Bottom dom, top Dometc complete) by guniting method including all labour,material extrakolding etc required for completion of work. Repairs8ReplacementofOHTpipes8Specialsincludingalllabour,material etc required for completion of work. Repairs8ReplacementofValves8cartingincludingalllabour,materialetc required for completion of work. Dismentling8reconstructionofInlet,outlet,overflow8waskoutckamber including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. Dismentling8reconstruction (includingraisingoffloreofOHTincludingall labour, material etc required for completion of work. ReplacmentofbotkM.S.Ladder(inner8outer)8MScoverontopdome including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. Provision of medium class K.I. pipe in free roof onstair case, balconey and top dome including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. Provision of safty gate on stair case. Net on top dome went including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. 70 RENOVATION WORK OF EXISTING OHT 1800 KL CAPACITY /18 M STAGNIG FOR ZONE -3 71 Supply and fixing on ligktening Conductor on O.H.T. witk proper arrangement and alignment including all labour and T8P etc. complete. Tkelightening conductor consistingofanelevationrod,downconductorand earth plate shall confrom with the standars as required by the Electircal InspectorofU.Pfromtimeto time, Anyamendment,additionetc.suggested or required by tke Electircal Inspector skall be carried out. Water lavel Indicator. Supplyandfixingofwaterlevelindicatorwitksuitablearrangementasper latest I.S. code witk all labour T8P etc. complete. Allexposedsurfaceofstructuretobegiventkreecoatsofapprovedexterior cement paint Berger/ narolac / Asian ( Suck as apex) to give a smootk and even colour.tkepipesystemofaboveaprornlevelalongwitktkeclampstobe paintedwitktkreecoatsapproved syntheticpaints.includingsupplyofall labour material T&P necessory Scafolding etc. complete. ?epairs8?eplacementofOHTpipes8Specialsincludingalllabour,material etc required for completion of work. Net on top dome went including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. 72 RENOVATION WORK OF EXISTING OHT 1500 KL CAPACITY /18 M STAGNIG FOR ZONE -4 73 Supply and fixing on ligktening Conductor on O.H.T. witk proper arrangement and alignment including all labour and T8P etc. complete. Tkelightening conductorconsistingofanelevationrod,downconductorand earth plate shall confrom witk tke standars as requiredby the Electircal InspectorofU.Pfromtimeto time,Anyamendment, additionetc. suggested or required by tke Electircal Inspector skall be carried out. Water lavel Indicator. Supplyandfixingofwaterlevelindicatorwitksuitablearrangementasper latest I.S.code witk all labour T8P etc. complete. Allexposedsurfaceofstructuretobegiventkreecoatsofapprovedexterior cement paint Berger/ narolac / Asian ( Suck as apex) to give a smootk and even colour.tkepipesystemofaboveaprorn levelalongwitktkeclampstobe paintedwitktkreecoatsapproved synthetic paints.includingsupplyofall labour material T8P necessory Scafolding etc. complete. Repairsof O.H.T. wall, water tigkteingwork includingalllabour,materialetc required for completion of work. Repairs of cracks on concret surfaceof OHT (Brase, Column, Bottom dom, top Dometc complete) by guniting method includingall labour, material extrakolding etc required for completion of work. Repairs8?eplacementofOHTpipes8Specialsincludingalllabour,material etc required for completion of work. Repairs8?eplacementofValves8cartingincludingalllabour,materialetc required for completion of work. Dismentling8reconstructionofInlet,outlet,overflow8waskoutchamber including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. Dismentling8reconstruction (includingraisingoffloreofOHTincludingall labour, material etc required for completion of work. ?eplacmentofbotkM.S.Ladder(inner8outer)8MScoverontopdome including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. Provision of medium class K.I. pipe in free roof on stair case, balconey and top dome including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. Net on top dome went including all labour, material etc required for completion of work. Provision of safty gate on stair case. 74 CONSTRUCTION OF OHT 600 KL CAPACITY /22 M STAGNIG FOR ZONE -5 75 Supply of all the materials, labour T&P for construction of 600 KL capacity/ 22m staging R.C.C. Over head tank (confirming to IS 3370 (part 1) : 2009, IS 3370 (Part 2): 2009, IS 3370 (Part 3) : 1967, IS 3370 (Part 4) : 1967 specification) along with main components, including cost of soil testing. All components of OHT will be casted in M-30 concrete with cement, coarse sand and approved stone grit as per I.S. 11682 and I.S. 456 or its latest revision.Minimum depth of foundation below original ground level will be 2.0 M.Seismic effects and wind load should be taken into consideration as I.S. 1893 for earthquake resistance and I.S. 875 part-III for wind load on structure.The assumed bearing capacity of soil has been taken as 8 M.T. sqm. 1 m wide RCC stair case from ground level to balcony. M.S. ladder made of 50 x 50 x 6 mm angle section and 20 mm plain M.S. bars (specification of M.S. should be as per IS 800-2007) with hand rails of 20 mm medium class G.I. pipes on both sides in three rows from balcony to be top dome resting on an RCC plateform (75 x 75 cm and 10 cm thick) projecting from top ring beam and one alluminimum ladder inside thw tank body (from manhole in top dome to bootom dome).1 m wide RCC balcony around the tank at the junction point of vertical wall and conical wall. Proper R.C.C. railing and 20 mm dia medium class G.I. pipe (in 3 rows) on both sides of stair case, around the balcony at each landing from landing with top ring beam up to manhole on the top dome and at the periphery. The G.I. pipes will be supported on R.C.C. posts of 100 mm dia or on the posts made of 50 x 50 x 6 mm M.S. angle section, spaced at intervals not more than 1.5 m. Proper ventilator at top dome in circular shape of 1.2 m dia along with an R.C.C. cover of minimum 1.50 m dia and 7.5 cm thickness, pillar of ventilator should be minimum 50 cm dia. The space between top dome and R.C.C. cover should be covered with mosquito net of standard quality along with expended mantled jail. Lightening conductor as per I.S.S. 2309 of its latest amendments of latest electricity rules. It should consist proper elevation rod with 5 of more fork points proper down conductors of prescribed mental of proper size prescribed by ISS 2309-1969 and ISS 3013-1966. C.I. manhole of min 60 x 60 cm size made of M.S. channel section with adequate cover made of M.S. sheet of minimum 3 mm thickness hinged with locking arrangement. This manhole should be fixed at top dome at proper place. 76 Supply of fixing, jointing of following size of D.I. D/F pipes with D.I. D/F specials conforming to IS 8329/2000 as vertical pipes for inlet, outlet, overflow and washout as per latest/ relevant I.S. specifications with all jointing materials for proper completion of work including other appurtenant work and excavation in all types of soil. Inletpipe 150 mm (2 Nos), Outlet pipe 200 mm, Overflow pipe 150 mm &Washout pipe 100 mm Supply and fixing of following sizes C.I. D/F sluice valves with Gear opreated as per I.S.S. 700/1969 or its latest pressure 10 kg/sqcm including cartage from its store to the site of work, lowering them into trenches, fixing in position & testing etc. complete.Inletpipe 150 mm - 2 No., Outlet pipe 200 mm (Gear Operated) - 1 No., Washout pipe 100 mm - 1 No. Construction of bed blocks in 1:2:4 PCC with cement, coarse sand and approved stone grit under each duck foot bend to support the vertical pipes. These bed blocks should support on the raft and not on the soil. Construction of Masonary type sluice valve chamber for above sluice valve (3 No.) as per departmental type design and drawing including supply and fixing of 150 mm x 150 mm size C.I. surface box including locking arrangement. Construction of washout/overflow chamber as per departmental type design and drawing. Construction of P.C.C. floor & drain and all other necessary work as per departmental type drawing and design. All exterior surface of OHT to be given three coats of approved exterior cement paint such as Berger/ narolac / Asian/Apex Ultima to give a smooth and even shade including painting of the pipe system above apron level along with the clamps in three coats with approved synthetic paints. including supply of all labour material T & P necessory Scafolding etc. complete. Testing & Commission etc. all complete work. Testing of bearing capacity of soil from a reorganized Govt. Engineering college or as directed by department. 77 LAYING OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM & ITS APPURTENANT WORKS 78 Excavation for pipe line trenches in Ordinary soil,(lime, clay or sand Including lift up to 1.5m and lead up To 50m and refilling, watering, Ramming of excavated earth in to trenches and disposal of surplus earth up to 50 m from the center of the foundation trenches. 79 Supply of the following sizes of pipes confirming to I.S. 4984:1995, I.S.-8329/2000 latest relevant of I.S.S. with couplers etc complete in all respect F.O.R. destination including all taxes and insurance. 80 HDPE Pipe PN-6 (O. D.)PE-100 81 90 mm dia 82 110 mm dia 83 140 mm dia 84 160 mm dia 85 DI Pipe K-7 86 200 mm dia 87 250 mm dia 88 300 mm dia 89 350 mm dia 90 400 mm dia 91 450 mm dia 92 Addition (DI K-7) Pipe for connecting overflow to main supply 93 200 mm dia 94 300 mm dia 95 350 mm dia 96 400 mm dia 97 450 mm dia 98 Supply of Specials for above pipe F.O.R destination including all Taxes and insurance. 99 HDPE Pipe PN-6 (O. D.)PE-100 - 5% of item No. (2.50 to 2.53) 100 DI Pipe K-7 - 10% ofitem No. (2.55 to 2.57) 101 DI Pipe K-7 - 10% of item No. (2.59 to 2.61) 102 Carting from the store (up to 8 Km.) The following sizes of pipe and specials to the site of work lowering them in to trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including jointing, testing of pipeline and including supply of jointing material such as nut & bolts, rubber insertion, white lead etc. complate but excluding cost of trenching and cutting of pipes etc. For making of lengths but including making joints. 103 HDPE Pipe PN-6 (O. D.)PE-100 104 90 mm dia 105 110 mm dia 106 140 mm dia 107 160 mm dia 108 DI Pipe K-7 109 200 mm dia 110 250 mm dia 111 300 mm dia 112 350 mm dia 113 400 mm dia 114 450 mm dia 115 Addition (DI K-7) Pipe for connecting overflow to main supply 116 200 mm dia 117 300 mm dia 118 350 mm dia 119 400 mm dia 120 450 mm dia 121 Supply of following types of fittings including railways freight, cartage up to store, all taxes and duties complete. 122 C.I. Double flanged Sluice /Scour Valves as per I.S. 780/1969 class-1 working pressure 10 Kg/sqm F.O.R Destination including all taxes and insurance. 123 C.I. Double flanged Sluice Valves 124 80 mm 125 100 mm 126 125 mm 127 150 mm 128 200 mm 129 250 mm 130 Scour Valves 131 80 mm dia 132 Air Valves 133 25 mm 134 Fire Hydrants 135 80 mm 136 Carting of following fittings of following sizes to the site of workslowering them into already prepared trenches and fixing them in position including supply of jointing materials such as bolt nut, rubber insertion white lead etc. including testing but excluding supply. 137 C.I. Double flanged Sluice Valves 138 80 mm 139 100 mm 140 125 mm 141 150 mm 142 200 mm 143 250 mm 144 Scour Valves 145 80 mm dia 146 Air Valves 147 25 mm 148 Fire Hydrants 149 80 mm 150 Supply of all materials, labour T&P Etc. required for construction of following chambers as per departmental type design & drawing. 151 Surface Box Type 152 Masonry Type 153 Air Valves 154 Fire Hydrants 155 Thrust Block 156 Dismantling of following type of surface including sorting out and staking of serviceablematerials of disposal of unserviceable materials up to a distance of 50 m. 157 B.O.E. ROAD 60% old bricks 158 Bituminous Road 159 CC Road 160 Inter locking Road 161 Reinstatment of following type of surface including sorting out and staking of serviceablematerials of disposal of unserviceable materials up to a distance of 50 m. 162 B.O.E. ROAD 60% old bricks 163 Bituminous Road 164 CC Road 165 Inter locking Road 166 Crossing of Culvert for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete. 167 Crossing of Road for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. complete. 168 3.5 M wide Road 169 Making interconnection in 90 to 500 mm diaAC/ P.V.C./ HDPE /DI pipesincluding supply, carting of specials, lowering tkemintotranckes,cutting,fixingtkeminproperalignment andjointingincludingballingoutofwater,necessary excavationforconnectionandbarricadingincludingalllabour, T8P etc. required for proper completion of tke work. 170 400 mm to 300 mm 171 400 mm to 200 mm 172 400 mm to 90 mm 173 300 mm to 250 mm 174 300 mm to 200 mm 175 300 mm to 90 mm 176 250 mm to 250 mm 177 250 mm to 200 mm 178 250 mm to 160 mm 179 250 mm to 140 mm 180 250 mm to 90 mm 181 110 mm to 90 mm 182 350 mm to 350 mm 183 350 mm to 250 mm 184 200 mm to 90 mm 185 140 mm to 110 mm 186 140 mm to 90 mm 187 110 mm to 90 mm 188 90 mm to 90 mm 189 350 mm to 300 mm 190 350 mm to 140 mm 191 350 mm to 110 mm 192 350 mm to 90 mm 193 200 mm to 140 mm 194 160 mm to 110 mm 195 250 mm to 110 mm 196 250 mm to 90 mm 197 Making House Connection in distribution line including dismantling of road, supply, carting of specials, Lowering them into trances, fixing them in proper alignment and jointing including bailing out to water, necessary excavation for connection including all labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 198 In B.O.E. Roads 199 For 90 mm to 110 mm dia 200 For 140 mm to 160 mm dia 201 For 200 mm to 250 mm dia 202 For 250 mm to 300 mm dia 203 For 350 mm to 500 mm dia 204 In Bitumin Roads 205 For 90 mm to 110 mm dia 206 For 140 mm to 160 mm dia 207 For 200 mm to 250 mm dia 208 For 250 mm to 300 mm dia 209 For 350 mm to 500 mm dia 210 In C. C. Roads 211 For 90 mm to 110 mm dia 212 For 140 mm to 160 mm dia 213 For 200 mm to 250 mm dia 214 For 250 mm to 300 mm dia 215 For 350 mm to 500 mm dia 216 In C. C. Interlocking tiles Roads 217 For 90 mm to 110 mm dia 218 For 140 mm to 160 mm dia 219 For 200 mm to 250 mm dia 220 For 250 mm to 300 mm dia 221 For 350 mm to 500 mm dia 222 In Earthen Roads 223 For 90 mm to 110 mm dia 224 For 140 mm to 160 mm dia 225 For 200 mm to 250 mm dia 226 For 250 mm to 300 mm dia 227 For 350 mm to 500 mm dia 228 CONSTRUCTION OF BOUNDARY WALL, GATE, SITE DEVELOPMENT & APPROACH ROAD FOR NEW CAMPUSES IN ZONE- 2 229 Provide all materials; labour T&P etc. for the construction of 1.20m high Boundary wall as per departmental type design direction of Engineer-in-charge. 230 Provide all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work and construct pillars as per type design and fixing of gate 3.6 m wide gate and 1.2m wicket gate. 231 Provide all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work and constructInterlocking approach road. 232 Construction of Interlocking edging for approch road as per direction of Engineer-in-charge including all materials, labour T&P etc complete. 233 Provide all materials, labour T8P etc. required for proper completion of work includingleveling,dressingexcavationand fillingofeartkwkerenecessaryfordevelop of water works site including carriage of eartk. 234 Construction of Drain as per type design in all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work inside campous for proper drainage. Size (300 mm x 300 mm). 235 Provision of Lighting in campus as per direction of Engineer-in-charge including all materials, labour T&P etc complete. 236 REPAIRING OF EXISTING BOUNDARY WALL, GATE, SITE DEVELOPMENT & APPROACH ROAD FOR OLD CAMPUS INZONE- 1, 2, 3, 4 237 Provide all materials; labour T&P etc. for the repairing of existing Boundary wall as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 238 Provide all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work and construct pillars as per type design and fixing of gate 3.6 m wide gate and 1.2m wicket gate. 239 Provide all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of work and constructInterlocking approach road. 240 Construction of Interlocking edging for approch road as per direction of Engineer-in-charge including all materials, labour T&P etc complete. 241 CONSTRUCTION OF HALF SET SINGLE ROOMED QUATERS FOR OPERATING STAFF AS PER DEPARTMENTAL TYPE DESIGN 242 Excavationinfoundationinordinarysoil(loan,clay,and / or sand) including lift up to 1.5mand leap up to 50m refilling,watering,andrammingofexcavatedearthinto thetrenchesorintothespacebetweenthebuildingand sides of foundationtrenches,orintotheplinthand disposalofsurplusearthuptoadistanceof50mfromthe center of the foundation trenches. 243 Concretewith40mmgaugebrickballast,coarsesandand cement in proportion of 1:6:12 in foundation including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 244 First class brick work in 1:6 cement and coarse sand mortarinfoundationandplinthincludingsupplyofall materials,labourT&Petcrequiredforpropercompletion of work. 245 25 mm thick damp proof coarse with cement ,stone grit 12mmandcoarsesandin the proportion of 1:1.5:3including approvedwater-proofing materials including supplyofall materials,labourT&Pandtoolsandplantsetcrequiredfor propercompletionofthework. 246 Sandfillinginthefoundationincludingsupplyoflabour,material ,T&P etc . 247 IstClassbrickworkin1:4cementandcoarsesandmortar insuperstructureincludingsupplyofallmaterial,labour, T&P etc required for propercompletion of the work. (Thickness of wall to one brick thick). 248 12mmthickplasterwithcementandcoarsesandmortarin proportionof1:4overbrickwork,minimumthicknessnotbe lessthan10mmincludingsupplyofallmaterialslabour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 249 20mmthickcementplaster,inDadoorskirtingwith cement and coarse sand mortar 1:2 laid in panels and finished with 3mmfloating coat of neat cement or 1:5 cementandmarbledust,includingsupplyofallmaterials, labour ,T&P etc for proper completion of work. 250 Sameas above but inproportion1:4withcement and coarse sand mortar, over ceiling. 251 Struck pointing in cement mortar 1:2 with colouringmaterial to match with the brickwork colour including supply of all materials ,labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 252 R.C.C.workwithCementapprovedCoarsesandand20mm Gaugeapproved stoneballast in the proportion 1:1.5:3inlintelsofdoors,windows&sunshadeexcluding reinforcementanditsbendingbutincludingitsfixingand bindingthesame24BWGwireinpositionwithsupply allmaterials labourT&Petcrequired forproper completion of work. 253 Mildsteelorironworkin RCCorRB work (when not included in overall rates ) brought to requiredshapeasnecessary,includingbendingand supply of steel and wastage for completion of work 254 SupplyandfixingofMSangleironchaukhatsof 40x40x6mmsizeincludingsimoemouldingstraightwork asinchaukhatsandalsosupplyofallmaterials,labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 255 Supplyandfixholdfastindoorsandwindowschaukhats 25cmx50mmx6mm flat iron including their cutting ,moulding, welding to requirwed shape also including othermaterialssuchasnailsandscrewsetcrequiredin all aspect to complete the work. 256 Mild steel grill in windows wrought to required form including supply of labour, steel ,T&P etc for proper completion of work. 257 25 mm thick (1:2:4) plain cement concrete floor with cementcoursesandand20mmgaugestoneballast,laid in panels, finished with 3 mm floating coat of neat cementorcementandmarbledustin ratio1:5as specified,andremovinganyoverlappingormortaratthe jointsofpanelsifanyandgivingthemuniformfinish, includingsupplyofallmaterials,labour,T&Petc. requiredforproper completionofthework.including75 mmthickbaseconcreteconsistingofcement,coarsesand andfirstclassbrickballast40mmgaugeinproportionof 1:4:8 including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 258 Sameasitemno16abovebut40mmthickoverbase concrete consisting of cement, coarse sand and 40 mm gaugefirstclassbrickballastintheproportionof1:4:8. For construction of apron 0.6 m wide. 259 First class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortarinsuperstructureincludingsupplyofallmaterials labour T&P etc required for proper completion of For construction of apron 0.6 m wide work. 260 Supply of 40 mm thick sheesham wood door/window shutters with 9 mm thick Plywood or pressed Wood pannels and fixing Cleats, stops,hinges, locks, bolts, handlers,springandotherfittings.(Excludingsuplyof Fittings). 261 Supply and fixing of oxidized iron fittings of approved make for doors and windows. 262 PaintingorVarnishingnewironworkornewwoodworkwith onecoatprimingand twocoat of approvedpaintorVamishinclduingsupplyofall materials,labourT&Petc.completerequiredforproper completion of the work. 263 White washing in three coat including supply of all materials,labour,T&Petc.completerequiredforproper completion of the work 264 ProvidingplasterofPariswallputtyof2mmthickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 265 Painting with premium acrylic smooth paint with silicon additive of approvedbrandand manufacturesuchasBerger,Apex Ultima, Shalimar,Asian paints &ofrequiredshadeon undecorated wall surface to give an even shade over & includingaprimingcoatwithcementprimerafterthoroughly brushing the surface free from mortardroppings&otherforeignmatters&alsoincluding preparingthesurfaceevenwithwall puttyorapproved syntheticmaterial&sandpaperedsmoothincludingcostof all materials. 266 Provideallmaterial,labour,T&Petc.andconstruct100 mmdiasemicircularC.C.covereddraininclduing rendering the surface smooth with neat cement. 267 Supply of all materials, labour,T&P etc and construct inspection chamber as per type design and drwaing. 268 Supplying,carting,laying,jointing,fixingandtestingof (1/2 -1 inch) CPVC Screwed pipe with specials and fittingsinclduingcuttingholesinmasonryandmaking good the walls, fixing clamps wherever necessary etc. complete including cost of white lead, hemps, oil, etc. 269 Supplyofallmaterial,labour,T&Petcfixingofwater tap required for proper completion of the work. 270 Supplyofallmaterial,labour,T&Petcfixingoffloatvalve required for proper completion of the work. 271 Supplyandfixingof110mmdiaPVCpipefromUtrapto septic tank including supply of all special materials required for proper completion of the work. 272 Provisionforinternalelectrification includingsupplyof all materials, labour, T&P etc. complete. 273 Supplyandfix110mmdiaPVCdownPipewithroseheads,bends,gratingswithnecessaryMSclamps25mmx3mm fixed with walls including supply of150mm long,6mm dia nails including supply of all materials ,labour etc for proper completion of work. 274 20mmthickcementplaster,inDadoorskirtingwith cement and coarse sand mortar 1:2 laid in panels and finished with 3mmfloating coat of neat cement or 1:5 cementandmarbledust,includingsupplyofallmaterials, labour ,T&P etc for proper completion of work. 275 Constructionofseptictankandsoakpitincludingsupply of materials labour etc complete. 276 Supplyandfixofposition500litrecapacity PVC(Sintex or other approved make ) storage tank. 277 Supply and fix indian type latrine seat with U-Trap includingsupplyofallmaterials,labour,T&Petc. required for proper completion of the work. 278 Provision for electrification inside and outside of the quarter. 279 REPAIR OF ONE NO. EXISTING STAFF QUARTER (ZONE-I) 280 IstClassbrickwork in1:4 cementand localsand mortarinsuperstructure includingsupply of all material, labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of the work. (Thickness of wall to one brick thick). 281 12mmthickplasterwithcement&coarsesandmortarin1:1:5overbrick workminimumthicknessnottobelessthan12mmfinishedwith3mm floting coating of neat cement including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 282 Scrapingoldcolorwashingandpreparingthesurfacebyremovingloos material etc. including all labour and T&P etc complete. 283 40mmthickoverbaseconcreteconsistingofcement,localsandand40 mm gauge first class brick ballast in the proportion of 1:4:8. For construction of apron 0.6 m wide. 284 Whitewashinginthreecoatincludingsupplyofallmaterials,labour, T&Petc. complete required for proper completion of the work 285 Providing plaster of Paris wall putty of 2mm thickness overplasteredsurface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete. 286 Apex Ultima/Acrylic Exterior/interior paintof approvedbrand &manufacturer&ofrequiredshadeonundercoatedwallsurfacetogivean uniformsurfaceoveroneprimercoatofwhitecementofapprovedbrand after thoroughly brushing and rubbing the surface free from mortardroppings&otherforeignmattersincludingprepairingevensurfacewith plaster of paris including supply of allmaterial labourT&P etc required for proper completion of work. 287 Supplyandfixingofflushdoorsincludingsupplyofallmaterials,paints,labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 288 Repair for electric fitting 289 Repair for sanitation work 290 Construction of Ground Water Recharge system as per direction of engineer-in-charge. 291 Construction of Master Control Room of size 8mX10m as per direction of engineer-in-charge. 292 Permission from other department. 293 E&M Work - Tubwell related. 294 For Zone- 01 (Rebore Tubewell-01 Nos &Existing Tubewell-01 Nos) 295 Transportation of Rig Machine & its T&P/equipments to the site of work including loading & unloading, baricating, erection & dismantling etc. 296 Transportation of Air Compressor and its T&P including loading & unloading, erection & dismantling etc. 297 Transportation of OP Unit and its T&P including loading & unloading. erection &dismantling etc. 298 Supply including loading & unloading of TW assembly of MSERW pipe. 299 300mm dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1mm thick including with 1 no 300 X 200mm dia M.S reducer 16mm thick, 1 noM.S. well cap 12mm thick ,required M.S. ring 100X12mm thick, M.S. S/I clamp ,T.W. Support (I Section) etc complete in all respect . 300 200mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain /slotted pipe including with required M.S ring 100X12mmthick , 1 noM.S. bail plug , required center guide etc comp in all respect. 301 Drilling of Bore (Including water arrangement) 302 Logging of Bore 303 Drilling of 600mm dia bore from G.L. to 55 m BGL. 304 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 55 m BGL to 100m BGL. 305 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 101m BGL to 165m BGL. 306 Welding and lowering of TW Assembly (including electrodes welding set and generator etc. required for completion of work) as per following : Lowering of 300mm X 200mm dia (tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 150m BGL. 307 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 48 m BGL. 308 Lowering of 200mm die MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 48 m BGL to 100m BGL. 309 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 100m BGL to 150m BGL. 310 Supply of Pea Gravel Size 1.6mm to 4.80mm of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened , washed and proper stacking at site. 311 Development of Tubewell 312 Cutting of T.W. cover by gas cutter, re-welding of T.W. cover by Electric welding after complete development of work. 313 By Air compressor of 250 PSI capacity including T&P, labour and material required for completion of work. 314 Cutting of T.W. cover by gas cutter, re-welding of T.W. cover by Electric welding after complete development of work. 315 By 3 Cusec OP Unit orSutaible capacity including T&P, labour and material required for completion of work. 316 Chemical and bacteriological test 317 Supply, Inatallation, Commissioning & Testing of Pumping Plant,Chlorinating Plant & Stabilizer (For Rebore TW) 318 1800 LPM, 47 m head (or suitable head as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 2900rpm submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) along with Main piping and valves of 150 MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe 30m(or suitable length as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) ,D/F Pipe 1.0m long 01 No.,D/F Pipe 1.5m long 02 No., D/F Bend 01 No., A/F Tee, 01 No., D/F Reflex Valve 1No., Enlarger / Reducer 1 No, Gauges with air line fittings, Earthing material, tool kit, 2 Ton Chain pully block, SCADA Compatable Chlorinating Systeme, Internal Electrification of pump house,Supply & Installation of sutable sizearmoured cable including lugs itc. Complete works & Painting etc. 319 Fully automatic ServoVoltage Stabilizer having(40 KVA or suitable capacity as per actual site requirements and as per direction of Engineer in Charge) fully copper winding 3- phase A.C. Supply 50 Hz.input voltage 90-150 V output voltage 360 - 440 V with T/F oil ,power cable & earthing etc.complete in all respect. 320 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 321 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (150mm) 322 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:150mm 323 Digital Soft starter (30 KW (or suitable size as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 324 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (160 Amps) 325 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter 326 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 327 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 328 Supply, Inatallation, Commissioning & Testing of Pumping Plant,Chlorinating Plant & Stabilizer (For Existing TW) 329 1500 LPM, 46 m head (or suitable head as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 2900rpm submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) along with Main piping and valves of 150 MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe 30m(or suitable length as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) ,D/F Pipe 1.0m long 01 No.,D/F Pipe 1.5m long 02 No., D/F Bend 01 No., A/F Tee, 01 No., D/F Reflex Valve 1No., Enlarger / Reducer 1 No, Gauges with air line fittings, Earthing material, tool kit, 2 Ton Chain pully block, SCADA Compatable Chlorinating Systeme, Internal Electrification of pump house,Supply & Installation of sutable sizearmoured cable including lugs itc. Complete works & Painting etc. 330 Fully automatic ServoVoltage Stabilizer having(40 KVA or suitable capacity as per actual site requirements and as per direction of Engineer in Charge) fully copper winding 3- phase A.C. Supply 50 Hz.input voltage 90-150 V output voltage 360 - 440 V with T/F oil ,power cable & earthing etc.complete in all respect. 331 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 332 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (150mm) 333 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:150mm 334 Digital Soft starter (22 KW (or suitable size as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 335 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (125 Amps) 336 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter 337 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 338 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 339 RequiredEquipment to be installed atOHT Zone-1 340 Motor operated Sluice Valve with Actuator 400 mm Size 341 Electromagnetic Flowmeter of 400 mm Size 342 Cost of Cutting outlet pipe & Installation of Flowmeter of 400 mm. 343 Trial & Run of pumping plant 344 Three Month Trial & Run, handing over of T/W, Pumping plant, accessorieswithSodium hypochloride solution, vehicle, watch & ward . 345 SUPPLY ,INSTALLATION TESTING & COMMISSIONINGOF SCADA FOR Rebore T/W & OHT 346 Fully Automation of T/W through SCADA complete in all respect including mobile based app development and interconnection with MCS and Central Control Room Lucknow. 347 Automation ofOHTincluding automation of interconnected tubewells, Level sensors etc. 348 For Zone- 02(Existing Tubewell-04 Nos) 349 Supply, Inatallation, Commissioning & Testing of Pumping Plant,Chlorinating Plant & Stabilizer (For Existing TW) 350 1300 LPM, 46 to 47 m head (or suitable head as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 2900rpm submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) along with Main piping and valves of 150 MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe 30m(or suitable length as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) ,D/F Pipe 1.0m long 01 No.,D/F Pipe 1.5m long 02 No., D/F Bend 01 No., A/F Tee, 01 No., D/F Reflex Valve 1No., Enlarger / Reducer 1 No, Gauges with air line fittings, Earthing material, tool kit, 2 Ton Chain pully block, SCADA Compatable Chlorinating Systeme, Internal Electrification of pump house,Supply & Installation of sutable sizearmoured cable including lugs itc. Complete works & Painting etc. 351 Fully automatic ServoVoltage Stabilizer having(40 KVA or suitable capacity as per actual site requirements and as per direction of Engineer in Charge) fully copper winding 3- phase A.C. Supply 50 Hz.input voltage 90-150 V output voltage 360 - 440 V with T/F oil ,power cable & earthing etc.complete in all respect. 352 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 353 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (150mm) 354 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:150mm 355 Digital Soft starter (22 KW (or suitable size as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 356 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (125 Amps) 357 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter 358 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 359 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 360 RequiredEquipment to be installed at1500 KL OHT Zone-2 361 Motor operated Sluice Valve with Actuator 350 mm Size 362 Electromagnetic Flowmeter of 350 mm Size 363 Cost of Cutting outlet pipe & Installation of Flowmeter of 350 mm. 364 RequiredEquipment to be installed at400 KL OHT Zone-2 365 Motor operated Sluice Valve with Actuator 200 mm Size 366 Electromagnetic Flowmeter of 200 mm Size 367 Cost of Cutting outlet pipe & Installation of Flowmeter of 200 mm. 368 Trial & Run of pumping plant 369 Three Month Trial & Run, handing over of T/W, Pumping plant, accessorieswithSodium hypochloride solution, vehicle, watch & ward . 370 SUPPLY ,INSTALLATION TESTING & COMMISSIONINGOF SCADA FOR Rebore T/W & OHT 371 Fully Automation of T/W through SCADA complete in all respect including mobile based app development and interconnection with MCS and Central Control Room Lucknow. 372 Automation ofOHTincluding automation of interconnected tubewells, Level sensors etc. 373 For Zone- 03 (New Tubewell-01 Nos &Existing Tubewell-02 Nos) 374 Transportation of Rig Machine & its T&P/equipments to the site of work including loading & unloading, baricating, erection & dismantling etc. 375 Transportation of Air Compressor and its T&P including loading & unloading, erection & dismantling etc. 376 Transportation of OP Unit and its T&P including loading & unloading. erection &dismantling etc. 377 Supply including loading & unloading of TW assembly of MSERW pipe. 378 300mm dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1mm thick including with 1 no 300 X 200mm dia M.S reducer 16mm thick, 1 noM.S. well cap 12mm thick ,required M.S. ring 100X12mm thick, M.S. S/I clamp ,T.W. Support (I Section) etc complete in all respect . 379 200mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain /slotted pipe including with required M.S ring 100X12mmthick , 1 noM.S. bail plug , required center guide etc comp in all respect. 380 Drilling of Bore (Including water arrangement) 381 Logging of Bore 382 Drilling of 600mm dia bore from G.L. to 55 m BGL. 383 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 55 m BGL to 100m BGL. 384 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 101m BGL to 165m BGL. 385 Welding and lowering of TW Assembly (including electrodes welding set and generator etc. required for completion of work) as per following : Lowering of 300mm X 200mm dia (tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 150m BGL. 386 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 48 m BGL. 387 Lowering of 200mm die MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 48 m BGL to 100m BGL. 388 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 100m BGL to 150m BGL. 389 Supply of Pea Gravel Size 1.6mm to 4.80mm of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened , washed and proper stacking at site. 390 Development of Tubewell 391 Cutting of T.W. cover by gas cutter, re-welding of T.W. cover by Electric welding after complete development of work. 392 By Air compressor of 250 PSI capacity including T&P, labour and material required for completion of work. 393 Cutting of T.W. cover by gas cutter, re-welding of T.W. cover by Electric welding after complete development of work. 394 By 3 Cusec OP Unit orSutaible capacity including T&P, labour and material required for completion of work. 395 Chemical and bacteriological test 396 Supply, Inatallation, Commissioning & Testing of Pumping Plant,Chlorinating Plant & Stabilizer (For New TW) 397 1800 LPM, 49 m head (or suitable head as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 2900rpm submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) along with Main piping and valves of 150 MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe 30m(or suitable length as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) ,D/F Pipe 1.0m long 01 No.,D/F Pipe 1.5m long 02 No., D/F Bend 01 No., A/F Tee, 01 No., D/F Reflex Valve 1No., Enlarger / Reducer 1 No, Gauges with air line fittings, Earthing material, tool kit, 2 Ton Chain pully block, SCADA Compatable Chlorinating Systeme, Internal Electrification of pump house,Supply & Installation of sutable sizearmoured cable including lugs itc. Complete works & Painting etc. 398 Fully automatic ServoVoltage Stabilizer having(50 KVA or suitable capacity as per actual site requirements and as per direction of Engineer in Charge) fully copper winding 3- phase A.C. Supply 50 Hz.input voltage 90-150 V output voltage 360 - 440 V with T/F oil ,power cable & earthing etc.complete in all respect. 399 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 400 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (150mm) 401 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:150mm 402 Digital Soft starter (30 KW (or suitable size as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 403 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (200 Amps) 404 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter 405 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 406 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 407 Supply, Inatallation, Commissioning & Testing of Pumping Plant,Chlorinating Plant & Stabilizer (For Existing TW) 408 1600 LPM, 46 & 47 m head (or suitable head as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 2900rpm submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) along with Main piping and valves of 150 MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe 30m(or suitable length as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) ,D/F Pipe 1.0m long 01 No.,D/F Pipe 1.5m long 02 No., D/F Bend 01 No., A/F Tee, 01 No., D/F Reflex Valve 1No., Enlarger / Reducer 1 No, Gauges with air line fittings, Earthing material, tool kit, 2 Ton Chain pully block, SCADA Compatable Chlorinating Systeme, Internal Electrification of pump house,Supply & Installation of sutable sizearmoured cable including lugs itc. Complete works & Painting etc. 409 Fully automatic ServoVoltage Stabilizer having(40 KVA or suitable capacity as per actual site requirements and as per direction of Engineer in Charge) fully copper winding 3- phase A.C. Supply 50 Hz.input voltage 90-150 V output voltage 360 - 440 V with T/F oil ,power cable & earthing etc.complete in all respect. 410 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 411 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (150mm) 412 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:150mm 413 Digital Soft starter (30 KW (or suitable size as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 414 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (160 Amps) 415 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter 416 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 417 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 418 RequiredEquipment to be installed at375 KL OHT Zone-3 419 Motor operated Sluice Valve with Actuator 200 mm Size 420 Electromagnetic Flowmeter of 200 mm Size 421 Cost of Cutting outlet pipe & Installation of Flowmeter of 200 mm. 422 RequiredEquipment to be installed at 1800 KL OHT Zone-3 423 Motor operated Sluice Valve with Actuator 450 mm Size 424 Electromagnetic Flowmeter of 450 mm Size 425 Cost of Cutting outlet pipe & Installation of Flowmeter of 450 mm. 426 Trial & Run of pumping plant 427 Three Month Trial & Run, handing over of T/W, Pumping plant, accessorieswithSodium hypochloride solution, vehicle, watch & ward . 428 SUPPLY ,INSTALLATION TESTING & COMMISSIONINGOF SCADA FOR Rebore T/W & OHT 429 Fully Automation of T/W through SCADA complete in all respect including mobile based app development and interconnection with MCS and Central Control Room Lucknow. 430 Automation ofOHTincluding automation of interconnected tubewells, Level sensors etc. 431 For Zone- 04(Existing Tubewell-03 Nos) 432 Supply, Inatallation, Commissioning & Testing of Pumping Plant,Chlorinating Plant & Stabilizer (For Existing TW) 433 1100 LPM, 46 to 49 m head (or suitable head as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 2900rpm submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) along with Main piping and valves of 150 MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe 30m(or suitable length as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) ,D/F Pipe 1.0m long 01 No.,D/F Pipe 1.5m long 02 No., D/F Bend 01 No., A/F Tee, 01 No., D/F Reflex Valve 1No., Enlarger / Reducer 1 No, Gauges with air line fittings, Earthing material, tool kit, 2 Ton Chain pully block, SCADA Compatable Chlorinating Systeme, Internal Electrification of pump house,Supply & Installation of sutable sizearmoured cable including lugs itc. Complete works & Painting etc. 434 Fully automatic ServoVoltage Stabilizer having(30 KVA or suitable capacity as per actual site requirements and as per direction of Engineer in Charge) fully copper winding 3- phase A.C. Supply 50 Hz.input voltage 90-150 V output voltage 360 - 440 V with T/F oil ,power cable & earthing etc.complete in all respect. 435 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 436 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (150mm) 437 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:150mm 438 Digital Soft starter (15 KW (or suitable size as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 439 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (100 Amps) 440 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter 441 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 442 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 443 RequiredEquipment to be installed at1500 KL OHT Zone-4 444 Motor operated Sluice Valve with Actuator 350 mm Size 445 Electromagnetic Flowmeter of 350 mm Size 446 Cost of Cutting outlet pipe & Installation of Flowmeter of 350 mm. 447 Trial & Run of pumping plant 448 Three Month Trial & Run, handing over of T/W, Pumping plant, accessorieswithSodium hypochloride solution, vehicle, watch & ward . 449 SUPPLY ,INSTALLATION TESTING & COMMISSIONINGOF SCADA FOR Rebore T/W & OHT 450 Fully Automation of T/W through SCADA complete in all respect including mobile based app development and interconnection with MCS and Central Control Room Lucknow. 451 Automation ofOHTincluding automation of interconnected tubewells, Level sensors etc. 452 For Zone- 05(New Tubewell-02 Nos) 453 Transportation of Rig Machine & its T&P/equipments to the site of work including loading & unloading, baricating, erection & dismantling etc. 454 Transportation of Air Compressor and its T&P including loading & unloading, erection & dismantling etc. 455 Transportation of OP Unit and its T&P including loading & unloading. erection &dismantling etc. 456 Supply including loading & unloading of TW assembly of MSERW pipe. 457 300mm dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1mm thick including with 1 no 300 X 150mm dia M.S reducer 16mm thick, 1 noM.S. well cap 12mm thick ,required M.S. ring 100X12mm thick, M.S. S/I clamp ,T.W. Support (I Section) etc complete in all respect . 458 150mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain /slotted pipe including with required M.S ring 100X12mmthick , 1 noM.S. bail plug , required center guide etc comp in all respect. 459 Drilling of Bore (Including water arrangement) 460 Logging of Bore 461 Drilling of 600mm dia bore from G.L. to 55 m BGL. 462 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 55 m BGL to 100m BGL. 463 Drilling of 500mm dia bore from 101m BGL to 165m BGL. 464 Welding and lowering of TW Assembly (including electrodes welding set and generator etc. required for completion of work) as per following : Lowering of 300mm X 200mm dia (tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 150m BGL. 465 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 48 m BGL. 466 Lowering of 150mm die MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 48 m BGL to 100m BGL. 467 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1mm thick from 100m BGL to 150m BGL. 468 Supply of Pea Gravel Size 1.6mm to 4.80mm of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened , washed and proper stacking at site. 469 Development of Tubewell 470 Cutting of T.W. cover by gas cutter, re-welding of T.W. cover by Electric welding after complete development of work. 471 By Air compressor of 250 PSI capacity including T&P, labour and material required for completion of work. 472 Cutting of T.W. cover by gas cutter, re-welding of T.W. cover by Electric welding after complete development of work. 473 By 3 Cusec OP Unit orSutaible capacity including T&P, labour and material required for completion of work. 474 Chemical and bacteriological test 475 Supply, Inatallation, Commissioning & Testing of Pumping Plant,Chlorinating Plant & Stabilizer (For Rebore TW) 476 900 LPM, 50 to 53 m head (or suitable head as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 2900rpm submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ %5 volt, 50 Hz, 3 phase A.C. supply (as per IS 8034-1989) along with Main piping and valves of 150 MM dia 5.4 mm thick M.S. column pipe 30m(or suitable length as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) ,D/F Pipe 1.0m long 01 No.,D/F Pipe 1.5m long 02 No., D/F Bend 01 No., A/F Tee, 01 No., D/F Reflex Valve 1No., Enlarger / Reducer 1 No, Gauges with air line fittings, Earthing material, tool kit, 2 Ton Chain pully block, SCADA Compatable Chlorinating Systeme, Internal Electrification of pump house,Supply & Installation of sutable sizearmoured cable including lugs itc. Complete works & Painting etc. 477 Fully automatic ServoVoltage Stabilizer having(30 KVA or suitable capacity as per actual site requirements and as per direction of Engineer in Charge) fully copper winding 3- phase A.C. Supply 50 Hz.input voltage 90-150 V output voltage 360 - 440 V with T/F oil ,power cable & earthing etc.complete in all respect. 478 CE / UL certified Intelligent smart energy meter 479 Motor OperatedActuator with Sluice Valve (150mm) 480 CE / UL certified Electromagneticflowmeter of size:150mm 481 Digital Soft starter (15 KW (or suitable size as per site condition and direction of engineer in charge) 482 Auto phase reversal unit with inbuilt time delay & enclosure conforming to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC:60947-b-1) (100 Amps) 483 CE / UL certified Hydrostatatic type sub soil water level transmitter 484 CE / UL certified Pressure Transmitter 485 Complete Cabling for tubewell including all power & control cables of all equipment at pumphouse and OHT 486 RequiredEquipment to be installed at600 KL OHT Zone-5 487 Motor operated Sluice Valve with Actuator 200 mm Size 488 Electromagnetic Flowmeter of 200 mm Size 489 Cost of Cutting outlet pipe & Installation of Flowmeter of 200 mm. 490 Trial & Run of pumping plant 491 Three Month Trial & Run, handing over of T/W, Pumping plant, accessorieswithSodium hypochloride solution, vehicle, watch & ward . 492 SUPPLY ,INSTALLATION TESTING & COMMISSIONINGOF SCADA FOR Rebore T/W & OHT 493 Fully Automation of T/W through SCADA complete in all respect including mobile based app development and interconnection with MCS and Central Control Room Lucknow. 494 Automation ofOHTincluding automation of interconnected tubewells, Level sensors etc. 495 SUPPLY ,INSTALLATION TESTING & COMMISSIONINGOF SCADA MCS (MASTER CONROL STATION) FOR ZONE- 01 TO 5 496 SCADA MCS (MASTER CONROL STATION) Complete in all respect.