
Supply Of All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. For Construction Of Over Head Tank (On Turn-Key Basis), Pump House, Staff Quarter, Boundary Wall, Gate, Site Development, Supply Of All For Laying & Jointing Of Rising Main, Distribution System Including All Labou, auraiya-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Supply Of All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. For Construction Of Over Head Tank (On Turn-Key Basis), Pump House, Staff Quarter, Boundary Wall, Gate, Site Development, Supply Of All For Laying & Jointing Of Rising Main, Distribution System Including All Labou. Submission Date for this Tender is 20-10-2023. Tube Well Tenders in auraiya Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Supply Of All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. For Construction Of Over Head Tank (On Turn-Key Basis), Pump House, Staff Quarter, Boundary Wall, Gate, Site Development, Supply Of All For Laying & Jointing Of Rising Main, Distribution System Including All Labou
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Supply Of All Materials, Labour, T&P Etc. For Construction Of Over Head Tank ( On Turn-Key Basis ) , Pump House, Staff Quarter, Boundary Wall, Gate, Site Development, Supply Of All For Laying & Jointing Of Rising Main, Distribution System Including All Labour And T&P Etc. Complete In All Respects And Construction Of Tube Wells Including Plc Scada Automation Of All Tubewells As Per Specifications In Tender Document Complete In All Respect Including Commissioning, Testing, Trial & Run, Defect Liabilities And Handing Over The Complete Works To Auraiya Nagar Palika Parishad Water Supply Reorganization Scheme With Its Appurtenant Works In Auraiya Nagar Palika Parishad At District Auraiya Of Uttar Pradesh.- 1 CIVIL WORKSO.H.T.550 KL/21 Meter StagingSupply of all the materials, labour, T&P etc. complete and construction of a RCC OverHead Tank of 550KL capacity at 20m Staging above ground level including 1.00 m wide PCC apron around with 15cm semicircular PCC drain, One meter wide RCC staircase from ground level up to balcony to top dome and inside the tank body, one meter wide RCC Balcony around the tank at junction point of vertical and conical wall with proper railing of 20mm dia medium quality GI Pipe in three rows on both sides of staircase, balcony and at the top dome and each landing supported on proper ventilator at top dome, water level indicator, lightening conductor as per latest ISS and electricity rules 0.60m dia medium pattern CI manhole cover hinged with locking arrangement supply and fixing and jointing vertical pipes for inlet, outlet overflow and washout with all jointing material for proper completion and other appurtenant works including excavation in all type of soil. Painting of all concrete surface and steel pipe works with three coats of approved quality/weather coat paint. 2 O.H.T.500 KL/21 Meter StagingSupply of all the materials, labour, T&P etc. complete and construction of a RCC OverHead Tank of 500KL capacity at 21m Staging above ground level including 1.00 m wide PCC apron around with 15cm semicircular PCC drain, One meter wide RCC staircase from ground level up to balcony to top dome and inside the tank body, one meter wide RCC Balcony around the tank at junction point of vertical and conical wall with proper railing of 20mm dia medium quality GI Pipe in three rows on both sides of staircase, balcony and at the top dome and each landing supported on proper ventilator at top dome, water level indicator, lightening conductor as per latest ISS and electricity rules 0.60m dia medium pattern CI manhole cover hinged with locking arrangement supply and fixing and jointing vertical pipes for inlet, outlet overflow and washout with all jointing material for proper completion and other appurtenant works including excavation in all type of soil. Painting of all concrete surface and steel pipe works with three coats of approved quality/weather coat paint. 3 REPAIRING RCC OVERHEAD TANKDismantling of OHT Flooring with materials supply of all Labour T&P complete 4 Exacavation for pipeline work in ordinary Soil with lift up to 1.5 M and lead upto 50 M lead 5 Removing Weathered Concrete of O.H.T. Hacked, roughened and clean throughly including Labour T&P etc completeFrom GL upto 3m height 6 3-6m height 7 6-9m height 8 9-12m height 9 12-15m height 10 15-18m height 11 M S Or Iron work in palin work etc complete 12 Supply of apoxy resin for old surface to joint new surface of cement concrete 13 Applying of apoxy resin for old surface to joint new surface of cement concrete 14 Jacketing of Cement Concrete 1:1.5:3 Cement, coarse sand. Stone grit Thickness 60mm Around old coloumn in OHT including labour T&P etc completeBelow GL upto 3m height 15 3-6m height 16 6-9m height 17 9-12m height 18 12-15m height 19 15-18m height 20 Dismantling of inner portion old plaster including disposal debris/dismantaled materials with all labour T&P 21 12mm thick plaster 1:3 cement and coarse sand and water proofing compound chemical over the tank internal wall and bottom dome to remove the leakage and seepage of tank with all material , labour T & P complete capacity 500 KL. 22 Repairing of railing of stair and balcony providing 20mm GI Pipe including changing of old pipe and reflexing new pipe with labour and T&P complete. 23 Repairing and changing of old & damaged manhole cover including its fixing with labour and T&P complete. 24 Repairing the lightening conductor of OHT including fixing ofaluminium strip with column and making proper earthing T&P complete. 25 For repairingOHT required scafolding (Shuttering, centring & shoring etc) with all material, labour T&P complete. 26 Dismantling / Fixing of inlet, outlet, over flow and washout pipe of OHT with all labour T&P complete. 27 Changing of inlet outlet and washout unserviceable sluice valve including dismentling of lod S/V and fixing of new s/v with all labour T&P complete.-350mm Outlet 28 200mm Inlet 29 100mm Washout 30 Sluice valve chamber-350mm Outlet 31 200mm Inlet 32 100mm Washout 33 40mm thick PCC (1:2:4) flooring with cement coarse sand and 20mm gauge stone ballast laid in pannels finished with 3mm thick floaring coat of neat cement over base concrete 75mm thick consisting of cement, lacal sand 40mm brick ballast in 1:4:8 including supply of all material, labour and T&P complete. 34 Painting two coats of approved paint Apex Ultima of varnish including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc required for proper completion of the work in OHT. 35 Supply and fixing of mesh around ventilator of OHT. 36 CI/DI Duckfoot bend 37 Pump House Supply of all materias,labour & T&P and ConstructPump house (3.60m x 3.00m x 3.60m) cum chloronome (1.80m x 1.20m x 3.0m) and bypass chamber as per departmental type design & drawing. 38 RISING MAIN AND BYE PASS ARRANGEMENTExcavationof earth in all type of soil with lift upto 1.5m.and carting of following size & type of pipes from site store tosite of work, lowering the same into the trenches true to the alignment andjointing with the specialsincluding testing of pipe line and also including supply of all materials required specials and all taxes and excise duty etc. and filling of excavated earth in to trenches, watering and ramming etc. required for proper completion of the workExcavation in Ordinary Soil 39 Excavation in soil mixed with moorum, bajri & Pebble etc. 40 Supply, laying, carting of following size & type of pipeline and specials with all jointing material as per IS 8329/2000 or its latest amendments including F.O.R destination and all taxes and insurance etc complete. 150 mm dia class K-7 41 200 mm dia class K-7 42 350 mm dia class K-7 43 Supply ofC.I.D/F sluice valves and carting from site store to site of work and lowering them in already prepared trenches, fixing in to posion and jointing withrequired C.I.specials all taxes & duties etc. required for proper complecetion of work.150 mm diaSluice valve 44 200 mm diaSluice valve 45 350 mm diaSluice valve 46 Supply of all materials, labour &T&P etc. and construction of sluice valve chamber(1.20m x 1.00 m) masonary type as per departmental type design & drawingwith surface box fixed in RCC chamber covers. 47 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. and construction of cement concrete thrust block in 1:2:4 mix at bend and Tee etc of size 1.00m x 1.00m x 0.6m150 mm dia to 400mm dia 48 Distribution SystemExcavationof earth in all type of soil with lift upto 1.5m.and carting of following size of pipes from site store tosite of work, lowering the same into the trenches true to the alignment andjointing with the specialsincluding testing of pipe line and including supply of all materials required specials and all taxes and excise duty etc. required for proper completion of the work and filling of excavated earth in to trenches, watering and ramming etc.Excavation for Ordinary soil. 49 Excavation for soil mixed with kankar, Moorum, Bajri etc. 50 Supply, laying, carting and specials of following type of pipes with all jointing materials such as socket ,rubber gasket as per IS 4985/2000 and IS 1239 (Part -I)/2004 and IS 8329/2000 or there latest amendment includingF.O.R destination and all taxes and insurance etc complete. 90 mm dia HDPE pipes (PE-100) class 6kg/cm² 51 110 mm dia HDPE Pipe (PE-100)6Kgf/cm2 52 140 mm dia HDPE Pipe (PE-100)6Kgf/cm2 53 160 mm dia HDPE Pipe (PE-100)6Kgf/cm2 54 200 mm dia D.I. Pipe Class K-7 55 250 mm dia D.I. Pipe Class K-7 56 300 mm dia D.I. Pipe Class K-7 57 350 mm dia D.I. Pipe Class K-7 58 Supply, carting and fixing of Following C.I.D./F fittings As per IS : 14846 including transportation, taxes, labour & T&P etc with all specials lowering them in to the trenches, fixing in posion and jointing true to alignment and testingrequired for proper completion of the work.80 mm dia 59 100 mm dia 60 125 mm dia 61 150 mm dia 62 200 mm dia 63 250 mm dia 64 300 mm dia 65 350 mm dia 66 Scour Valve 80 mm dia 67 Fire Hydrant80 mm dia 68 CI Single ball type Air Valve 25 mm dia 69 Supply of allmateriallabour & T&P and constructfollowing type chamber as per departmental type design & drawing.Masonary Type 70 Fire Hydrant Chamber 71 Air Valve Chamber 72 Surface Box Type 73 Supply of allmaterialslabour & T&P etc and cross the nala, culverts upto 1.5 to 6.0m wide coming in the alignment and encasing the pipe with m.s. pipes for protection including road cutting etc. 74 Dismentling of following type of road pavements for laying of pipe line & Making House Connection, sorting out and stacking of serviceabe material and disposal of unserviceable material with in a distance of 50m from the centre of trenches, including supply of all material, labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of the workBitumen Road 75 BOE Road 76 C.C. Road 77 Interlocking Road 78 Reinstatement of following type of road pavements for laying of pipe line & Making House Connection, sorting out and stacking of serviceabe material and disposal of unserviceable material with in a distance of 50m from the centre of trenches, including supply of all material, labour & T&P etc. required for proper completion of the workBitumen Road 79 BOE Road 80 C.C. Road 81 Interlocking Road 82 Making house connection with saddle clamp and brass ferrule including 15mm dia GI medium class upto 10m length, HDPE-100-PN 6kgf pipe 20 mm dia and adopterincluding dismantelling of road and excavation & backfill of soil including all material labour T & P etc complete in all dia of distibution system As per departmental drawing.90 mm dia 83 110 mm dia 84 140 mm dia 85 Construction of staff quarter (Single Room Set)including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. all complete as per departmental design & drawings. 86 Construction of Local Control Station Room (SIZE 8.0Mx5.0Mx4.0M)including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. all complete as per departmental design & drawings. 87 Construction of recharge unit including supply of all materials, labour T&P etc. all complete as per departmental design & drawings. 88 Construction of boundary wall around water works and pump houses including supply all Materials, Labour, Tools and Plants etc. complete. 89 Supply & fixing of 3.6 M wide MS Gateincluding fabrication and supply of steel and construction of boundary pillars all complete. 90 Supply & fixing of 1.2 M wide wicket gate including fabrication and supply of steel and construction of boundary pillars all complete. 91 Construction ofInterlocking approach road including supply of all materials, labour, tools and plants etc. complete. 92 E&MDrilling of Borehole for Tubewell construction by DC Rig Machine including tranportation, errection, dismantling of Rig and associated T&P complete in all respect including required all matreials,labour etc.Transportation , erection of rig machine (1x20) 93 Drilling by DC Rig machine up to 65Mtr deep and 600 mm diameter. (65x20) 94 Drilling by DC Rig machinefro 66 Mtr up to 100 Mtr deep and 500 mm diameter. (35x20) 95 Drilling by DC Rig machinefro 101 Mtr up to 200 Mtr deep and 500 mm diameter. (100x20) 96 Drilling by DC Rig machinefro 201 Mtr up to 220 Mtr deep and 500 mm diameter. (20x20) 97 Electric Logging of bore hole by Electric logger. (1x20) 98 Tube Well AssmeblyMS tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain pipe, slotted pipe (as required upto 50% of plains) rings, well cap, bail plug, clamp, reducer, centre guide, support structure etc as required & as per typed design complete in all respect.300 mm diameter(60x20) 99 200 mm diameter(140x20) 100 Lowering of tubewell assemly duly welded including welding electrode and shrouding of pea gravel complete in all respectLowering 300 mm diameter pipe from0Mtr upto 60 Mtr (60x20) 101 Lowering 200 mm diameter pipe from60Mtr upto 100 Mtr (40x20) 102 Lowering 200 mm diameter pipe from101 Mtr upto 200 Mtr (100x20) 103 Development of Tube Well by 350 PSI Air CompressorTransportation,Erection,Dismantling of 350 Psi compressor (1x20) 104 charge of development by 350 Psi compressor(60x20) 105 Development of Tube Well by 2/3 Cusec O.P.UnitTransportation,Erection,Dismantling of 1 cusec O.P.Unit and yield testing (1x20) 106 charge of development by 2/3 cusec O.P.Unit(100x20) 107 Chemical and bacteriological test of water sample. (1x20) 108 Supply of pea gravel (61X20) 109 S.I.T.C. of 1000 LPM, 65 mtr. Head, 25 HP Submersible Pumpset with 150 mm dia 24 meter column pipe NRV, CI D/F Bend 90 degree, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 mtr. Long 2 Nos. and 1 mtr. Long 1 No.), Earthing,P Painting, Tool set, wiring of Pump House, Internal and External, Chain Pulley Block and all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc.(1x8) 110 S.I.T.C. of 1000 LPM, 40 mtr. Head, 15 HP Submersible Pumpset with 150 mm dia 24 meter column pipe NRV, CI D/F Bend 90 degree, CI A/F Tee, D/F Pipe (1.5 mtr. Long 2 Nos. and 1 mtr. Long 1 No.), Earthing,P Painting, Tool set, wiring of Pump House, Internal and External, Chain Pulley Block and all Pumping Plant accessories with nut bolts and rubber packing etc. (1x12) 111 Auto Phase reversal unit / Automatic switch with inbuilt the delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC: 60947-6-1) of following rating:100 Amp Rating 112 150 mm dia (3 Mtr. Long) Heavy Duty Column Pipe. (6x20) 113 Motor Operated Actuator with 150 mm dia Sluice Valve. (2x20) 114 Soft Starter with RS485 Port 400 Volt Class, 22 KW. (1x8) 115 Soft Starter with RS485 Port 400 Volt Class, 15 KW. (1x12) 116 CE/UL Certified 150 mm dia Electromagnetic Flowmeter. (1x20) 117 CE/UL Certified Radar Type Level Transfmitter (1x20) 118 CE/UL Type Pressure Transmitter (1x20) 119 CE/UL approved manufacturers Surge protector for all AC control supplies of all equipments. (1x20) 120 Installation, commissioning & testing of Automation related equipments for tubewells (1x20) 121 Trail run for 3 month period for tubewell (1x20) 122 Automatic Chlorination System SCADA Compatible for tubewell (1x20) 123 Pole mounted solar based LED light (4x20) 124 Supply and installation of servo stablizer of capacity 40 KVA, fully copper winding 3 phase AC Supply 50 Hz, input voltage 240v-500 v and output voltage 415± 1% with complete wiring and earthing. (1x8) 125 Supply and installation of servo stablizer of capacity 25 KVA, fully copper winding 3 phase AC Supply 50 Hz, input voltage 240v-500 v and output voltage 415± 1% with complete wiring and earthing. (1x12) 126 Supply and installation of servo stablizer of capacity 100 KVA, fully copper winding 3 phase AC Supply 50 Hz, input voltage 240v-500 v and output voltage 415± 1% with complete wiring and earthing. (For CWR) 127 Ce & UL Certified PLC/RTU in IP 65 enclosure suitable to communicate with GSM Bases modem unit with CPU And power supply with analog & didital parametrefeaturecas specified forceachtubewell /OHT & stand alone OHT to store and transfer data on GSM backbone, RTU.PLC Designd with logic to tranfer data at multi stations as as specified in tender technical specification sheet. (1x20) 128 GPRS base wireless communication Modem for RTU/PLC capable to tranfer and gather data from remote site to control station, all accessories including with signal anteena for pumping plant and internet charges as specified in tender technical specification sheet. (1x20) 129 CE/UL Certified Intelligent Smart Energy Meter (1x20) 130 Complete cabling for tubewell including all power and control cable of all equipments in pump house and OHT (1x20) 131 Security Survelliance IP Camera (2x20) 132 Supply and Filling of Hypo Chloride Solution for Electromagnetic Dozer 133 VT Pumping Plant :- Supply of2000 LPM, 37 mtr Head,1450 RPM, S.S impeller & shaftWater Lubricated VT Pump set coupled with squirrel cage VHS TEFC 30 HP induction motor (Operating Voltage 415 V + 10%, 3 ph, 50 cycle) with Bowl Assembly Discharge Head, Head Shaft, Strainer and 4.5 mts Column Assembly. 134 MOTOR CONTROL PANNEL :-Supply of M.S. Fabricated Dust and Vermin Proof, Cubical Type, Floor Mounted Control Panel with suitable size capacitor bank compatible to SCADA with RS485 Port consisting as following :-INCOMING :-1 No. M.C.C.B. motorizes & microprocessor based200 Amp capacity.OUTGOING :- (i) 3 Nos. Outgoing Consist of SCADA CompatibleM.C.C.B. microprocessor based 63 Amp Capacity, suitable to operate 30 HP induction motorSoft starter with RS 485 Port- 400 V Class, 22 KW, Rating (ii) 1 No. MCCB 63 Amp (iii) 1 No. MCCB 32 Amp for lighting and fan 135 Auto Phase reversal unit / Automatic switch with inbuilt the delay & enclosure (Confirms to IEC: 60947-1 & IEC: 60947-6-1) of following rating:160 Amp Rating 136 MAIN PIPING AND VALVES :-(FOR CWR)150 mm dia Sluice Valve with Actuator (for Pump) 137 150 mm dia Reflux Valve (for Pump) 138 250 X 150 X 250 mm size C.I.,A/F Tee 139 250 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1 mt. long 140 250 mm M.S. D/F pipe 2 mt. long 141 250 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1.5 mt long 142 250 mm dia C.I.D/F. Bend- 90 degree 143 250 mm size M.S. blind flange 144 250 mm size Sluice Valve with Actuator (for Common Header) 145 Reflux Valve 250 mm Size (for Common Header) 146 250 x 250 x 250 mm CI Tee 147 250 mm dia Sluice Valve with Actuator (for Bye pass) 148 250 mm M.S. D/F pipe 1 mt. long (for Bye pass) 149 Nut bolt and rubber packing for jointing as per requirement 150 Other material such as dismantling joints, reducer in largeras required at the time of installation 151 250mm Size CE/UL Certified Electromagnetic Flowmeters 152 Installation, Testing, Commissioning of VT Pumps with Power Wiring Earthing, Cable Trey including required material for Proper installation. 153 3 Ton / 12 mtr. Lift chain pulley Block with four way motion HOT, Gantry I-section Girder, square rod with travelling trolley. 154 CE/UL Certified Radar type Level Transmiter for OHT 155 CE/UL Certified Pressure transmitter for each pump. 156 CE/UL Certified Surge protector for control panel. 157 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 1 Mtr. X 2 Mtr. (12.5 mm thick). 158 CO2 type Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. 159 Internal & External electrification of Pump House. 160 Tools & Sppanners Complete. 161 Electromegnatic dozzer of suitable capacity SCADA compatible for CWR. 162 Installation, commissioning & testing of Automation related equipments for CWR. 163 Trial run for 3 month period for one CWR. 164 Water works Campus with Solar Panel LED light 165 HT PanelSupplying, installation, testing & commissioning of indoor type floor mounted metal clad, 11 KV VCB panel with 1No. 630 Amp. incoming VCB & 2 Nos 630 Amp. outgoing VCB totally enclosed & fully interlocked, horizontal drawout, horizontal/ vertical isolation type breaker as per IS with all necessory protection and also should be compatible to SCADA operation 166 Supply of 70 Sq.mm size XLPE cable from 11 K.V.UPPCL metering panel to H.T. incoming Panel, and H.T. panel to Transformer. 167 TransformerSupplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 100 KVA, 11/0.44 KV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz, Dyn 11, indoor ONAN type, copper wound transformer with OFF load tap changing arrangement on HV side in steps of +7.5% & -15%, LV side @ 2.5% stapping complete with all accessories i/c first filling of filtered dehydrated oil and confirming to IS 1180-2014 (Part 1 to Part 5) & as per specificationcomplete in all respects as required at site. 168 Supply of LT Panel comprisiing of following details. 02 No. 200 Amp. Incoming MCCB Panel shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked completely and 01 Nos 200 Amp MCCB as Outgoing and 01 Nos 63 Amp Outgoing for Auxiliary Load with motorized and microprocessor based suitable for SCADA and all necessary protection equipments and metering equipment as per requirement. 169 Supply of H.T. Cable end termination joint kit. 170 Complete in all respect. Earthing system shall executed as per IS : 3043 and I.E. rules. 171 Supply of 1.1 KVgrade 95 sq mm 3.5 core PVCinsulated Armored Aluminum cable fromTransformer to L.T. Panel. 172 Installation and commissioning of 11 KV/0.44KV, substations 100 KVA, Transformer including HT Panels and L.T.Panel with cable tray including all labor T&P complete in all respect. 173 Heavy Duty leak proof fire bucket as per IS 2546/1974 174 Fire bucket stand for 6 bucket 175 CO2 type Fire extinguisher ISI mark confirming to IS 15683- 4.5 Kg. 176 Rubber mat for Electrical purpose as per IS 5424. 1 Mtr. X 2 Mtr. (12.5 mm thick). 177 Electrification of Sub-Station (HT Room, LT Room, Metering Room & Transformer Area) 178 Water works Campus with Solar Panel LED light (For CWR) 179 NOC for substation from safety department 180 CE & UL Certified PLC/RTU with redudant CPU & Power supply in IP 65 enclosure sutable to Communicate with GSM based modem unit with redudant CPU & Power Supply with annalog & digital Parameter & features as specified for each CWR/OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone, RTU/PLC designed with logic to transfer sata at muliple stations as specified in tender technical specification. 181 G.S.M./G.P.R.S. based wireless communication with 4G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer & gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in tender technical specification. 182 CE/UL Certified Intelligent Smart Energy Meter. 183 CableComplete cabling for CWR including all power & control cable of all equipments at CWR and OHT (Upto 3 Pumps) 184 Security Survelliance IP Camera 185 CE/UL & BIS Certified industrial grade 65 LED MONITOR with latest configuration as per direction of engineer-in-charge. 186 Desktop/PC with i5/i7 processor for as per direction of engineer-in-charge. 187 CE/UL Certified 3 KVA UPS with batteries as per specification mentioned in technical bid document and as per direction of engineer-in-charge. 188 Full development version of required TAGS SCADA Software for MCS/LCS with coustomization of software for MCS as per requirement as per spec. mentioned in technical bid documents. 189 CE/UL certified local control room PLC with redundant CPU & power supply at LCS in IP 65 enclouser as spec. mentioned in technical bid documents. 190 GSM based wirless/Broadband/Equipment communication system for PLC capable to transfer & received data & gather data from remote sites to control station. All accessories included signal enhancer antenna along with running expences till DLP 191 CE/UL Certified Firewall for network protection. 192 SURGE PROTECTOR FOR ETHERNET communication protection. 193 CE/UL certifeid industrial grade Ethernet Switch. 194 Canon/HP or equivalent Laser Printer 1018 or equivement. 195 Security Surveillance IP camera with recorder. 196 Installation, commissioning & testing including required furniture, A/c etc. 197 Trial run for 3 month period. (For LCS Scada Work)

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 11-10-2023 Critical Date Extension Date 20-10-2023

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 23600 /-
INR 4400000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 43.92 Crore /-
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