
Tender For Biennial Rate Contract For Procurement Of Spares Of Premiumtransmission Make Equipment, raipur-Chhattisgarh

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited has published Tender For Biennial Rate Contract For Procurement Of Spares Of Premiumtransmission Make Equipment. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-09-2023. Vehicle Accessories and Component Tenders in raipur Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Biennial Rate Contract For Procurement Of Spares Of Premiumtransmission Make Equipment

Tender Details

Biennial Rate Contract For Procurement Of Spares Of Premiumtransmission Make Equipment Biennial Rate Contract For Procurement Of Spares Of Premium Transmission Make Equipment , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Chamber#9 , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Filling Plug#22 , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Helicoil Insert#22A , Fluid Coupling - Fcu10.5 - Comp.Assy , Impeller#310110500029,Ref#1, Fcu- 10.5 , Runner#310110500039 Ref#2 For Fcu- 10.5 , Casing Ref#3 #310110500049 For Fcu- 10.5 , Shaft#902010000205 Ref#4 Fcu-10.5 , Shaft Distance Piece#310108000109 Ref#11 , Spigot Ring#720020108075 Ref#13 Fcu-10.5 , Driving Plate#310110500079 Ref18 Fcu10.5 , Driving Boss#720440108018 Ref19 Fcu-10.5 , Filling Plug#310110500059 Ref#22 Fcu10.5 , Runner Half Coupling#720430110044 Ref#23 , Multi Disc Unit#310110500069 Ref#25 10.5 , Output Half Coupling#720030138185 Ref#26 , Fusible Plug#720010108000 Ref#43 Fcu10.5 , O-Ring#720070108030 Ref#61 For Fcu- 10.5 , Dowel (Casing) For Fcu 10.5 , O-Ring#720010110000 Ref#73 For Fcu- 10.5 , Spherical Collar#780090027031 Rf#77,10.5 , Joint Imp/Csg#720040108000 Rf#157,10.5 , Key#310110500099 Ref#202 For Fcu- 10.5 , Bonded Seal#22A For Fcu 10.5 Pembril , Washer Fusible Plug#310110500139 Ref#43A , Gland Assy #8&9 For Fcu 10.5 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Multidisc Unit#25 , :Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Set Screw#28 , Fluid Coupling Fcu-14.5 Comp Pembril , Impeller#310114500019 Ref#1 For Fcu 14.5 , Runner#310114500029 For Fcu-14.5 , Casing#310114500039 Ref#3 For Fcu- 14.5 , Shaft#310114500049 Ref#4 For Fcu- 14.5 , Retaining Plate#310114500149 Ref#7 14.5 , Casing Distance Piece#310114500179 14.5 , Shaft Distance Piece#310114500189 14.5 , Centre Spigot#310114500109 Ref#13 14.5 , Baffle 1.5#310114500089 Ref#15 Fcu- 14.5 , Driving Plate#310114500219 Rf#18 Fcu14.5 , Driving Boss#310114500079 Rf#19 Fcu 14.5 , Filling Plug#771110212000 Rf#22 Fcu 14.5 , Runner Half Cplg#310114500059 Rf#23 14.5 , Multi Disc Unit#310114500209 Rf#25 14.5 , Output Half Cplg#310114500069 Rf#26 14.5 , Screw Gland#720020108025 Rf#28 Fcu 14.5 , Screw Spigot#720020108020 Rf#32 Fcu 14.5 , Fusible Plug#720030138185 Rf#43 Fcu 14.5 , Star Washer#720040208000 Rf#52 Fcu 14.5 , O Ring#60215330790 Ref#61 For Fcu 14.5 , Dowel(Casing)#720070110030 Rf#66 Fcu14.5 , O Ring#602126205200 Rf#73 For Fcu 14.5 , O Ring#602126210200 Ref#74 For Fcu 14.5 , Spherical Collar#720340313035 Rf#77 14.5 , Joint Imp/Csg#780090038042 Rf157 Fcu14.5 , Plain Washer#720040110000 Rf#158 Fcu14.5 , Spring Washer#720040312000 Rf166 Fcu14.5 , Key#720120114050 Ref#202 For Fcu 14.5 , Baffle1.7#310114500099 Ref#15A Fcu 14.5 , Bonded Seal#605100022200 Rf#22A Fcu 14.5 , Washer Fusible Plug#771040109000 Rf#43A , Fc-Pembril-Fcu16.25-Comp Assy , Impeller#1,310116250019,Fcu-16.25 , Runner#2,310116250029,Fcu-16.25 , Casing#3,310116250039,Fcu 16.25 , Shaft#4,310116250049,Fcu-16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Retain Pl#7 , Gland Diaphragm#8,210116253100,Fcu-16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Gland Assy , Casing Distance Piece#10,310114500179 , Shaft Dist.Pc,#11,310114500189,Fcu- 16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Baffle 1.7#15A , Centre Spigot#13,310114500109 Fcu 16.25 , Baffle 1.5#15,310116250089 For Fcu- 16.25 , Driving Bolt#17,720020112025 Fcu- 16.25 , Resilient Driving Disc#18 For Fcu- 16.25 , Driving Boss#19,310114500079,Fcu- 16.25 , Bolt Driving Boss,#20,720440112030,16.25 , Filling Plug,#22,771110212000,Fcu- 16.25 , Bonded Seal#22A,605100022200 Fcu- 16.25 , Runer Half Cplg#23,310114500059,Fcu16.25 , Multi Disc Coupling Bolt#24 Fcu- 16.25 , Multi Disc. Assly #25 Pembril:Fcu16.25 , Outputhalf Cplg#26,310114500069,Fcu16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Hex Head Screw#28 , Locking Washer#32A For Fcu-16.25 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43,720030138185,Fcu 16.25 , Washer#43A,771040109000,Fcu-16.25 , Self Lock Nut#49,720010110000,Fcu- 16.25 , Self Lock Nut#51,720010312000,Fcu 16.25 , Locking Washer#52 For Fcu-16.25 Pembril , O Ring#61,602153307900,Fcu 16.25 , Dowel#66,720070110032 Fcu-16.25 , Self Lock Nut#70,720010112000,Fcu- 16.25 , O Ring #73 For Fcu 16.25,Pembril Make , Circlip#21,720060201042,Fcu-16.25 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Bearing Housing#29 , Hex Head Screw#32,720020108020 Fcu 16.25 , O Ring#74,602126210200 For Fcu 16.25 , Self Lock Nut#76,720010112000 Fcu- 16.25 , Sphrl Collar#77,720340313035,Fcu- 16.25 , Joint Imp/Csg#157,780090042045 Fcu- 16.25 , Plain Washer#158,780090042045 Fcu- 16.25 , Locking Washer#166,720040312000 Fcu16.25 , Joint Imp/CSpigot193,780090009013 16.25 , Key#202,720120114050 Fcu 16.25 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Comp Gland Assy , Pembril:Fcu-16.25:Baffle 1.5-Comp Assy , Fluidcoupling Fcu17.75 Comp Assy Pembril , Impeller#1 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Runner#2 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Shaft#4 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Centre Spigot#13 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Driving Plate#18 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Driving Boss#19 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Filling Plug#22 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Runner Half Coupling#23 Fcu17.75 Pembril , Multi Disc. Assly Pembril:#25 Fcu17.75 , Output Half Coupling#26 Fcu17.75 Pembril , Screw Gland#28 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Screw Spigot#32 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Star Washer(Spigot)#32A Fcu17.75 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fcu 17.75 Pembril , Washer Fusible Plug#43A Fcu17.75 Pembril , Joint Imp/C Spigot#193,Fcu- 17.75,Pembril , Key#202, Fcu-17.75, Pembril , Spherical Collar#77, Fcu-17.75, Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-17.75:Comp Gland Assy , Fluid Coupling Pembril-Fcu20 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Runner#2 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Casing#3 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Shaft#4 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Driving Plate , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Driving Boss , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Filling Plg#22 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Runner Half Coupling , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Multi Disc Unit , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:O/P Half Coupling , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Screw Gland#28 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Screw Spigot#32 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Waher+Fusible Plug#43 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Star Washer#52 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Spherical Collar#77 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Washer#158 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Washer#177 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Spigot #193 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Diaphragm , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Runner Half Coupling , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Comp Gland Assy , Fluid Coupling#Fcu-23 Comp Assy Pembril , Ball Bearing Housing#29 Fcu-23 Pembril , Resilient Plate#18 Fcu-23 Pembril , Diaphragm#9 Fcu-23 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fcu-23 Pembril , Filling Plug#22 Fcu-23 Pembril , Bonded Seal#22A Fcu-23 Pembril , Washer Fusible Plug#43A Fcu-23 Pembril , Runner Half Coupling#23 Fcu-23 Pembril , Driving Boss Bolt#20,Cplg- Pembril:Fcu-23 , Self Locking Nut For Fc:Fcu-23; Pembril , Spherical Collar For Fc:Fcu-23; Pembril , Plain Washer#177 For Fc:Fcu-23; Pembril , Multi Discount Cplg Bolt For Fc: Fcu-23 , O/P Half Coupling#26,For Fcu-23; Pembril , Roller Brg Housing For Fc:Fcu- 23;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-23:Comp Gland Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-23:Multi Disc Assy , Fluid Coupling Assy.: Fcu-26; Pembril , Impeller For Fluid Couplg-Fcu- 26;Pembril , Runner Half Couplg#23,For Fcu- 26;Pembril , Multi Disc Unit#25,For Fcu-26; Pembril , Output Half Couplg#20,For Fcu- 26;Pembril , Screw Gland#28,For Fcu-26; Pembril , Screw Spigot#32,For Fcu-26; Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Star Washer Gland#52 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Spherical Collar#77,For Fcu-26; Pembril , Plain Washer#177,For Fcu-26; Pembril , Star Washer Spigot#32A,For Fcu- 26;Pembrl , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-26:Comp Gland Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-29:Fusible Plug , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-29:Comp Gland Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-32:Resilient Driving Disc , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-32:Fusible Plug , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-32:Spherical Collar , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-41:Fusible Plug# 43 , Fluid Coupling:Htc 370 Comp Assy Pembril , Shaft#4 Fc:Htc 370 Pembril , Flexible Coupling#13 Fc:Htc370 Pembril , Rubber Bush(1 St)#13A Fc:Htc 370 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Back Casing#2 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Scoop Casing#3 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Impeller#4 , Impellr.Brg.Sleeve For Fc- Pst530;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Runner#30 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Baffle Runner #31 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Suction Strainer , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Scoop Housing , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Seal#92A , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Bonded Seal#92C , Scoop Tube-Ccw Rotation, Pembril- Pst530 , Scoop Tube-Cw Rotation, Pst:530; Pembril , Scoop Dischrg Collectr- Ccw,Pst530;Pmbril , Scoop Collectr-Cw,For Fc:Pst- 530;Pembril , Rod End Brg-Female For Fc- Pst530;Pembril , Rod End Brg-Male,For Fc:Pst-530; Pembril , Scoop Operating Shaft#130,For Fc:Pst-530 , Oil Level Window#161,For Pst- 530;Prembrl , Breather#178,For Fc:Pst-530; Pembril , Fork#202,For Fluid.Cplg.:Pst- 530;Pembril , Gear Pump Assy.#300,For Fc:Pst530;Pembrl , Scoop Opertg.Lever#506,For Fc:Pst530;Pet , Pembril:Pst:530:Hose Pipe#3 , Filter Screen#6,For Fc: Pst-530; Pembril , Pembril:Pst:530:Shell & Tube#8 , Fluid Coupling#1710430361:Pst-430 Pembri , End Cover O/P Side#311704300139 Pst430 , Felt Seal#628114063087 Pst430 Pembril , Impeller Bearing Sleeve#311704300189 , Input Shaft#311704300079 Pst430 Pembril , Output Shaft#311704300089 Pst430 Pembril , Suction Strainer#627010120030 Pst430 , I/P Mdu Couplg Assy#8,For Fc:Pst430; Pet , O/P Mdu Couplg Assy#9,For Fc:Pst430; Pet , Multi Disc Unit#10,For Fc:Pst430;Pembril , Pembril-Pst430-Oil Fltr Screen 20Mesh,Ss , Fluid Coupling:Pst 570 Comp Unit , Input Shaft#1 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Bearing Abutment Ring-Input#1A Pst570 , Impeller#4 Fc:Pst570 , Impeller Bearing Sleeve#5 Pst570 Pembril , Key-Input/Output Shaft#14 Pst570 Pembril , Cylindrical Pin Casing#16 Fc:Pst570 , Cyl Pin-I/P Shaft/Back Csg#17 Fc:Pst570 , Multi Disc.Unit#25 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Output Shaft#29 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Runner#30 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Suction Strainer#71 Pst570 Pembril , End Cover#92 Pst570 Pembril , Seal#92A Fluid Coupling:Pst 570 Pembril , Plug#92B Fc:Pst570 , Bonded Seal#92C Pst570 Pembril , Cover Plate#92D Fc:Pst570 , Joint End Cover#92G Fc:Pst570 , Scoop Tube Comp Ccw#106A Pst570 Pembril , Scoop Tube Comp Cw#106B Pst570 Pembril , Guide Tube Complete#107 Pst570 Pembril , Scoop Discharge Colector Ccw#109A Pst570 , Scoop Operating Shaft#130 Fc:Pst570 , Oil Level Window#161 Fc:Pst570 , Ybrg(Plummer Block Unit)#175 Pst570 , Bush Brg Scoop Operating Sft#175A Pst570 , Breather#178 Fc:Pst570 Pembril , Gear Pump Assy#300Asy Fc:Pst570 , Scoop Operating Lever#506 Pst570 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Filter Element , Pembril:Pst570:Oil Pump With Motor , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Oil Cooler Assy , Pembril:Pst570:Actuator For Fld.Cplg , Cplg:Pembril:Pst570:Connecting Mdu I/P , Pembril:Pst570:Pump-Rdrm , Fluid Coupling:Pst 500 Comp.Assy Pembril , Input Shaft#1 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Back Casing#2 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Scoop Casing#3 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Impeller#4 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Impeller Bearing Sleeve#5 Pst500 Pembril , Shaft Key#14 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Cyl Pin-Casing#16 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Cyl Pin Input Shaft#17 Fc:Pst500 Pembril , Output Shaft#29 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Runner#30 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Baffle-Runner(1.1)#31 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , I/P Hsg-Ext Pump#48 Fc:Pst500 Pembril , Suction Strainer#71 Fc:Pst 500 Pembril , Strainer Pn-71 Pembril:Pst500 , Cyl. Pin Pn-77 Pembril:Pst500 , Scoop Hsg#90 Fc:Pst500 Premium Energy , Scoop Hsg Mounting Plate#91 Pst500 Pembl , End Cover#92 Fc:Pst500 Premium Energy , Scoop Tube Comp#106 Pst500 Premiumenergy , Guide Tube Complete#107 Pst500 Pembril , Rod End Brg-Female#110 Pst500 Pembril , Rod End Brg-Male#111 Pst500 Pembril , Coupling Box#122 Pst500 Premium Energy , Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Operating Shaft#130 , Pembril:Pst500:Coupling Box Cover #147 , Joint-Box/Cover#148 Pst500 Premiumenergy , Y-Brg Plummer Block#175 Pst500 Pembril , Breather#178 Fc:Pst500 Premium Energy , :Pembril:Pst500:Drain Plug #195 , :Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Operating Lever , Brg.Abutment Ring#001A Pst500 Pembril , :Pembril:Pst500:Plug #092B , Bonded Seal#092C Fc:Pst500 Pembril , Y-Brg Flanged Unit#175A Pst500 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Actuatr+Motor #8 , Pembril:Pst500:Oil Seal , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#91A , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Cover Plate#92D , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Joint End Cover #92G , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Tube #106A , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Scoop Tube Comp#106B , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#108 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:S-Disch- Collector#109A , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:S;Disch:Collect Or#109B , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#116 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Mounting Plate#117 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Inspection Plate#122E , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Pipe#142 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:O-Ring#143 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Flange#144 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Flange#145 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Oil Level Window#161 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Plate#171 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Graduated Plate#174 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Flange#201 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Fork#202 , Gear Pump Fluid Coupling:Pst500; Pembril , Cyl Pin Imp/Sleeve For Fc:Pst500;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:I/P Mdu Coupling Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:O/P Mdu Coupling Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Oil Cooler , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Pump , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Multi Disc Unit , Pembril:Pst500:Oil Filter , Drive Gear-For Fld.Cplg.-Pembril- Pst500 , Driven Gear-For Fc-Pembril-Pst500 , Pembril:Pst500:Steel Tube+End Connection , Pembril:Pst500:Complete Assy(Rev- Type) , Oil Filtr Scrn.20 Mesh-Ss-Pembril- Pst500 , Fluid Coupling Pembril:Pst660 , Input Shaft Pt.1 For Pst660 Pembril , Back Casing#2 Ffc:Pst660 Pembril , Scoop Casing Pt.3 For Pst660 Pembril , Impeller Pt.4 For Pst660 Pembril , Impeller Brg. Sleeve Pt.5 For Pst660 , Cylindrical Pin-Casing #16 Pst660 , Cylindrical Pin-I/P Sft #17 Pst660 , :Pembril:Pst660:Multi Disc Unit#25 , Output Shaft Pt.29 For Pst660 Pembril , Runner Pt.30 For Pst660 Pembril , Baffle-Runner Pt.31 For Pst660 , Fluid Cplng- Pembril:Pst660,Fusible Plug , :Pembril:Pst660:Input Housing #48 , Joint&I/P Housing For Fc: Pst660;Pembril , :Pembril:Pst660:Suction Strainer #71 , :Pembril:Pst660:End Cover #92 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Seal #92A , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Plug #92B , Pembril:Pst660:Bonded Seal #92C , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Aluminium Joint #92F , Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Tube Complete #106A , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Tube #106B , Pembril:Guide Tube Complete #107 , Pembril:Scoop Discharge Collector#109A , Pembril:Rod End Bearing7female#110 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Rod End Bearing#111 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Operating Shaft , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Oil Level Window #161 , Pembril:Pst660:Joint Insp- Plate#171 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Ybearing #175 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Breather#178 , F-Coupling:Pembril:Pst660:Fork #202 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Gear Pump Assy #300As , Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Operating Lever#506 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:I/P Mdu Coupling Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:O/P Mdu Couplg Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Pump , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Rotating Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Hose Pipe#3 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Filter Screen#6 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Brake Drum#10 , Bearing Liner(Impeller)#6 Pst870 Pembril , Oil Cir Pump Assy#423.1 Pst870 Pembril , Pembril:Pst-870:Mdu , Pembril:Pst-870:Electrical Actuator , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Seal#206 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:I/P Mdu Coupling Asy , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:O/P Mdu Coupling Asy , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Pump#2 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Rod#104 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Actuator+Motor , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Hsg In- Put#1 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Air Breather#58 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Gear Coupling- I/P#11 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Gear Cplg- O/P#115 , Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Level Gauge , Pembril:Pst-1000:Seal (End Cover) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Housing- Output , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Rod Seal Housing , Fluid Coupling Pembril:Sdfc370 , Shaft #4 Pembril:Sdfc370 , Flexible Coupling #13 Pembril:Sdfc370 , Rubber Bush (Set) #13A Pembril:Sdfc370 , Filling Plug #22 Pembril:Sdfc370 , Fusible Plug #4 Sdfc370:Pembril , Multi Disc Unit #51 Sdfc370:Pembril , Output Half Cplg #52 Of Sdfc370:Pembril , Fluid Coupling Pembril:Sdfc410 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc 410:Flex-Coupling #13 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:Filling Plug #22 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:Fusible Plug # 43 , Fc:Pembrill;Sdfc410:Multi Disc Unit #51 , Fluid Coupling:Sdfc500 Comp Unit Pembril , Impeller#1 Fc:Sdfc500 Premium Energy , Runner#2 Fc:Sdfc500 Premium Energy , Chamber#9 Fc:Sdfc500 Premium Energy , Runner Half Coupling#50 Sdfc500 Pembril , Output Half Coupling#52 Sdfc500 Pembril , Fluid Coupling#18Scr25b Com.Assy,Pembril , Impeller#2 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Runner#3 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Reservoir Casing#5 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Housing#6 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Tube Assy#8 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Operating Rod#9 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Hsg Bracket#11 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Operating Lever#13 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Shaft#14 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Control Lever#23 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Runner Baffle#24 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Bearing Cover#28 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner(Bracket)#37 18Scr25b Pembril , End Cover Bracket#38 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Shaft Ring#46 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Plug Casing#52 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Joint#53 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Oil Retaining Ring#54 18Scr25b Pembril , Leak Off Nozzle#57 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Hsg Shroud#61 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Casing Dowel#68 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Plug#76 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Bonded Seal#101 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Bonded Seal#77 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Plug#98 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Plug Casing#100 , Collecting Ring#135 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Vent Tube#137 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Conn.Tube#139 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Feed Tube#142 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Joint Set#143/144/145 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Dowel#157 , Pembril:18Scr25b:V Ring#159 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Felt Seal#162 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Pellow Block#168 , Pembril:18Scr25b:Input Shaft#173 , End Cover Pb Front#174 18Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner(Pb)#175 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Dowel#205 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , End Cover Pb Rear#209 18Scr25b Pembril , Shaft Ring#217 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Breather#220 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Grease Cup#222 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Cooler Assy , Multi Disc Unit & Half Cplg#210117752001 , Fluid Cplg#23Scr25b Dg:1622301411 Pet , Fc:Pembril:23Scr25b:Oil Cooler , Fluid Coupling # 23Scr25w Complete Assy , Fc-Pembril-26Src25b-Complete Assy , Pembril:26Scr25b:Impeller #2 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Runner#3 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Operating Rod , Pembril:26Scr25b:S-Housing Bracket #11 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Operating Lever#13 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Shaft #14 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Control Lever #23 , 26Scr25b:Runner Baffle #24 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bearing Cover #28 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bearing Liner #37 , Pembril:26Scr25b:End Cover #38 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Allen Hd Scr #39 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Shaft Ring #46 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Casing Plug #52 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Seal Or Joint #53 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Retaining Ring #54 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Leak Off Nozzle #57 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Hsg Shroud #61 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Key Woodruff #67 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Casing Dowel#68 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Plug #76 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal #77 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Key #81 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Plug #100 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal#101 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Collector Ring #135 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Vent Tube #137 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Connecting Tube#139 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #141 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Feed Tube#142 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #143 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #144 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #145 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Dowel #157 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #158 , Pembril:26Scr25b:V Ring #159 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Seal#162 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #167 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Input Shaft #173 , Pembril:26Scr25b:End Cover #174 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Brg Liner #175 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Seal #176 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Seal#179 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Key #181 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Guide Pin #188 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal #190 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tundish Spring #194 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Plug #195 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bonded Seal#196 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Cover Plate #209 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Feed Tube #307 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Pin #311 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Lock Pin #316 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #182G , Pembril:26Scr25b:Joint #183A , Pembril:26Scr25b:Runner Baffle #24A , Pembril:26Scr25b:Leak Of Nozzle #57L , Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Cooler Assy , Pembril:26Scr25b:Brg- Liner (Impeller) , Fc:Pembril:26Scr25b:Oil Cooler , Multi Disc Unit & Half Cplg#210123002001 , Fluid Coupling:41Scr24x Com Assy Pembril , Impeller#2 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Runner#3 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Scoop Housing#6 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Pembril:41Scr24x:Scoop Tube Assembly#8 , Scoop Hsg Bracket#11 41Scr24x Pembril , Shaft #14 Pembril:41Scr24x , Joint #19 Pembril:41Scr24x , Centre Spigot #21 Pembril:41Scr24x , Out-Half-Coupling #22 Pembril:41Scr24 , Runner Baffle#24 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Multidisc Unit#26 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Runner 1/2-Coupling #32 Pembril:41Scr24x , Seal Or Joint#:53 Pembril:41Scr24x , Oil Retaining Ring #:54 Pembril:41Scr24x , Fc-Pembril-Scoop Housing Shroud #400 , Pembril:41Scr24x:Key- Woodruff#67 , Spherical Collar#88 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Bearing Liner#116 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Collector Ring#135 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#141 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Feed Tube#142 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#143 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#144 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#145 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Bearing Liner#149 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Joint#153 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Tundish Spring#194 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Collar Stop#301 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Pembril: 41Scr24x: Hose Pipe , Fc:Pembril:41Scr25w:Comp Assy , Back Stop/Holdback , Gear Box Assy: A-287,Gr-15:1/30:1; Pet , Fan#4,For Gear Box-A-287,Gr- 15:1;Premium , Oil Catcher For Worm Shaft#7; Pet-A-287 , Pet:A-287:Worm Shaft , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft#14, Gb-A-287 , Pet:A-287:Worm Wheel , Plug#19, For Gear Box-A-287;Gr- 15:1; Pet , Breather For Gear Box-A-287,Gr- 15:1; Pet , Pet:A-287:Wheel Shaft A287,Gr 15:1 , Gb:Greaves:B3-315 R-20:Bevel Pinion #5 , :Greaves:H1-200:Comp Assy , :Greaves:H1-200:I/P Shaft , :Greaves:H1-200:I/P Shaft Oil Seal , :Greaves:H1-200:Helical Pinion , :Greaves:H1-200:Helical Wheel , :Greaves:H1-200:O/P Shaft , :Greaves:H1-200:O/P Shaft Oil Seal , :Greaves:H1-200:Fan , Gb:Greaves:U600:Comp Assy , Gb:Greaves:U600:Casing#8 , Gb:Greaves:U600:Fan#9 , Gb:Greaves:U600:Worm Shaft , Gb:Greaves:U600:Wheel Shaft , Gb:Greaves:U600:Worm Wheel , Gb:Pet:U-400:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:U-400:Worm Shaft#13 , Gb:Pet:U-400:Worm Wheel#19 , Gb:Pet:U-400:Wheel Shaft#20 , Gb:Pet:V-400:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:V-400:Worm Shaft#17 , Gb:Pet:V-400:Worm Wheel#24 , Gb:Pet:V-400:Wheel Shaft#26 , Gb:Pet:V-500:Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:V-500:Worm Wheel , Gb:Pet:V-500:Wheel Shaft , Pet:V-700:Worm Shaft , Pet:V-700:Worm Wheel , Gear Box:A200 Comp.Assy , Gb:Pet:A337:Worm Shaft#11 , Gb:Pet:A337:Worm Wheel#17 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B-220:I/P Shaft+Bevel Pinion#1 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Helical Pinion Shaft#3 , Gb:Pet:B-220:O/P Wheel#4 , Gb:Pet:B-228:Comp Assy , Gear Box:Pet:B-216:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B2:315:I/P P-Shaft+Fan Extn , Cooling Fan#7,For Gb:B2- 315;Premium Enrg , Bevel Wheel#9,For Gb:B2- 315;Premium Enrg , Gb:Pet:B2:315:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B2:315:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B2:355:I/P P-Shaft+Fan Ext#1A , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Fan#7 , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Bevel Wheel#9 , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Cowl , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B2:355:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Comp Equipment , Hold Back#12,For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Cowl , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Comp Internals , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Dipstick , Gear Box:B3-250 Comp Eqpt Premium Energy , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:I/P Pinion Shaft#1A , Gear Box:B3-280Comp Assy Premium Energy , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Fan#7 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:2Nd Red Pinion Shaft#8A , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Holdback#12 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Fr:Pinion Shaft#15 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:O/P Shaft#19 , G:Box:Pet:B3-280:Hollow O/P Shaft#24 , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Cowl , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3-280:Bearing Housing , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Comp Assy , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Fan#7 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Pinion Shaft#8A , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Holdback#12 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:O/P Shaft#19 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Oilseal #23 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Hollow O/P Shaft#24 , Gb:Pet:B3-355:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3-355:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3-355:Air Breather , Gear Box Assy.,Model No.::B3- 400;Premium , Gb:Pet:B3:400:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3:400:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3:400:Air Breather , Gear Box Assy. -Model No.:B3:450;Premium , Pet:B3:450:Redn-Wheel#16 , Bevel Pinion#5,For G.Box:B3-450; Premium , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Oilseal#4 , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Oil Seal#28 , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Output Stage Wheel , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Final Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:B3:450:Air Breather , Gear Box:B3-500 Comp Assy Premium Energy , Gear Box Complt.Assy:B4sr- 225(144:1);Pet , Gear Box Model#H1-140 Comp Assy Make:Pet , Oil Seal Input Shaft#3 Gb:H1-140 Pet , Helical Wheel#5 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Output Shaft#6 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Oil Seal Output Shaft#8 Gb:H1-140 Pet , Fan Input End#9 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Fan Output End#10 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Key For Input Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Key For Output Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Breather , Gb:Pet:H1-140:Dipstick , Gb:Pet:H1-250:Comp Assy , Gear Box:H1-180 Comp Assy Make:Pet , I/P Pinion Hollow#184047N000 H1-180 Pet , Input Shaft#110125N000 H1-180 Pet Make , Key For Pinion#122690N000 H1-180 Pet , Wheel#184048N000 H1-180 Make:Pet , Output Shaft#110015Nc00 H1-180 Make:Pet , Pet:H1-180:Fan With Fan Cover , Input Shaft#1 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Oil Seal Input Shaft#3 H1-200 P.Energy , Helical Pinion#4 Gb:H1-200 Premiumenergy , Helical Wheel#5 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Output Shaft#6 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Oil Seal Output Shaft#8 H1-200 P.Energy , Fan Input End#9 Gb:H1-200 Premium Energy , Fan Output End#10 H1-200 Premium Energy , Gb:Pet:H1-200:I/P Shaft#11 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Key#12 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Extn Key#14 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Cowl-Extn End , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Cowl-Rare End , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Key For Input Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Key For Output Shaft , Gb:Pet:H1-200:Dipstick , Gear Box:H1-225 Comp Assy Premium Energy , Input Shaft#1 Gb:H1-225 , Helical Pinion#4 Gb:H1-225 , Helical Wheel#5 Gb:H1-225 , Output Shaft#6 Gb:H1-225 , Fan Input End#10(024080N000) Gb:H1- 225 , Fan Output End#9(024060N000) Gb H1- 225 , I/P Shaft Oil Seal#3(0054190000)H1- 225 , O/P Sft Oilseal#8(0044830000)Gb H1- 225 , Gb:Pet:H2-280:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:H2-280:Hold Back , Gb:Pet:H3-500:Hold Back#12 , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B3sf-250:Comp Assy(+Hold Back , Gb:Pet:B3sf-250:Bvl.Pinion#2 , Gb:Pet:H1-125:Comp Assy , Gear Box Premium Energy:Sp218 , Output Shaft #Pj2000207880 Pet:Sp218 , Second Wheel #Pj2000204460 Pet:Sp- 218 Gb , Motor Gear #Pj2000204440 Pet:Sp218 G.Box , Siso Shaft #Pj2000204350 Pet:Sp218 G.Box , Gear Box Complete Assy: Sp- 268/13.8; Pet , End Cover#C,For Gr.Box:Sp- 268/13.8; Pet , Motor Gear#E,For Gr.Box:Sp- 268/13.8; Pet , Second Whee#F,For Gr.Box:Sp- 268/13.8;Pet , Pet:Gmf-085/2,Ratio-5.06/1:Comp Assly , I/P Wheel/1St Stg.Wheel - Pet-Gmf- 085/2 , Input Pinion-Pet-Gmf-085/2,Ratio- 5.06/1 , :Input Shaft-Pet-Gmf-085/2,Ratio- 5.06/1 , Pet:Gmf-085/2,Ratio-5.06/1:Output Shaft , Pet:Gmf-085/2,Ratio-5.06/1:Input Catcher , Input Brng Houng Pet:Gmf-085/2, 5.06/1 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Oil-Catcher#10 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U-600:End Cover#14 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Worm Wheel#19 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Wheel Shaft#20 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Oil Catcher#22 , Upper Half Case#1 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Lower Half Case#2 Gb:U-500 Premiumenergy , Fan#6 Gb:U-500 Premium Energy , Locking Screw For Fan#7 Gb:U500 P.Energy , Oil Seal For Wormshaft#9 U500 P.Energy , Oilcatcher For W.Shaft#10 U500 P.Energy , Shim,Wormshaft Oil Catcher#11 Gb:U500 Pe , Worm Shaft#13 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Endcover For Wheelshaft#14 U500 P.Energy , Shim,Wheelshaft Cover#16 U500 P.Energy , Distance Pc.Wheelshaft#18 U500 P.Energy , Worm Wheel#19 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Wheel Shaft#20 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Key For Wheel Shaft#21 Gb:U500 P.Energy , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft#22 U500 P.E , Oilseal For Wheel Shaft#23 U500 P.Energy , Oil Scraper#24 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Dipstick#27 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Ventilator#30 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Ventilator Packing#31 U500 Premiumenergy , Drain Plug#35 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Input Key#36 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Output Key#37 Gb:U500 Premium Energy , Gear Box:U1000dos Comp Assy , Cowl - For Gear Box-Pet-U1000 , Worm Wheel-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Shaft For Worm Wheel-For Gb-Pet- U1000 , Worm Shaft-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft-For Gb-U1000 , Oil Catcher For Worm Shaft-For Gb-U1000 , Dist.Piece For Wheel Shaft-For Gb- U1000 , End Cvr.For Wheel Shaft-For Gb- Pet-U1000 , Dipstick Tube-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Dipstick Body-For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Ventilator - For Gear Box-Pet- U1000 , Oil Scrapper - For Gb-Pet-U1000 , Gb:Pet:U1000:Casing Set , Gb:Pet:U1200:Complete Equipment , Wormwheel#19 Gb:U1200 Petl , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Seal , Gb:Pet:U1200:Wheel , Gb:Pet:U1200:Pinion , Gb:Pet:U1400:U 1400 Complete Assembly , Shim 1St Redn Worm Shaft Catch#6 Ud1200 , Fan#11 G.B:Ud1200 300:1 Premium Energy , Locking Screw For Fan#12 Ud1200 300:1 , Cowl#13 Gb:Ud1200 300:1 Premium Energy , 1St Redn Worm Wheel Brg Hsg#16 Ud1200 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #17 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #21 , Oil Seal 2Nd Redn Wormshaft#22 Ud1200 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Key #25 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #26 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Shim #26A , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Drain Plug #31 , Oil Seal 2Nd Redn Wheelshaft#35 Ud1200 , Oil Catcher 2Nd Redn Wheelsft#36 Ud1200 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Distance Piece #38 , 2Nd Redn Wheel Shaft#39 Ud1200 300:1 , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Key#40 , End Cover 2Nd Redn Wheelshaft#42 Ud1200 , Gear Box Complete Assy.- Model:V1400; Pet , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Upper Bearing Housing , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Wheel Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Worm Wheel , G:Box:Pet:V1400:W-Wheel Key , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Plunger Assy , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Distance Piece , Gb:Pet:V1400:Lower Bearing Housing , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Swash Plate , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Oil Flinger W:Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Worm Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Oil Strainer , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Key-Wheel Shaft , G:Box:Pet:V1400:Key-Worm Shaft , Oil Seal For Worm Shaft Of Gb:V1400; Pet , Shim For Worm Shaft Oil Catcher,Gb:V1400 , Oil Seal For Wheel Shaft,Of Gb:V1400;Pet , Shim For Wheel Shaft Of Gb:V-1400; Pet , Shim-For Lower Brg.Of Gear Box- V1400;Pet , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-9.25:Comp Gland Assy , Baffle 1.5#720020108030 Ref#15 Fcu- 10.5 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Comp Assy , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:R-Driving Plate , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Driving Boss#19 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Spherical Collar#77 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-12.75:Comp Gland Assy , O Ring#61 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , O Ring#73 Fcu17.75 Pembril , O Ring#74 Fcu-17.75 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Impeller#1 , Impeller Part#1 For Fcu-23 Pembril , Star Washer#52 Fcu-23 Pembril , Runner For Fluid Couplg: Fcu-23; Pembril , Casing For Fluid Coupling:Fcu- 23;Pembril , Shaft For Fld.Coupling: Fcu-23; Pembril , Baffle For Fluid Couplg: Fcu-23; Pembril , O-Ring#73 For Fl.Couplg: Fcu-23; Pembril , Filling Plug#22 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Joint Imp/Csg#157 For Fcu-26; Pembril , Bonded Seal#21 Fc:Htc370 Pembril , Fusible Plug#43 Fc:Htc 370 Pembril , Insert(Imp Seal Hsg Holes)#1B Fc:Htc 370 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Lub Ring#3 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:R-Plate#13 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Dowel- Shaft#23 , O/P Shaft#36,For Fl.Cpl.:Pst1150;Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:End Cover#68 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Bonded Seal#68B , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Plate#69 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Pipe#79 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Plug#85 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Dowel#90 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Scoop Housing , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Scoop Tube#99 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:So-Rod#104 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Felt Seal#137A , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Strainer#202 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Scoop Actuator#113B , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Gear Coupling#114B , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1150:Gear Coupling O/P , Pembril:Pst-1150:Tubes(Sb-Iii-C- 12200) , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Input Shaft#1 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Abutment Ring#1A , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Key#14 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Cyl Pin#16 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Cyl Pin#17 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:O/P Shaft#29 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:I/P Housing#48 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:End Cover#92 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Plug#92B , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Cover Plate#92D , Guide Tube For Fl.Couplg:Pst- 530,Pembril , Back Casing#311704300039 Pst430 Pembril , Baffle Runner(1.1)#311704300279 Pst430 , Brg.Abutment Ring#311704300589 Pst430 , Bonded Seal#605100014300 Pst430 Pembril , Bonded Seal#605100012000 Pst430 Pembril , Compression Plate#311704301929 Pst430 , Cyl Pin Int.Thread#720070216030 Pst430 , Cyl Pin Int Thread#720070212030 Pst430 , Drive Gear#311704301229 Pst430 Pembril , Driven Gear#311704301239 Pst430 Pembril , Guide Tube Comp#311704300639 Pst430 , Impeller#311704300019 Pst430 Pembril , Joint Box/Cover#780090660720 Pst430 , Joint End Cover#780090010017 Pst430 , Joint I/P Hsg/Plate#780091036052 Pst430 , Joint Scp Hsg/Mtg Pl#780091051045 Pst430 , Oil Level Window#720170034000 Pst430 , Rect.Key#720120118126 Pst430 Pembril , Rod End Bearing-Male#907010012000 Pst430 , Runner#311704300029 Pst430 Premium Enery , Scoop Casing#311704300049 Pst430 Pembril , Scoop Housing#311704300099 Pst430pembril , Y-Bearing Flanged#908020025000 Pst430 , Y-Brg Plummer Block#908010025000 Pst430 , Baffel Runner#31 Fc:Pst570 , Input Housing#48 Pst570 Pembril , Cylindrical Pin Mtg Plate#77,For Pst-570 , Scoop Housing#90 Pst570 Pembril , Scoop Tube Mounting Plate#108 Fc:Pst570 , Spring Washer#120 Fc:Pst570 , Internal Pipe Scoop Housing#142 Pst570 , Orific Plate#200 Fc:Pst570 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Shaft Key , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Hand Wheel , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Suction Strainer , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Filter Element , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Cover#01 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:D-Connection#14 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Rod+Spacer#16 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:O Ring#18 , Fc:Pembril:Pst570:Joint#19 , Scoop Discharge Collector#109 Pst500 , Brg Abutement Ring I/P Pt.1A For Pst660 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Cou Pling Box #122 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Coupling Cover#147 , Fc:Pembril:Pst660:Scoop Actuator+Motor 8 , Output Coupling#504 Pst870 Pembril , Input Coupling#503 Pst870 Pembril , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Bonded Seal , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Dish Collector , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Tube#99A , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Cooler#9 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Suction Strainer#202 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Fusible Plug+Washer , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Impeller#4 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Sleeve#10 , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Liner(Impeller) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Spacer Input , Pembril:Pst-1000:Baffle (Runner) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Wear Plate , Pembril:Pst-1000:Plug (End Cover) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Mounting Bracket Long , Pembril:Pst-1000:Mounting Bracket Short , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Tube-Ccw Rotation , Pembril:Pst-1000:Shaft Distance Piece , Pembril:Pst-1000:Distance Piece , Pembril:Pst-1000: O Ring-Brg Hsg , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel- Shaft/Impeller , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel Casing , Pembril:Pst-1000:Oring Brg. Housing-O/P , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel- Shaft/Runner , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Tube-Cw , Pembril:Pst-1000:Scoop Disch Collector , Pembril:Pst-1000:Dowel-Scoop Housing , Pembril:Pst-1000:Cover Plate-Seal , Pembril:Pst-1000:Joint-Scoop Guide Hsg , Fluid Coupling:14Scr25b Compassy Pembril , Back Casing#12 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , O Ring#19 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Woodruff Key#67 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:18Scr25b:Rec.Key#81 , Rec,Key#181 Fc:18Scr25b Pembril , Fc:Pembril:23Scr24r:Seal , Impeller#2 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Runner#3 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Hsg#6 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Scoop Tube Assy#8 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Operating Rod#9 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Operating Lever, #13, Make: Pembril , Shaft#14 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Unner Baffle#24 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Cover#28 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner(Bracket)#37 23Scr25b Pembril , Shaft Ring#46 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Joint#53 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Leak Off Nozzle#57 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Woodruff Key#67 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Bonded Seal#101 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Bonded Seal#77 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Feed Tube#142 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Joint Set#143/144/145 23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner Impeller#149 23Scr25b Pembril , V Ring#159 Fluid Cplg:23Scr25b Pembril , Pellow Block#168 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Input Shaft#173 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Brg Liner Plummer Block#175 23Scr25b , Shaft Ring#217 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Breather#220 Fc:23Scr25b Pembril , Pembril:26Scr25b:Valve Body #182 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tundish #183 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tundish Lid #184 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Valve Stem #185 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Collar Stop #301 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Bottom Bush #304 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Runner Mixed Flow#3B , Pembril:26Scr25w:Comp Assy , Driving Plate#1 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Operating Rod#9 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Driving Boss #43 Pembril:41Scr24x , Pembril:41Scr24x:Bonded Seal#77 , Pembril:41Scr24x:Key- Woodruff#81 , Vent Tube#137 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Connecting Tube#139 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Feed Tube#307 Fc:41Scr24x Pembril , Pembril: 41Scr24x: Oil Cooler Assy , :Greaves:H1-225:I/P Shaft , :Greaves:H1-225:O/P Shaft , Gb-Greaves-H3:500-Out Put Shaft #20 , Gb:Pet:B-220:O/P Shaft#5 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Water Slinger#11 , Gb:Pet:B-220:Oil Slinger#12 , Gb:Pet:B-228:I/P Gear Set , Gb:Pet:B-228:O/P Gear Set , Gb:Pet:B-235:Comp Assy , G B:Pet:B-216:Oil Slinger#3 , G B:Pet:B-216:Input Oil Seal#7 , G B:Pet:B-216:Final Pinion Shaft#9 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Shaft#16 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Oilseal#18: , G B:Pet:B-216:Labrynth-Seal#19 , 2Nd Pinion Shaft#8,For Gb:B3- 315;Premium , 2Nd Redn.Wheel#16,For Gb:B3-315; Premium , Final Redn.Pinion Shaft#15,Gb:B3- 315;Pet , O/P Shaft#19,For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , I/P Pinion Shaft#1,For Gb:B3- 315;Premium , I/P Shaft With Fan Extn#1A,For Gb:B3-315 , Bevel Pinion#5,For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , Bevel Wheel#9,For G.Box:B3-315; Premium , Final Redn.Wheel#20,For Gb:B3- 315;Premim , Gb:Pet:B3:315:Brg Housing , Gear Box:Premium Etl;B232 14:1_Comp Assy , Bevel I/P Pinion Shaft#Bs23230400 , Final Pinion Shaft # Bs23230500 , Out Put Wheel # Bs23240500 , Input Oil Catcher # Bs13260600 , Oil Slinger # Bs23200200 , Gear Box:B3-225 Comp Eqpt Premium Energy , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:Oilseal#4 , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:Fan#7 , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:Oilseal#23 , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:Oilseal#4 , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:Oilseal#23 , G:Box:Pet:B3-250:Shrink Disc#29 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Oilseal #4 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Bevel Pinion#5 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355:Oilseal#14 , G:Box:Pet:B3-355: Pinion Shaft#15 , Hold Back#12,For G.Box: B3-400; Premium , Oil Seal For I/P Shaft#4,For Gb:B3:400; , Oilseal For O/P Shaft#28, Gb:B3:400; Pet , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Input Shaft#111585N000 , H1-160:I/P Shaft Oil Seal#0054420000 , H1-160:I/P Helical Pinion#113194N000 , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Helical Wheel#113044N000 , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Output Shaft#111465Nc00 , H1-160:O/P Shaft Oil Flinger :Cyb Seal , Helical Pinion#4 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Gb:Pet:H1-200:O/P Shaft Dp#15 , Gb:Pet:H1-200:O/P Shaft Dp#16 , Gb:Pet:H2-355:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:H2-355:I/P Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:H2-280:I/P Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:U-600:Shim#11 , Gb:Pet:U-600:Shim#16 , Gb:Pet:U800:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:U800:Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U800:Worm Wheel , Gb:Pet:U1200:Cowl#03 , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Catcher,Wormshaft#10 , Wormshaft#13 For Gear Box:U1200 Petl , Gb:Pet:U1200:End Cover For Wheelshaft#14 , Wheelshaft#20 Gb:U1200 Petl , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Catcher, Wheelshaft#22 , Gb:Pet:U1200:Oil Seal , Gb:Pet:U1200:Bearing Housing , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Seal For Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Catcher For Worm Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Oil Seal For Wheel Shaft , Gb:Pet:U1400:Ventilator , Gb:Pet:V-500Hds:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:V-500Hds:Worm Shaft#17 , Gb:Pet:V-500Hds:Worm Wheel#24 , Gb:Radicon:U-500:Comp Assy , Oil Catcher For Wheel Shaft , Complete Worm Gear Box A- 287,15:1 , Worm Shaft For G/Box V-500 Radicon Dmp-I , Worm Wheel Part No-24 For Model V-400 , Worm Shaft Part No-17 For Model V-400 , Radicon Gear Box A237 , Worm Shaft For A200 Gb Of Lwtp , Complete Worm Gear Box A337,15:1 , Gear Box;Radicon;A337;Agitator;Omd , Third Gear #Pj2000204510 Pet:Sp218 G.Box , Suction Pipe-For Fl.Cplg-Pembril:Pst500 , Sperical Coller#53 Fc:Sdfc500 Pembril , Scoop Housing Mounting Plate#91 Pst570 , Runner,Pembril,Coupling,Fcu-26 , Runner Half Coupling For Fl. Cplng. 11.5 , Runner For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu-11.5 , Runner For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu 12.75 , Retaining Platefcu-12.75 , Resilient Drivng Pl. Pt.No.18 - Fcu-11.5 , Resilient Driving Disc 18 , Pump With Radiator,Pembril,Coupling , Plain Washer #720040308000 Ref#158,10.5 , Pet:V-400:Oil Seal , Pet:U500:Wormwheel(Gr15:1) , Pet:U500:Ventilator(Gr15:1) , Pet:U500:Dipstick(Gr15:1) , Pet:H1-200:Housing , Pembrl:Pst430:Scoop Tube Comp-Cw Rotatin , Pembrl:Pst430:Scoop Tube Comp-Ccw Rotatn , Pembril:Sdfc-290:Mdu Bolt , Pembril:Sdfc-290:Comp Assy. , Pembril:Pst500:Oil Cooler Valves , Pembril:Pst430:Sockt H/Scrw-Input Shft , Pembril:Pst430:Oil Cooler , Pembril:Pst430:Impeller Oil Port Plate , Pembril:Pst430:Filling Plug , Pembril:Pst430:Cylindrical Pin-Casing , Pembril:Pst430:Cyl Pin-Input Shaft , Pembril:Pst430:Cover Plate , Pembril:Pst-1000:Spacer Inner (Imp Brg) , Pembril:Pst-1000:Lub. Ring-Impeller Brg. , Pembril:Pst-1000:Drain Plug , Pembril:Pst-1000:Collector Ring , Pembril:Pst-1000:Brg Spacer-Out Put , Pembril:Pst-1000:Bearing Spacer-Impeller , Pembril:Pst:530:O/P Mdu Coupling#5 , Pembril:Pst:530:I/P Mdu Coupling#4 , Pembril:Pst:530:Fusible Plug Assy#12 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Tube Assy #8 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Hsg. Plate#6A , Pembril:26Scr25b:Scoop Housing #6 , Pembril:26Scr25b:Pillow Block , Pembril:26Scr25b:Base Frame #200 , Pembril Fluid Drive Coupling 11.5 Fcu , Output Wheel #Pj2000277900 Pet:Sp218 , Output Oil Catcher # Bs23261100 , Output Hlf Coupg 26 For 12.75 Fcu , Output Half Coupling ( Part No 26 ) , Outlet Pipe-For Fld.Cplg-Pembril-Pst500 , Oil Seal#310110500189 Ref#8 Fcu-10.5 , Oil Seal#29,For Gear Box-V-400; Pet , Oil Filter Element#202A Pst-870 Pembril , O Ring-Internal Pipe#143,For Fc: Pst-530 , O Ring,Item No.74 For Fcu 11.5 , O Ring Set 6174 , O Ring Id 7/4 Section Dia 0.103 , O Ring Id 11/4 Section Dia 0.210 , Multi Disc Unit For Saph Fluid Coupling , Multi Disc Assy With Bolts , Multi Disc Assy Pt.No.25,Of Fcu-11.5 , Joint I/P Hsg#311704301539 Pst430pembril , Jnt 50 Gsm Paper 157 For 11.5 Fcu , Input Shaft#1 Gb:H1-140 Make:Pet , Impelr For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu-12.75 , Impeler For Fluid Coupling Type Fcu-11.5 , Gr.Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-Oil Seal-20X150x12 , Glandnut & Diaphragm (Part No-:8 & 9) , Gland Nut For Aph Fluid Coupling(11.5) , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-2Nd Pinion Shaft , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa- 2Nd Stage Wheel , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa - Output Wheel , Gear Box-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa - Oil Pump , Gear Box: Pet-H2-160, Complete Assembly , Gear Box,Petl,Sp180/6.2,W/O Motor , Gear Box#H1-200 Comp.Assy Make:Pet , Gear Box Model#H1-140 Comp Assy Make:Pet , Gear Box Assy,Petl,U500 , Gear Box Assy,Petl,Sp-238 , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-Oil Seal-35X47x7mm , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa-Bevel Input Pin.Shaft , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa,Gr-20.9:1-Output Shaft , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa,Gr-20.9:1 - Gear Case , Gb-Pet-Vb3-225 Sa - Final Pinion Shaft , Gb-Pet-Spc 160/61.2/200-24-Complete Assy , Gb-Pet-Ipc 162/45.6/200-24-Complete Assy , Gb-Pet-Ibc 102/12.7/200-19-Complete Assy , Gb:Radicon:U-500:Worm Wheel#19 , Gb:Radicon:U-500:Worm #13 , Gb:Pet:V-500:Complete Assy , Gb:Pet:H1-160:Comp Assy , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:O/P Oil Seal#13 , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:I/P Shaft#1 , Gb:Pet:B3sf-140:I/P Oil Seal#12 , Gb:Pet:B-235:Final Pinion Shaft , Gb:Pet:B-228:Comp Assy (O/P Shaft Extd) , Gb:Pet:B-225:Comp Assy(B-225 Modified) , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:I/P Pinion Shaft#1A , G:Box:Pet:B3-225:2Nd Reduction Wheel#16 , Fusible Plug,Item No.43 For Fcu 11.5 , Fusible Plug, Pt.No. 43 Of Fcu-11.5 , Fusible Plug Fcu-12.75 Pno 43 , Fluid Cplng., Type Fcu 11.5 , Fluid Couplng Assy: Dfc580; Pembril , Fluid Coupling Sdfc450 Pembril , Fl.Cplg.-Pembril-Pst 500 - Rotating Assy , Fcu-23:Driving Boss#19 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:Runner Half Cplg # 50 , Fc:Pembril:Sdfc410:O/P Half Coupling #52 , Fc:Pembril:Pst500:Housing#48A , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oil Filter#05 , Fc:Pembril:Pst-1000:Oc-Gear Pump#112 , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Min Running Plate , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Max Static Plate , Fc:Pembril:Pst:530:Inf-Plate#60 , Fc:Pembril:Fcu-20:Multi Disc Unit , Fc:Pembril:Dfc660:Chamber#9 , Fc:Pembril:Dfc580:Helicoil Insert#28B , Driving Boss,Partno.43 , Driving Boss (Part No-:19) For Fcu 12.75 , Cplg-Pembrl-Sdfc370-Runner Half Coupling , Cover For Oil Slinger # Ct22561000 , Coupling Assy,Pembril,Coupling,Fcu-11.5 , Complete Fluid Coupling Saph , Circlip(Ext),Item No.21 For Fcu 11.5 , Casing Bolt (Supplier Part No.14) , Bevel Pinion#2,For Gb-B3sf-140; Pet , Air Radiator,Pembril,Pst500 , 0 Ring For Fluid Coupl Fcu-12.75Pno 61 , Gear Box Assy: U500-15:1; Premium Energy , Cowl#3 Gb:U-500 Premium Energy , Gb:Pet:Ud1200:Oil Seal#7 , Oil Seal For Wormshaft-Pet:A-287(Gr 70:1 , Worm Shaft- Gb-Pet:A-287(Gr 70:1)(20:1) , Worm Wheel-Pet: Gb-A-287(Gr 70:1) (20:1) , Pet:A-287(Gr 70:1)(20:1) - Wheelshaft , Oil Seal For Wheel Shaft-Pet:A-287(70:1) , Gear Box Assy-Pet-V-700 Hds , Gear Box-Pet-V-700 - Oil Seal , Wheel Shaft#26,For Gb-V-700;Premium Enrg , Gear Box-Pet-V-700 - Oil Seal , G B:Pet:B-216:Input Extension Key#2 , G B:Pet:B-216:Lock Washer#5 , G B:Pet:B-216:Lock Nut#6 , G B:Pet:B-216:Bevel Wheel#10 , G B:Pet:B-216:Final Reduction Dist Pc#11 , G B:Pet:B-216: Key#12 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Wheel Seat Key#15 , G B:Pet:B-216:Output Extn Key#17 , Gb:Pet:B-216:I/P Gear Set , Gb:Pet:B-216:O/P Gear Set , Wheel Shaft For Bsm 800 087415 , Plunger Pump Assemblybsm 800 Gear Box , Worm Wheel For Coc , Gear Box Assy-Pet-A-337-Qdhw(Gr-1041/1)

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