
Tender For Supply Of Consumables & Disposables For Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) At All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (Aiims), Jodhpur, Jodhpur-Rajasthan

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences has published Tender For Supply Of Consumables & Disposables For Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) At All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (Aiims), Jodhpur. Submission Date for this Tender is 29-09-2023. Disposable Medical Staff Clothing Tenders in Jodhpur Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Consumables & Disposables For Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) At All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (Aiims), Jodhpur
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Consumables & Disposables For Cardio Thoracic And Vascular Surgery (Ctvs) At All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (Aiims), Jodhpur 01 602.01 Conduit Prosthetic Heart Valve with Pivot Ear Design Valve Should be Pyrolytic Carbon Leaflets. Should Have coated Dacron sewing cuff for biocompatibility. Rotatable Valve. Should Have pyrolite Housing with Titanium stiffening ring. Should have an opening angle of 78 Degree. Should be US FDA approved. Graft should be pliable ,woven polyster that does not require pre-clotting. It should be ultra low porosity fabric that results in less leakage , weeping and blushing. Orientation reference lines should be there which helps in suture placement and graft-graft anastomosis. size 21-29mm Should have thin, pliable, woven polyester graft/double woven velour graft. Should have Gelatin impregnated and crimped Structure for optimal Flexibility Should have Mechanical/ Bioprosthetic heart with low-pressure gradients. Ultra-low porosity fabric and gelatin sealing graft. With an open chimney pivot design and opening angle > 7 5 degrees and more. Should have orientation markers to provide easy visual suture. Should not have any pleats to allow easier positioning and attachment of the coronary arteries. Wide range of sizes from 19mm to 33mm. Should have both CE and FDA approval. The length of the graft should be 10mm. 02 267, 268, 269, TITANIUM LIGATING CLIPS 267.01, 267.02, 268.01, 268.02, 269.01, 269.02, • Should be US FDA approved with clinic data backing for the same. • Should have either US FDA/CE Mark/DCGI/ISO Approval approved with clinic data backing for the same. Rest specifications as mentioned against each will remain the same for all sizes. 03 304.01 PROLENE Blue Monofilament 75 cm Firm POLYMER PLEDGETS 3mm x 3mm x 1.5 mm 5-0 1/2 Circle Needle 13mm DA round body 75-90cm Name of Items: Polypropylene Blue Monofilament 75 cm Firm POLYMER PLEDGETS 3mm x 3mm x 1.5 mm Specification 5-0 1/2 Circle Needle 13mm DA, round body, 75-90cm 04 305.01 PROLENE Blue Monofilament 75 cm Firm POLYMER PLEDGETS 3mm x 3mm x 1.5 mm 4-0 1/2 Circle Needle 17mm DA round body 90-100cm Polypropylene Blue Monofilament 75 cm Firm POLYMER PLEDGETS 3mm x 3mm x 1.5 mm Specification 4-0 1/2 Circle Needle 17mm DA round body 90-100cm 05 462.01 Pacing wire 2-0 18 mm 19 mm ½ Circle Taper Cut & 63 mm Straight Cutting Edge, Breakway Needle.Electrode Blue 60 cm Pacing Wire 19 mm ½ Circle Taper Cut 60 - 63 mm Straight Cutting Edge, Breakway Needle.Electrode Blue 60 cm Pacing Wire. 06 463.01 Pacing wire 2-0 26 mm 27 mm ½ Circle Taper Cut & 63 mm Straight Cutting Edge, Breakway Needle. Electrode Blue 60 cm Pacing Wire 27 mm ½ Circle Taper Cut 60 - 63 mm Straight Cutting Edge, Breakway Needle. Electrode Blue 60 cm Pacing Wire. 07 343.01 Non Absorbable monofilament polypropylene surgical suture 5-0, 1/2 circle, taper point, 17mm needle, 60-75 cm, non pledgeted, double arm. 5-0, 1/2 circle, taper point, 16 - 17mm needle, 60-90 cm, non pledgeted, double arm. 1. 720.01 Mitral Annuloplastry Rings -Semi-Rigid with Chrodae Measurement Technology , for Ischemic MR - All Sizes : 24mm, 26mm, 28mm, 30mm, 32mm,34mm, 36mm & 38mm 1. The exclusive alloy core cell design is a laser-cut one-piece structure that enables annular dynamics mimicking those of a physiological annulus. 2. Superelastic alloy core remembers its prefixed shape, meaning it returns to its original form even after being flexed back and forth. 3. Semi-rigid annuloplasty ring has been engineered to give the stability needed to support the annulus while ensuring flexibility of movement. 4. Ease of implant with good visibility, placement, and attachment to ensure proper annular fit. 5. Should Chordal Measurement Loops. 6. Should have either US FDA/CE Mark/DCGI Approval. 2. 721.01 Flexible Band Tricuspid Annuloplasty Rings Should coating enhances biocompatibility and hemocompatibility and mm1m1zes fibrous overgrowth. • One-piece construction ( silicone/PET fabric) avoids displacement between the silicone core and the outer fabric when suturing, ensuring compactness. • The flexibility of the core has been designed to allow the natural 3D motion of the annulus during the cardiac cycle. Flexibility reduces the stress on the sutures, minimizing the likelihood of dehiscence. * * • Silicone core impregnated with Barium sulfate enables radiographic visualization. • White markers facilitate commissural alignment and device seating. 3. 722.01 Flexible Mitral Annuloplasty Rings Should coating enhances biocompatibility and hemocompatibility and minimizes fibrous overgrowth. • One-piece construction (silicone/PET fabric) avoids displacement between the.silicone core and the outer fabric when suturing, ensuring compactness. • The flexibility of the core has been designed to allow the natural 3D motion of the annulus during the cardiac cycle. Flexibility reduces the stress on the sutures, minimizing the likelihood of dehiscence. * * • Silicone core impregnated with Barium sulfate enables radiographic visualization. White markers facilitate commissural alignment and device seating. 4. 723.01 Electro cautery button switch lead Disposable. Hand control three button switch with PTFE/EDGE coated blade electrode. Sterile field power control. 3-meter cord, USFDA/CE/DGCI/ISO approved. 5. 724.01 Triple composite bovine pericardium with elgiloy /alloy frame stent. Should have polymer support ring inside the polyester knit fabric for stent posts covering. Latest generation low profile MICS enabled valve. Should have Anti calcification treatment done. Should have tenting system for avoiding suture looping in mitral position and ease of Implant. Start from 17mm to 25mm in Aortic and having Mitral from 23 mm to 33 mm in Mitral position, DGCI/CE Approved. 6. 725.01 IAB Catheters • The balloon must have a co-lumen design • The balloon membrane has to be of durathathane material • 8 french catheter with no step down • All Sizes 7. 726.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with MV175 series(Microvascular) needle 8-0 3/8 Circle, 8mm Double Needle Taper point 60CM 8. 727.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with MV175 series(Microvascular) needle 8-0 3/8 Circle, 6mm Double Needle Taper point 60CM 9. 728.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Cardiopoint SS300 Series alloy needle 7-0 3/8 Circle 9 MM DA Taper point 60-75CM 10. 729.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with MV175 series(Microvascular) needle 7-0 3/8 Circle Microvascular needle 8mm needle 60-75CM 11. 730.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 7-0 3/8 Circle 9 MM DA Tapercut 60-75CM 12. 731.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Cardiopoint SS300 Series alloy needle 6-0 3/8 Circle 13 MM DA Taper point 60-75CM 13. 732.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 6-0 1/2 Circle 10 MM DA Taper point 60-75CM 14. 733.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Cardiopoint SS300 Series alloy needle 6-0 3/8 Circle 9 MM DA Taper point 60-75CM 15. 734.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Cardiopoint SS300 Series alloy needle 5-0 1/2 Circle 17mm DA Taper point 75-90cm 16. 735.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 5-0 1/2 Circle 13mm DA Taper point 75-90cm 17. 736.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 5-0 1/2 Circle 10mm DA Taper point 75-90cm 18. 737.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 4-0 1/2 Circle 17mm DA Tapercutting 75-90cm 19. 738.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 4-0 1/2 Circle 22-26mm DA Taper point 75-90cm 20. 739.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 3-0 1/2 Circle 17mm DA Tapercutting 75-90cm 21. 740.01 Polypropylene coated with PEG Blue Monofilament with Surgalloy needle 3-0 1/2 Circle 22-26mm DA Taper point 75-90cm 22. 741.01 Braided polyester caoted and with Silicon with cardiopoint penetrating needle(SS330 Alloy) 2-0 8X75CM DA PLGT , BLUE & WHITE 16MM 1/2 Circle PanetraetingTaper, 8 strands,oval pledget 3X6m 23. 742.01 Braided polyester caoted and with Silicon with cardiopoint penetrating needle(SS330 Alloy) 2-0 8X75CM DA PLGT , BLUE & WHITE 16MM 1/2 Circle PanetraetingTaper, 8 strands,pledget 3X3mm. 24. 743.01 Braided polyester caoted and with Silicon with cardiopoint penetrating needle(SS330 Alloy) 2-0 8X75CM DA , BLUE & WHITE 16MM 1/2 Circle PanetraetingTaper, 8 strands without Pledgt. 25. 744.01 Braided polyester caoted with Silicon cardiopoint needle (SS330 Alloy) 2-0 8X75 DA PGT , BLUE & WHITE 25MM 1/2 Circle Taper Point 8 strands, oval pledget 3X6mm 26. 745.01 Braided polyester caoted with Silicon cardiopoint needle (SS330 Alloy) 2-0 8X75 DA BLUE & WHITE 25MM 1/2 Circle Taper Point 8 strands, without pledget, 27. 746.01 Monofilament Glycomer 1, 90CM GS-21 , VOLET 37MM 1/2 Crcle Taper Pont 28. 747.01 Monofilament Glycomer 2-0 90CM GS-21 , VOLET 37MM 1/2 Crcle Taper Pont 29. 748.01 Monofilament Glycomer 3-0 90CM C-14, Undyed 24MM 3/8 Crcle Reverse cut 30. 749.01 Braided e-caprolactone coated lactomer 91 3-0 75CM C-14 , UNDYED 24MM 3/8 Circle Reverse Cutting 31. 750.01 Braided e-caprolactone coated lactomer 91 2-0 90CM GS-21 , UNDYED 37-40MM 1/2 Circle Taper Point 32. 751.01 Braided e-caprolactone coated lactomer 91 1 90CM 40-48MM 1/2 Circle Taper Point 33. 752.01 Synthetic Absorbable wound closure device with dual cut barb with velded loop on end madeup with Polyglyconate green size 1-0, 1/2 circle, 37mm, 30cm TP 34. 753.01 Steel SS of 316L series Size 5, 44mm,1/2 circle, 2*75cm strands with protect point, undyed 35. 754.01 Steel SS of 316L series Size 6, Conventional cutting, 1/2 circle, 4*45cm strands,48mm, undyded 36. 755.01 Braided Steel Pacing Wire Cardiopoint (SS 300 Series Needle alloy) Size 0, DA , 1/2 circle 26mm ,TP, 60cm, with 60mm Straight needle with PTFE coating undyed 37. 756.01 Braided Steel Pacing Wire Cardiopoint (SS 300 Series Needle alloy) Size 0, DA , 1/2 circle 26mm ,TP, 88cm, with 60mm Straight needle Breakaway needle with PTFE coating undyed 38. 757.01 Braided Steel Pacing Wire Cardiopoint (SS 300 Series Needle alloy) Size 3-0, DA , 1/2 circle 17mm ,TP, 60cm, with 44-60mm Straight needle with PTFE coating undyed 39. 758.01 Braided Polyester coated with Silicon Size 2 26mm, 1/2 circle HOS RC needle 75cm 40. 759.01 Braided Polyester coated with Silicon Size 5 55mm, 1/2 circle RC needle 75cm 41. 760.01 Synthetic oxidised re-generated cellulose double layered with PEG and Trilysine size Size 2*4cm 42. 761.01 Synthetic oxidised regenerated cellulose double layered with PEG and Trilysine Size 5*10cm 43. 279.01 Dressing • Adhesive, surgical site dressing. • Sterile. • Individually packed • Size 6x7cm, 44. 279.02 Dressing • Adhesive, surgical site dressing. • Sterile. • Individually packed • Size 08x10cm 45. 279.03 Dressing • Adhesive, surgical site dressing. • Sterile. • Individually packed • Size 10x15cm 46. 279.04 Dressing • Adhesive, surgical site dressing. • Sterile. • Individually packed • Size 10x20cm 47. 279.05 Dressing • Adhesive, surgical site dressing. • Sterile. • Individually packed • Size 10x25cm, 48. 279.06 Dressing • Adhesive, surgical site dressing. • Sterile. • Individually packed • Size 10x30cm, 49. 279.07 Dressing • Adhesive, surgical site dressing. • Sterile. • Individually packed • Size 10x35c Following items have been Cancelled/Deleted from this rate contract as well as from BoQ: 1 CORRUGATED TUBE CONNECTOR 1.01 2 CUFF INFLATOR AND PRESSURE GAUGE 2.01 3 INTUBATION PILLOW 3.01 4 NEGATIVE INSIPRATORY FORCE METER 4.01 5 CAPNOGRAPHY CO2 SAMPLING MASK 5.01 6 COLORIMETRIC DISPOSABLE CO2 DETECTOR 6.01 7 SINGLE LUMEN CATHETER (SELDINGER TECHNIQUE) 7.01 8 PRESSURE INFUSION BAG 12.01 9 CLOSED CIRCUIT (PEDIATRIC): 13.01 10 T PIECE WITH APL VALVE 14.01 11 ANESTHETIC CIRCUIT HOLDER OF ADULT, PEDIATRIC AND NEONATAL Circuits 15.01 12 ENDOTRACHEAL TUBES WITH CUFF (DISPOSABLE): 16.01 13 16.02 14 16.03 15 16.04 16 16.05 17 16.06 18 16.07 19 16.08 20 16.09 21 16.10 22 16.11 23 16.12 24 16.13 25 16.14 26 16.15 27 16.16 28 16.17 29 16.18 30 DOUBLE LUMEN ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE: 17.01 31 THERMOPLASTIC SUPRA-GLOTTIC AIRWAY DEVICE 18.01 32 18.02 33 18.03 34 18.04 35 18.05 36 18.06 37 Percutaneous tracheostomy set with tracheostomy tube: 19.01 38 19.02 39 19.03 40 19.04 41 19.05 42 19.06 43 CORRUGATED TUBE CONNECTOR 20.01 44 CATHETER MOUNTS WITH BRONCHOSCOPY PORT: 21.01 45 SUCTION TUBE 30M COIL, 7MM ID WITH BUBBLE NON CONDUCTIVE 22.01 46 SUCTION TUBE 30M COIL 5MM ID WITH BUBBLE NON CONDUCTIVE 23.01 47 HME filters for neonatal: 24.01 48 ANTI MICROBIAL BREATHING SYSTEM HEATED WIRE 25.01 49 25.02 50 25.03 51 SUCTION CATHETER THUMB CONTROLLED 26.01 52 26.02 53 26.03 54 26.04 55 26.05 56 26.06 57 26.07 58 26.08 59 LEUCOCYTE REDUCING BLOOD TRANSFUSION SET: 27.01 60 SURGIAL TAPE NON WOVEN, VISCOSE RAYON POROUS BACKING (MICRO PORE TYPE PAPER TAPE ) WITHOUT Dispencer 29.01 61 SPIRAL (POLYETHYLENE) TUBING 30.01 62 30.02 63 30.03 64 30.04 65 30.05 66 POLYETHYLENE PRESSURE EXTENSION TUBE 31.01 67 31.02 68 31.03 69 31.04 70 EXTENSION LINE FOR LIGHT SENSITIVE DRUGS 32.01 71 32.02 72 32.03 73 BASIC PARALLEL VENTILATOR CIRCUIT: 33.01 74 FLEXIBLE TUBING – SILICONE: 34.01 75 34.02 76 DISPOSABLE SHOE COVER: 35.01 77 35.02 78 35.03 79 35.04 80 35.05 81 35.06 82 DISPOSABLE FOLEY’S CATHETER (2 WAY) – ADULT &PAED 36.01 83 SYRINGE(with luer lock) 37.01 84 37.02 85 37.03 86 ABSORBABLE DISPOSABLE PILLOW COVER FOR STANDARD SIZE 75X55CM 38.01 87 DISPOSABLE CHAMBER FOR BAL COLLECTION WITH ADAPTER 39.01 88 Bite block size 4: 40.01 89 Bite block size 5 41.01 90 Bite block Size 6 42.01 91 MEDICAL GRADE SODA LIME CO2 ABSORBENT GRANULES 43.01 92 Disposable DVT Sleeve (Calf & Thigh) 44.01 93 44.02 94 Disposable DVT Sleeve (calf) 45.01 95 SPECIFICATION FOR BIS SENSORS 46.01 96 46.02 97 NIRS SENSORS. 47.01 98 47.02 99 47.03 100 DISPOSABLE PULSE OXIMETER SENSORS (SP02) 48.01 101 48.02 102 48.03 103 48.04 104 48.05 105 48.06 106 48.07 107 48.08 108 INFANT FEEDING TUBE: 49.01 109 49.02 110 49.03 111 49.04 112 49.05 113 49.06 114 49.07 115 49.08 116 URINE COLLECTION BAG WITH TRANSPARENT VOLUME/Flow meter CHAMBER: 50.01 117 Clinical thermometer: 51.01 118 Surgical Adhesive GLUE 52.01 119 52.02 120 52.03 121 52.04 122 52.05 123 52.06 124 EMERGENCY CRICOTHYROIDOTOMY SET : 64.01 125 64.02 126 MICRO AGGREGATE BLOOD FILTER FOR RED CELL TRANSFUSION 65.01 127 PACKED RED CELL & WHOLE BLOOD LEUCOCYTE REDUCTION FILTERS. 66.01 128 FORCED WARMING BLANKET 67.01 129 67.02 130 67.03 131 67.04 132 I.V. Set with flow controller (DEHP Free) 251.01 133 Disposable Suction Tube & Tip 253.01 134 ELECTRO CAUTERY RETURN PLATE WITH CORD 262.01 135 262.02 136 262.03 137 ELECTRO CAUTERY RETURN PLATE WITHOUT CORD 263.01 138 263.02 139 263.03 140 CAUTREY LEAD 266.01 141 TITANIUM LIGATING CLIPS”SIZE- MEDIUM LARGE” 270.01 142 270.02 143 TITANIUM LIGATING CLIPS” SIZE-LARGE 271.01 144 271.02 145 Pediatric bronchial blocker 274.01 146 DISPOSABLE CAMERA SLEEVE 275.01 147 Specifications for tyvek roll 276.01 148 276.02 149 276.03 150 276.04 151 276.05 152 276.06 153 276.07 154 276.08 155 276.09 156 276.10 157 276.11 158 276.12 159 276.13 160 SURGICAL BRUSH with IODINE POVIDONE AND CHLOROHEXIDINE 277.01 161 SURGICAL BRUSH with CHLOROHEXIDINE 277.02 162 Vacuum Drainage Sets 278.01 163 278.02 164 278.03 165 278.04 166 278.05 167 DRESSING ALL SIZES 279.01 168 ADHESIVE TRANSPARENT DRAPE (SURGICAL SITE FILM) ALL SIZES 280.01 169 Bedsores prevention air mattress 281.01 170 Undyed Coated Polyglactin 910 coated with Irgacare MP (purest form of triclosan) , braided 296.01 171 Undyed Coated Polyglactin 910 coated with Irgacare MP (purest form of triclosan) , braided 297.01 172 Undyed Coated Polyglactin 910 coated with Irgacare MP (purest form of triclosan) , braided 298.01 173 Suture 311.01 174 Suture 312.01 175 Clips Medium large 316.01 176 Clips large 317.01 177 Four Lumen Central Line Catheter 8.5 Fr. (13Cm Length) 323.01 178 central venous catheter single lumen 16 G 324.01 179 central venous catheter Tripe lumen 4.5 f 325.01 180 central venous catheter Tripe lumen 5.5 f 326.01 181 Applier 331.01 182 Applier 332.01 183 PiCCO Catheter 368.01 184 Advance IV Kit for positive patient. 384.01 185 Peripheral IV dressing for neonates. 385.01 186 Peripheral IV dressing for pediatric. 386.01 187 Transparent Film Dressing Frame. 387.01 188 Antimicrobial Incise Drape With Pouch. 388.01 189 Antimicrobial Incise Drape With Pouch. 389.01 190 Canister 500 ML 390.01 191 Vac Dressing Granufoam 391.01 192 Vac Dressing Granufoam 392.01 193 Vac Dressing Granufoam 393.01 194 Pressure Garment 394.01 195 Pressure Garment 395.01 196 Pressure Garment 396.01 197 Pressure Garment 397.01 198 Pressure Garment 398.01 199 Pressure Garment 399.01 200 CVC Tripple Lumen chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine- Antimicrobial Adult 439.01 201 CVC Four Lumen chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine- Antimicrobial Adult 440.01 202 CVC Tripple Lumen chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine- Antimicrobial Ped. 441.01 203 CVC Tripple Lumen chlorhexidine and silver sulfadiazine- Antimicrobial Ped. 442.01 204 Bain circuit Adult 443.01 205 Bain Circuit Ped. 444.01 206 Ventilator circuit Plain 445.01 207 Ventilator circuit 1 WATER TRAP 446.01 208 Ventilator circuit Double water Trap 447.01 209 Powder dressing(Altrazeal) 450.01 210 Multienzyme Solution 512.01 211 Triclosen Tablet 513.01 212 Cidex Trays 514.01 213 514.02 214 514.03 215 514.04 216 514.05 217 Disinfactant solution 515.01 218 Tyvek Roll 516.01 219 516.02 220 516.03 221 516.04 222 516.05 223 516.06 224 516.07 225 Sterilization Roll 517.01 226 517.02 227 517.03 228 517.04 229 Silicone sheet 528.01 230 Biofil 529.01 231 529.02 232 Lipido Colloid 530.01 233 530.02 234 530.03 235 530.04 236 530.05 237 Skin Stapler 536.01 238 DISPOSABLE CAMERA SLEEVE 543.01 239 SINGLE LUMEN CATHETER (ARTERIAL CATHATER) 544.01 240 SPIRAL (POLYETHYLENE) TUBING SPIRAL (POLYETHYLENE) TUBING 547.01 241 POLYETHYLENE PRESSURE EXTENSION TUBE 548.01 242 EXTENSION LINE FOR LIGHT SENSITIVE DRUGS 549.01 243 TITANIUM LIGATING CLIPS”SIZE- MEDIUM LARGE” 584.01 244 TITANIUM LIGATING CLIPS” SIZE-LARGE 585.01 245 CLIPS MEDIUM LARGE 590.01 246 CLIPS LARGE

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