
Tender For Dri Vessel Movement At Hazira Plant Amns, Hazira-Gujarat

Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Limited has published Tender For Dri Vessel Movement At Hazira Plant Amns. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-09-2023. Prime Mover Tenders in Hazira Gujarat. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Dri Vessel Movement At Hazira Plant Amns
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Tender Details

Tender For Dri Vessel Movement At Hazira Plant Amns 1 2000141230 10 10 10 O&M OF MOBILE EQUIP. AS PER REQUIRMENT 12 LO Email : dhavalkumar.rana4@amns.in Contact : Name : Dhaval Rana Item Details : SCOPE OF WORK OPERATION: Hot DRI is moved through a specially designed container (called HDRI Vessel) mounted on a heavy-duty trailer (called trolley) hauled by a suitable prime mover. HDRI Vessel carry Net Weight of 100 to 150 T in single fill up at a temperature of around 600 to 650 Degree Celsius. The movement is to be carried out between DRI Plant Module No. 2, 3, 4 <(>&<)> 5 to the user Steel Making Plant-1. SCOPE OF WORK OF SERVICE PROVIDER (VENDOR) 1) Suitable Prime Movers (preferably VOLVO make) to be provided by service provider to haul gross weight of 260 T including all fuel, lubes, spares, and consumables. a. Deployed Prime movers’ model that is year of manufacture must be 2014 or later at the time of deployment. b. Total number of Prime Movers to be provided (Preferably Volvo make) by service provider - 18 Numbers, c. Number of Prime Mover allowed for maintenance - 1 Number. d. Number of Prime Mover in standby - 1 Number. e. Hence, Prime Mover to be available for operations – 16 Numbers, f. Minimum Trips per day per Prime mover will be as per operational requirement. g. Non availability of equipment will be deducted on pro-rata basis. Inability to provide the required number of Prime Movers/ Trolleys for more than 4 days will attract additional penalty over and above the pro-rata deduction as per the discretion of AMNS. h. All the deployed vehicles must be registered in the name of Service provider only. i. Vendor must accept for necessary modification in prime mover as per the operations and safety requirements. 2) Trolleys will be provided by AMNS, and these will be maintained by the service provider. Spares, consumables, equipment, tools, and tackles required to maintain the trolleys will be in the scope of the service provider. The following number of trolleys will be always maintained: (a). Total number of trolleys to be maintained – 18 Numbers, (b). Number of Trolleys in regular circulation – 16 Numbers, C apacity 150 T – 10 to 12 Numbers C apacity 100 T – 4 to 6 Numbers (c). Number of Trolleys Standby – 2 Numbers 3) Spare vehicles as above must be available on stand-by for immediate replacement. 4) This is complete HDRI management job including entire operations and maintenance. Vendor must keep sufficient workmen to manage this activity. a. Manpower can work max.12 hrs. per day. b. All the workers must avail the WOFF after working 6 days continuously. c. Sufficient manpower must be available in system so that someone is on leave, substitute must be available. 5) Fuelling of vehicles must be done by the service provider using fuel filling tanker at safe area of the plant as per safety norms with experienced crew. Fuel must be filled after coordination with Scrap yard control room in-charge. 6) Necessary fire management gadgets must be available and maintained at vehicle to mitigate fire in case abnormal situation. 7) Operation of Heavy-Duty Trailer with HDRI Vessel by engaging qualified and experienced drivers <(>&<)> helpers. 8) Vessel movements are controlled by Scrap Yard Control Room and all Vehicles Operator must be in touch with them and to follow their instructions. 9) Vehicle Operator must have communication device, e.g., Walkie Talkie Handset or similar device as agreed mutually. They must be available at safe place for vehicle movement on completion of respective operation either Modules or at SMP-1. 10) Proper positioning of trailer/Vessel for sand filling at sand filling stations, at modules for HDRI filling, at Weigh Bridge for weighment of Empty and Filled Vehicle, etc. Vehicle movement at these points must be as per the instruction of coordinators of respective area. Violation may create serious safety concerns like damage of bellow and falling of HDRI on Vehicle, in-turn can generate fire hazards, damage of plant machineries, people working around, etc. 11) Necessary information / document collection / logbook collection / entry book passing for signing by Modules, SMP1 respective authorities. Ensure issue, maintain, and provide each trip record. Ensure enroute weighment of filled and empty container carrying trailer. 12) HDRI Vessel Top <(>&<)> Bottom Slide Gate Cleaning at Cleaning Station to be done as per the instruction of Scrapyard Control Room on 24X7 basis. Usually, cleaning takes 1.5 hrs. per vessel and trend 4-5 vessels per day as per the SOP. However, maintenance of slide gates will be done by AMNS. 13) Maintaining Turn-Around time of Vessels under guidance of SMP1. 14) Slide gate area cleaning of HDRI vessel to be done time to time as required for safe operation. 15) Driver shifts change to be ensured on vehicle as per their position at the time of shift change. 16) Hot seat releveling should be done at all operation points. This shall be the responsibility of your duty in charge. MAINTENANCE: 1. Prime Movers and Trolleys regular Maintenance and Scheduled maintenance to be done by experienced crew for uninterrupted HDRI Mov ement as per AMNS Schedule. Daily 2 trollies must be washed and cleaned regularly without hampering operation. Penalties will be imposed for not complying to the same. 2. In case of any prime mover and/or trailer break-down, maintenance team must be immediately available on 24X7 days, 365 days basis to ensure fastest breakdown revival on site. 3. All the necessary tools, tackles, spares, consumable, fuel, Lubes, fuel filling tankers, tyre fitting system/arrangement etc., must be provided timely to accomplish the requirement. 4. Maintenance of HDRI Workshop as per the instruction and Safety norms directed by AMNS Site In-charge. j. One pick and carry crane/ F-15/ New generation to be deployed with experienced operators exclusively to carryout maintenance activities at HDRI workshop on 24X7 hours basis. – Deployed Equipment’ model that is year of manufacture must be 2017 or later at the time of deployment. 5. Enough basic consumables and 25% of regular spares against the installed quantity and major/insurance spares must be maintained at site. All the spares for Prime Mover and Trolley will be in the scope of Service provider. 6. Waste material like used filters, tires, Cotton waste and O-rings etc. to be disposed periodically as per AMNS norms and same data to be provided to AMNS. SAFETY: 1) Road safety must be followed for the Safe movement over the Road/Rail Crossing, the road near/under DRI Modules as well as various Entrances - e.g., RS Bay Entrance, RS Bay Exit, STC 1, 2, <(>&<)> 3, etc. of Steel Making Plant 1. While driving the vehicles, ensure that no plant structures, machineries, buildings, walls, etc. being hit and damage by vehicle. Close supervision must be in place for safe movement <(>&<)> operation. Operating route of HDRI trailer movement schematic is attached for reference. 2) Recruitment of all workmen including drivers and technicians etc. should be as per AMNS skill/competency norms with prior approval of AMNS site in-charge. 3) Safety of their workmen will be the responsibility of Service provider. All workmen will always use specified quality PPEs during work hours and comply with safety norms. 4) Colour code of the PPEs distributed to the crews must be as per AMNS Safety standards. 5) Safety supervisor should be deployed as per AMNS safety norms. 6) Newly recruited operators, technicians, electricians, and other Helpers to be trained and monitored regularly. 7) Vehicle Driver and Helper must not be in vehicle for the safety reason, while filling of HDRI in Vessel at Modules or Vessel being handled by cranes at SMP1. They must be available near-by at a safe place for vehicle movement on completion of respective operation either at Module or at SMP1. 8) Ensure safe parking of vehicles when needed. 9) Comply with all statutory rules and safety requirements communicated in our detailed work order. 10) As per AMNS safety norms and requirement, 3M Radium should be pasted on both sides of Vessel carriers. 11) All the Operation and Maintenance to be carried out by adhering to AMNS Fatality Prevention Standard (FPS) and Life Saving Golden Rules (LSGR). 12) All the workers must be deployed for Operation and Maintenance as per AMNS competency matrix and Statutory requirements. 13) Transportation of workers will be in the scope of the vendor. No worker will be allowed to walk to the workplace within the plant. 14) Prime movers must have all the safety devices like GPS system, Prestart alarm, Seat belts for both driver and co-passenger with reminder alarm, Side indicators and brake light, Front main horn, Head light, Backup alarm, Rear view mirrors as per OEM recommendation, wipers, Rear view camera with proximity sensor system, guards for all rotating parts. All the above safety devices to be installed to all vehicles deployed for operation as per AMNS standards. CRITICAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Scope of work is to Carry out various service for Management of Hot DRI (HDRI) Vessel Movement at Steel Melting Plant (SMP) area as per instruction of Area in Charge. 1. It is hiring of prime movers - complete maintenance <(>&<)> repairs includes prime movers as well as trolleys. It includes all required spares, tools, tackles, fuel, oil, grease, tires <(>&<)> tubes, etc. 2. Vendor must make required modifications in their prime movers so that it may be able to hook up the trolley. 3. All the Prime Movers and other supporting equipment like Pick and carry crane, Maintenance Van, Utility Vehicle and Pneumatic compressor etc. must be certified by the authority concerned as per Government norms and should meet statutory requirement. 4. Current HDRI vessel movement is usually 105-110 trips per day with a combination of 100 T and 150 T HDRI Vessel. This would also be dependent on our production planning based on the number of modules in operation and SMP1 requirements. 5. While submitting your proposals, you must mention your fixed costs and variable costs of operations together with your operating margins. 6. Copy of RC book and Insurance for each vehicle must be submitted to AMNS maintenance in-charge before placement of vehicles in our premises. 7. Any violation of SOP- Operation and Maintenance of HDRI which leads to Production loss will attract appropriate penalties. Failure to provide requisite numbers of Prime Movers and Trolleys as per scope of work will attract penalty on pro-rata basis. 8. There will be no grace period provision for Prime Movers/Trolleys breakdown. 9. Liaisoning with RTO and other statutory agencies for day-to-day operations will be in the scope of the vendor. Item Note :

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