Supply Of Spares For Meier Make Vpi Plant , Pressure Gauge Valve, 51-20-08777, Manometer – Block Valve , Pressure Gauge-, 1…9 Bar, 51-20-03659, Vacuum Pressure Gauge , Pressure Switch, <1 Bar, 51-20-08549, Pressure Switch -1…+0, 1 Bar Max:10Bar , Pressure Switch, >1 Bar, 51-20-08549, Pressure Switch -1…+0, 1 Bar Max:10Bar , Pressure Sensor, 0…10 Bar “High” 51-20-00663, Pressure Transmitter0…10 Bar , Pressure Sensor, ( 10 ) -3 ….1000 Mbar “Low” 51-20-00252, Vacuum Sensor Tpr 280 , Test Nozzle, Kf 16 , Safety Valve, Dn 20 / 32, 1 Bar Over Pressure, 51-20-18820, Safety Valve Dn25 / 40, 1.0 Bar , Pressure Air Flap With Actuator, Dn 50, 51-20-13935, Butterfly Valve Dn 50 With Actuator , Exhaust Air Flap Wit Actuator, Dn 50, 51-20-13935, Butterfly Valve Dn 50 With Actuator , Vacuum Flap With Actuator , Dn 250, 51-20-13915, Butterfly Valve Dn 250 With Actuator , Level Switch Alarm “High” ( For Impregnation Vessel ) , Lsa, 51-20-14571, Proximity Initiator Cap.M12*1 , Exhaust Air Flap With Actuator, Dn 300, 51-20-13983, Butterfly Valve Dn 300 Viton With Actuator , Level Switch “Low” ( For Impregnation Vessel ) , Ls, 51-20-14571, Proximity Initiator Cap.M12*1 , Pressure Sensor, ( 10 ) -3 ….1000 Mbar “Low”, 51-20-00252, Vacuum Sensor Tpr 280 , Pressure Switch, <1Bar “Low”, 51-20-08549, Pressure Switch -1…+0, 1 Bar Max:10Bar , Pressure Switch, >1Bar “High”, 51-20-08548, Pressure Switch -0, 9…+3Bar , Pressure Transmitter Switch, “High”51-20-08495, Pressure Transmitter -1….3 Bar , Pressure Gauge Valve, 51-20-08777, Manometer – Block Valve , Pressure Gauge, -1…+3 Bar, 51-20-07666, Vacuum Pressure Meter , Pressure Air Valve With Actuator, Dn 25, 51-20-00112, Ball Valve Dn 25With Actuator , Vacuum Flap With Actuator, Dn 80, 51-20-06950 , Pneumatic Operatedball Valve Dn 80 , Exhaust Air Valve With Actuator, Dn 25, 51-20-00112, Ball Valve Dn 25With Actuator , Bellow Sealed Valve Manually, Dn 65, 51-20-12634, Block Valve Dn65 , Bellow Sealed Valve Manually, Dn 50, 51-20-08342, Block Valve Dn 50 , Resin Valve With Actuator For Resin Tank R1 / R2 / R3 / R4, Dn 100, 51-20-14637, Ball Valve Dn 100 Pn 16 + Drive , Level Switch Alarm “ Low”, “Low”, 51-20-14553, Proximity Switch Cap.Kl6000 , 2-2- Way Externelly Controlled Piston Valve, 1 Normally Closed , 51-20-03108 , 2 / 2 Way Valve Dn 25 / Piston Valve 1” , Test Nozzle , Dnkf 25 , Carrier Actuator ( Motor ) , 0.55Kw, Fa67 / G Dt80k4 / Bmg , 51-20-18836, Offset Geared Motor Fa67 / G Drn80mk4 / Be1hf