
Auction Sale Of 1] Sc. Cond. Sensitive Drill Machine, Make-Sigourney Tool Co/Usa, Plant No. 28, Qty-1 No, 2] Sc. Cond. Universal Milling Machine, Make-Cincinnati, Plant No. 70, Qty-1 No, 3] Sc. Cond. Planing Machine, Make-John Strike And Son, Plant No. 22, kolkata-West Bengal

Eastern Railways has published Auction Sale Of 1] Sc. Cond. Sensitive Drill Machine, Make-Sigourney Tool Co/Usa, Plant No. 28, Qty-1 No, 2] Sc. Cond. Universal Milling Machine, Make-Cincinnati, Plant No. 70, Qty-1 No, 3] Sc. Cond. Planing Machine, Make-John Strike And Son, Plant No. 22. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-09-2023. Scrap Tenders in kolkata West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Auction Sale Of 1] Sc. Cond. Sensitive Drill Machine, Make-Sigourney Tool Co/Usa, Plant No. 28, Qty-1 No, 2] Sc. Cond. Universal Milling Machine, Make-Cincinnati, Plant No. 70, Qty-1 No, 3] Sc. Cond. Planing Machine, Make-John Strike And Son, Plant No. 22
West Bengal

Tender Details

Auction Sale Of 1 ] Sc. Cond. Sensitive Drill Machine, Make-Sigourney Tool Co / Usa, Plant No. 28, Qty-1 No, 2 ] Sc. Cond. Universal Milling Machine, Make-Cincinnati, Plant No. 70, Qty-1 No, 3 ] Sc. Cond. Planing Machine, Make-John Strike And Son, Plant No. 22, Qty-1 No, 4 ] Sc. Cond. Hand Lever Shearing Machine, Make-N / A, Plant No. 162, Qty-1 No, 5 ] Sc. Cond. Shapping Machine, Make-Cooper Engg Ltd, Plant No. 58, Qty-1 No, 6 ] Sc. Cond. Universal Tool And Cutter Grinder, Make-Brown Sharpe, Plant No. 36, Qty-1No, 7 ] Sc. Cond. Double End Bench Grinding Machine, Make-Alfred Herbart India Pvt. Ltd, Plant No. 138, Qty-1 No, 8 ] Sc. Cond. Central Lathe Machine, Make-Hardinge Bros, Usa, Plant No. 50, Qty-1 No, 9 ] Sc. Cond. Transverse Travelling Lead Shaper, Make-Atlas Industries. Plant No. 34, Qty-1No. 10 ] Sc. Cond. Treadle Shearing Machine, Make-J.R. Hodes And Sons, Plant No. 53, Qty-1 No, 11 ] Sc. Cond. Circular Saw Bench Lathe Machine, Make-Alfred Herbert Ltd, Plant No. 136, Qty-1 No, 12 ] Sc. Cond. Small Bench Lathe For Token Ball, Plant No.141, Qty-1 No, 13 ] Sc. Cond. Air Compressor, Make-Kellogg Mfg. Co, Plant No. 146, Qty-1 No, 14 ] Sc. Cond. Shaping Machine, Make-Indian Machinery, Plant No. 106, Qty-1 No, 15 ] Sc. Cond. Capstain Lathe Machine, Make-Taylor, Plant No. 69, Qty-1No, 16 ] Sc. Cond. Capstain Lathe Machine, Make-Caventry, Plant No. 65, Qty-1No. Condition- Cutting For The Uprooting Of The Machine May Be Decided By The Purchaser After Visiting The Site. If Cutting Is Required, Cutting Permission Of Materials / M And P At The Site May Be Given To The Purchaser At Their Own Cost For Dismantling The Above Mentioned Sc. M And P, With Taking Adequate Precautionary Safety Measure By The Firm During Its Cutting And Dismantling Operation. Lifting Equipment If Required Are Allowed For Delivery Purpose At Their Own Cost. Please Check Special Condition And Detailed Conditions / Amendments / Modifications If Any In Depot Condition Before Bidding.

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