Supply of Shovel,Search Light Dragon,Rope fix 10 MM,Spade Rd 2-20, Helmet, Crowbar 6 feet,Pick Pickaxe medium with wooden Handle,Heavy Axe,First Aid Box,Hand Saw 14 Inch,Rubber Gloves 11000 Volt,Sledge Hammer 2.5 KG, Gas Cutter,Rain Coat,Gum Boot,Life Jacket,Life Buoy Life Tube),Tarpat canvas 6 x 5 mtr,Jack with 5 Ton lift 1-mectiamcaf aid 1 pneumatic),Folding stretcher, Shorl alum mum Ladder B ft or 10 ft),Wireless set,Stretcher Harness set, Blanket, Bed-sheed for cover dad body, Recharge Electric Torch, Iron shod lever TO feel long, Heavy clocks for fulcrum, Crowbars 2 50 feet to 3 feet circum, Hand Tool set, 100 feet length 5/3 wire rope, 100 feet length 3 Fibre rope, Cham Tackle, Single sheave snatch block, 20 feel Bamboo ladder, Hurricane lantern, Set of rope 3 sheaves 2 sleeves, Firemans Axes 3 with carriying pouch 25000 Volts tested), Self rescue equipment, Personal Equipment, Scaffolds poles for sheer legs, First Aid pouches, Stretcher, Aluminum Extension Ladder 25 feet, Debris Basket {Metallic)