
Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Powd Hb Strong 10 Gm , Liq Restobal 500 Ml , Liq Borton 500 Ml , Liq Liv 52 1Ltr , Inj Belamyl 30Ml , Inj Neorokind 30Ml , Inj Artizone 30Ml , Inj Tribivet 30Ml , Inj Vet Ade 10Ml , Inj Dcr 5 Gm , Oint Loraxene 30 Gm, East sikkim-Sikkim

Indo Tibetan Border Police has published Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Powd Hb Strong 10 Gm , Liq Restobal 500 Ml , Liq Borton 500 Ml , Liq Liv 52 1Ltr , Inj Belamyl 30Ml , Inj Neorokind 30Ml , Inj Artizone 30Ml , Inj Tribivet 30Ml , Inj Vet Ade 10Ml , Inj Dcr 5 Gm , Oint Loraxene 30 Gm. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-09-2023. Medicine Tenders in East sikkim Sikkim. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Powd Hb Strong 10 Gm , Liq Restobal 500 Ml , Liq Borton 500 Ml , Liq Liv 52 1Ltr , Inj Belamyl 30Ml , Inj Neorokind 30Ml , Inj Artizone 30Ml , Inj Tribivet 30Ml , Inj Vet Ade 10Ml , Inj Dcr 5 Gm , Oint Loraxene 30 Gm
Open Tender
East Sikkim

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Vet Medicine Powd Hb Strong 10 Gm , Liq Restobal 500 Ml , Liq Borton 500 Ml , Liq Liv 52 1Ltr , Inj Belamyl 30Ml , Inj Neorokind 30Ml , Inj Artizone 30Ml , Inj Tribivet 30Ml , Inj Vet Ade 10Ml , Inj Dcr 5 Gm , Oint Loraxene 30 Gm , Spray D Mag 50 Ml , Liq Povidone Iodine 500 Ml , Inj Megludine 20Ml , Inj Oxy La 30Ml , Pow Himalyan Batisa 1Kg , Pow Agarimin Fort 1Kg , Inj Tonophosphan 30Ml , Inj Avil 33 Ml , Inj Melonex Plus 30Ml , Pow Neospirin , Liq Hydrogen Peroxide 100 Ml , Inj Lasix 10 Ml , Cotton Roll 500 Gm , Cotton Bandage , Crepe Bandage 4 , Inj Nimsuvet P 100 Ml , Inj Intacef Tazo 3 And 5Gm , Inj Dexa 30 Ml , Spray Topicure 100 Ml , Soframin Oint 30 Gm , Oint Himax 50 Gm , Powd Kmno4 , Inj Lignocaine 30Ml , Butox 50 Ml , Spray Charmil 100 Ml Total Quantity : 845

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