Bids Are Invited For Nytrozen Cylender ( Q3 ) , Oxyegn Trolly ( Q3 ) , Reguletor & Flowmeter ( Q3 ) , Ambu Bag Adult ( Q3 ) , Spong Holding Forcep ( Q3 ) , Induction Plate ( Q3 ) , Laringoscope Adult ( Q3 ) , Laringoscope Chield ( Q3 ) , Pulse Oximeter ( Q3 ) , Proctoscope ( Q3 ) , Sigmydoscope ( Q3 ) , Gas Stove With Cylinder ( Q3 ) , Torch Light Rechargable ( Q3 ) , Oxygen Mask ( Q3 ) , Delivery Kit ( Q3 ) , Sims Specullam ( Q3 ) , Wall Sellam ( Q3 ) , Interior Vejanail Bol Retrector ( Q3 ) , Baby Tray ( Q3 ) , Autoclave Drum ( Q3 ) , Fetal Dopplar ( Q3 ) , Wall Clock ( Q3 ) , Wall Mounted Thermometer ( Q3 ) , Radiant Warmer ( Q3 ) , Phototheraphy Unit ( Q3 ) , Stethoscope ( Q3 ) , B P Appratus With Stands ( Q3 ) , Weighing Machine Adult ( Q3 ) , Weighing Machine Infant ( Q3 ) , Infrared Lamp ( Q3 ) , E C G ( Q3 ) , Ambu Bag Child ( Q3 ) , Wooden Chair ( Q3 ) , Executive Chair ( Q3 ) , Wooden Table ( Q3 ) , Steel Almirah ( Q3 ) , Side Rack ( Q3 ) , High Storage Rack ( Q3 ) , Three Seater Steel Waiting Chair ( Q3 ) , Dental Unit With Chair ( Q3 ) , Dental X-Ray 30 Ma ( Q3 ) , Dental Kit ( Q3 ) , Microscope ( Binocular ) ( Q3 ) , Glucometer ( Q3 ) , Hemoglobin Meter ( Q3 ) , Semi Autoanalizer ( Q3 ) , Centrifuze ( Q3 ) , Incubater ( Q3 ) , Water Bath ( Q3 ) , Ups ( Q3 ) , Freezer ( Q3 ) , X-Ray Viewing Box ( Q3 ) , Lead Appran ( Q3 ) , Lead Proction Screen ( Q3 ) , Refrigerator 300 Ltr ( Q3 ) , Water Cooler With R. O. Waterpurifire ( 25 Ltr Per Hour ) ( Q3 ) , Computer With Accessories ( Q3 ) , Phone ( Q3 ) , Photocopy Machine ( Q3 ) , Fire Exgtingusher Abc Type ( Q3 ) , Fire Exgtingusher Co2 Type ( Q3 ) , Air Condishner 1.5 Ton With 4 Kva Steblizer ( Q3 ) Total Quantity : 1258